
De Port of Spain.
THE many hands which are wiped on the uo desire.
and LIFEBUOY SOAP the foundation des really because 10. 00 and are not She also PAGE POUR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920.
Annual Report of the Colon lutoorsting has fue West Indian Branch (Continued from Of the Canal Zone Chapter, American Red Cross MANY The Prince of Wales October 19, 1920 conveniently placed regards a home wil office, ete, owing to the lack of at Trinidad HANDS To the Eaſtor of the Workman, Panama, RP.
funds and support offered, for many coonths through its branch Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith deviated the conditerier o welding to the Greeted by Huge Represenplease find copy of statement cov. respective homes many poor ones un WIPE tative Gathering West Indian Branch, Canal Zone divers other ways the needy and help ering work done by the Colon ble to go home, as well as helping in Chapter, American Red Cross les ones. Most of this work was dono REPEATS THAT BRITISH ON ONE which shall be obliged if you will for us by the Ladies of the Philantrophy WEST INDIES NOT FOR kindly publish in the next issue Section of the Gilbert House, who cao SALE of your journal testify to our activities.
TOWELI Anticipating your favour, beg to remain Shortly after our installation, our pro The London Daily Telegraph Yours respectfully, moter, Mr. Heald, left the shores in its issue of the 20th ultimo, of the Isthmus for his vacation and dur published the following from its CLIFFORD OLT. ing bis absence Mr. Dockery acted. Dur. Port of Spain special correspon ing the period that elapsed while Mr. dent:(October 11, 1920 Heald was on vacation, we continued ia Port of Spain. Trinidad. Sat The Secretary, Canal Zone Chapter hope of the realization of the abovo urday. His Majesty ship Re.
mentioned promises on his return. nown arrived here to day and an American Red Cross, chored off Trinidad, after a calm Balboa Heiglas, Balbos On his arrival on attempt was made voyage from Colom. The Prince to ket bis audience in order that we of Wales, who is in excellent Herewith band you report covering muht the better be able to carry on our health, went ashore in the fore dian Branch, Canal Zone Chapter, Ameriwafortunately this attempt in the Governor, and was welcomed by the can Red Cros, lokether with post office 1919, from our president, Mr. Clifford and also an immense assemblage a 20th, mer. swder for 56 SC. covering Bynoe followed by another dated Dewe as pr statement of account, cember Tbe Ple at this closing the entire transaction. have cember 20th, copies attached hereto, Por cn hand, complete file of the Branch temple were made all proving futile, which constitutes the Island the guard of honour from the croyai Sussex Regiment were never replied to. Other at same towel are busy all day long handling which shall lie glad to forward if you and so without expectation and quite to carr tonk our regret the branch was forced into garrison. The ceremonies please accept the traigos inactivity.
With place things Books, Money, Tools, germ laden in brilliant tropical sue tion of the Officers and Executive Comlight, the roadstead being crowdmittee of the Branch, as we are unable collected 199. 80 as follows: During the period of our activity wo ed with ships dressed with me Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
as per report to operate under the existincluding the two light cruisers ing circumstances Membership subscription 85. 00 Calcutta Calliope The Gov Kindly acknowledge receipt of this re Donations 54. 45 ernor address was delivered in mittance and obligo Band Concert in Slifer Park 60. 35 the Legislative Council hall, Yours truly, which was filled with the leading was at Trinidad, including CLIFFORD BOLT Total 199. 80 the naval and military slicers.
of this amount has been in the judges in their robes, and September 27, 1920, turn paid out as follows: the high resistir address ANNUAL REPORT.
It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy Remitted to the Canal Zone The Governor, in Treasurer of the Chapter 165, 30 remarked it Soap does more. It positively protects its users from Nearly a year ago, through the inof strumentality of Mr. Heald, and Loaned to the Panama West Inthe British the many germ laden things they come into contact ghe Ladies of the Philanthropy Section of Empire are well and truly laid Branch account which is the Gilbert House, the Colon West In Garvey passage to his home 15. 00 on the principles of liberty and with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
dion Branch of the Canal Zone Chopter, Account Elia Chandler passage justice for all the King subjects, American Red Cross, was suggested, on her way home and because all are united by or Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will gan xed and finally installed on on Sunday Paid out to the Rev. Parker sentiments of loyalty dere account George Daley 00 tion make your skin glow with health.
August 30th, Wash your face with it.
to the sovereign, that the Bathe At the inception. 44 of inducements were extended us Postage wuries representatives of so many races with it. Shampoo with it.
in the shape of promises, see copy at Remitted herewith 5, 56 and creeds are able to live to enched, which were all made public gether in peace and harmony.
MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE. 199. 80 He through the medium of the press and paid a tribute to the several public meetings held from time stupendous services rendered by LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND.
ime, both in Colon and Cristobal We are unable to make any statement the Navy during the war. By For a while all seemed well, and the peo regarding members by payroll deduction, developing her oddelds for the ple of the community became infused us we were never even informed how supply of fuel for the British and thousands of the Panama Canal em many such members joined. Navy, Trinidad was performing plogres permitted payroll deduction and Repeated attempts have been made a truly imperial service The Prince Reply.
spected by the Prince, who at. er Calcutta. On returning he con improve itself. Just recently, beon me members in order to nisi thel to reinterest the people in Colon in the tended the Governor garden tinues his round of visits to other Mr. Seon incurred expenditure cause, while on the other hand eighty society but the silence and coldness of five became members by subthe Chapter through its president kept The Prince of Wales in reply: party later. large ball was giv. West Indian islands before sail. in providing personal facilities scription to the for his work, but before the them aloof, and so we are compelled to ing, observed that Trinidad tad en in Prince Building, and a ing for Portsmouth.
local secretary In the course of his speech at chance of repaying himself relinquish our connection with the same provided new opportunities for breworks display by the municiis Le might be thought about the Colon and hand you werewela al papers con progress and well being for the pality concluded the day fes the Government House dinner given him a new man arrives on West Indian Branch of the nected thereto.
