
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920, Panama Wesleyans THE WORKMAN SMOKE UP Celebrate Church AnniVersary Redmons PIEDMONT Rev.
Evers filled filled the MANUFACTURER special whose bers Me body it was to Work of this kind will require a large Yorce of hard. Railroad. a point in the Republic of tanama. hapanamin the help the under the places on the love who were invited a Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaAnniversary services. com WALROND. at the office Central. tion. Correspondence on all matters Due and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
memorating the establishment of do And When You Smoke Wesleyan Methodism in this city, All copy for publication must be were held in the Wesleyan Church Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and Remember here last Sunday and Mouday.
RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of On Sunday morning the pulpit One Year 82. 40 S. Cy. tho writer, not necessarily for publica was occupied by the Superinten Hon but as Six Mont mark of good faith.
dent of the Circuit, Rry Tyler best Evers, Rev.
Three we do not undertako to return Ono taking the evening service. On 25 ejected correspondence.
Monday evening at the puble The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS of chairman, wie SATURAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920, The Virginia Cigarette of the Me Brown Church and Rivi BETTER TIMES ARE NOW IN SIGHT ile of the America Episcopal Made of on the place orci, occupied seat At all the services inspiring If with the hundreds of colored employees of the Canal and interesting addresses wer already laid off during the past few months and the threatSIGARETTES The Finest, Mellowest delivered, tha that of Rev. Browl, ened further reduction of hundreds more before the end of which was based on the prophet the year there was no promise of anything in the form of Path Panic Wheme Israel stirring appeal Awake, Tobacco.
put on thy strength deserving work starting up in the near future the Isthmus would be mention.
the most sorry bit of earth on the whole globe on which a Rev. Nightingale in the course poor man auld ever hope to find himself.
of remarks referred to beth Conference recently the Because all of the silver employees are rentees and deFrom pend entirely on their earnings for physical sustenance, a be hope the in London and attended by from the Anglican condition in wbich employment is impossible would reduce The Celebrated Piedmont Section churches the world over at which these people to a status of life unenviable, undesirable and she desire for the unification of mcontrollable; nothing but the fiercest and crudest experiall the forces of the Christian ces being possible as a result of poverty and want.
or chureb it not in methods but in We can imagine what it will mean it the continued respirit against the forces of evi duction in the Canal labor force should find the bulk of VIRGINIA and sin was openly attested.
Rev. Evers gave a brief account Lusty and able bodied men helpless and hopeless with laof the work of the church during milies of from four to six persons dependent upon them.
the past year, 68 now members The Government of Panama would have to stir itself to face baying been enrolled.
a situation imposed upon it through external causes which It was, however, a a regrettable neither invited nor could welcome with the least degree and taken off the train. He was a passenger on the railroad OBITUARY leature at all the services that train from Culon to Panama when the train stopped at Mirathe attendance satisfaction.
was very, very poor and, in the main, made up These feare, however, may be calmed by the expecta flores. So far as Stoute was concerned the train might never Died at his residence in of children. Certainly with all tion that in the next few weeks work of an extensive na. have stopped at all on its way between the terminals, for Street, Colon, on the 24th inst. the advanced notice given with sure will be started up in connection with the rebuilding of he was not interested in being at any point on the Zone. Mr. B:Ferris, Installing Mas. respect to the holding of these the Calidonia Bella Vista road where the Panama Electric Booze is prohibited on the Zone but it can be shipped over Lodge, No 11, and should have been secured, it only ter of The Light of Colon Congregations Tramways Company will lay a double track and the muni the Zone road to the various parts of the Republic without of and a prominent official of made up of the enrolled eipality of Panama construct a modern roadway as a con interference by the police authorities.
many other lodges. The obligation tinuation of the Central Avenue thoroughfare leading away Stoute was exactly in the same position. He purchas was removed to The Flower of be in attendance out of respect to Juan Diaz which is 14 miles from this city.
ed for at the Colon station of Isthmus to ad started, interment being made at good many West Indians have procession dress them It is true that a working men such as can be found among those who now railroad company engaged to take him to his destination Mt. Hope Cemetery. He leaves lett the Istimus in the near past, fail to find employment on the Canal.
