
ons will be in. LIFEBUOY DISINFECTANT trees, be SOAP 97 108, LIFEBUOY SOAP Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers for upkeen.
dereloped, as it were, Out of that Was BEGO BARROS IT PAGR POUR BB WORTAN; SATURDAY, OCTODER 10, 1977 latoorstha Nous from the fans by Monsieur Aublot, sanbla French botanist, highly Demerara gratifying to learn that Mr. Continued from page 3)
Broadway has been asked to follow up the work. Of course, we Demerara Electric Com know the Guianas are fields in pany.
Trinidad which a reservoir of return is in store for those who undertake The Demerara Electric Co.
their thorough exploitation and Ltd. will shortly be testing MANY There has been in Trinidad we shall not be surprised it some new lamps, which if satiswithin recent months a move eventually some trade benefits factory, will take the place which is capable of being interaccrue from these investigations of arc lamps now ased for street HANDS preted as indicating a desire to lighting. The new lamp is of establish a Stock Club, Our big the high power gas filled incan sister cology is alive to the ad. Shopkeeper Fined for Re descent type fitted with an fusing to Sell. up to date reflector. Four or five WIPE Tantages of a stock farm where the best ol animals would be will soon be installed on a line bred and have not been idle in between the Company Office their endeavours to establish In the City Magistrate Court and the Power House in Walter ON ONE sach a farm and to impress on at Trinidad, on Friday, 24th, Street. If the test is satisfac the citize the necd for putting August, a sentence of 27 10: tory the new lamps stalled joto practical effect such a with the alternative of two it is Scheved that a saying in the lled througnout Georgetown.
acheme. In this connection a months very exhaustire facture was de passed against a shop clerk with electrical energy will be Shannon Savana Grande District Agriche respect to a charge brought cliccued by the new camps while him by the Police of are credited with providing bet against sural Society on the Com imposing certain condition ter lighting than that given by munity Breeding of Live Stock.
with respect to the sale of rice at the arc lamp.
Woodbrook on the 13th, August.
For the purpose of botanically The evidence disclosed Barbados exploring its wilds and forest that the shop duced with a view to ultaining scient to sell rice to a to a customer unless fic srecimens of the he purchased some other article.
The Wireless Station shrubs, vines, weeds and other The Magistrate in convicting re indigenous plants in general, Mr. marked on the prevalence of sum of 654 has been reW, Broadway of the ment agriculture in Trindartsuch conditions of sale through commended by the Executive to of out the Colony and imposed a the House of Assembly for exhas been invited by the Director substantial fine.
penditure on the Wireless Tele in chief of the New York Botanigraph Station. The object for cal Department to pay a visit to which the recommendation is THE many hands which are wiped on the French Guiana Froin a Trinidad made is a worthy one, and the The Best Hair Producer is paper we learn that work in this mode of the expenditure most same towel are busy all day long handling 000 vection had already been beCreoline.
reasonable, 200 of the amount is asked for the purchase of fur germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, niture and apparatus; 97 to provide a more direct and Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
suitable entrance to the wireless quarters: 50 10s to improve the buildings; 50 to supplement the amount voted for clerical assist ance; and L226 to supplement the amount voted for The history of the Wireless station PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
has a touch of romaritic about it.
The nothing, and on more than It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy occasion bas it prov.
Soap does more. It positively protects its users from ed of immense value to this comUNITED FRIUT COMPANY wunity, particularly to the cota the many germ laden things they come into contact element. Its returns are with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
no real indication of its useful.
Port Limon Costa Rica Dess. It is the fact it is an entity that is most important.
Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will The protracted period of the submake your skin glow with health.
sidised Cable Company inactiviWash your face with it.
Batho Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty ty the most recent opportu with it. Shampoo with it.
of housing accomodation nity afforded the Station to demonstrate its value, and it is MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE certainty that it is not the last time that it will till a breach.
Everything within a vason should therefore, be done to keep it all CDITURIT NOTITIAUTILUL UTILITUDO BERLUTORTU. BESLEHOLTI ERILITETUTILLES Must have Passport and a state of readiness for ordinary Vaccination Card.
and extraordinary demands until at that later period when the Coerto neglected to avail them tions by women whose every BRITISH CONSULATE lony will be in a position to es. selves of their right to register need is provided for by their hus.
Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock tablish a more powerful Station. as voters have done so this year, bands. Besides, the man who NOTICE.
