
PAGE NVO THE WORKIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 184, THE WORKMAN ammes SMÖKETURT Roemen PIEDMONT Three the The Finest, Mellowest MANUFACTURER nal Zone before to The Celebrated Piedmont Section It is well appreciated that hundreds of letters are mislA VIRGINIA 38 xboy United States of America CANAL ZONE In the United States District Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaCourt for the Canal Zona LANCO WALROND, the office Central aWnion. Correspondence on all matters to and corner of Street Params of publio interest invited.
James Nolan, Paintiff de And When You Smoke versus All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and Maybelle Nolan, Defondant RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Remember CIVIL NO. One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicat on but as a mark of good faith.
PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Six Months TO MAYBELLE NOLAN BOG do not undertake to return One rejected correspondence.
To Maybellé Nolan, GREETING: KE NOTICE. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS That on the 17th day of SepSATURAY, OCTOBER 23, 1920, tember, 1919, the above named The Virginia Cigarette James Nolan filed an aeti inst you in the district Court of THE FINANCIAL CRISIS IN CUBA Canal Zone for the Balboa Made of Division, at Aneon, Canal Zone, ONLY TEMPORARY.
praying for a decree of divorce against you.
NOW, SIGARETTES During the past two weeks serious rumours that the unless you, the sna Maybelle Nolan, shull personally sugar business had collapsed in Cuba were circulated Pritisblamerican Tohumle appear before the District Court throughout this city, and prospective emigrants to the island Tobacco.
of the Canal Zone, at Ancon, Caon or Republic have become somewhat concerned when news the 24th day of December, 1920, and plead, from friends now there stated that things had come to a fanswer or demur to the said comstandstill.
In order to be able to place the question in its real plaint, the same and the matters From and things therein charged and light before our readers we have beeen making a careful stated will be taken as confess.
ed, and a decree entered against study of the situation and believe that we have received a you according to the prayer of correct impression of the case, although we are not in the said petition actual arena of the crisis; and it must be mentioned that of Dated at Ancon this 20th day of our investigations have been of the most impartial nature October 1920, in accordance with our policy of equity Goolsby, Clerk of the Court. Carrington, reaching Panama from Cuba every week from the laboring Attorney for Plaintif.
class announcing that things there are quite disappointing.
28 30 Many of these letters are attributing the situation to the impending election and the scare of a revolution mammam CLARKE LEAVING Your Hair must Grow with While it is true that much fear is felt in the interior NOTICE FOR CUBA Creoline.
parts of Cuba that the rebel gangs who usually operate nefariously at the time of election will resume their practices The following is a list of places where one can obtain the famous Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC. Be sure Farewell Addresses and Purse DANGER SIGNAL of pilfering and destructon yet it is not due to this that the and get you a bottle to daysGlven Himky Old Co workers work on the sugar plantations and centrals has suddenly PANAMA staggered. It is on account of a situation unknown to the bulk of men who have left here and are hearing nothing Farmaela Nacional Farmacia Americana Owing to the decision handed Stop! Read! Proceed to Panona Drug Co.
Farmacia Española down by the arbitrator in the roAction!
more than the cry of a revolution.
People Drug Co. Calidonia. Pharmacy cent trouble between Mr.
The real cause of the crisis is that a financial flurry Farmacia Central (Espinosa) Ideal Pharmacy Calidonia)
Clarke, former traffic Superin: the signal of dangor is prominently disSTOP. This is necessary, because arising out of the lack of sales of last year sugar stock, Farmacia Inglesa Botica del Pueblo tendentof the Panama Tramways and the failure of the Collector of Customs to accept checks Preciado a Co.
