
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 16, 1920, PAGE THREB KIN BEE to a better CIGAR Ci Good IGBET 10Urolle devics.
Biror Grenada from cutside the trigoriat waters of Florida to outside the three mile limit of Barbados The peasant proprietors of pending the passage of the Bu Grenada provide the economic by the Legislature. On Sunday problem of the colony, which 22nd the shore ends were put in problem. until solved, will be the started to tay tha Barbadna. Bra and on Monday tha bolnis tan glefoot. to defeat our every effort to rise to a position zil section. The Colonia was folThese small men, the backbone lowed here by an American des of internal trade, slould be able troyer which had been detailed by the Government to de anoney, easier and cheap er than at present. Government watch her movedents and to shou finnce then on terms prevent her laying the cable in calculated to safeguard the Gov. American waters. That the purernment and at the same time to suit and observation should bare save the peasants from them been continued into British terriselves Government should in torial waters is no doubt an er vest in the agriculture of the class of zeal. The conte in Wila ong. The end in yiew is sufti Barbados with continents to the cient to justify the establish Vorih And Sinth will no dubt ment of a proper Govern be nhance the value of the Department with its Au des xording motible ral Ofticers, its Lind cilities in its Solicitor carry on a new Scheme of agricultural enter te dos Advocata, prise. Many pensant propriet. Continued on pune ors cannot afford to pay proper wages to labourers: they cannot compete with the Managers of Dr. VERNON GROS estates, and this is the cause of the gathering of much Surgeon Dentis.
trouble. The peasants need help, and Government should come to Bags to notify his patrons and their rescue if money is to circo the public generally that he has late properly in Grenada, to the removed his benefit of the public revenue and of business in general DENTAL PARLOUR to the more commodious preThe Legislature has passed mises at the Bill allowing the Western 143 Central Avenye Union Telegraph Co, to land a cable here connecting Barbados office of the late Dr. Chas, Bailey with Florida, as a trasmitig Crown and Bridge Work station for a cable between Bri zil and America. The cable ship a Specialty.
Colonia arrived here 2001 NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT August with the cable which is understood to have been ind cigarettes Bz.
Better or than ever before AROT an Best in the world 734 13 כוכב 3ז WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
73 ORANGE STREET, KINGSTON, JAMAICA KING BEE One cent silver paid for every empty KING BEE package returned to dealer or the factory.
OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping business. b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, Panama, New York and England.
CAPITAL. 1) 10, 000 common shares at per share. b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share. c) Shareg inay be subscribed for as follows: 5s per share on application, 5s. per sbare on allotment aud the bar lance as the Directors think fit. d) The Management is in the bands of Nine Directors. e) Persons qualifying for pest of Directors shall beld not less than 50 shares in the Company.
The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and hope to start the service about the end of September.
It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num.
ber of shares.
SOLICITORS: Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. Kingston, Ja.
BANKERS. Royal Bank of Canada.
WestIndian News DIRECTORS CA. CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; Dr. ST. CYR.
73 Orange Street, Kingston beg to apply for. shares of each in the West Indian Steamship Co. Ltd. herewith send you 6s per share with this application and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 5s, per share and to make further payments as indicated in 58. per the accompanying Circular.
Name in fun Address, Occupation.
Date own to be notified that the Board had Smythe greatly infuriated and been dissolved, which made them on the 8th inst. he gave Waltake the trouble and expense inters gond flogging, which, travelling to Spanish Town to only seemed to make him more attend a meeting of the Board, angry, for be subsequently gave while there was no Board in exis the woman another beating, in flight plant. The stage for the which will beheld in the market and when she fell he bittered tence. The date ofthe meeting flicting two wounds on ber head Jamaica pay and other parts of the build. house will be announced shortly her in a Hannish maoner on the ing were beautifully illuminated. It is also expected that the repre chest. She became unconscious, plant is also installed at the sentative for the Parish in the and thinking her dead, the bru.
Manchester club which is giving Legislative Council will be pre tal man, aded stones over her Improvements at entire satisfaction. The Mande. sent.
body and left her ville Hotel was also recently in.
