
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 23, 1920, PAGE THREE Trinidad KIN CIGARET Good WING Bet Trinidad line of stearners with certain properties of the Trinidad Shipping and Trading Come Praises City.
pany located in the West Indies.
While the price paid will range in the millions, the figure at which The Trinidad Guardian quates the deal was consumated was from a report by a Commission not revealed. The Trinidad Ship which visited Trinidad from the ping and Trading Coy is a Glasgow French West Indies. The Guar Corporation, of which Thomas dian says: Prentice is the managing direcwhole hearted and graceful tor. it owns a fleet of three first compliment is paid to the clean class steamers which maintain a appearance of our city. The clean ten day service from New liness of Port of Spain compels York to Grenada, Trinidad, Demerard the admiration of its visitors.
It and other ports of the West la.
is carried to the highest possible dies. In addition to the passenpitch (aur limites du possible At ger carriers and certain floating every hour of the day the strang: equipment the company owns the er experiences the same favour leading hotel in Trinidad, real es able impression in walking along tate and a number of important the streets, that of a town always industrial plants.
spick and span without one be.
ing able to tell the hour at which which are thus acquired, are a she makes her toilet. Could any number of lime kilns, saw mills, thing be more charming thay valuable water front properties.
cold storage plants and that. The Commissioners technical tribute to the excellence. It is stated that the Trinidad line of our Sanitary Service and add will be closely afiliatad with the In addition to these numerous Quebec Steam hip Company of maintaining healthy aining healthy which line covers the incipu conditions.
ons, which Port of Spain islands of the Windwar irup.
it is necessary to take going as far south as Drara, into consideration another fact South America.
which contributes not a little to make this town the beautiful and There has just been published fascinating city (la belle et coquette in Trinidad the prospectus of the cite) which is the admiration of Tricidad Drilling and Contractvisitors: it is the cleanliness of ing Co. Ltd. The company has the inhabitants.
been registered at a nominal ca.
pital of 1, 000, 000 divided into Line Of Steamers work will be in drilling oils and 10, 000 shares at 10 each and its Sold.
water wells and carrying on the trade of general contractor for developing oil fields and carrying late New York despatch states out other works. pleasing that Furness Withy and Co. have feature of the regulations is that acquired, through purchases, the (Continued on page 4)
cigarettes methods of to employs, it is the Extra Mild Better than ever before GARETTES TIL Best in the world WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
KING BEE One centsilver paid for every empty KING BEE package returned to dealer or the factory.
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY. LTD OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping business. b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, Panama, New York and Eagland.
CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share. b) 40, 000 preference sbares at per share. c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: 5s. per share on application, 58. per share on allotment and the balance as the Directors think fit. d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall hold not less than 50 shares in the Company.
The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and hope to start the service about the end of September.
It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large number of shares.
SOLICITORS. Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. Kingston, Ja.
BANKERS: Royal Bank of Canada.
WestIndian News DIRECTORS A. CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President DR. LOGAN, Treasurer: DR. ST. CYR.
the deci only to. Colonies Auditor General Is ment is anxious to see a general West Indian scheme under operAppointed ation, but in many of these colo.
nies Harbour Improvement Schemes are on paper only.
The Position is Given To Jamaica The Governor Sa Mr. Charles Grey Howick To Help Fight Venereal Davis of British Guiana.
Diseases Here.
lary Increased The West Indian CAREER IN THE SERVICE TRAVELLING COMMISSION 500 Pounds Sterling a Year ARRIVES.
Steamship Comto Meet High Living Cost The Gleaner of the 6th inst. an nounces that Mr. Charles Grey pany.
By the courtesy of His Excel reporter of the Gleaner learns Howick Davis, Deputy Island lency the Governor we have a that the Secretary of State for Treasurer of British Guiana, bas copy of Lord Milner despatch, First Steamer Due ToMor the Colonies has given directions been appointed Auditor General August 4th, covering a letter the salary of His Excellency of Jamaica in succession to Mr. from the National Council for Governor of Jamaica should Bertram, Combating Venereal Diseases, to The Jamaica Times of the 2nd be increased by 500 per annum. Mr. Davis was born in 1871 and which is added a draft proinst, states:The increase is to meet the in entered the Colonial Service of gramme.
