p. 6


toss and sent Britannic in to bat; the team scor flat of four rooms. 00)
the appointment of an at pre: Ladians in the map in the Panama the very obtainable fields of players is to GAS of a horse shoe shaped ebay.
Britannic Surrey Game Stopped By Rain.
TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 We take great pleasure in pubcompany. This company is lishing the following letter sent about to coastraci a new towa Last Sunday a fairly large crowd gathered on the Standard Oval to watch Last episodes of us by an oldtimer as to condi. of their own in one of the suburbs tions in the sister repub ie ot of this city, and have also secured the fight between the Britannic and Sur. TEMPEST CODY Costa Rica:a contract from the Costa Rican rey. The wicket was a little damp and there was indication that raia might Limon, Costa Rica, Oct. 1, 1920 Government for the improvement come later. Surrey won Editor of the WORMAN, of the streets, sewers and water To morrow, Sunday, October 17 Panama City, systems, which when started in ing and falling slowly. Graban and Hill the near future will create an ad again batted well. The entire team fell ditional demand for laborers and THREE GORDON Dear Sir: for artisans 95 runs. Graham 23 and Laype 18 As one who was employed in та After the usual recess Surrey went to An Exciting Reel Feature the Panama Canal service from The cost ot of living in Costa Rica the wickets, and had lost wickets for Commencing Next Week 13 runs, when a big down pour came and the earliest construction days till is proportionately half as much as a month ago a period of over Limon for example according to the Isthmus of Panama, in put an end to the ame. Ex iteruent was fifteen to bigh as Britannic fans thought they had EDDIE POLO more delegates of the silver the varying rates oferta the the leading Surrey number, while Surrey fans are employees convention held at the following prices in never lost confidence in their club. Bri.
Atlantic end of the canal which were sugere at cents, best in the Lure of the Circus tannic think the elements fought for beef at cents, pörk legs departments, ex. or shoulders or all 11 Surrey, as they claim four of the best cept the docks, during the trou or or ribs at cents.
bats were already out.
ground blesome days of thes SocSosio e39c 20 coffee at 18 cents, white he strike of May potatoes at cents, eggs 30 cents, Chorriilo Forfeits to Standard.
1919, when took part in present butter 60 cents, ing the grievances of my fellow all other kinds of native products milk 14 Standard journeyed to Boca to WANTED play Chorrillo, but the Chorillo C. did workers to the Governor of the at about the same ratio.
ssssss Panama Canal, whereby a general.
not turn up thus forfeiting to standard.
strike was averted, an increase rooms with elec POR Yorkshire Vincentian game COLORED CANVASSER of. five dollars given the tric lights, bath room, kitchen and called ofl.
employees SALESMAN FUEL ECONOMY lars toilet can be rented at an average earning fifty dollars Vineentino went to Isthmino Park to per month or less, and of 16. per month, and clean fur of ector nished rooms at some the bet meet the Yorkshire C, but had to Neat, intelligent man and woman, an inspector postpone the game on account of absence to canvass and sell high class UNIFORM TEMPERATURE to in vestigate their future griev. disclaimede hotels at per month of umpires, Owing to the greater attrac Toilet artieles to colored ances, permit me the privilege of als: single unfurnished rooms in expressing my views in the colthough there is a scarca is ob.
parts of the city at St. People.
tion at Standard Oval the Britannio Sur rey game no one was at the Park who. GOOD PAYPERFECT COMBUSTION umns of your paper relative to knew anything of the game to act as conditions in Costa Rica at this sent. Very good Apply in own band writing to time when the tide of tainable at sig, to 20. per month, emigration is flowing from the trally located at a short distance and at Archambeau hotel, cen: QUEEN, To morrow Benefit Game AND Panama to Cuba and count All games in the Spalding Competi 0, WORKMAN PRINTERY.
and railroad sta tries due to the pressure from the tion has been called off for to torrow in EASE OF CONTROL employment, starvation wages and tion Box 1102, Ancon, excellent meals and very order that the picked beam may be or 74, Panama, other injustices meted out West satistactory service is sble to take part is Mr. Stoute USB reasonable cost of its Canal ser is too Benefit Match at Isthmian Park. Pasvice.
colopes which is equivalent to is determined, come what may, to FOR SALE In their quest for new 16, per patronized month, and is prove to Colon that the best segregation the majority of the West Indian 1:03. Sreat extent by the better found at the Pacific class of colored laborers have overlooked Costa also furnishes people. This hotel end, and bas selected twelve of ber best to practically new sole rep esent her. Below is the team that stitcher, for re soleing or opportunities and a lower cost of at the regular rates.
