
ciative gathering BY THE TASTE!
order to his LION ENGLISH MARGARINE was good.
OD LADIES SHOES suddenly You will always find the largest assortment of styles in our PANAMA AND COLON STORES The public is already aware of the excellent quality of OUR MERCHANDISE Mer PRICES MODERATE American Bazaar Stores Stop! Road! Proceed to Action!
Colon, Oct. 11 Colonel Hyde of the nounod to take place to night in the 8t. Army preached two very inspiring Daseph Hall; 12th street and Broadway.
STOP. Thin is necesary, because sermons yesterday at Christ Church by How can you tell the difference between PURE Margarine and the dyed the signal of danger is prominently disMr. Ricketts, president of the the wen to an unusually large and appre Colon Independent Mutual Benefit Cogrease called oleo margarine. One way is played before your paxe, namely symptoms of the deadly diseases of Kidney At 10, 30 m, the Colonel took his operative Society, arrived on Wed esday and Bladder and to proceed uacheoked text from the set book of Kinga late last from New York where he had been mente instant death.
READ. This is also necessary in chapter and the 21st verre. How long Attending the recent convention of the halt ye between two opinions? Universal Negro Improvement Associato direct your action as to the and they answered him not wordi. tion and African Communities Lengue. ASK FOR. safert route to pursue and as to what you Introducing subject by giving a short Mr. Teddy Cole employed by the should do to escape the confronting outline of the life of Eljah, te admon Division of Fortification, and prominent danger.
ished his bearers as to the timely mak member of the Cristobal Literary A880 PROCEED TO ACTION. When ing of this decision, which is of such cintion, and well konwn in fraternal cir you have stopped and read, then move great importance eles, is at present lying ill at Ancon HosThe best Chinese retail stores sell it. Ask to see the label on the tin to action, for mark you, without this The same of pm. was an exhorta pital escope is impossible.
tion to charity based on 1st Peter 8, before the Chino dips into it. postponed match takes place to Start right now with DeWitt And above all things have fervent ills, the best, easiest and safest means See the LION. charity among yourselves for clarity morrow on the Ca up Bier Oval between of escape from the serious danger.
shall cover a mult. tude of sins. The the Lily Whites and the Melbourn Millions have escaped by this King of preacher spoke at length on the blessed while the Colon All Star team will jur medicines for the whole world. No ness of eat, bringing to the minds of ney to Panama to try conclusions with other is just as his heaters its connection to Faith and the All Star team of that city.
Take herd. Why not you? But get Hope.
the genuine Pills put up by DR Colon, Oct. 11. The Colon Indepen.
WITT Co, Ltd, England.
dent Mutual ft Co operative. Suci Sold at all leading Drug Stores.
Colon, 0t. 11. sad case of drown. ery held beir meeting tonight for the THE CITY PHARMACY, ing took place yesterday at 10. 30 first time in the newly acquired hall on a. st pier The vetiu being JAL the second floor of the concrete building 139 Central Ayenue, Punama.
derdyer, a painter employed by the Pacie at the corner of 5th street and BrondSOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS.
fic Steatu Navigation Cwpany. way, when a large and interesting pro Deceased was at the time engaged in gram wis presented.
painting the Peru, when the scafe After the singing of the procession Harvest Festival, fold gave way landing him into Mymo Soldiers of the cross arise, and The Salvation Army of La Mbe water.
the Society ode, Sowing in the mornBoca, Canal Zone, will celebrate The secident was seen by a launch aing, the acting president, Mr. Edgar their Harvest Festival on Sun.
short distance off which immediately McCarthy opened the proceedings with day, the 24th inst. At p.
went to the rescue and suceeeded in take appropriato address, and introduced there will be an artistic Service ing the unfortunate man out of the Mr Parker as chairman for the of Song at which the choirs of water before be expired. Artificial res.
tes: evening various charcres will be repre piration was tried in addition to medical Among those who took part were Mise sented, Rey. Tylerbest, will preaid which was promptly on the scene, Applewhite who in ber usual elegant side. Admission Free.
but in spite of all this be breathed bis style rendered a solo entitled The an.
gel son. Mr. Booth, famous baritone, Decreed was a member of the King in a solo o that men would praise the to Have Special George Lodge, No. Order of Bethray, Lord, Min Lynch in recitation, Service and the remains were interred to day at Shall wo see the angele. and Miss All members of the Improved Inde the Mount Hope cemetery, with the full Porbe who along with Mine Applewhite peudent Order of Oddfellows, London rites and ceremonies of the order.
nag in a very seceptable stylos duet Unity are cordially invited to a special Stand up for Jesus. Service which will take place at the St.
