p. 6


PACIFIC THEATRE OF wa the sport of Kinga COMING SOON the bowling MOON RIDERS was save a chance Comfort, Profit Or Both were left.
the public majority of all the a was SUNDAY FORJSALE RACING Yorkshire Defeats Britannic practically new sole At Juan Franco Satisfactorily Last Suuday, in a Spalding half soleing and sewing stitcher, for re soleing or Pulled off.
Cap Match which was played on To night, Saturday, October 30, 1920 the Isthmian Park, the Britannic harness, or any heavy maCan be seen in Lost Sunday was indeel an went down to defeat before terial.
The 3rd, 4th and 5th Episodes of in the Yorkshire c, Britannic operation any day at id a day for all isin is diver.
won the toss and elected to bat, Bin and the outing to the Re THE LURE THE CIRCUS and were all dismissed for 52 Track at Juin Franc Park s FICE, runs. The bowling of Barrow immens ly enjoyed by the and Carter for Yorkshire was ex Pan American Shoe Repair usually large crow which pre Continuing each Show night the coming week, cellent, and the only Britannic Store, near Central Puric Station, Plazı Arango, edithe grand stad whilot man who negotiated it was Cro nessing the ney, who made 15, the only dou.
The races programmed tvern ble figure score of his side. Bar Dr. Hubert Edwards, all keen y contested by Devi row was the hero for his ous competitors and cu da Another big Universal Serial side, bowling through the innings great deal of excitement and 182, Bolivar Street and capturing Wiekets forces en FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE)
24 xiety among tuitites wh) bacal runs.
After the usual their favorites Yorkshire went to the bat and The mist intres in event with the loss of wickets for 31 begs to inform the public that the day was the main rice be ruus, it still seemed as if Britan with the Biglish Drug Swre, or she has ured all connections tween Ace of Tandila nic would win; bat, at this stage owned by tr. Salizar, of the Trum over til disoo: Soros Dec 86os secos 2015 Carter. who playing well a biz. voriteit uit joined by Greaves, and together his offices have not been removed was Pan American Drux Sure; but Hum Drum Wribu they carried the score past Brit and he can still be found about ng so much so that it one time COLON WEST INDIAN annic Carter it seemed that odla RED CROSS.
early, when he had only made the Singer Sewing Machina viện male ita Harian one run, but, otherwise his bat. Company. Same old stand.
ting was good.
Yorkshire was Winwinner and greatly (Continued from Page 4)
all out for 67, Carter being res.
WANTED lect dhe morale of many of 16.
Ace of Trumps backers hence a 4th. General Assembly Room of in ponsible for hinch of Hum Drum money mates of house, also for sewing room for and Primrose from Demerara both Vincentians won from Chorrillo GOOD SHOEMAKERS went on covered household linen, repairing and mending parments donated, saring for food and bydefault. Neither the Chorrillo Good Wages paid to first Long fore the race started nor the Demerara turned all the Pari Mutual ickets on The Rich Man Uses It For Comfort enre of children.
Class men up to meet their opponents last sth. Kitchen and dinning room.
Hum Drum were soll out while Gh. At least four shower bathe on Sunday, and so these two games Apply Pan American Shoe Rogals Co.
quite a number of the Ace for employees in building, one for child were forfelted.
The Poor Man Uses It For Profit.
PLAZA ARANO: To morrow Game Both ren in Duy Nursery and one for doctora horses got off to a good patients and one free for the Jamaica Vincentian at Isth. Dr. OGILVIE start and raged neck and neck Sharity ches, As both and salean et almian Park for about furlongs, after which Blow LOCATED AL clothes are the very firat needs to Aco of Trumps took the lead and Vinpires the Once You Have Used GAS You ARC. Clothoe lako 157 Central Avenue, corner kept it until the finish, coming in from stock of clothes donated. There is Husbands and Coulthurst. Street an easy winner by several Lechta ahead of Hum Drum good supply on brand at Mae Gilbert Will Be Convinced That It Is Both House for this purpone.
WEDDING stage of the race was HOURS: to 11. 30 a.
a dangerous rival of the Ace. To be Continued in our Next s) to 30 a. Comfort and Profit For very quiet wedding took place. 30 to 30 Im.
The other events were all run as scheduled and also commandLATEST OF THE.
on Thursday evening when Miss Suodays: to li ed much interest around the pari.
You To Use It.
Amy Ashers of Castries, St. Lucia, Continued from page muust stand.
was given in marriage to Mr. EdAppointments can be arranged laborers, etc. the financial crisis gar Guillette of Anse la. Raye, Me the day sport was Te ephone 875: now being experienced would un. St. Lucia. The bride, who was all that could ba desired and exdoubtedly be settled by that time. charmingly gowned, was attended a little dissatisfaction now cep bora AT Wanted General Agramonte added. Evans Vitalls as bestman.
and again on the part of persons PANAMA GAS CO.
COLON GAS CO. several millions that had been matrimonial ceremony was for the West Indian e. The whose favourite did not win and which is customary at the best Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
moved by depositors from differ performed at Balboa Roman Cath cat banks since the crisis be olic church by Father McDonald, Steamship Company regulated race tracks all over the Tel. 798.
Tel. 364. gan had again been placed in cir.
