
TAB WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 30 1931; PAGR THRES memorial KINO BEE Demerara CIGARETTESE Good VING BEE guests present, loro cigarettes Brien of obtuined مراد Better than ever before Extra Mild IGARETTESİ (e) The erudication of Ankylow it. His Worship romsaded her tomissis in custody for her mental condi (1) Treatment of Venereal di tion to bo determined by a Board seases and Pellagra. of Lunacy, in the result the ne (g) The improvement of the fortunate woman was declared Market.
lunatic and ordered to Jenkinek (b) Provision of a suitable war ville. 1) Assistance in improving sanitation.
Outof this programme only one (b) has so far materialised, none of the other except (g) on which City Lighting.
a committee has reported, have reached even the debating stage. SUPERIORITY OF ARC LAMP3.
The Sailors Rest in Bay Street The Electric Company have in was the scene of a pleasant and stalled three new lights of the interesting function on Tuesday high power gas filled incande afternoon, when His Excellency scent type for experimental por the Governor unveiled the tabletposes. They have been placed OR of the memory of the late Admiraline run from the compuny al Grant, the founder of the insti office along Water Streets to the tution. There was a sot ed company of redistinguish Power House at the corners Holmes, Bentinck and inek and New Mar Alter His Excellency had unveil. ket Streets respectively. They ed the tablet. Lady and were tried for the first time and connection with the Misses laid stones in wave complete much were the acu the better lighting is to be erected than with the are la dismin building which The new kitchen was opened by use. The cost of replitz the Mrs. Jenkins who lighted the bulbs a fire with a a candle. The Police each is four or tiv. dollars regarded as halvy Band which was present, did item of expenditure and whether much to enhance the success of the new lights will be brought the ceremonial by the lively and into general use will depend on appropriate music it rendered, the length of the life of the bulb and a very pleasing function as revealed by the experiment which had been inaugurated with prayer by Rev. Ellis, was (Continued on page 4)
brought to a close with cheers for His Excellency and party and the ladies and Sailors.
Dr. Hoffman The guard wall at Belle Gully has reopened his clinio for gone was thrown down by the rains on eral practice for gynocologica Monday, and a portion of the tun cases and urological disorders of nel at Bishop Court caved in both sexes. Diseases of the blood On Tuesday morning the Road treated in accordance with the Roller stuck in a drain near Haze latest German discoveries. Ap wood, Collymore Rock, against a plication of the Genuine German telephone post.
606 and its latest modificatione (1495 and Silber salversan. About mid day on Monday, a Telephone No. 746 woman named Marian Eversley, CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, 38 years of age of Pilgrim, Opposite Amador Theatre Christ Church, went for a walk on the Wharf, and on reaching the. rew of it. In this she was prevented by a a boatman Physician Surgeon named Jones who gave her in to Harbour Police Con Begs to announce that be hat stable Mayers and he took her to removed and may now be found the Central Station. When at 131 Bolivar Street, Culun.
placed before Magistrate Boyce Phone 91 later in the day and charged with an attempt to commit suiCONSULTATION HOURS: cide, Eversley said that some one a. to 12 noon; 30 pm in Dominica owed her money and she intended to swim there for to p. p. to p.
Best in the world KING BEE One cent silver paid for every empty KING BEE package returned to dealer or the factory.
clothing into the sex and tried eDR. Mc MILLIARD, rash act charge to BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY, LTD.
WestIndian News Panama Banking Company INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA 73 ORANGE STREET, KINGSTON, JAMAICA a am OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping business. b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, Panama, New York and England.
CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share. b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share. c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: 5s per share on application, 59. per share on allotment aud the balance as the Directors think fit. d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall bold not less than 50 shares in the Company.
The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and hope to start the service about the end of September, It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large aumber of shares.
SOLICITORS: Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St.
Kiagston, Ja.
BANKERS. Royal Bank of Canada. are keeping planted out in canes and St.