The city ot will represent Penama: Cain. Capt. Thomas; John. half soleing and sewing Demonstration WWI Convince You.
living than any other country in the Western am on is located on the West Indies or Central Ame the Western edge of a Hector. Barnett, Walker, harness, or any heavy marica.
the shore line fringed Smith, Grabam, HII, Garvey. terial, Can be seen in It is a well known fact that the with coconut palms which has a Collins, and Harding. operation any day at Costa picturesque beauty when seen The following comprise the Colon Rican government offers from an incoming vesselles, PANAMA GAS CO. AT inducements to West Indians to streets are laid out at right angles FICE, COLON GAS CO. settle here, as free lands are ob wide, with sidewalks, and Dr. Milliard (Capt. Lynton, Porter, Pan American Shoe Repair Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
tainable to which clesr titles Clarke, Reid. Bocas) Wentt, Barnett, of im are given after improvements have well stocked stores, a commissary. and capable improvements, the Store, near Central Police, berley, Coleridge, and Boland.
are large Tel. 798.
Station, Plaza Arango, SERVICE Tel. 364.
Mr. Elder Entertained On the United Fruit Compa. owned by the United Fruit Com ny farm the laborers are given pany with the latest modern Dr. Hubert Edwards, contract work, such as cutting ly operated cash carrier system equipment including an electrical.
bananas and draius, clearing in process of installation, a fine Banquet in honor of Thomas lands, etc. from which they earn market, a beautiful park with ave Elder, of Houston, Texas, who 182 Bolivar Street nearly as much after 12 years of faithful service the difference being compensated and as much wages as nues of stately evergreen trees a band stand from which with the Panama Canal has ro IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE)
by the low cost of living better sweet strains from the signed and is returning home, begs to inform the public that EVERY HOUSEWIFE opportunities for intending set band charms the ears three nights via San Francisco, Cal. by the he has severed all connections tlers, and the friendlier feelings each week with classical airs and Newport.
On Saturday evening October owned by Mr. Salazar, of the of the Costa Ricans toward West jazz with the English Drug Store, should be prepared for the serients that hnopen in the household. Culs, burns, sprains, bruises are quickly relieved by that old, oft tried, staadard jazzes, there is also a 2, at the boune of Mr. Collins, Pan American Drug Store; but also a moving pic The United Fruit Company pays schools and everything else that ture theatre, several churches and La Boca, c, Mr. Thomas his oftices have not been removed remedy.
Elder, was tendered a farewell and he can still be found about DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC urrency, provide them a modern modern city. Each house in Limon atos contributes banquet.
the Singer Sewing Machine hospicy, and sell them certain. the cottage being the prevalen The table was tastefully Company. Samo old stand. cooling, soothing, relief riving application. Don be without it. recessary articles decorated with tropical flowers of food and tpey, has a large yard with water Will relieve dubie sich. Keep it on bood all the time.
clothing at special reduced prices pipes and sewer closets. The genthe banquet room presented pleasant mouth wash. specific cure for cramps and stomach in their commissaries.
The open. eral appearance is that of a West very fine appearance The Lynching in.
ing of new farms, the extensive Indian sea coast town, and the ladies having charge of the affair cultivation of bananas, and con. custɔms and manners of the peodid their utmost to make it one Buy a bottle of your druggist.
struction of new branch lines for to be Continued from page the railroads on which the opera West Indian community life.
for ple represent the truest type of Dersons en sen tries, interfening under this pre.
ation of the farms depend has the repast. There were text in our political atfairs and now created a great demand for menes. of Yours very truly, a carpenters and laborers by this WILLIAM MCKAY, Wilson and Stoith; ism our riches or, at least, the Mesters. ea Eagleson, Wilson, Wilson, they themselves have a people a Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Everybody is just crazy over Manning, Jump, Dyer, and thousand times more barbarous, tontenelle.
thousand times more blood Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
Dr. Welters Tooth Powder Brief speeches were made by thirsty, who for the simple dil.