Just how long the when it accepted his money and delivered him the ticket. a wife, a son (now in the a but just as their absence is hard work will last cannot now be calculated with any phase of If the railroad can offer no better security to its passengers brother and a host of friends toly felt along the streets and side: certainty, but it is believed that it will be the commence and if it is powerless to check molestation in this way he year their loss. Deceased was walks of the city, at the race 65 old.
ment of improved times and permanent conditions in this then it cannot be considered anything but a man trap of track, ball games and picnics, in the cantines and Chinese stores, country, with the development and stimulation of interests the police department of the Canal Zone.
so should there not be such a vis.
to which the large population of Panama could look with Leaving the matter of inconsistency in the arrest out DANGER SIGNAL 1tle falling off in the attendanca the most assuring confidence.
of argument for a breathing space we might interest at the religious exercises of the The sugar plantations which are now under formula ourselves in the discussion of the national status of Mr.
church. Whether people in thes tion will also afford work for the unemployed, and this ar Stoute. At present, what is he? Is he a British Subject Stop! Read! Proceed to tiines have grown tired of relia Actionl gion or whether religion bas los ticle being a staple product the plantations will in time be born in Barbados or is he now a naturalized citizen of its interest come established centres of living for the industrious and Panama? Some months ago Mr. Stoute took out natural STOP. This in Deoerenry, because to tell, for them, the writer remembers laboring classes of the community.
Sugar plantations mean ization papers in this country. He renounced allegiance the eignal of danger is prominently dis when, in timnes past, on the more than cane cultivation. Villages and small communi to the British flag, swore before the Governor of Panama plaved before your goxe, namely symp sion of any special event on th ties with shops and living quarters must necessarily spring that he would be loyal to the Panamanian government. nd Bladder and to proceed uachecked ing room was available. Even tome of the deadly diseases of Kidney church calendar stand up on sugar plantations for the convenience and comfort of had his papers signed by the Governor, the Secretary of menno instant death.
the musical end of the laborers, READ. This is also neocery in the services Foreign Affairs and President Porras.
was not up to the standard of If the new governor for the Canal Zone should happen order to direct your setion to the past years. The subject of Rev.
to be a man of liumane feelings and considerations a wise not enter into the national character of citizenship. It should do to cecape the confronting given beed to by all those conKegistration which is always a dilatory matter doos malet route to pursue and ns to what you Brown discourse mght well be executive system may be inaugurated and the maintenance may have to do with probatory matters wherein the seal danger.
and operation of the canal placed on a better footing than and signature of the registrar might be required for specific PROCEED TO ACTION. When strength.
now obtains. Labor conditions on the Zone could scarcely purposes, but in a serious question like the citizenship of honetion, for mark you, witbout this The Order cerned: Awake, put on thy have stopped and read, then move be worse than they are at present, and anything in the an individual the fact that former allegiance has been ie of Druids form of a change will be welcome.
renounced, and the legally required acts performed, the Start right now with De Witt Friendly Society Pana, It is persistently rumored that the Canal Zone may be individual ceases to be a citizen of his former country and Pulls, the best, easiest and saleet menne populated again. If this should come to pass the good old becomes one of that to which he has sworn a new of escape from the serious danger.
ma District.
days will be here once again. However, the rumor sounds Millione have escaped by this king of The hall yearly meeting of the allegiance.
too good to be true, and somewhat slight on which to base Committee medicine for the whole world. No District Manageine Undoubtedly, Etoute is a Panamanian citizen and as other is just as good.
will be held on Saturday, the any hopes for the future. populated Zone may be quite a fortunate thing for the canal, but the development of Pa such is entitled to the protection, rights and privileges of Tako hord. Why not your Butt Lod xe Hall, 201h, Street Central 30th October, 1920, at the Droids nama is more to be thought of as being within the range of his country. If the Canal authorities should deport him to the reguliere le put up by DE Among the business for the trees probability than the rehabilitation of a strip of land that Barbados it is certain that he will not be allowed to land WITT Co. Ltd. England.
