p. 6


int for the hade 18 and John 11. Bowl.
which Smith sickets for The games in connection with the Spalding Cricket League were called off las Sunday in order to allow the men selected a chance to play on the Stoute Benefit Match. The game was played at Isthmian Park between two teams, from the Pacific and Atlantie ends under the aptaincy of Cain and Dr. Milliard.
respectively. The Doctor won the tres and ant the Pacific end to hat on a wteket Most was pur ly a bowler The Pacifie side was dismissed for 50 runs out of ng for the Atlantie end Reid captured for 12 runs and Listen for 14.
After luncheon had been served the At lantic end went to bat, and when their wicket fell they had only mide 58. It was indeed a moment full of excitement, which was not slackened until the roore was passed. The Atlantic side fell for 78 eventually, Mascoll 15, Went 13 and Clarke 10 Games for To morrow.
Chorrillo vs. Vincentian at La Boca, Yorkshire Vs. Britannic at Isthmian Park, Demerars vs. Primrose at B, Umpires Coulthrust and Ashby at La Bocs.
Samuels and Joho at Isthmian Park, Hall and Roborts at BG. IDLE WIVES.
Biath 50 and will far as the lady wh.
still alive.
school, excitement an Bid SERVICE SONG SUCCESS the.
spent. It is AS RESULT those to to lift them spot, and The Service of song which was held at Grace Methodist Episcopal Church met with a brilliant succes, notwithstanding the many services which were held at various other Churches at the same hour; and a most delightful evening ebe Church had a fairly good attendanco, was The Choir deserves great credit for the bo took part in the tousical programme: songs rendered; as well as and we beg to state, that the winners of the two priaes were the first and last peakers. We are proud say, that all the reciters did Sest speaker, Louise Gil, by her brave exceedingly well, but the sond prise, and the last speaker, Osmond clear of price Williams, who able manner, delivered his closing ad dress to the audience with such wonder ful that he was encored, and highly applauded each time. He has been the winter of the first prize. Blossom Smith sung a solo, which was accompa anied by the violin and piano, for which she deserves special congratulation, also Inez Mayree, and Adeline Lindo who are also to be complemented for their reci tations, and to be briol, the entire ser wice was a complete success, Rumour Prince of Wales Engaged in Canada.
a most graceful and Martinez ability, the Marimon cou. the a Fatal Stroke Big Race Meeting.
PACIFIC THEATRE of Lightning At Juan France Track To morrow An Assistant Teacher killed To night, Saturday, October 23, 1920 and several Children All arrangements are complete for the bix Race meeting injured.
at Juan Franco Park tomorrow.
Interesting reel Feature The horses have been trained to Linstead, October 13. News the minute and are all on edge, reached the ears of the writer just waiting for the soand of the yesterday afternoon, that light bugle and the drop of the flag to To morrow, Sunday, October 24 ning had killed the teacher of the sprint around the track, Time and Patience day school The events are all well matched and had also injured a number up and it will be Another interesting Feature very difticult to of the school children. arrived at time and patience The match race between Ace of spot the winner in most of the at ten minutes to five o clock. Dr.
LM Clark, came Trumps and Ham Dram is surely mediately after and found that to be some 20 going the news was indeed true, in so of turlites to Jaun Franco Park, certainly attract a large number Suitable comedies the con cerned. But the the to morrow. The close finishes be rumor had it was dead, was tween these two nated great bred at OD SO SOCSO 6500 socis The principal of the the last meeting told me the following stonden. Dram woc in both events, there Miss Annie and although Hum President Proclaims The days are hot, is a strong opinion that Ace of and the schoolroom being oi Trumps can beat the Deum.
zinced roof makes it far worse.
This will be keenly tested to TOP SIDES Continued from page That being so, we generally take morrow as both horses will be the children, a standard at a paton their merit.
e other events a s) all BOTTOM to problem. the yard ind a prompt solution. Many to alternoons. to emande therming the arawings cards ineluding a such these New York bankers are per some fresh air. Mysell and the spirited midgets as Dickie, Every Article Is Baked sonal friends of Cubans, who assistant teacher alternately, Pacora and others.