Mandeville stalled with electric light.
in this condition when she wa These plants were also luid down Grim Tragedy in ed in restoring her to conscious.
found by her sister, who succe Subscribers Letter Boxes by Mr. Richardson and it is probable that other places will short Manchester periences.
are Established at the ly be titted with electric light.
Post Office Thu news soon spread over the Ex Soldier Attacks Para of Smythe. Nothing was seen district, but there was no trace The Linstead correspondent AND OTHER FACILITIES writing to the Gleaner says among mour, Leaves Her for Dead; or heard of him, untilon Sunday, other things: Later His Body Found the 12 inst. his uncle Thornas Mandeville, September 23. The market was again stocked Hanging There are certain improvements with wet sugar on Saturday last Smythe, attracted by crows, to bis great astonishment found the to this town that are worthy of when the price dropped to one body of his nephew hanging by a mention. The Post Ofice here shilling per quart as against 18. WOMAN IS RECOVERING withe from a tree stated has been fitted with letter boxes, 3a. and Is, 6d. per quart during above. It would appear that and subscribers can open their the previous week.
The district of Litchfield near he had succeeded in their letters. The boxes are in beef in the market on Saturday, chester, was thrown into a state mediately want and hanged him.
front of the pavement which and yet the butchers bad to re of excitement and horror be self. It is evident he was dead Sent fifteen in number, sort to corning again. The beef tween the 8th and 12th inst. the for days as crows had begun faces the parade, and are at It is learnt that more boxes will when cornt is sold atmine pencetuse being the finding of the the feasting on the body.
per pound onconscious forın of a young post mortem examination was market is getting woman named Eva Walters. performed on the body by Dr.
additional clerk on the postal brisk again so far as prices are wounded and otherwise brutally Farquharson, G for staff making three altogether. concerned. On Monday last both ill treated, lying underneath Christiana, and the police have There are also certain other ne: the Jamaica Fruit and Shipping beap of stones, and four days taken statement in the matter.
cessary improvements carried Company and the Baltimore Com. after the discovery of the dead The Woman, Walters, though out in fixtures and furnitures pany (represented by Mr. body of her paramour, Wilfred still suffering fron the efects of that must naturally facilitate the Gotfe) bought bananas here. The Smythe, hanging by a with her wounds, is considered out of working of the ofice.
Cornelos companya pada Skie per formant released the top of a high main bona recoute is expected she Public Works Department bunch of nine hands, and the lat hill, in close proximity to the will soon recover.
It is understood that ere long panies got a fairly larute subida erim and sad, per bunch. Both com. Bethany Moravian Church, supply Тое details of the tragedy are Do You Use Creoline?
the Public Works Department of the finest quality so is cases of the work that the carts are now do further rise in is expect ect which led to the per perpretation of ing and that motor vans will con ed during the coming week!
the deed is a burning desire for has reopened his clinic for gan vey the mails. If this is really hind linformed that there is soon to be a correspondent has been revenge and mad jealousy. eral practice for gynoc vlozica 90 From the story learnt, and cases and urological disorders of for the parish of public meeting to be held in n. there is no doubt as to its veraci both sexes. Diseases of the blood with so many up grades. stead to protest against the dis u. Smythe, an ex soldier of the treated in accordance with the For the first time the court solution of the St. Catherine late R. lived together latest German discoveries. Ap.
house here has been lighted with Parochial Board, and also to pro with Eva Walters as maa and plication of the Genuine German electricity. Some weeks ago when test against the manner in which wife for a long time, but the 606 and its latest modifications the Manchester Amateur Dra the members of the Board re woman recently separated her (1495 and Silber salversan. matic Society staged a play in presenting the district of St. self from the man, acting on the fie court room entitled Clara Thomas ye Vale were treated by advice of her mother who dia Telephone No. 746 Lo discretion, Mr. Richardson His Excellency the Governor in not countenance the daughter CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, of Kingaton installed an electric as much as he did not cause them living in concubinage. This got Opposite Amador Theatre at be shortly. There is also an ter 6s. 30 in most trait which sering more on hilo Dr. Hoffman op price THE WOMAN EXCHANGE NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA DRESSMAKERS Knowing the service that is demanded from every garment in these days of high prices, we have set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK MANSHIP.
then se will be a cupanchester ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.


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