
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6, 1920, PAGE THREE KIN BEE. Ince SCIGAR Good cigarettes DEE we shortly be Extra Mild Better than ever before GARETTES ULLA expenses collect factors atarde Best in the world We.
ao received by the management of Mr. Seon, a Granadina, the Myrtle Bank Hotel, announowbo, for some years, has been ing that the Norma Talmadge acting in the post. Mr. Boon Film Co. had sailed from Boston largely responsible for the.
telo Tanamo, and is due to arrive in knowledge that Grenada is in Kingston tomorrow. From the need of a new Telephone System reservations asked for at the and that the cause of all the hotel, the film making party trouble is due to detective and must number about 20. Myrtle Out of date appliances. Mr. Seos Bank will be their headquarters, has not been given a fair chance WANT LIGHT RAILWAY. The death took place at Tuna puna, Trinidad, on the 10th inMseting to be Held at Morant stant of Rev. Elward Elliot Ince, Rector of St. Mary and former Bay.
ly Curate of Holy Trinity Cathe dral. Born in Barbados, Mr. A request has been made to received training at at Harrison Mr. Mordecai, the Acting Custos Colledge and there he won the of St. Thomas, to call a meeting Island Scholarship and went to at Morant Bay, of the planters Oxford where he graduated.
and landowners interested, and Mr. Ince was connected with the likely to be interested in cane Victoria Institute and Queen cultivation for the purpose of ask. Royal College of Trinidad.
ing the Government for a light railway to bring from the outtai An English Team.
ing central factory which will erected by private capital. We Says the Port of Spain Gassile understand that the landowners of recent date. would indeed feel the pity if the projected 5, 000 ton central factory had been visit of an English team of crick carried through for the Govern. whould fall through owing to the veron. eters to the West Indies next year ment central factory, the project inability on the part of the cold mey doubt il sufficient guarantee nies to guarantee 500 towards of canes will be obtained for a 10, 000 ton factory, and in the dent of the beams a their stay in those parte meantime, the appearance in the tow sports men of Demorara We understand, therefore, that cates the situation.
field of a private some of these have the game at bear havo suglandowners are prepared to grow couted that they be allowed to the part of the sum by at Golden Grove, but they feel subscrip1. tour If that be what St. Thomas has a right to the case and the some railway facilities, and the Australia in Narok naat door of which would faci: Interfere with the meeti digan lights bringing of canes from a litate the rabbing up of a ohne rondom was same suggestion would help the parish immensely lo This the Government will probleet oooogage the serious attention ably be asked to provide instond oolong as well as in Barbados en Authoritioula hale of the 10, 000 ton factory.
It 16 true something enormous compared the garanto Trinidad of must not be forgotten that times have changed and that overything Paper Industry to be is attempt to not made working in conforming colles Started Soon In connection with the propoe.
e this stage it is feared ed local paper factury to be erectan English Leed by Messrs. Thomas Nelson dies will bo a of the past Sons, Ltd. it is of interest to Gasetter recommendation. It We admire the spirit of the state that bungalows are now being created, east of Mount such a feeling by the local Prens accommodation of the staf. Mr. fail accompli.
Hope Estate, St. Joseph, for the that made this year Trinidad Barbados Cricket tournament Smooker being in arrangements, with Mr. lace as assistant With ith, possibly, the At a meeting of the Trinidad exception of a few acres, the en Chamber of Commoroo on Tues.
acres of land acquired day the following resolation re from the Government in 1914, the payment of a subsidy to the have been planted in bamboos M. Coy. was passed unani and as bamboos are ready for mously: Be it resolved that pulp making in between and whilst the Chamber years, there is. quantity now its appreciation of the ready for the mille. All arrange Sentiments given expression to his complet telegrain addressed to the Gov.
ed for the use of the factory ernor of the Colony, we are which will be 300 feet by 800 feet.
eet. utterly unable to acc to.
is expected posal there made of substituting any moment and, soon as install a provincial service with the ed, bam boos will be purchased Royal Mail from anywhere here or in the Quillota, and Arzila, which are neighbouring islands for the lo totally unsuited to the Colony oal paper making industry.
requirements, and for which service more over there is, in the The Trinidad Government have absolutely no need. Chamber opinion, at present under consideration Bill to au.
thorise the Government to fix the (Contis ued on Page 6)
maximum prices for sale of food stuffs and fuel for consumption in Advertise in the WORKMAN that colony and to authorise the and get Good Results seizure of foodstufts and fuel with a view to their pales for consump Llewellyn Kerr tion by the public new Supervisor of Tele BESMENCE 18 Market Street, Colonez Rr.