City Drug Store Co. he was given three months played before your goxo, namely sympissued in the names of custom collectors and other govern Farmacia Italiana na wens Remon Grau pay by the Company and offered some of the deadly disease of Kidney. position at Guatemala in a siml: und Bladder and to promood unchecked ment officials in the payment of duties and taxes. The lack COLON lar concern controlled by the means instant death, of sales in sugar is due to the serious decline in price while Salazar Broadway Pharmacy same Company: READ. This is also necessary in the Cuban refiners have in stock large numbers of undeliv Delgado Son. Central Pharmacy Mr. Clarke, however, has de matest route to pursue and as to what you order to direct your action to the ered orders contracted for at a price far beyond that which Principal Pharmacy Samuels Co.
cided to go to Havana, Cuba, should do to etonpe the confronting Chemical Hall Kingston Drug Co.
where he has relatives and may, danger.
now prevails in the sugar market in the United States, Lum.
Il inducements oder, work there.
It can be seen from this that a serious logs confronts In bidding Mr. Clarke farewell PROCEED TO ACTION. When the American buyers who had contracted for the sugar behis reco recent comrades and co. you have stopped and read, then move fore it slumped, and the Cuban producers who have been illing these contracts. On this account a crisis has arisen RETROSPECT.
in the various branches to action, for mark you, without this bonge la bimalt. We prejudice of the Panama Tramways Co. Cia ocupo is impossible our fatere welfare when we in: Fuerzo y Lua and Panama Tele: and cash payments have been deferred pending a clearing dalgo in self. Start right now with DeWitt (Communicated)
ap of the situation.
Ace and devitalise our manhood phone Co, presented him with Pills, the best, easiest and safont means Despite the crisis, however, bankors in the United When we accept the yoke witboat purse and ma of escape from the serious danger.
several address: Acre people, and demur, and passively extend our in which he was held be a good medicinos fars the whole world. No expressive of States and merchants in Cuba are more than optimistic musht, to pray, and to give hando for shackles.
Millions have esos ped by this King of that satisfactory thanks especially for what There is no galnsaying the other just as good.
few days, the matter having received the official attention how ring like to be fact aber how has fallenges and to proprio darbo thanked them to gladine In Take heed. Why you? But get of President Menocal on the one hand and the Wall Street. our reserved portion places have been reap, it vio appreciation of his work among membering that the. We told that in consideration and WITT Co. Ltd. Eqgland.
we money kings on the other, most fall in Sold at all leading Drug Stores, The coming sugar crop will be disposed of on a new master table. We have not been faint not. We have fainted them. He also stated that he would ever part of the promise receives THE CITY PHARMACY, contract basis and will not enter into the present conten en couraged to be on demanding daily Pulilinen pro but we have ness and consideration shown 139 Central Ayenue, Panams.
tion as long as a re adjustment on last year crop is effect. Rather has it been handed out to not reaped. me why, but how pracu him ed, and there seems to be nothing in the air to prevent the still and see tba a salvationope, the busks) is all that we can attain Mix years he was in the employ All Roads Lead to Juan Franco ration on food the prodigal and Mr. Haw, Superinten SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS.
dent. the breaking of the crisis. As it is seen in an extract from the leading English accepted these platitudes, be Ina this appallenge Ledecus stop of Xe Companya. in another co victimized lumn of this issue, the situation is not as bad as is rumored pical laziness, and would not play the role of dumb, dirixen, by the uninformed laborers whose grasp of the whole mat. think, but during recent of Men and brethren what shall we have been yanked cut ter is too superficial to merit any notice. Cuba is, and will that abominable, enervating we do? We know it is bard to rut always be alright as a sugar centre. Of course, for a few of self complacency and fataliwn, really we do not need to but days while the flurry is undergoing clarification, work has and we have been forced to.
of money the have learnt the trick the systein. we need instead to of selfScrape yourself United States, but the natural order of business will soon onlysis ad be resumed on a footing far more extensive than that ons inciple oferited on to the esset up at a bigher figure, and as where we recognize fully the and say like John Vark your.
elean of barnacles that binder, ring equation of Wor which the sugar business is pow carried on.
is my parish.