The House, we are sure, will vote and whilst one of our local con. thinks that his wife ought to work the amount ungrudgingly. temporaries is openly proud of to assist him in supporiting her The following persons are re Apply UNITED FRUIT CO.
the movement, another damnsgit ain got any right getting mar. quested to call at the Office of faint praise and Consus to be Takan Next pediction of its adds be. ried. Say what they like, don, the British Consulate General in dis Cristobal, Canal Zone.
proval by rere. think it is right.
Panama: Year.
presenting it to be resultadt on Yours, Mrs. Noble; Mr. Alexander the work of agitators. Of course MARRIED.
Jerome; Miss Louisa Walcott; the hot and cold blowing of As already announced in the our usually unprogressive, and Stewart; Miss Knight: Ophioma Jones; Mr. Ernest columns of ihe Herald a census will be taken locally on the last ed. Every health andesired brother, will be ignor For Sale Stephen; Miss. McLean; Miss healthy minded Daisy Best; Miss Agatha AbraSunday in April, 1921, a Bill for son in this community will de per: hams; Mr. Innis, R; Mr.
purpose being at present be light to know that a right so fore the Legislature. From what slept on is at last being taken in. Total dimensions 16 ft.
New built Row boat. Keel 13ft. Rashford; IMr. Jobn; Mr.
we huve gathered, from our Eog full cogniaance of, and that the ft. 5 ft. BRANDON BANK)
exchanges it would publie at learning that next year, census will be some their own gove vaste GRIFFITHS Dr. OGILVIE OWS is what of an Imperial affair, as it it in their hands. Government by Gatun, Is Now LOCATED A2 SECURITY will be the first occasion on which the people is nothing more than SERVICE intelligent 157 Central Avenue, corner WANTED a at Street on similar lines. BIM ed, and such reforms will not be Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon led by before the local Legislaturels and conservative selfish, a Cook and Housemald HOURS: to 11. 30 now being considered by the in reforms can only be 10 30 in by the APPLY Pro 30 to 30 o.
Our large Resources and well known perial Parliament. The partico esercise of the power the MRS. MORRICE, Sundays: to 11 a. tn.
that may be required by the rota oonfers. In Demerara, hun.
conservative Management afford un. let Avenue, Observer questioned security for every dollar Bella Vista. Appointments can be arranged during the year. The movement Te ephone 8761 Names, sex, age. is regarded as sisane one. It has deposited with this bank Occupation, profession, not been abused by the press.
trade, or employment. The fear it is creating locally in Nationality, birthplace, some quarters is therefore, most race, language.
Place of of abode and charGeneral Banking Business Transacted Married Women Should Education Intirmity or disability, not be Job Holders LSAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON I, BRANDON recident. Condition as to marriage Vice President.
Treasure relation to head of family, paren. Dear Mr. Editor; OWNED BY tage, issues, Any other matter with Did you notice that move of the The National City Bank of New York respect to which it is desirable to Santa Fe Railroad Company (U.
GOOD WILL obtain statistical information with as published in Sancocho Head Office: 55, Wall Street a view to ascertaining the social Star Herald. recently business lives through its or civil condition of the popula where all the married women customers. And its greatest in the employ of that Company Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 asset is their good will.
Education is a new item in the have been given two months noOur service has always think it a list of particulars, and more in tice to quit. Well, Official Depository of the Republic of Panama measured up to this standformation may be required than great move and beartily agree. Depository of the Panama Canal ard and brings forth volun.
dwelling of course) should not be tary expression of friendDepository of the Panama Railroad Il the local Bil is the same in given jobs except their husbands ship and confidence.
Come in and see our New form the English Bul there are unable to earn a living DID Through its Agencies in the Interior and Slip Grip Soft Collar Holdshould be very illammating re through incapacity or otherwise.
she ENER plies in many instances on the When a woman gets married, its Foreiga Branches this Institution offers ers. Better than pins.
question of boussing and educa accepts a job with her husband exceptional banking facilities.
STRITE FULLER as his caretaker and should not be allowed to hold any Draftsjon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands JEWELER Exercising the Right to position outside of her home.
Vote 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Goodness gracious, how are the Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent Panams, poor single women to earn their It is pretty generally known support when they are shut out Per Annam that many persons who had witho! 90 maay wage earning posi Miss Mrs.
Panama Banking Company the po long largely will bave the whole of the Britishmpire and in certain reforms are need me and the.
widows, non.


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