
sy ople fell LIFEBUOYI ROYAL.
DISINFECTANT was forced to SOAP THE many hands which are wiped on the st. Andre pour was favourable.
Road, for in st. Philip blessed with 25. LIFEBUOY SOAP Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers will not be as PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1980)
Inteersting News From Ethe were called, when it was found that Bermuda, Barbados and the Barbados Bahamas had been described as Crown Colonies in the Colonial Continued from page 3)
des: it will operate on such a working cription was ande hoed the doo Agricultural Jotbasis that each of its employees count Harcourt.
of whatever nationality will have share in the profits, 20 per MANY cent of which be earmarked Grenada By a planter Corresponden. distribution among them.
The Trinidad Guardian comments The Rains HANDS favourably on this feature of the We have missed the chance of new Company venture and re. a lifetime by not embracing the gards it as a concession to be royal opportunity of having the ing the fortnight just ended, and Cultivation has stood still dur.
Wicomed inasmuch as it strikes Prince of Wales to lay the corner: there is not much more to report WIPE at the root of labour dissatisfac stone of the Pavilion in Queen than a persistent prolongation of tion and is calculated to over. Park. Such an event would have the frightfully ruinous drought.
throw it, because every man en perpetuated the xaxed from Director to porter, visit in the lives of tance of the indeed: had it not been for al ON ONE darge num: cloud break on Thursday last will feel he has an interest in the ber of people for.
One good result would have been over the Northern and middle sem parishes it would have only been a new interest and enthusiasm left for TOWEL!
The Best Hair Producer is dew in the whole scheme, because the to suppose that, as usual every night. The Creoline.
Govern inent clude a work in the ceremony of meterologist very nea would have been anxious to con week ending 31st August was barren of rain, and the very nearly had the Bermuda which His Royal Highness play!
play. Over not over strenuous task this week ed such a prominent part We of entering point nought recur: wonder whether it is too late to diren Bermuda no doubt received ask His Royal Highness to lay ring in his journal of records. As olay it it, Thursday the congratulations of Barbados the corner stone, or turn the sod, and the Bahamas on the occasion on his way to or from Grand what unfairly distributed, and to observe, of the celebration of the tercen. Etang? It will take ten minutes the y visit to the city yesterday And Queen Park by tenary of her Parliament, which at the most is the oldest in the world next to itself is good to see. The sur varying facial plesa indications of ex.
and extreme that of the Mother Country, di according to the luck for rounding hills are very beautiexhibited by my brother the Parliaments which sit at ful.
Bridgetown and at Nassau rank which had favored them. In the next in order of age. It will be leeward parishes, St. Andrew, called how the West Indian Your Hair must Grow with St. John, and St. Phillip and Coromittee took up the cudgels same towel are busy all day long handling parts of St. George and St. Tbom Creoline.
for the Three s, as they as, the germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, is deluge. St. John with record Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
varying between an inch and parts: and two inches. At estates. Congo there was a consistently maintained heavy shower: yet just over the way, at Oldbary only 20 PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
parts were shown by the rain gauge, and Spencers got never a drop. In Cbrist Church the aver.
It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy age was about 60 parts.
Soap does more. It positively protects its users from The Cane Crop the many germ laden things they come into contact UNITED FRIUT COMPANY The cane crop is still trying to live but the present conditions of with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
growth constitute a stern fight Port Limon Costa Rica against nature. The hardy na Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will ture of the cane, however, enmake your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe courages optimism, and am Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty disposed to think that if the rains with it. Shampoo with it.
would only set in, and the fall be of housing accomodation general and continuous up to MORE THAN January, the crop SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
far below the estimated average as it is now suspected Free Transportation. No Deposit.
The lost, especially in St. James and ratoons seem hopelessly Must have Passport and districts of St. Thomas. In Vaccination Card.
St. Joseph, the canes are in promising condition, and own interests; but it seems early attempt, the Association at a charges were made against the this is more or less due to the days to enter on the consider. Committee meeting held recent. Governor. 1) That he was in fact that agriculturists in ation of such a subject. In the ly, approved of a discussion at competent to deal with the situs section can irrigate. Yet, for all Session ends next month and lution which, after setting out first place the Legislative their General Meeting of a Reso tion. 2) that, in reply to a remark that, although, they can beat the of member Apply UNITED FRUIT Co. blacks soils in tonnage, they are election ontello and the facts as a re detailed above, that the people were starving me general little likely to get the same re Then, in the present state read: gave the pert reply: Let the pao.