All being well and if Jupiter Exactly Álike The United States, therefore, and so sent her iqto the Pluvius parmits, turfites can rest IN GAS OVEN standard, assured of a fine day sport at Cubans. noticed a sharp flash of light The Heat is Evenly Distributed Throughout Promise to Co operate followed by a a tremendous FOR SALE Deal the Oven With Absolute Uniformity. The same paper goes on further after heard screaming in the to state that schoolyard, and on looking out practically new sole agreed to grant Presi. saw all doua children prostrant!
and the stitcher, for re soleing or and authority to try and dispose teacher. 1, too, bawled out and a half soleing and sewing of present sugar stock and sale of number of people came, and on harness, or any heavy maEvery Part of Every Article Baking the coining crop, relying on his going to the spot we found most terlal. Can be seen in patriotism and good will for the of them unconscious. We started operation any day at Receives an Equal Amount of Heat.
welfare of the of the nation interest. to lift shop just a few Sa Bay Rum to commission was appointed to yards away FICE, advise the President on his task, there away Pan American Shoe Repair of all of them, and The commission is composed of all of Store, near Central Police AT Tomas Felipe Camacho, Ramon regain consciousness. But Miss Enrique de Bobadilia Bucilla Johnson, the assistant Station, Plaza Arango.
COLON GAS CO. de de regain conCathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
del valle Isidoro Benavides and sciousness and so she was lifted DL Hubert Edwards, her mother house, just a few Tel. 798.
Tel. 364.
SERVICE Difficulties that might arise chains off. And she died a 182) Bolivar Street were widely discussed and a re ing a word. She had during progress of negotiations ple of minutes later without say port sident of will be rendered to the Pre fatal stroke on the nea dreceivedl a. IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLEJ At the time of the occurrence begs to inform the public that Two million dollars arrived on the children were sitting on ben he has severed all connections Governor Cobb yesterday ches consigned to National City in in under proximity tree which is with the English Drug Store, Owned by Mr. Salazar, of the of New York, while the assistant teacher Pan American Drug Store; but NO MORE TIRED FEET Demeterio Cordova, 000 to the tree, Bank at was standing nea root 01 his offices have not been removed Monte and Streets mango tree, and when the and he can still be found about AFTER USING 500 000 to the Banco Mercantil lightning Aashed they were all the Singer Sewing Machine aericano. The money was thrown to the ground. About Company. Same old stand.
DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC brought in a small hand bag by a twenty of the children were in special messenger, who was met jured, some receiving burns on Dr. OGILVIE It promptly and effectively relieves Sore, Chafed, Tired, Aching feet, at the dock by a dock by a heavy police their necks, shoulders, backs and IS NOW LOCATED A1 sure cure for dobie itch.
guard. The money was The money was imineai feet.
at ly transferred to the bank It 157 Central Avenue, corne The soothing coolness felt immediately upon application is indeed was rumored yesterday that fur. WANTED Street.
grateful it is not greasy and feels good on the feet.
ther cash consignments for Ha.
Use it to night you will be delighted.
to 6, 000, SHOEMAKERS 000 will arrive before Saturday: GOOD HOURS: to 11. 30a.
Go to the Drug Store and Get a Bottle Now. to 30 Mayors Ezpects Disorder Good Wages paid to first Sundays: to Il a, tn.
Several Mayors and supervis Çlass men ors of different towns have informed the central government Apply Pan American Shoe Repais Co. Appointments can arranged.
of their fears that public order PLAZA ARANGO.
Te ephone 875 will be be disturbed next Saturday, Royal Mail Şteam Packet Co.
owing to the fact that many manufacturing bouses lack sufá.
Everybody is just crazy over Pacific Steam Navigation Co. cient funds to pay wages of their Dr. Welters Tooth Powder en complaints of merchants who FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE the Collector of Customs teeth, retards diseases, prevents decay, and relieves toothache. JAMAICA with violating a provision of the 198 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon.
will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, SUNDAY, moratorium by red Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR Distributors.
