
LIFEBUOY Riyi PAD DISINFECTANT SOAP THE many hands which are wiped on the co.
LIFEBUOY SOAP Volda Wood forening the where 30 bution PAON OUR SHB WORKVAN; SATURDAY, KOTEBRO donual Report of the Colone vetme lateersting News from the you wo this City) matters West Indian Branch lative to the West Indian Branch, Colon My phone number is 276 Corporation. Continued from page 5)
and say bour will be convenient for the of the Canal Zone Chapter, Aetria Yours truly, Red Cross Demerara (Signed) CLIFFORD BYNOE MANY (Conlinned from our Last Issue)
COPY The Princə an Demerara Ttb. large Court Yard for the December 29, 1019 children to play in and this should leo Mr. Heald, SPECIAL STAMP3 TO COMMEMOHANDS sontain a roofed shed where applicants, Chairan, CZ. Chapter RATE ROYAL VISIT.
men applying for ford, ein be given Amerie. National Red Cross Society.
éseks to do to pay for me. In order Dear Sir In connection with Mr. that this work will be a real bepand WIPE Dot few days after your return from the Brassinton su kestion that a upport lot of people who will work, it will be necessity that both wo United States sent you a letter request special stamp be issued in Deme rantanmemorate the visit of men and men are given work to about an interview on matters perlain His Royal Highness the Prince The house. In fact all the work must the West Indian Branch of the of Wales who is interested in ON ONE done in this way and by donntions, with be Red Cess Society Philately th. Government has rethe exception of the Nintron. ulio To date, hver, leave not received Poli a to the elect that presenta be in charge of everything and the Cook a reply, and as it is now injorative that tion of nem le e sat ol the local TOWER and Trained Nurse. The Nurse will wait, should commmicate with You, beg to postage stamps can be made to on the Doctor during his office hours. shortly after your departure for the the end will be male. This pro call following: che colonyand arrang menis ti anake calls, give out the medicines discried and superintend the feeding of Unitech states Mi. Dochery appointed an posal with regard to the store tie children.
a Ivisory ord for our Branch, the mem in connection with his About four rooms should be bers of which he stated would cooperate Highness visit is one that would reserved for the Wind, nged, lady with us, We know of the appointment, dirst have to be submitted to the poleci, until o hur strangements can wothing more.
Secretary of State for the Coio be made for them. The blind can be We were also advised at the same time tics, and that will be done.
taught to make Iraided rugs and other that a cheque account would be opered gelul articles that can be seld in the to our creait in one of the kcal banks; The Guiana Shipping and West Indivn olop nt lle Gilbert House, the signatures of a member of the Advi Trading Co. Ld, who own the We alrcndy have a that will feed these poor unfortunates Branch to make valid the withdrawal o quired the schooner Alham ra but not provide shelter, neorasary funds. That chequo account from Messrs. Baboo Ram Sawb oth. There should be two rooms for does not yet exist.
nero Co, Following the addition of hospital purposes, sudden sickness, and All of the funds collected by us have this schooner to the fleet it ha This branch perhaps been sent to Balboa Heights. with the ex maternity One.
been decided to reconstruct the should be larger than this from the start ception of 20, 25, of which latter company and to form a new com same towel are busy all day long handling and might include what Mr. Terrace amount we hayo advanced on account of calls RESCUE WORK. and might be the Panme Branch, to persons re The New Guiana Shipping and germ laden things Books, Money, Tools, dirooted entirely by Mr. and Mrs. Ten patristed to their homes by that Branch, Trading Co. Ltd. This company will shortly be registered with Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
10th. Vest Indian Mop must aleo which leaves us with 84. in hand.
bo induded in the soletne of times. Wo ised to look after cue charity camere, end duct a regular sailing vessel ser The Ladies of the Galbert House prom. a capital of 100, 000 and will con ve many Nite kod etildren that would be dothed from the resuntoot vansing financies, until we coud get a start vice between the West India Is Orleon med Grutobil. notice in the drawn, and daily wortby applicants dotte bring need to all the house in but that apparently has now been with lands and that colony.
paper vould bring bongo tull of this come to my alice, but we have no funda Grenada PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
cloth, obo out and made by this to their relice.
the little towing circles in To dato bave not been advised the Assembly Room, young gite to the amount placed to the credit of this It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy se bore seul home Visit of the Prince to sov.