Cristobal, Canal Zone. sults as other less favourably hardlig sugar bagi keset price ai Guiana East Indian Association showed a clear policy of an of the market, Be it ple starve. 3)
that His Excellen their reapings.
which the sugar for local con as representatives of East Indian intention to crush the rice indus.
sumption be fixed thus far public opinion in the colony re: try for the of the sugar The Sugar Market ahead. Apart from world prices, cords its strong disapproval of industry.
ution and pro the meeting it is not known what the amount His Excellency action in per. adopted the market is making quite a few of of the crop will be and until sististing in his reactionary po posed to send the.
the recent investors in the effect of which would be gram to the Secretary of State tions somewhat nervous, And reasonable figure fixed for local starvation to thousands especially for the Colonies.
some of the easily converted pes.
con and the throttling of Holders rice refusing sell ow simists are not as happy as they industry which has been estab. ing Government policy fixing (BRANDON BANK)
might be. If the market conti lished by the energy and devo price far below cost causing great nues to drop some of the ambi Demerara tion of East Indians, the economic anxiety, starvation. East India tious get rich quick will be forced importance of which is not only children particularly. Gyernor SECURITY universally conceded but on to sit up; and it will be discover success of which the future hap refuses amelioration Great sufSERVICE ed that it is not alone beet com The Governor and the Rice piness and prosperity of the East fering industry threatened imme.
petition and bounty. fed markets Question Indian community of British diate increase price necessary Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon Guiana mainly rest.
The Catch Crops.
avert calamity. very acute situation faces That His Excellency be good Our large Resources and well known The catch crops have made the people of Demerara in conse enough to forward this resolu: of State for conservative Management afford unquence there will be a very liini. Government at which that article the Colonies.
Why do you not us: Elcaya ted supply of locally grown food of food must be At the General Meeting saveral Cream?
questioned security for every dollar proclama stuffs to relieve the present tion issyed cents a pintis forma shortage.
It may, therefore, a hxed deposited with this bank expected that the price of ribe as the selling price of this and mea!
continue to soar in modity. The growers refuse to that, by the realms of the prohibitive sell at this price On doing, they beginning to seed, but most of it pecuniary Nge, and an feed the plantation mules. The 11. 50. But the Governor refuses an ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON peasant proprietors have des to concede on the ground that he BRANDON troyed most of theirs. for fodder. could not encourage profiteering: resident.
Vice President.
OWNED BY Current Prices. And this he firmly maintains des The prices of provisions concrsche result is that the growers pite all arguments to the contra The National City Bank of New York tinue the same as when reportGOOD WILL ed the last fortnight. There has have stored all their stock and Head Office: 55, Wall Street been a further drop in the price refuse to offer it for sale at Gov. business lives through its customers. And its greatest of fodder. The donkey cart, wen ernment regulated price to the Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 dors are only paying one shilling detriment of the public by whom per hundred lbs. for it in the thi asset is their good will.
field; but in the next few weeks this article is is largely used as Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Our service has always am certain it will rise considerarrive at a compromeasured up to this standDepository of the Panama Canal ard and brings forth volun.
ably, as by then the supply will mise, and because of the pressure Depository of the Panama Railroad tary expression of friend.
be near of public opinion, the British exhaustion.
Guiana East Indian Association ship and confidence.
rup and appointed Through its Agencies in the Interior and DIDIT The Governor has submitted a deputamianteni Come in and see our New which waited on the Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold its Foreign Branches this Institution offers the House of Assem Governor; but after the facts of proposal EVER ers. Better than pins.
bly for purchasing five thousand the situation had been fully dis exceptional banking facilities.
tons of sugar of next year crop cussed that he could not see his Sir Wilfred Collet reSTPIKE FULLER and retaining it for local con Draftsjon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands sumption. All proposals put forway, in spite of the growing gra.
You JEWELER ward from this quarter have re vity of the situation, to remove Interost Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent SHOT 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, ceived but scant attention from the difficulty and 80 procure a Panams, the interested parties in the sufficient quantity for local conPor Annum House who represent solely their sumption. Thus baulked in their 350 will 11 some rather Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock that there is a could planta licy Panama Banking Company children of an that rain.
be sold. By will the some estates, Indian corn is be selling General Banking Business Transacted INTERNATIONAL BANKING GORPORATION Treasurer food. Soa So as to took


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