
THE WORKOULAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1928 lose. ESTOU TAUTETTAIMUTANT Our Atlantic Side News PAGE LIYEG Grave Outlook for keland ES Osis ASKIT FOR LION Brand Margarine IT IS ENGLISH arote For sale everywhere in Panama night of the society, 5th street and a men.
LADIES. SHOES anything The rendete 1: off som in the 31 Huilders PANAMA AND COLON STORES TIESA ZA The public is already aware of the excellent quality of Commercial School Atherley PRICES MODERATE The game American Bazaar Stores ல N Golon, Oul. 10The Colon Woo Mr. Parker then atome and expressed Many Firms Going Bankheyaps, us was announced, held their. Wie entire satisfaction, thanking Capt rupt and Many Unemploystressary serview on Sunday and Poker Terrace of the Salvation Army, night.
Mr. L, Yearriek and Dad od Because of Strikes B. Thong: On Sunday, services were conducted on who had acted a judge, along with at 11 am. and 30 m, by Rev. he various artistes and others who had SHORTAGE OF MONEY Tylerbest, of the Nexarene. Church. Pana insisted to make the occasion a succes e, wb on both decisions prenched ver le also announced that Mr DeVeaux inspiring sermone to large appreciative bad offered a prize to the winner of an Direct West India cable des pathering Isthmian contest under the auspices of patch dated London October 5th At 11 o clock, ook, the preacher, speaking the association to take place on a date to dato kabnya vos states that as a result of Lord from the Epistle to the Philippiade lat. be namned later.
Mayor MacSweeney long fast, chapter, 6th vers exhorted the people to The singing of the National Antheme Irish prisoners have ceased to onlidence in God, bringing to their of Panama, America and the British En.
winds among other things the qualities pire closed the the pleasant function.
the Daily Man or datriking anys to. The news of true religion paper add that there were.
At 30 the Reyd. gentleman took his were more than 300 arrests in connection Colon, Oct, 18 Mr. 8. Ricketts, text from Aers 22 And he and president of the Colon Independent. Muwith Sinn Fein propaganda disturbances during September, went, developing therefrom the facts ont Benefit Colupetative Society and of a fubful preacher an anxious in delegate to the recent contention of the but that only four of them arrest quirer and a wonderful event. In the UNI and held in New York ed attempted hunger striking, course of his instructive discourse, bw delivered an interesting lecturo last and those abandoned it in a day called attention to the fact that in the in the ball of the or two. early church one had to be truly con Broadway to a very large and appreciadespatch to the Daily Mail verted before one could be made tive gathering and appreciate from Dublin pictures a black ber of the church, while in outlook for Ireland during the e in these days wel After ttie formal opening of this meet find in misunyanses anybody and ine. Me coming winter. It says that Edeat McCarthy, the energetie DR. Ale themselves church calling urob averetary of owing to the shortage of money, of the society, members sanitoriums and asylums are be Worty of chairman for the acting in capri OCCASION, made The Public meeting took place last few opening remarks which were followed closed, the burning of creamnight when the chait was decupied by by a eries has paralysed that indus.
byl by a well solo yo Rev.
MOTTOL Evers, with Messrs. by Miss Applewhite pray for us, dont oli try, and the closing of 800 miles lol loa ona bila od 2000 Lawrence and Williymaon, oflicers At this juncture the lecture was called 1949 aloy weV. of Railway bas cut some areas of the church occupying sents on the for. In very graphic and descriptive les est511 71943 from distributing centres. Cows platform, butwald manner Mr. Rickettsi took a bid nudiYou will always find the largest assortment and calves are being sent to The chief speaker of the evening was ence around the various plades of interest England in large numbers, and Solois, boodT Dr. Brown of thé mission on the visited by him during his stayi va porn hardcore si ovat of anos e of styles in our there is a a shortage of butter Isthmus. This gentleman) whose fiat Sister Hirscount of the convention is visit it wae to the church, created a very full; Andi Whatle bol omitted wale not ho virgula bus tillas our ni INudi)
bankrupt, and the country is favourable LasH sa faced with rujn. There is much his beaten the minds of worth while mentionin e soll from losinh 1, the instanco bl Mr. McCarthy the the unemployment in Dublin as a Put on thy strength Zion and ex presidents was given hearty vote of no 2009 OTURUM consequence of the strike of horted them to put on their strengthen thanks and abol biniging of me lode And Dailt one of shurds stand estado dend, for what top bo Booediation brought the an detine od 1291 fie of bestu vil clopedia od has brood wtb We of bis instructive kadro srl bata sotto horlos vate ot tbanko medved by Meat Bi li wa mare hitting Molbourab So toho Lawrence, we scoorded, thiom mentoratled od érow ba be with the slides to ods to live home dostal. Mr. Williamson, aid 90 m2 on the work of Rev. Tyrbet, porrow of the Camp Bierd oval lot died from the match beto arba expected froid during the previous day, and moved being wigeted to of Molbourne, Sus: egon OUR MERCHANDISE svigos hon93 ESN No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz vote of banks to him o toho Hogibe of the Dokálos brought we bolowers in to be considont of haid to be considered one lust als seus dobi odl seirbe to bozog stolen os D Box 1044, Ancon, the aveling to lose ht 9:28 2006 the balodie be il como fattissile 09BASTNSHIT no. toprésented by ELEMENTARY AND HIGH fleyLayne, Lynton, TA shado, super statt 0232 03 ATAAN SCHOOL COURSES Golpe, Oat. 18 The Colon Choral bloook, Elevek, Cumberbatok, Company upder the dine otomobil of Nurse Price, Ost, Hiu, Everoly, Day and Night Sessions Proliner Douglas with Mise Violet Jones Mareball whilo in Melbourne are to. LT lot organist presented an excellent pro be found nen like Harding. Brown, Liberty Hall, suh okreet and Bailey, H, Layno, R: Soalo, Templo, Letters, Petitions, Memorials.