Bold at all leading Drug Store, ing will be Lecture on the Past Noble Grand Arohes Degree. Au only a few years ago was shorn of every sign of indepen for he would not be in possession of papers to show British THE CITY PHARMACY, nationality as the British Consulate in Panama or Colon dent life. s. in good standing are 130 Central Ayenul, Panama cordially invited, Delegates are The day is not far distant when the disputed land, of could not, under any pretext, furnish papers of British nathe Las Sabanas district will emerge out of litigation tionality. The British Consulates are not unfamiliar with SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS. requested to be present at p.
and titles to ploto obtained within the strictest provision the proceedings in Mr. Stoute case and their interest in and protection of the law. When that occurs LAS Sabanas him as a British subject ceased just as soon as he had tak will spring into life as a great suburban district with farm en the oath of renunciation.
NOTICE life and private owned houses spelling success on the ground to be put on board a steamer bound for Barbados. Either It would be a fine bit of touring for Stoute it be were The following is a lot of place where one can obtain the of permanent settlement famoso Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC. Be euro the steamship company or the Canal authorities will get and get you bottle to daysstung, as Stoute will be in for a round trip on the breezy THE WILLIAM STOUTE Caribean. It Panama fails to recognize him as a ciciPANAMA Farmadia Nacional zen and Great Britain claims that he is no longer a subject Farmacia Americana QUANDARY of that nation where in the world will he be. He will be a Panoma Drug Co.
Farmacia Española People Drug Co. Calldorla) Pharmacy second Castro, as far as ve can see.
Farmacia Central (Espinosa) Ideal Pharmacy (Caldonia)
The arrest of William Stoute yesterday at Mira Flores By Stoute arrest the Governor, who signed the warFarmacia Inglesa Bctica del Pueblo on the Fanama Railroad train when he left Colon for Pana rant, has made him famous. One would have thought that City Drug Stora ma is another of those teebnical cases wherein the right with the strike so far removed from the present moment GovFarmacia Italiana Rano) Grau to take off the train a passenger in transit over the Zone ernor Harding would have grown more broad mind than COLON Line between the Pacific and Atlantic terminals of the to have tried to get the man who was the constitutional Broc dway Pharmacy railroad introduces a serious question for the Government leader of a labor organization on the Canal Zone. Whether Delgado a Sor. Central Pharmacy of Panama.
Stoute be deported or not the effects of the strike will rePrincipal Pharm. a:y Samuals a Co.
Kingston Drug Co.
If an individual is wanted by the government of the main to haunt the Governor of the Zone as long as he reW. Lum, Canal Zcne for any purpose it cannot be controverted that mains here.
the bodily presence of that individual in any of the Zone The Canal authorities will find themselves bevillages will be sufficient indication that the said individ tween Scylla and Charybdis if they attempt to send Stoute ing to the requirements of the moment so far as Mr ual is within the jurisdiction of the Zone; but for one to off to Barbados. He cannot be detained indefinitely, there. Stoute is concerned.
contract a passage on the railroad train from Panama to fore, some sensible disposition will have to be made of him An atom of common sense and a grain of discretion Colon or vice versa and to be taken off at any point Now that Stoute bas been arrested a sleeping dog could have prevented the arrest of the man whose detenbetween those stations even if that point lies within the has been roused, for all the silver employees wao aretion at Balboa has added a new item to the Canal Zone Zone is considered an infringement on one freedom and still here are made to remember the awful experiences chapter of blunders. Stoute may be indifferent and silent right, and be litiles the eificiency and safety of the Panama and persecutions which they were made to suffer between as to the issues of his case, but the civilized world will eage kalvad as a common carrer.
February 29th and March 10th, this year. The rrecollec erly wateh the procedure of the big stick policy which Sioute was not bodily present, on an interpretation of tions of the presentCanal administration are far from being smashes justice in the head and throttles the liberty of the deportation law, at Mira Ilores when he was arrested pleasant and their united sympathies are already respond weak people everywhere.
it is bar Whell, but осса hardly you Berpe Preciado a Co. Salazar Chemical Hall


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