TEACHER: ETNONIST EPISCOPALOH sro phones has arrived in the colony ADDRESS: Box Cristobal. from England to take bread from Music, Spanish and Evening Lessce the mouth of the hard working that KING BEE One cent silver paid for every empty KING BEE package returned to dealer or the factory.
at what the end ade to regulatio team to of the visit to tho Wout Link thing of BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY. LTD charge of tire 000 on WestIndian News or gladly places ply of water have been call sup by the Secretary of in City The machinery steamars Quilpue.
All the VALUE in the SOAP CORRER 3rd and STREET, COLA Atvory Moderat. Price.
world, as a people who are determined to Lodge Publication.
aspire to the highest achieement, prinThe Eleast Temple No. 913 of the cipally throach organisation, etc. Pour attention is therefore called to this Grand Noble and illustrious Order of Worthy and benevolent Order whereby the Mosaic Templars of America, at wo may know each other as we ought 20th Street Ceutral Avenue, Panama and receive the benefits of which life worthy Jamaica tain parts of Hayti; and there are also a large number of cases in This Order being a fraternal organisa certain provinces in Cuba.
tion was promulgated by the Nextose of Advertise in th» WORKMAN America for the Negrues throughout the and get Gcod Results. Alastrim Still Concerned as to Spreading Here.
Emigration On Saturday The Number Of Will Ask Colonial Cases at Bumper Hall Hospital Reached 340.
Secretary Some Questions in the Council TO FIGHT THE EPIDEMIC IS GOVERNMENT AWARE The Gleaner of the 28th October The emigration of a large numotates: These were 340 cases of Kafir ba is giving some concern in ber of Jamaican labourers to Ca.
SUNLIGHT SOAP is made Pox at Bumper Hall hospital on more than one direction.
from the sweetest and choicest of edible oils and fats.
Saturday and, as we have already stated, the epidemic is still on the Legislative Council to ask the Mr. Wint has given notice in It contains no harsh or strong ingredient.
the increase. It is now quite clear Colonial Secretary the following is a It is the purest and most system of isolation that larger Is the Government aware efficient of soaps and, if used numbers of the population in of the fact that as a result of the judiciously, the most economical Kingston will become infected.
of soaps.
It is being urged that not only Cuba, the labour situation in this continued exodus of labourers to an additional infectious diseases island has become a serious prob. little goes a long wayevery particle is pure there is hospital should be established, lem?
but that there should be an innothing to harm the clothes or ased number of Sanitary In ed at any scheme by which this Has the Government arriv.
to impede the rapid progress spectors.
of the wash.
His Excellency the Governor exodus might be lessened?
ALL THE VALUE has supported the view put for notice of the Government that Has it been brought to the IS IN THE SOAP.
ward by the Central Board of the majority of these people miHealth, that an additional Medi. grate because they have no lands We are soapmakers with an cal Oncer should be appointed. And the syatem of tenancy in the ideal our ideal is to make There are several members of the island has become very under Soap which shall have no Council who incline to the ople one!
SUNLIGHT equal for Purity and Efficiency nion, however, that moro throughout the Will the Government contary Officers should be appoint sider the advisability of levylage country 90 superior in all the world ed instead.
This week Bill will come be above certain acreage!
be opecial tax on all unused lands URITY We realize our ideal in every fore the Legislative Council to tablet of Sunlight Soap which givo the City Council, which is the Movie Copcorn Coming Hero is manufactured.
Local Board of Health, extended ALL THE VALUR IS IN powers so far isolation to Mako Filos.
concerned. Cho BW will NOW Ukely be discussed alther ou Wednesday or Cberday.
ThWer states her Epleholm Holmedoms Noring later lapse of several years, mother Aardlag pot renkred long terms the worlds Jamaica tau ople do local callopen roule Panama Banking Company (BRANDON BANK)
creased SECURITY SERVICE 1000 SULIN CSAP Sanitain Panama (Founded 1863) Colon Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank Senaral Banking Business Transacted SUNLIGHT SOAR AO NON AN ART


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