brunch Broadway, yesterday wreningo TVORT promise to be unusually Addresses, etc. tastefully word.
Among the pieces rendered more o treating due to the fact that Mel ed and neatly executed by hand What wou would praise the Lord. solo bourne wbiedi iroond in the competi or typewriter.
Ni Bovoll, Jesus still unde, tion is endenvouring to win the sham.
For terms apply to ROBERT LINDSAY, Viw Payne, They all be mine on bip from Subex Umpire will be by Ms. Callendar, and To ni bora furnished by the Cou Council vinut, by Mr. Young all of whick haviour Nadered in a very ereditadlo se ta PANAMA T3 CAL COLON ON very interesting game was the und Tafect much on Prof. Dougla Dr. VERNON CROSBIE, and the Assompania woll u the opinion oxpressed at the close of the DUNIA on Lily Whiter Melbourne matah on Sun.
Surgeon Dentist Other features of the program wore, day loat at the Camp Bierd oval. tulab addentes and recitations, while the The Lily. Whites won the tone and Begs to notify his patrons and sheit wu heard in various shatuse went to bat and scored 125 runs of Madame. Roberts of the Kashmir the public generally that he has which were well received by the which Cook and Green contributed 43 Beauty Parlor who a few days ago wa THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD removed his audienu.
respectively reported ill, is now quite well and is to DENTAL PARLOUR Mr. Jos. Cooking asted obair.
After an interval of half an hour Mel. be found at her post again.
wurde took their stand at the wicket VIGOR TONIC man for the evening.
and played ved a rery cautious game up to TONIC to the more. com nodious preOhrist Church by the sea.
SUCH the call of time for 107 runs for the mises at a. Holy Communion Parish, Rev. Cristobal, Oct. 20. The third annual of wickets thus bringing the game WOW!
SIGN 143 Central Avenue elceution contest of the Cristobal Litera. to a draw, Bailey scored a muchap. Father Putman; 10. 30 am. Matins and This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended office of the late Dr. Chas. Bailey y Association took place last night in the plauded 28IL addrene, Mr. J, Roull; 7:30 pm in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverish.
Silver clubhouse in the presence of a Evensong and address, Mr. E, Roull.
ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
Crown and Bridge Work small but representative audience, Personal and General Colon Wesleyan Church, a Specialty At about 30 Mr. B, Parket, presiGAS It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives dent of the Association made his opening Second Lieutenant Aurelio Burmudes, 30 a. Prayer meeting; 11 m, tone and enerey to the whole system. lisM Isroll NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT remarks, expressing regret that Rev. Shief of the Colon Detectives has been Mr. Moodie; 30 tn. Mr. Hobson who was asked to set as promoted to the rank of lat, Lieutenant. Kear.
il a todas Doskode Small Wine glass before eacht meal or times a day Telephone 784 ohairman for the evening and Dr. Hub Consratulatione. laway sa. Cristobål Colon Baptist Church 2002 to 116216329 bard, one of the Judgeri couldnok be pro me. Romani Ponde, of Trelawny Ja JAVIER MORAN 381 seat. He also gave a short history of the maion, died at her residence, Cash and 91VANIE 11 supplied; pim. Mrs Baraibu tuútbly the Streets Tuesday fast, after a long and boupe zníhoiabaty from Caluiabid) Don HOR TON 343 pristal nest Interment took place at FARMACIA AMERICANA.
progrim followTMO elu do slov เส 013 lat. To PP du lienh Hang cemetery ca be followe Cristobal holds The most popular Beauty Prepronta speeches; And.
