
PAGE TWO THE ORKMAN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1920, LOYAL PRIDE THE WORKMAN SMOKE UP Celebrate; Fourteenth Ann versary WAL And When You Smoke Remember POBOX 74. Pano RP RIIS ON SIISTITION One SAND ne roluri OD Predmon PIEDMONT st MANUFACTURER ness continent the Колони соғинг SATURAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1920, The Virginia Cigarette gra ne is noritutiнi excuted by diaft from the Welrin chari ALL COLORED PEOPLE SHOULD Made of city under ile alilele destin Mr ASSIST STOUTE De Deir org nist of that clair.
The Secretary report was there!
CIGARETTES The Finest, Mellowest covering the period from the inception the lodge to the present antiary For leading the united forces of colored labor on the declised hat in spite of numerous obiet Canal Zone in accordance with instructions from their head Brisb lamerican Tobacolelta Tobacco.
elus encountered during the early yer.
quarters in the United States, William Stoute is being of its existence, Loyal Pride of lielith held at the Balboa Police Station for deportation. The cir.
mus was still progressing financially and otherwie. Much credit is there rede cumstances and facts of the late strike among the silver to the past and present admitir employees here are familiar to everyone resident in this From for leing able te keep the lodge tiger country.
despite the recent great exodus LOCU and clewhere When Stonte gave wings to an order which was leashThe Celebrated Piedmont Section The Central American DTWA ed for over a fortnight after it was received from the United States, seventeen thousand silver employees stayed of away from their jobs for about ten days as a protest against the unjust atment they were rec iving from the hands of their ciplayers. But vast as this number vas, VIRGINIA order and obedience to lat were observed with the strictCst serupakit The Governor of the Canal mone, Col. Chester flarding, regards the strike as the zenith of an agitation Fatal Accident. Gone on a Short Trip. DANGER SIGNAL de pistes Id by all of the clients of the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Why Employees, and decreed the arrest Mr. Min of the propter the larm and donation and many others. On what We have to hand a letter in Print Stop! Read! Proceed to basis these deres ont forth is a question answerable which is related a sud drowning Action!
only the Gover hins li. He seems to Piel in his, futality in the land of Cube il STO. Ties is neereens leen pozitial strength a compotency which ebles him to appears that a part of Jamie Langous commud and harness the liberty, freedom, rights, will and including one losseple Maurity Picha formatu humanity of all alions and especially all those whose com St. Catherine, Jamaica, weat fun tot works du Wiers as of the decis sacs is Kilne plexions under the varying manipulations of providence an outing up the Jatiboniu River the he will come business in blodieranto and in procted uncheche Die position as the file catalo on happen to be tinged with dark complexions.
on Sunday, October 24th, where with pleasure to wish him a un READ. This is also necesity in But Governor flarding is wrong if he thinks that Test they decided to take a dip Mariposime time in the old home of indi sile pour to Punana vote of thank on behalf the order to direct your action as to the ry, it is stated, kew Indians, at least, will sii supinely in Panama or on the swimming but arrangeit for one de to the visitors to the fort route to pure and as to what you in Mr. Turner winding Zone and surrender their liberty to a man of flesh and of the puity to tutor him in the Paraiso Clubhoure, should do to escape the confrontingentary tumit from the cha blood like themselves Governor Harding is not the art. Unfortunately however, the PROCEED TO ACTION. When clos man brought this pleasant fun ruler of the universe, and he ought to reflect on current proved too strong for both tutor and papil with the Beginning this work, a slight you have stopped and read, then move Thie of course was the entertaining the thought that it he plans the persecution of in1 ocenian Shin he will be esisted but that Murray GATTied, chat will like lice in our to not for atk yoll, Wout this ti beyond his depth and Before on Picture schedule. Suurpeis poble them. Jelas ordered the artist and detention of Stoute, help could reach him, he sark tooday bits will be dropped from Stire richt now with DeWitt there is also aniber Rear while is murally known that all amor and Stoniei Clitody at Balboa.
rise no more. His body was re our schedule and will pictures Pills, the best casiest and safest means covered at noon the following day shown at this Clushortisowserupe from the serious danger.
What dous the situation mean to West Indians in parma Thursday arrlewintly the ch thro Millions have escaped by this king larger cathering on Monday night in tim?
All ports will be concentrate medicines for the whole world.
ticular and aliens in general? It calls for the interest of mainly through the efforts vione On The day and. who No halisi the Perhe school room all who have left their homrs at the invitation of a Govern volunteered his services as diver. wards putting on the very best other is just as good.
can mnt who orce felt the keen need of their help but now reTake heed. Why not you? But go of street and Awon Avenue, where legates them to the scrap licap as an undesirable aggrega Grand Comedy Conecrt Nese our patrons is much as WIIT Co, Liu, England.
these two nichts, as we want to the genuine Pulls put up by DE saune bona cuplete the The averary Co.
tion on the zone and Dance Dill Sold at all leading Drug Stores Governor Harding evidently wants all West Indians We will use Saturday, as well kept the banqueters in the parts as other idle nights of the Week THE CITY PHARMACY, of myrth and plans wat in to leave the Isthmus bei re he goes away. We feel that The Silver City band of La Bolor various other activities which 133 Central Ayenue, nama.
trigle tale wus relieved of its burit this is true because he insists on his war of aggression ca will give a Grand Comedy Come we intend to add to our program. SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS winkling of an eye the spacious hill wie of things ter when in the against them. And it is the duty of these people to assert cert and Dance at the La Boca cleared, the band struck up and their strength in a cause that affects them so generally. Clubhouse on Friday, November Free Bible Lecture Stoute must be defended, and it is for the West Indians usuai. be there with some absoluEddy and Dan, will as Resolution of Condolence. body who could do it vied with eacb other in cripping the to do it.