Thomas ye Vale is now being described as the vale of canes and bananas. Just few weeks ago SECURITY The Banana Trade the writer was passing by a SERVICE property and from the road saw The Linstend correspondent to a number of labourers at. work; the Gleaner writing under date they were cutting down the Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon October 11th says among other orange trees. To day the whole things that the banana trade is area is covered with sugar canes, Our large Resources and well known of still very brisk around these just coming up. opinion parts owing to the keen competi that this is a wrong procedure conservative Management afford untion which is being carried on by after remembering the story of the purchasing companies. As the dog which let go the bone to questioned security for every dollar a result of competition the prices catch the shadow. It is certainly up also, not wise on the part of any man deposited with this bank much to the benes somely and encourto put all his eggs in one basket.
agement of the banana planters.
During the present week three hree REMARKABLE STORY of the competing concern, viz; General Banking Business Transacted the United Fruit Coy. the Ja Antruit and Shipping Com Anderson of Rock River, and the Baltimore Compa: sends the following information ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON ny. bought bananas at the sta to the Gleaner under date Sept. I, BRANDON President.
tion yard; the three agents Vice President.
Treasurer a lot of fruit of the finibus about four miles from this est quality, for which they paid place a baby was born on the 2nd of six shill. inst. and on Saturday night, the ing of nine hands, or 4th, the baby was in the hands can be had in the market here posal to review at any length the 30 per one hundred stems.
of the mother when the infant neither for love normoney. work of the Sessions just closed, that they have been receiving for Lord Mamma which was heard Nelson Ball variety in the some future issue, but we desira Encouraged by the high prices made two leaps and shouted There was a small supply of the which we hope to be able to do in their fruit of recent times the by four persons. The infant is market here last Saturday, and for the present to refer to a planters, large small alike, still alive. The mother is one this was sold at the exhorbitant of the most are actively engaged in clearing Ellen Thomas.
rate of 18. 9d. per quart.
prominent features of up larger areas and putting in the Sessions as they appeal to There was no gongo peas, and us.
more suckers. And it can safely His Excellency in his opening be said that it no misfortune The Royal Mail Company has cow peas was sold at 1s, 6d. per speech is reported to have said overtakes Jamaica in the shape recently provided Jamaica with quart.
inter a period of reconstrucof hurricane during the remain which has given has begun, but how far honthe great satisfaction to the shippers ourable members hare acted on Barbados the spring of bananas will be a crop this principle will be seen from handicapped for some record one. We are all hoping the Intle legislation of a progres.
that the same encouraging prices years by not being able to ship sive nature that has been effected.
eskubide himmediate past and also their produce to various pointe Legislative Sessions His Excellency forecasted the the present will be in existence without Rreat delay. The new when the big harvest, is being vessel is an auxiliary schooner following measures as requiring immediate attention, viz: and is named Arno resped in spring.
Commenting on the Legislative (a) The establishment of a wireSession which has just closed tho less telegraph station, The Sugar Cane Industry. are very scarce; even at prices Eggs are in great demand but she natural time of the Legis.
ways. b) The erection of a lighthouse at or near the North Point ranging between 23. 6d.
and 8s. lative Sessions for 1919 1920 exte) Improved facilities in conThe sugar cane Industry is per donen this article is very sel pired on 16th ingt. although its nection with Harbour Accoalso claiming the attention of the dom obtainable, Red peas seem last meeting was held two days modation.
ellers of the nell generally to be entirely out of Season as earlier. d) The establishment of TuFresh areas are belog contioually for many, may reeks now aoua We have no apmos at our dis bercoloals hospital the bar Lunch DIRECTORS CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. ST. CYK.
few and APPLICATION FOR SHARES alia thon ing months of the year, then very much WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
73 Orange Street, Kingston beg to apply for. shares of each in the West Indian Steamship Co. Ltd. herewith send you 5s. per share with this application and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 59. per share and to make further payments as indicated in 5s. per the accompanying Circular.
Name in fun Address, Occupation Date.


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