Us Whites outelared the Sports livered all of which in the most unmis Many encouraging addresses were dePaul Church on Suaday, 17th inst, at on Sunday last, at the Camp Biørd oval calable tone showed the excellent spirit p. ebarp. This service will be held by so runs. Winning the town his prevailing in the society, and the raped in celebration of the Loyal Star of White went to the bat and scored 115. stride being made by the co operation.
Rebecca 1st anniversary. The proces Phillipe, top scorer with 29 not out, sion will be leaving the above samad Among those present were Dr. HC 0, Phillipe 18 and Small 14.
Lodge hall at 30 precisely. Please be Edward, Mr. Wynter and Sporto replied with 26 runs, only sro, John Reid, Kinnimouth, on time.
Wobbes and Downes kept them buy and Clan McKenzie of the Cristobal with the ball, OR TON it not rained so besvily the Sports would Parker, moved by the president and so After a vote of thanks to Mr G, It is the opinion of many, Ibat had Literary Association.
have made a better showing conded by the treasurer, the closing ode The most popular Bonaty Pre Onward Christian Soldiers, brought parations sold in the United Colon, Oot. 14 Mr. Stepben Robo the function to clone.
States unexcelled for Shampoo tbam, late of the Mount Hope Printing ing, Growing and Beautifying the Plant, was pasenger yesterday for With the Churches To morrow hair. Matchless for Bleaching the Port Limon, Costa Rica, where he goes Christ Church by the sea.
face and cleaning the skin gen to take up an appointment with the erally of blemishes.
United Fruit Company m. Parish Communion, Rev. FathPANAMA On the eve of his departure. Mr. Roer Putman: 10. 30 am. Matins and adCOLON ty Face Powder to make the com.
botham www. given rousing send off at dress, Mr, Rowe, catechist: 30 never comes off by the residence of Mr. Swson, when Evensonk apd address, Mt.
perspiration there were present a circle of bis imme Rowe, catechist.
The tony Varnishing and Beaudiate friends, Colon Wesleyan ty Creams that stands unequalled This gentleman, who is the founder in the trade, and the Deodorant Church anniversaryr 5, 30 pray Panama District Loyal Or.
Powder that kills the smell of of the Mystic Star Lodge, No. 11, 0, and the Shepherd Star Juvenile er meeting; Il a Rev. TylerTHE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD der of Shepherds.
strong perspiration. An sold at Lodge, is the recipient of a fine pair of best: 30 Rev. Tylerbest, THE ELDORADO STORE cuff buttons, accompanied by the fol. Public meeting Monday night, many At the Druid Grove on 110 Bolivar St. Colon.
lowing forewell address presented him speakers, by the former lodge:Cristobal Colon Baptist Church 20th Street, Central Avenue, an For further information address Mystic Star Lodge No 11.
Church anniversary, 11 am. Rev.
important and impressive cereGeo. DEWEEVER, mony was put through by the Colon, R, Witt; 45 (Lodge service) Rev. Witt; Panama District of the Loyal Or. This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended Box 753, Cristobal, 15 Rev. Witt.
Mr. Stephen Robotham, Public meeting Monday night, specal Sth inst. It was the der of Shepherds on in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishof Dear Sir and Brother. It is with program.
ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution. and de terrisday, The great pain that we present you this adfollowing Lodges were repre.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives dress. We are glad that we have had Talking With The Dead At sented: Future Hope 2104, Loyal tone and energy to the whole system.
Physician Surgeon web one as you in our midst.
Cristobal Johnathan 5641, Lily of Panama Begs to announce that he has We term you as incommensurable, 5755, and Johnathan Daughters Dose One Small Wine glass before each meal or times a day of your creative and persistant removed and may now be found Following the lecture given at the Silat The which there can be no better a record attendance at 131 Bolivar Street, Colon.
were JAVIER MORAN proof than the Mystic Star Lodge, ver Clubhouse two weeks ago, Mr.