If the scare of a revolution has driven the people from isting social order, we have been the same time do your work well.
the country districts into the congested city of Havana, by its. It is with us SUNLIGHT SOAP is mado and if there is considerable idleness and suffering resulting in het down and other reasoned wo make low personal estiinates; moulded and by from the sweetest and more So it is that we med and it from the scare, the Cuban sugar market is not responsible its Coneclously or sub. consciou and employee, we receive remuthat in the peculiar seems choicest of edible oils and fats.
for such experiences.
bave conscious pyschologic relation of employer It contains no harsh or strong At the same time it might be advisable for per ly caught the spirit of the timesingredient.
Seek your field. Don bitch It is the purest and most sons who have not yet obtained their tickets for Havann to mowing, restless, seething effort ne seen in Kind efficient of soaps and, if used wait a few months longer until the congestion in that city of the proletariat of the world to are establish now and forever the around. You make it bard for shall have loosened up and housing accommodation becomes aristocracy of Labor and to judiciously, the most economica of soups.
an easier matter. It would be nonsense for people here in a Golden Age, in which sher others and for yourself. You pos worth See the power of locomotion.
knowing of the utter lack of housing facilities to leave at not birth shall rule man kind, and Shakespeare that great apostle little goes a long way every particle is pure there is this time for Havana where there is absolutely no available Charitgo trim herbam pemer of human nature causes Arantee place in which living quarters can be obtained since this bor troubles are by no means Strikes and loring nothing to harm the clothes op of la mouth that piece of philosophy to impede the progress condition may continue until the end of the year.
to ensporadic, but express concretly stating that it is better of the wash.
the effort of the masses towards dure the ills we know of than fly to those we know not ot.
JALL THE VALUE IS IN THE SOAP. Zubieta, Misteli, Brandon all due respect to in our economic life. We got here Appointed.
the We are soapmakers with an and Paredes, all more or less Sermon on the the Mount. These by taking a chance, and converse idealour ideal is to make On Monday last, October 18th, veterans in the Carnival game. It principles are alright, but it hy we can getout by taking a the first step towards the organi: is intended to giver widespread seems that we cannot apply thew chance, SUNLIGHT Soap which shall have no equal for Purity and Efficiency vities was taken when Mayor Ar Tally in the Uoited States with the the We need new Chibald Boyd of Planina issued cationists to come and enjoy the We need a new outlook Dew throughout the country 10 idea of tourists or va or va pels for our mental processes superior in all the world.
CUAD Decree 21 a URITY mittee of six gentlemen under) Carnival and at the same time Gospeded a new outlookWe realize our ideal in every Physician Surgeon tablet of Sunlight Soap which whose supervision and direction lend impetus to the commerce of lines Begs to announce that he has tion will the republic, and therefore the the is manufactured.
proposed big celebration be carried out.
cGinnis better knowne reason for such an early start, so laid down by plous parsons and removed and may now be found ALL THE VALUE IS IN Theodore us know the cube het was boreand will be la readiness nedinte de contas Who dried to lend a 181 Bolpar Street, Calon.
ske of Balboa, ismittee and favour us with their presence cannot ery pence, when there is canto Phone to entertain visitors us the of peace. trul figure of those who know the Duke and and patronage and to impresa no pencer CONSULTATION HOURSE his hustling abilities. especially so them that from year to year In Hadl Caine opening chap a. to 12 noon; 30 a caraival is concerned, steady stream of foreiga money ter of the Bondman he tries to make clear that a man worst what to Dette erpech TheelsH Aow into our marketer to p. pm to pm The B workers in number of them kiod ke that Cattle?
buck against a nematem bock All the VALUE in the SOAP have got to that buek up. The world SOAP UNSCENTED SUNLIGH Move on to economic Don 1921 Carnival Committee 1000 SOAD. DR. Mc MILLIARD, bi Mr.
We cannot follow the olan as SUNLIGHT SOAP

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