Because it the ONLY dentifice that polishas cold in the mouth bleaches the everyone present, setting forth ferences of color, disregards FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE teeth, rotards diseases, prevents decay, and relieves pothache.
It Is Antiseptic Try atin to day Mr. Elder genial qualities and justice, the laws and the powers sterling PERU worth, and wishiog him that be, to perpetrate in gangs, Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR Distributors.
a safe and speedy voyage, a as they did in Meridau on the will leave Cristobal 6a. will leave Balboa noon, WEDNES.
happy reunion with his family, 13th of last month, murders DAY OCTOBER 20, 1920, for his native skies.
and health and prosperity under that are horrifying in their savS. ORIANA th Elder was visibly moved Guayaquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Mollendo, Arica qaique, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, by his friends and in fitting words HOW FRANCE DEAL The Excelsior and VALPARAISO.
replied thanking them for the WITH PROFITEERS expressions of appreciation and will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, FURNITURE STORE good will THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920, for His departure creates a void in Fined and imprisoned.
Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Coquimbo and All kinds of Furniture Bought, Sold and Econazol the community that will be hard VALPĀLAISO.
to fill; his geniality and manly TERMS OF SENTENCE POSTED ON qualities having won him great The Most Reasonable Place in Town THEIR DOORS FOR YEAR. JAMAICA esteem in this community will leave Cristobal a m, will leave Balboa noon, SUNDAY, Il you have anything that you cannot get rid of, see They have a shatp way in dealing with OCTOBER 24, 1920, for me first. If you want anything that you cannot obtain at BUENAVENTURA and TUMACO.
other places, have it. Make all your wants known to me.
Card of Thanks.
food profit eers in France Three leuding Mr. Hosten and family beg on the Paris market were arrested a few members of big provision firms operating SANGUINETTI BROWN, ORTEGA to thank their many friends for wee Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th Sts. Guachapali, the kind expressions of sympathy production centres in the country coun: for having sent telegrams to will leave Cristobal PRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920 for Adoon Box 1130. Phone 160 La Rochelle Palliee and United Kingdom.
during the illness of their daughtermanding orders in order to maintain ter, Catherine, and to advise them priece wirich hud broken suddenly.
of her complete recovery. She was Emile Lecouffe became famous throughS. MANAVI discharged from the Ancon Hoso out France as a result of the publication will leave Cristobalam, will leave Balboa noon, SATURBD ASK FOR Wanted pital during the present week, of the telegram: in litila DAY, OCTOBER 23, 1920 for OCROL peas. All orders cancellod. He received GUAYAQUIL (direct. For the West Indian NOTICE three months imprisonment and 6200 Blood and Liver Tablets Steamship Company fine, and Victor Quenelle, director ESSEQUIBO of West Indians requiring the ser a dig. Hokaglering house, two will leava Cetatehoa. will leave Balboa, noon, SATUR Newest and best Medicine reliable well recommendvloer of a competent lawyer in montlud in prisonnicht wad 250 to.
DAY, OCTOBER 80, 1920, for ed Stock Salesman to oper the Panamanian courts are here Callao, Motondo Arian. Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso.
The three cylprits also were forced to by invited to consult the under pay for ten to doxen insertions of Llver Complaints Indigestion, ate in the Republic of Pansigned at his office in House No. Terms of sentence in the Paris present of the For further particle apply to the Office of the Companies at Loss of Appetite, Billiousness ama. det 44, Central Avenue, Clients will advertisinent totes and to live is large CRISTOBAL etc. etc.
Applicant should be a at all times be given prompt ati copy posted tention and faithful service as busineb premises for period of one the doors ofarlheit For sale at all reliable Drug Stores shareholder in the Company.
on facilie Steam Navigation Company, well as the fun benefit of my proe PANAMA Sole Agent tor Panama, way. Apply fessional ability, which am alISTE HON BROS. lne. Sul Agouts.
Demetrio Fábrega WEST INDIAN co.
ways willing to exercise in detence of the poor Yeur Halr must Grow with The Royal Call St Packel Co. Panama Panamk Draig Store 73 Orange Street, Pedre Yeaza Croolino.
Muller Building Calidonia Kingston, Jamaica Indians all emot the and the longo piritcipants. Firwebe red by the remembered Free from grit.
188 Bolivar St. batwaa and 9th. Coloa.
Box 738 Cristobal, agery.
weeks Lapdslide Sidi made for


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