OCTOBER 24, 1920, for to accept checks issued in the collectors and BUENAVENTURA and TUMACO.
custom government ofticials in the CAUCA payment of duties, taxes, etc.
were taken will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, MONDAY, considered by OCTOBER 25, 1920, for Orders were issued to The Excelsior Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil ments to accept checks as prothe administration de S, ORTEGA vided by the decrea in the FURNITURE STORE ment of governmental taxations, will leave Cristobal FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920 for with the exception of those issued All kinds of pFurniture Bought, Solt and Exchanged La Rochelle Pallice and United Kingdom.
against the International Bank It is stated that there have The Most Reasonable Place in Town MANAVI three plans laid before PreIf you have anything that you cannot get rid of, see will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, SATUR: sident Menocal by which it is me first. If you want anything that you cannot obtain at DAY, OCTOBER 23, 1920 for hoped to solve the present finan other places, have it. Make all your wants known to me.
GUAYAQUIL (direct. cial situation, either one of which or aļl three may be adopted. SANGUINETTI BROWN, ESSEQUIBO The first is to constitute a bank Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th Sts. Guachapali, will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa, noon, SATURbacked by the government Ancon Box 1130. Phone 160 DAY, OOTOBER 30, 1920. for by wh which paper currency may be issued.
Callao; Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso.
The second is to make a bank to be guaranteed by the QUILPUE ASK FOR Wanted government.
will leave Cristobal a, will leave Balboa noon. Third, the sale of the existing OCROL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1920, for supply of sugur and the coming For the a West Indian BUENAVENTURA and GUAYAQUIL crop of sugars to the American Blood and Liver Tablets Steamship Company SEBRO government or to buyers controlNewest and best Medicine reliable well recommend led by the government, at a fixed will leaye Cristobal, SUNDAY NOVEMBER 7, 1920, for made for ed Stock Salesman to oper NEW YORK This last proposition is the onie Liyer Complaints Indigestion, ate in the Republic of Panz For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at the President is now working on. Loss ut Appetite, Billiousness ama.
CRISTOBAL etc. etc.
Applicant should he or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Llewellyn Kerr For sale at all reliable Drug Stores, shareholder in the Company.
PANAMA TEACHER: ACTUAL Bole Agent for Pangma, Apply or Messrs. ISAAC BRAIDON BROS. loc. Sib Agents.
come TREET. com RESIDENCE des See Colon RP. Demetrio Fábrega WEST INDIAN co.
ADDRESS: Box sn, The Royal Mall Storm Packet Co. Panama.
Panama Drug Store Munie, Spanish and Evening Lemona 78JOrange Street, Muller Building Calidonta Kingston, Jamaica Bank of be 30 to 30 London, Oct. An interesting rumoor that the Prince of Wales has become engaged dur.
ing his tour in Canada, is cur.
rent in political clubs and Cana.
dinn circles. This story originated with a woman member of the Royal Household, who said that she identity of the girl was being kept secret, pending til the Prince return England. Official quarters neither confirm nor deny it. The Prince is better known in the Dominion colonies than here in England. Perhaps Canada can supply the infor mation, was the answer given one interviewer.
All Roads Lead to Juan Franco Park To morrow charged the Because it the ONLY dentitee that polishes gold the mouth, bleaches the Frob from Brit. It Antiseptic Try Atin today Box 730, Cristobal decree refusing names of other o and le e pay Change in Steamship Freight Rates Between Isthmus and New York.
The Panama Railroad has is.
sued Tariffs 40 and 41 and Supplement No. to Tarills 81 to 36, in which the principal changes consist of an additional 10 per on the steamship proportion of all rates between New York and the Isthmus, which result in san inerease of approximately per cent in the through rates between Panama and New York.
In addition to this the handling charges at Cristobal are for account of consignee or shipper instead of being absorbed in the freight as heretofore.
cent on been falls loader price.
NOTICE West Indians requiring the ser vices of a competent lawyer in the Panamanian courts are here: by invited to consult the unders signed at his office in House No.
44, Central Avenue, Clients win prompt at tention and faithful service as well as the full benetit of my professional ability, which am always willing to exercise in de dence of the poor Pedro Ycaza Aevory Moderate Pries.


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