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the 24th.
of to BEAUTIFUL WARM SILVER BOWL SEND OFF Jamaica Gift to the To the Uuited States ConPrince of Wales.
sul at Barbados.
Steamship Inadequate to Handle Although keenly disappointed by the Prince of Wales not visit States Consul Livingstone who In saying good bye to United Suspected by Authorities to be Crowd Seeking Passages ing: Jandaica through the out: has just passed over his port: break of Kafir Pox, in that Sinn Fein Plot and feeling that loyalty to the Barbados, the folio to more weekly Beads at Never in the history of the Pa (ing off to other countries every heir of the British throne should that island bets et direct West Indian cable Ass nama Canal has the outlook been month the extent of non em in some form be made manifest, the King cancelled as brown and agly as at the pre ployment has grown to tremen Jamaica has had designed a The new Vice Consultor from London dated Sept. 25th, all engagements for the insent time when hundreds of dous proportions, and thousands beautiful silwer bowl as a gift to formeleg care ved. He was states that that a fake message cluding the annual Inspection of Royal white and colored employees are still are preparing to leave.
stationed at Haiti. The top Balmoral Castle on tensibly the South Highland Volunteers, belog laid off on account of reThe Time in referring to the Demerara, will be here in a cou the old the date to panice and Colonel Botore further advies from Scotland Yard which threw of which Duke of York duction of force.
consideration in Panama should. caused King are were London the tobal for New York and New as to catch the bulk of remaining Prince of Wales on the Renoten day next. In saying Goode plot though it may only be awas told it did not come from the received from HRH the as?
authorities suspect a Sinn Feiner regarding the first message and Orleans are most inadequate to haber before pet goes away and via Port of Spain, Trinidad, a tele: Mr. Livingston we cannot wish cheap practiced joke meant to sardo but was a forgery. The the of American falls beyond reach.
citizens who are daily seeking If things can get started before which is the Colony gift to him, him tore that is pleasant. Ble is sent in code to the Chief De strict inquiry, and are inclined the Silver Bowl bin much that is nice, or say to annoy the Royal Family. It was authorities here are transportation back home since there is nothing here for them would be quite a fortunate matment at not being able to visit one of those few officials of any tective at the Castle where the to suspect one of the Irish memthis rush leaves our shores it and expressing bitter disappoint one of thos to Visit Governient that leave us at Whole divisions are being prac the proposition into an economic ing to do so in the futuro.
ter, but it procastination fans the island this voyage, but hop. Limes without regrets, and his King is spending a vacation, bers of the staff who has access tically wiped out of toxistence. sleep quite palpable will be the The bowl which will be exhib. asparture, will not draw from warning ine King not to so be to the code and may havo sent this and. ited at the window of the wo abstractangg panegyrics on such yond the walls and advising furthe messages, or be at least abstracts as sunny nature, un ther instructions would follow. implicated.
sions being the ones to suffer The policy of barring the stable men Self Help in Kingston, has failing tact and courtesy, and after the ware gets out, is a been beautifully designed and social popularity. Mr. Livingston Among the colored (silver) em silly one and it is to be hoped fittingly inscribed.
will pass out unsung. will ployees things could not be Corner Stone Lay: Race Meeeing on shut down altogether. Despite scheme will spare no pains to worse, except the canal were to that the investors in the new purpose by the Goldsuniths and who will cayil at Mr. vorb o ing Ceremony.
the fact that thousands are go. start things moving along. bears the following inscription unp unpleasant and difficult duties inside. In the year 1920 1920 peace during the war, and after. in the For some time past a move.
the islaud of emigration to the Unit The Panama AssociaLynching in Meri Railway Smash Up whose song had formed many le ed States of America. He had ment has been the moon torene the thon is planning to put off a race gions to fight for the Empire dur instructions whatever they were great Spanish writer Miguel inst. at Juan Franco Park. This to honour of on. the 24th dan, Mississippi. in St. Thomas. ing the great war; in the same and we presume that he had to Cervantes Saavedra, whose name informat on will doubtless be of year, by an order given on behalt carry them out in accordance will be re nembered on account some setisfaction to turftes who of all the islanders, made with poem Quijote have hoping a meet on Our contemporary, El Diario late issue of the Jamaica be given to you the son of Ja cials of other Governments in de la Mancha. Tae in atter took the 17th inst.