Phone 91 the Juvenile Shephard Siar, the first of icet: Talking with the Dead. to morrow nett and Paislev fall S) of Wb ch you have organized; then. chmes Harry of Panama will presentatie cubu put through by Brothers Rugless, C, McBar FARMACIA AMERICANA.
CONSULTATION HOURS: its kind on the lo hmus.
there will We, the undersigned, are proud to a crowded house to hear this wpio dio the Panama District assisted by a. to 12 noon; 30 pm my we are the product of your labore, cussed. The hour is 30 Jolly and others of the Canal Zone District, Brother and at this juncture we take a retro WILL to p. p. to pm BE Drakes of 2104 A. Edwards IN COLON Why do you not use Elcaya view of your past onreer, which Cream?
of 2641 being the candidates for by Next French Mail Llewellyn Kerr has brought home to our hearts and degrees. Quite an enjoyable time minds, that it would be ingratitude on was spent in the banquet room TEACHER: ETHODIST EPISCOPAL DAY SCHOOL our part, if we did not hand you CORNER at the close of the proceedings.
venir os symbol of our appreciation of HEALTH APPLICATION RESIDENCE: 19 Market Street, Colon, RP.
ADDRESS: Box 807. Cristotal. DOR Music, Spanish and Evening Lesson We do Use Elcaya Disappearing Cream do regret your departure. never At Vory Moderate Prices For indigestion, loss of thelegs we are aware that it is for your benefit, appetite, weakness and EXPERT PIANO TUNRER AND REPAIRER Up to be time of writing, we have debility, constipation, li WANTED will Coach YOU Sound you still with that antiring seal; ver and intestinal disor who will undertake all kinds of work on and toay that creative spirit abide with ders, poor blood and for College.
you that wherever you go, you may so leave bebind you your footprints on the PIANOS AND PIANOLAS unds of time, and may the Star of Beth er Elixir Bitter wine To pass the ENTRANCE EXAMIkhem ver be your guide and protector and Angelica Bitter Good Wages paid to first FROM OCTOBER 25th NATION TO HOWARD AND OTHER and proper you in your new sphere of Tonic will prove a real Class men UNIVERSITIES in the State, dando boon dates are requested to do satisfactory NAMAN We are yours fraternally. specified number of secondary Sir: Bmith, P, GEJ. Bow These Tonics hold Gold Apply Pan American Shoe Repals Co.
or HIGH SCHOOL unito.
mm, Foster, C, Suun.
Medals from the leading will belp you to prepare for the den, Newton, Expositions of the world PLAZA ARANGO.
Tomlinson, Tomlinson. 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon for their high merit. also keep a Day Sohool for bildren Beckford, Bailey, Tho Parlor of Batolection in which give both Elementary and Ledios: Wood, Amon, Monia The excellency of WILKINSON Boal and Deal. Thent, Marlourbi. Shampoolpk. Hal Straightening Higber Education Growie Dreie Dyelashell Bembe removed. Corns oured jaot and Watte.
Triner Pillo, Liniments CONTRACTOR BUILDER the electrio vibrator electie com electrie dryer. And other 15 both Schools due attention is pela and Cough Syrup will modern spanee to Commercial Subjects.
WE WAVE YOUR HAIR WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE On Tuesday, let the 12th. inot.
also readily be approved For particolare, cult on, or write to First Clans Workmanship Sen. the beme of Me and Mrs. C.
Tvo Private Apartamente. Best Result. Lowest Prices on trial Plans and Specifications Free Monk Pal Brown, world famod prime donne ROBERT LINDSAY, Kort war glederned by tbe anival of thom woreetod to her oncino cattolaation.
ini Maby boy weighing iba (Cambridge Sebes THE CITY PHARMACY. KULE Trolls Commande 18th Street West of Cho And Commercial Beli 139 Cen Avenue, Pon.
House Mmo. ROBERTS, M, pily of 12 nations, ender the au Dorty Specialties Graduate of the Joiture, Chlosrett Call Declingo Dias, Pand No. Box 11, Paname, Rel.
pion of the Ladies Auxiliary, B3 1044, Anoon, CO2 2013 LOKARS 2010 mooi 12019: Olli nec i vost down sytiles. Se and VIGOR TONIC DR. Mc MILLIARD, because and a was Datare of Bro. pective NOU HIRAM LE GRAND your labor.
future run down system, Trin GOOD SHOEMAKERS work in Kashmir Beauty Parlor.


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