Chapter, American Red Cross idled way arge immigrants population from tivities.
the Prince of Wales returned to the scene. We protest renergetic.
the Indian Empire, which Respectfully submitted, The weather is excessively not the subject of the British West cally against the importation and did nothing, but 18 ill attempt to les pie to visit before His bot CLIFFORD BOLT, his Indies disabure the minds of these so impresed, to hol Highness also received at the Prince goes through his persons a suggestion before these junior posts which can so ty stating that although we were not Secretary.
an entire programıne conscientious address from the mee enjoys a high degree of prosperi. Empire might be willing to part persons here. These things will COLON WEST INDIAN BRANCH, CANAL ZONE CHAPTER, of Min dity of ty, omitting nothing. Trinidad left England that the British much the better be filled by.
AMERICAN RED CROSS visiting cocoa and sugar planta ery of oil is just reported, but la West Indian islands to a foreign giving help to the Government in tions, and also the old Spanish bour troubles exist in exist in Trinidad capital of St. Joseph. Thousands elsewhere. There are two asso what said in Barbados in March old, old story story, even, new, as Power. should like to say here time of need, Day by day the 1919 1919.
of school children, including re ciations of negro workers who that British subjects are not for is brought before us in the form presentatives of all shades en times cause anxiety. The Prince sale. The King and all of us in of the Crowo Colony system and Aug 27 urip 16 00 Aug. 28 Remit Treas.
lour from white black, as ser is the guest of the Governor until the Old Country have much its ingratitude.
Dution (3. Sott) 00 Fee 10 bled in the spacious grounds of Sunday night when he leaves for at heart the welfare of Trinidad 31 Subscription 15. 00 Postage Donation (Friend)
lo 00 Sep. Queen College, and were in Demerara aboard the light cruis and of all the British West dies, as of all other British pos. WILKINSON Sep. Subscriptions 10. 00 02 sessions. He said he was glad to 00 see that the people of Trinidad CONTRACTOR BUILDER Rev. Parker 00 Mr. Morn were making the most of their THE WOMAN EXCHANGE splendid resources and develop. First Class Workmanship 12 Mr. Lauda ing them vigorously.
Subscriptions NO. 4, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Plans and Specifications Free Mr. Vergi on We do not expect the new man 15th Street West House 90 Mis. McCarney 11. 00 DRESSMAKERS to do much in the way of improv. 25 Oct. Box 411, Panama, 02 ing things. The system must. 50 Treas, Check 21 Proceeds from Band Postage Knowing the survice that is demanded from Concert give by Now Nov 13. 02 Cristobal Band in Silifer every garment in these days of high prices, we have Oct. 30 Amt. to Dr. Hearne on Park, Cola 60 35 set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK 27 Membership Subs.
a. Panama Brunch 00 MANSHIP.
for Richard Garvey 15. 00 00 Oct. 12 Amt. to Dr. Hearne on 50 Panama Branch ANN THOMAS, Friend for Elis Chandler 10. 00 Det. 15 Membership Sube.
CEO Proprietress.
Isthmian Star Mar. 23 Amt to Rev. T, OWNED BY 00 25. Emanuel Parker for Geo. Daley 00 Nov. St. Joseph The National City Bank of New York Star Eden By Balance forwarded Court Brook 00 to Secretary of ChapGOOD WILL Head Office: 55, Wall Street Membrrabip Bubo ter, Balboa Heights 5, A business lives through its VS Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 00 customers. And its greatest Asset is their good will.
Our service has always CLIFFORD BOLT, Official Depository of the Republic of Panama 199. 81 measured up to this standDepository of the Panama Canal Becretary ard and brings forth volun.
COPY It may be necessary to have more roos tary expression of friendshipand confidence.
Through its Agencies in the Interior and Program to ba carried out by later, but for the present the work Come in and see our New its Foreign Branches this Institution offers the Colon West Indian Branch, neede.
prezented here will cover the most urgent Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold, exceptional banking facilities.
Canal Zone Chapter, American 1st. Dr Waiting Room, Dispen ers. Better than pins.
Red Cross.
sary and private Office.
Office to include the 2nd. General FULLER Draftsjon Jamalca and other West Indian Islands In starting the West Indian Red Employment Agency JEWELER Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent Crow it is necesary to moure quarters 3rd. Day Nursery, run ia 00 apers Large enough to cover 366 following tion with reployment Agenny.
122 CENTRAL AVENUE boduli Niway Panama, RP Port Apnum branch of the work from the very staré (Continued on Page 6)
Mana LIT persons.
me till even said saw at 20 00 02 02 9. 06 00 001 00 14. 00 00 12 13 19 20 22 23 24 18. 04. 02. 02. 02 Mr. Wilkinson Friend 145. 80 302 15. 00 INTERNATIONAL BANKING GORPORATION St. Charles Apalayo Williams St.
20. 00 00 10. 00 2561 1920 56 00 00 179 80.


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