Nacional in the issue of the 10th Gleaner to hand reports a railway maica well loved Supreme Lord this and other countries have also detinite form last Tu sday, when, The inst, published the following. smash up as follows:and King, especially because had unpleasant duties to perform, being Columbus day and a fit the program for the 24th inst. stated (From the New Orleans liem. Golden Grove, Oct. A fatal throughout the time of war you Yut such performance never had ting occasion for the purpose, promises to surpass all previous Meridan, Miss. Sept. 13. Fruit Co railway near accident occurred on the United fought obediently us a true sol the effect of raising a very marks the corner stone for the monu events on the Juan Franco track, were your broed ed spirit of antagonism and dis ment was laid by His Excellancy as new blood is expected to meet.
Will Echols, a negro, was taken place this morning.
from the Quitman prison at The engite ran off the rails at faithful to you and you were like to the performer, Mr. Liv Don Belisario Porras on a site in several events. Then it is ex.
thers in arms, princely motto, ingston was tactless. He lacked in the o clock on Sunday morning by a Bowden at about 30 a. one serve.
Exposition Grounds the Ace of Trups suvity. very known 10 gang, carried two miles from the man being killed and two others May I, being of pure metal quintessence and charm of dipl. Create porttien cervantes Parke Hum Drun will be matched to for a city and shot on the public high sustained such injuries that they and very fine workmanship, macy, was seemingly foreign to the ceremony by the presence will be sufficient attraction to way. Echols had been sentenced had to be removed to the Hord. please you and also serve you his nature. With the retined and by invitation of all the cabinet draw a crowd, when it is reto be hung on the 10th of Sep; ley hospital for treatment.
coarse amongst us he was un ministers, the Republican and membered the close finish betember, but the execution had! The deceased, William Plumpopular. He constantly ran awuck. Fire Department Bands and a tween these two first rate native been detained at the last moment mer, was employed by the Com Can The Dead Talk. when his attorney appealed to pány as a mason.
Mr. Boyee will give his convinc from his lavishly sown crop of 30 m. the police headed by meeting on the 24th, will be Perhaps he got pleasure out of coment of the National con bred brusqueness and reaped delight in dress uniform. At the Supreme Court. The negro The Golden Grove police are ing answer to this question in bis lecture On a while it is predicted that had been convicted for the mur taking statements.
actions. He Talking With The Dead at La Byon big enough to know better. This Station. At the grounds they to Juan Franco.
was, however, Band left thc Central Police der of one Henry Davis, an old worth the while the journey out watchman of a saw mill.
Lodge Hall to morrow evenids 30. community will be glad to be rid formed a long lane GOOD BYE. Many astounding revelations will be of him. It is anxious to let some which the President, escorted through His accomplice was Henry made on this matter. All should bear Lloyd, who had been also con other people enjoy his idiosyn by a squad of mounted police Creolina Grows Hair on Bald victed for the murder of James Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dixon Heads.
cracies and genius for occasion drove in his carriage of state DEAD BODY FOUND Pyrell, a merchant of of this city beg through, this the Consul and will in course of National Anthem. The following Panama Capital Society ing disgust. We welcome the Vice while the band played suburb. Lloyd confessed that medium to notify their friends time extend the same courtesy he alone had killed Davis. The and acquaintances that they will confession was made just be before The Richmond correspondent to the new Consul. May they program was then carried out.
leaving the Isthmus on Tues.
wote to the Jamaica Gileanen the pats both show us the reverse side of Spanish he was hanged and immediately, United States, also to express National Anthem Bids Adieu to President.
day by the Colon, for the that on the 28th ulto. in the Parthe diplomatic shield, and even by Republican Band.
the appeal was presented in Address by Hen, Ricardo favor of Echols. mob assem. their regret that they could not sh of St. Mary, Robert Stewart. in refusal be ever graceful.
of about forty four years of age, The Panama Capital Friendly bled at son and do so personally on account of wa the was found dead in one of the remain a there till late at night there peartially unexpected de Paoenix Fruit Cosplantations at League Meeting Postponed Society, a local mutual benefit Selection by the Band. institucion numbering 500 tisan.
om os Sheriff Martin and his police of. parture.