Mr. Brown of Brooklyn, new stunts, to lledighet fantastic too At a meeting of the Lily of till the wee hours of the morning, During birt customary He has reached a crisis in a cause which concerns all colored ous.
Wallace Lodge hall to.
the following resolutions of the people here. Shall he be leit alone in the hour of his need?
Fatty and his crowd are also low evening, at 30. Subject: præent Robe Grand who It was not his personal battle, because personally Stoute booked to entertain you, and you The Sinn Of The Son Of Man with regard to the death of one was toastmaster for the occasion. Th will sure go wild over them. In Heaven. Mr Brown is an of its members were adopted. ended the extebration of the fourteenitta had nothing against the Governor or any other official at WHEREAS it has pleased Al aniversary of Loyal Pride of the Is.
The band will be in attendance experienced lecturer of exception: Balboa Heights. He was a school teacher getting the maxi thronghout the entire perfordi al ability and is always from our mus Lodge.
mum detailed by the Panama Canal.
auces Shoda will supply ine music with large audiences to preved midst our beloved Sister centar he goes. With the announcement THORNHILL, a member of this OBITUARY strong sense of moral oigation to Stoute must seize for the dance after the concert of such an interesting topic it is Lodge, and The band expects at that every West Indian who knows what gratitude and appre to give you some of the latest from anticipated that the usual crowd. WHEREAS during her life ciation mean. Once, Stoute was the constitutional head of the States and they can be heard od house will be there. All are time slie led an exemplary life in It is with profound regret that the silver employees and he served them. To day, he is suf practicing with might and main welcome.
her. devotion to the progress and we chronicle the death of Enig of our work, therefore Balgin, native of St. James, fering as a result of his interest and activities in or every other night at their band BE IT RESOLVED that the maica, who passed away after a ganized labor of the Isthmus among colunud people, and foricke Adverti e in the WORKMAN Tickets for above can be had and Members of Lily short illness in one of too wards they should help him.
from any member of the band. and get Good Results.
of Panama Lodge No. now in full s753, o of the Santo Tomas Hospital on Money is needed to fight this new battle of personal Sunday, October 10th. Deceasca spite and vindictiveness. Siouto has been out of employassembled this 20th day of Deto. was 30 years of age and loaves as ment for several months preceding the strike and ever bar in the year of our Lord one mother, a child, three brother thousand nine hundred dina ard and one sister to mourn their since. Now he needs money to help him in his present pre THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD twenty, do sincerely regret our loss. We tender our sincere con dicament, and it would be a most ungrateful and inhuman loss and hereby convey our dolence to the bereaved, attitude for the people to leave his up and alone in the heartfelt sympathy to the berelatives hour of his greatest necessity.
VIGOR TONIC Isthmian League of Brl BE IT FURTHER REWest Indians are too well known for their powers of SOLVED that all the officers ish West Indians and members of this Lodge shan appreciation of the efforts of others in their behalf, and we believe that the men will rally to the cause of Stoute who, Nhis elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended go into mourning for a period of PARAISO RED TANK DISTRICT three months and that the while he is in custody, is depending largely on the support in Debtlity, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverish Charter be draped in black for a League are asked to put in their Members of the above named and baeking of his former friends and co workers in the ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution. corresponding period.
struggle of right against might There have been strikes all.
appearance on the night of 13th It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives FURTHER over the world, but there has been no place where any one RE. Inst, as the regular meeting is tone and energy to the whole system.
SOLVED that a copy of this convened for that date when resolutaon be forwarded to the matters of great importance afman has been singled out for such great persecution as the Dose One Small Wino glass before ouch mcal or times a day bereaved family, a copy be placed fecting the League will be disman whose liberty is now restrained.
on the face of our minutes and alculosed. It is hoped members The Just for the blood and the thirst for the sweat of JAVIER MORAN copy be pablished in the local will turn out in full force.
the colored people, on the part of those whose doctrine is papers.
the suppression of the Negro, is an abalore and damaFARMACIA AMERICANA. ALVADARD RILEY, Notice to Knights of ble propensity, and the colored people thin etery Secretary Pythias.
possible way that they will not permit the extention of their brawn, brain and blood for the and se gether and die together. The strike is over, the United Rag Time Rally.
All members of Pythian curity of those whose policy is that of es for Brotherhood is gone, but Governor Harding has not forPride Lodge, No. are hereby the colored man.
gotten William Stoute whom he has had arrested for allegA Big Time Rally at which reminded that the regular Con The coming week is the test for West intens over twelve West Indian Islands vention to be held on Wednesday alled connections with oceasions that are dead and buriod, is to be represented, will be held November 10th at p. is one others whose ideas of justice have unit At several places in Panama and jn Colon subscription under the auspices of the Three of the great importance and make of sympathy. They will have to show the determination to be free. It will be a time lists will be held where persons desiring to assist in this Sisters Lodge, o. of O, bers are asked to atbend and ba tot worthy cause may call and contribute their quota to the 1920. Be present to represent Colon, on Friday, November 12, on time.
xord. In the past they pledged themselves to stic. Stoute Defense Fund.
EVANS JESSAMY, your island of S every It requires funds to aid Stoute in this moment of worry, els he taughter from the most seria el terreno de de les mots partie du badge About them interest Oficers 16 reaved BEIT


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