SERVICE Following the ceremony civilized world, Sunday races culation. This woney has helped wedding luncheon was served in reliable well recommendcan be chronic ed as one of the greatly toward improving condi. the home of the bride mother at ed Stock Salesman to oper squarest of meetings pulled off at tions, he declared.
which quite a number of guests ate in the) Republic of PanJuan Franco More Money Arrives, were present, very enjoyable ama And right hero we take this afternoon spent Many opp rtunity to congratulate the Two million dollars arrived speeches were made and wishes Applicant should be a management of the Panam. Rac yesterday morning aboard the expressed for the happiness and shareholder in the Company.
ing Association for its effort in Governor Cobb consigued prosperity of the newly wedded Apply furnishing the public with such to the Havana branch of the Na couple.
clean and intressport as WHY SUFFER WITH DOBIE ITCH tional City Bank of New York, WEST INDIAN Co. was seen last Sa day liwe when DR. TICHIENOR ANTISEPTIC will relieve and cure you? The Morgan Line Steamship Advertise in the WORKMAN.
have already stated in th 38 col Chalmette This old time prescription is living up to its reputation by conuering arrived from New 73. Orange Street, Unns there hot driculty and get Good Results.
Oricans yesterday and brought encount red is pro o in rares Kingston, Jamaica.
STOPS DOBIE ITCH the sum of 200, 000 consigned to in Panamı and those who underthe Banco Mercantil Americano.
The advent of DR TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC has proved to be the right take this tuskinast badeel poss.
The Governor Cobb also 099 found instant reliet. coolio, Soome appucation for the affecut paris and you son nervni.
are douby krale: DA TIOMANUS ANTISEPTIC when the leadis peats brought two of CHORRILLO DRUG STORE ton to Bills amounting tº 200, 000 cor01 sus actory Sieved to William Smith, geumaetings as that of 1155 Sunday No. 43 WEST 18th STREET Tuis is leitoret be adent of the Ward Line DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC apreciateral ed and the spotlovi public Steamsaip Company, and sia Just Received a Large shipment of can be found in all drug stores. Try it.
nerally an uites piticular: lar amount for the Southern Paci Creoline Hair Producer the Werld Best Hair Straighiener and Grower ly hug racin Assofic Steamship Company. Both of ciaio isti Nupport and these remittances were sent to the and Elcaya Disappearing Cream Si pusat til sport of above mentioned steamship lines Kigotie and it rightly for payment of wages of employ.
es and general expenses. o e are neve al matters how Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Everybody is just crazy over ever in conce in with present racing thatnya ajastment Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
Llewellyn Kerr Dr. Welters Tooth Powder For instance, su aportant posit in as that of strier should Leeth, retards diseases, prevents decay, and relieves toothache.
be entrusted to one has had FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE RESIDENCE: 19 Market Street, Colon.
Free from grit. Ito Antisoptio Try atin to day 123 Bolivar St. between 851 and Oth, Oolon.
Box 736. Cristobal. CZ on a rio track to Music, Spanish and Evening Lessons know when to deep the flag and Agents Wanted KASHWIR BEAUTY PARLOR Distributors.
At Vory Moderato Prices let the horses ESSEQUIBO till the hories trave started and will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa, noon, SATURASK FOR then push th: Hig up and say DAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920, for go. This, by lack of expe Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso OCROL richie, causes numerous false starts, when the could be Blood and Liver Tablets sent off to even break3. This was too painfully experienced S, QUILPUE Newest and best Medicine made for last Sunday: will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, He who acts as Judge should THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1930, or Liver Complaints Indigestion, not be sway in his decision BUENAVENTURA and GUAYAQUIL Loss of Appetite, Billiousness when there bapens to be a close etc. etc.
finish and not allow the deafer. EBRO For sale at all reliable, Drug Stores, ing yeils of an excit crowd to prevent him from declaring his will leave Ortstobal, SUNDAY NOVEMBER 7, 1920, for Solo Agent for Panama, decision. He should be in NEW YORK Demetrio Fábrega to declare promptly which horse UNITED FRIUT COMPANY passed the Judge box first and Panamá Drug Store at oace put up alte number there ANAVI Muller Building Calidonl a Port Limon Costa Rica by dispelling all uncertainty.
Auother, and one of the most will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1920 for in good faith and who regrettable acts is the unseemly Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, and Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty beleviour of some of the riders loses should not seek to take and attendants of horses in the GUAYAQUIL it disagreeable for who of housing accomodation paddock. There is absolutely happens to be to be in better luck nothing to be gained by making and wins.
use of the foulest expressions S, JAMAICA.
he We shall have more to say on imagitable. This does not nor will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, FRIDAY, these matters later on, iso cannot restore to the loser money NOVEMBE 12, 1920, for We are glad however to state lost on a losing horse and it is Must have Passport and the Association is deterBUENAVENTURA and TUMACO.
not fair or just for loser to wided to have good and clean Vaccination Card.
declare that a race was frameara races and to give the public an. up, because he bappered to be a For further particulars dpply to the Office of the Companies at honest deal come what way. And loser in that paflicular raca CRISTOBAL, ASIA STALO to thatiutentit is planning another All who go to the races whethor to the Pacific Steain Navigation Company, meeting for the 14th, November er Pånadsbian, American, or Dext. It is therefore hoped that ALPANAMA West Indian should go to enjoy all lovers of clean horse racing a good day sypoet in il possi a Mossed ISAAO BRANDON BROS. his will yie each with the other and ง4 รร. ค ble to with or to fore dollar a all set together to make their Cristobal Canet Zone.
events may termini tha Wheth The Royal Mall Steam Packed Co. Papa Imeeting of the Tath. greater WAVE St600 3200194 er win or lose it should be taken thing in the risan lace Toose that have tried it for this troubosome ich lave determina Dull Others have tried it and founder why should you suffer?
signed to agent of de TEACHER: Her er. DAT SCHOCL Because it the ONLY destitoe that polisas gold in the mouth, bloaohes the COMER ard and ALUSS: box Cristobal, e. expe ience on and not not wait Wanted! Wanted. LABORERS position Free Transportation. No Deposit.
that Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.


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