Hill, near Richmond by Stonelaying at and address by Ci members met recently to ficers flnally succeeded in secret girl named Louisa Bryan, who President Poria.
ly removing Echols to Quitman. Service of Songs.
was returning from her work on Biedent Mr. Samuel Manning But somehow the removal Owing to the staging of the 25 Address by Don. Antonio the same property. In a patch of Cantata the Coming of Ruth Burgos, ex minister to Spain.
well knowa fact the preQuitman was made known and grass number of on Wednesday night last u thel. Address by Don. Emilio de sent stutus of the society is de Sherid Evans of Clark County There will be a special Service Crows congregated. Shu went to Regular Meeting of the Isthmian Motta, SpanishCharge Afaires. in a great measure to his untirwas calied from his bouse early of Song rendered by the Sunday see what they were eating and League of British West Indians, Apostolic Blessing of the ing zea. his unflinching devotion Sunday norning, overpowered School Department of Grace Me she came upon the dead body of Paraiso Red Tank District, was spot by Bishop Rojas assisted to its cause and the able contiand relieved of the keys of the thodist Episcopal Church.(situa Stewart lying on the face in the postsoned until to night the 16th, by Father Quinzada of the dence which he instilled in all prison. The crowd had Echolsted in 12th, of October Street, thicket. He seemed to have died inst. It is hoped that there will Merced Church.
the members. Mr. Manning like removed, secretly cari ied some between 19th and 20th Streets, for some time, because the crows be a large attendance as impor: At the close of the ceremonies thousands of others, contracted distance away and killed When Guachapali; on Sunday evening had eaten portion of the body tant matters affecting the League the Republican Band rendered as the emigrasion fever and after his body was found, it was rid the 17th, of this month, com, through not to such an extent will be discussed.
concert in the Cervantes Park. some consideration decided to dled with bollets.
mencing at promptly. There that she could not recognize him.
seek Ginancial betterments in the will be an admission of ten cents She made an alarm and crowds neighbouring Island of Ouba Commenting on the above our gold collected from each person) rushed to the scene, and upon The Salvation Army.
Coming Activities whither be sailed on the 18th contemporary writes as follows and a most enjoyable time is an the news being communicated on Wales 3310 He was tendered y farewell. Among the many attractions in eception by his fellows founding is the knowledge of ticipated to a cordig welcome is to the police, Sergt. Morris and yeol Please Harvest Festival Services will the line of amusemeats to take many were the expression of more than barbarity, trogloditic recite, and enjoy the music also. body. This man was frequently on Sunday 17ch, inst at 11 am, Grand Rally in the Flower of the wreemany also were the dood such incidents of barbaritayo and hear the young people sing and the spot and took charge of the be held in the hall at Guachapali place in the coming week is a sorrow and regret at bis depart belief of the Those who have visited past func troubled with fits and it is 30 720 Hall United Stojalistic policy understand that they will not be and died rom the effect, thought duct the evening Service and DNOolon for the benefit of the Roy: their sincere appreciatered by on wishes for in gressive and tione held at this Church, will probable that he had an attack Commandant Morris will conway, between 6th and 7th streets his new sphere. As a mark of or the especially towards the other tions of America convey, also losing their time in coming.
where manter hormo boy was toernoon Service when e Special Independence border on the bed bold soarece aceed causes no little wonder, the be) British Consulate Nstice. placed in charxe de Constable Harvest programme will be maritans and Daughters of Sauea 00) containing 350. 00 liet, we say, that they are the Collington who remained over rendered by the Corps Song maris Arradgoments are being and a beautiful knite worth 50 called upon to civiliza and The British Jonsulate in Pana night on guard. It is likely that sters.
made for bumper time and 8:0. were donated him. He turn from barbarism our coun ma, would like to know the a post mortem examination will be those attending are sure to be leaves with the best wishes of whereabouts of JOHANNA Cain, held in due course.
Do You Use Creolino? lexceedingly satisfied. Continand on Page B)
pected race. Tais in itsell well.
silly the the ment and Sostretary of Guvera.
and savagery,


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