Jamaicans wilt bail with delight sensed cost of primer does not in the Audit Once in November betingent out to bifferent parts as assistant clerk Travelling Commissions are of the sion of Lord Milner for the West Indian Steamship apply to Jamaica alone but 1887. Two years later he was of the Empire to help the fight Company, as advertised. She is to the other First Class Colonies promoted fifth class clerk and be one of these visits the West ing against venereal diseases.
the John Gulls, electrhlight, and of Governors of Second Class as fourth class clerk: From 1893 Indies, Jamaica included.
light in the West Indies. The salaries was subsequently promoted ed carrying a fitted with all modern and up to tors are also to be increasod, as well as administra. 1894 he was appointed as Secre.
The Commissioners arrived in date appliances. She is here tary to the combined Court It and week, constituted thus:Uverhauled and put in trin to morrow, meleht be mentioned that Colonial Expenditure and in on atogston, on Tuesday of this Dr. Letitia Fairfield, Social meet the requirements of the ha per annum, but on the ground Jo. Goernor of Jamaica was 6, 000 Second Class Clerk. He acted as Commissioner (lent by the Lon.
a maica Government regarding First Class Clerk in the years don County Council. Dr. Wright Medical steamers ptying between Jamaica of economy it was reduced to 1895 1896 1897, and 1898, and in and Cuba. With her speed of 14 5, 000 a year. Four or five suc. 1899 he he was selected as Acting Commissioner (late Venereal miles per hour, she is calculated cessive Governors have drawn Accountant in the Supreme Court Disease Office for staffto do the trip in a few hours, and this salary and it is the substan. year later he was promoted Feiling, Clerk to the is timed to leave on her first voy. tive pay of our present Governor, Accountant the Post Office Decommission.
partment of the Colony and on public meeting will be held age to Santiago on the 9th, inst. Sir Leslie Probyn.
From what can be gathered various occasions be performed at the Institute next Monday, Another vessel of a larger size, the emolument of the Governor the duties of Acting Chairman of 10 be engaged for the Jamaica like all other in comes, has been the Poor Low Commissioners at de Moniagnac, ela Dukest, 4th, at 11 a.
The Secretary is Mr.
ColonService, will arrive depleted from a monetary stand was in April 1910, that he Was Company, the Chairman and live and enterprising point owing to the high cost of appointed Chief Clerk in the Kingston. imes, the Secretary feels Audit Office of British Guiana Managing Director of which is with the dignity yol biscoice acted as Auditor General. His Dr. Hoffman that Excellency in keeping on Mr. Campbell, 71. 73 Orange shoald draw an extra sum of Guiana is that of Deputy Treas bas reopened hör oligi. cologica substantive position in British Street, was only founded Jan vary. 2500 per annum. remarkable businees en reise the sech es heet WILKINSON. the post of Auditor General of both sexes. Diseases of the blood have urer and in view of his meritori: eral practice for gynocologica first vessel Ita ous promoted urological of the needs of the travelling public, and Jamaicans generally will join CONTRACTOR BUILDER Jamaica in the with us in wishing latest German discoveries. Ap.
the Company plication of the Genuine German every success. First Class Workmanship It is reported that the British 606 and its latest modifications It may be pointed out that Plans and Specifications Free Government has appropriated (1495 and Silber salversan. shares may be bought in the new 800, 000 of Imperial money for Company. Turn to the adsertise.
the purpose of constructing a Telephone No. 746 ment, and cut out the application 15th Street West House 90 coaling and oiling station in CENTRAL LAVENUE, No. 41, form there, and send it on to day. P. Box 411, Panama, Jámaica. The Imperial Govern. Opposite Amador Theatre WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
73 Orange Street, Kingston beg to apply for. shares of each in the West Indian Steamship Co. Ltd. herewith send you 5s. per share with this application and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 5s. per share and to make further payments as indicated in 5s. per the accompanying Circular.
Name in full Address.
Occupation Date Que will be THE WOMAN EXCHANGE NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA DRESSMAKERS Knowing the service that is demanded from every garment in these days of high prices, we have set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK MANSHIP.
and its promoters ANN THOMAS, Proprietreas.


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