dititiam of parations sold in the United Cristobal Colon Baptist church anof great authors; ard. Tuesday, ha Rally 10 States unexcelled for Shampoo9:10 reading of paper and miscellaneous item; nonneer the observance of temperyboe ing Growing and Beautifying the Sunday on the 31st inst. Special sermous Ath. Tuesday, debate On Thursday night, Oct 14th, Roberte was then introdue will be preached by the pastor, and Matchless by Next French Mail τλανσε skin ed un ghairman, and after a fer appro temperance, prógram will be presented in the school room of the Cristobal Baptist Church, the Young of blemishes. 17 TOY priate remarks be called upoo Wiwie. pl People Society of Christian Eng son The Everlasting Hortona Beaudie Samuelo, who in very deavorers spent a very enjoyable 17 rendered a piono solo, Nocturno be. Pace Powder to match the comsocial evening. It was the occe and never comes off by Phal, Following the item a violin solo, sion of a contest rally between HEALTH APPLICATION Thine own. by Gustdy was beautifully perspiring Solo the leader of the.
readered by Mrs. Stella Lawson, after The tony Varnishing and Bean EXPERT PIANO UNER AND REPAIRER mittees comprising the organi contest took pland befallows told for indigestion, loss of ty Creams that stands unequalled whieb Ibe zation Several beautiful!
in the trade, and the Deodorant Mr. John Reid. Cieero on the appetiteand conepito Powder that kills the smell of starring strong perspiration. All sold at 30 demora iwon the close it was announced that PIANOS AND PIANOLAS the American war.
ver and intestinal disor The Eldorado Varlety Parlor, Mr. Kivimouth Patriders, poor blood and the Temperance, Social and Prayer Meeting committees had Hearyovation on British Government 22222. run down system, TrinFROM OCTOBER 25th carried of first, second and third The ELDORADO BEAUTY PARMr. Parker. Regulus belore the er Elixir Bitter wine places respectively, and SIUTAS Roman Benate.
LOR, on the premises, in conducted by Mr. Dave Williams. The Epanish and Angelica Bitter Madam De Weever, graduate BeauThe amount collected was ty Culturist, Hair Dreseer and Mangfollowed Tonic will provo a real 18. 92 0y. Then if Facturer of Hair Goods, who has lately Mr. Clan McKenzie, ark An.
STOT SA the refreshments consisting of bol NILE QUEEN thony 1034 sandwiches, homemade Cake, arrived from New York City holding diplom These Tonico hold Gold The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin mas for thote ofensions. The The judge then retired for deliberaice cream and soft drinks while jokes and free chat went round.
sion and during the interval another piano Medals from the leading Hade pt oils imported from India and Japan replete with a stock or bei Adity, Expositions of the world solo by Mid Samuel the distribution of To pay wash ble and sanitary Hair Materiale everyone had a grand LA LLEACHROURE the prines won at the Isthmian to match your own hair lo texture and for their high merits were the regrets unexpressed time CENTRALVANISELLO CREAM SHAMPOO is putting is mildly as many LANDRUTINEDY color by The excellency of get STER when Chairman Moody anTS Spegel, PiT Putte, Switches, Transformation, ete; mailatban, Tolhuisit pavadures Me. Me filobusy Baleia (pebipped the Trinor Pills, Linimente mounced that it was closing time: mado to your order, PRICES ARE reparations have done wendere for my hairabda MODERATE.
and foughtl Syrup wah Much credit is due to him as well as to Mr. Anglin for the splendid found NO DE THE ELDORADO VARIETY He to 190 er return. Dr. Thom die Jode na to the one also readily be approved manner in which follomy turqiato. od niye boy 29 triale pusa elde en lo songs ko par throngh preso Yhsamo o Nagronos STORE BEAUTY PARLORS IB. BALLO REID 110 Bolivar betwede and 8k Sio Clan Makaga THE CITY PHARMACY TREETTISEN BORD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS Calon, 199 Se Avenge Poppie Grow Hair on Bala SLM.
Bahan Ta ha Ortobar P. BO 788, Cristobal.
silt, 70 35331 DoWEEVER Days 250wa oghero 85 Youtchestra eno nisava bas deinega leo. 6X63Y. 0339 rast solggaX birebil priblia a lum coolteroboMVOVA wero mer waleinla.
Ad 32 anotion god for contestany WILL BE IN COLON hair.
Mr, face and clearing the achine the HIRAM LE GRAND various com: souls Cataline Hir Chathat was debility, constipation, aung during the marching and who will undertake all kinds of work on מס Oampion.
Attention of the Audiente, clear my oomplexdoa of pimples, verspots and black my friends romen om ry VỤ 0.


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