Soap does more. It positively protects its users from ments can be sold in the Shop at prise tho Silver employees, and there has been small that the poorest onn buy of Wales number of inquiries on this score which the many germ laden things they come into contact 11th. Propery room whers wened, we cannot satisfy.
with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
mended clothing can be kept for distri You promised that we would get Picturesque Welcome Given 12th. General Store Room where Home, equipped, but we bave no fundo Future Ruler at Grenada Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will dou shold linen, extra orpplica al house 2, we expect to move in.
to procure one and many are asking when and Saint Lucia make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe hold nece. Bities, eto, can be kept.
All of these, and other drawbacks, bave 131b. Three per pink room for en caused the majority of the members and.:ECEPTION ON RENOWN with it. Shampoo with it.
ployees. 80 room in all officers to grow carele and orasing to THAN MORE SOAP YET COSTS COPY NO MORE take interest, and unless something October 201010 done roon, feel that cannot keep them Procession Along FlowerMr. HEALD, together much longer, Arched Route Amid Cheers LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND, Chairman, Cool Zone Chapter, Yours trly, American National Red Cross (Signed. CLIFFORD BYNOE.
and Ringing of Bells Dear Sir: Chairman, Crlon Branch, Il not inconvenlent, will appreciate a C, Chapter, Red Cr Society Grenada, Sept. 24. Grenada al West Indian College in Trink the dual fatality at Spring Valo Boernstein arrived in the colony the capital of the Windward Is dad. it will vote an annual con enanjak mine in which a lad nam and assumed duty as Amarican ands, give the Prince a pictu tribution towards the scheme. ed Hinds met bis death through Vice Consul early in the mouth resque welcome trday.
willul disobedience of orders and of September last.
The Ren. anchored in th Producers Association to his rescue when it named Springer in going narning ott the esplanade o was evident high red rooed houses, testling The suggestion is being made no rescue could be effected, also Dominica gainst the tropical greenery o in Grenada for the formation of lost his life. Secondly, only two Volcanic hills, and the Prince Producers Association as a days later one William Lewis The Dominica Guardian states anded in the sheltered cove of the meaus of meeting the cocoa crisis. caine Carnik. upon a decorated whari it is estimated that the total ing to steal a ride on u planta has under its consideration the to an untimely end in try that the Roseau Town Board veldench fort, and was of the freight on an arerage annual tion truck. Thirdly, within an extension of the town of Roseau. iv Was reci shipment is 140, 000 This other two days a letter carrier At a meeting recently held, the ed with every formality by the amount it paid in to an associa. met his death in a similar way. Colonial Engineer was entrusted incipal roridents and offici sts. tion, says a contemporary, can And these tio frequent similar with the work of preparing e including George Huddon Smith, form the initial capital of a con occurenc never seem to act as draft of the proposed Mr. Juy cern to be established by Grena. warning to others. boundaries which will include a UNITED FRIUT COMPANY on Administrada planters and merchants. From certain portion of the Good will Daviu. time to time the capital can be lands over the river.
Adininistrator of me The Governor has been in Port Limon Costa Rica. Lucii, Sir Thomas Haycruit, Give years or so there ought to the Secretary of State for the increased and after a period of formed by the Right Honourable Chief Justice, the head of the exist in Grenada a flourishing Colonies that Mr. John Mc.
Anglican, Presbyterian, Method Chocolate Manufacture.
Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty ist, and Roman Catholic Courch Cunn, has been appointed to act WILKINSON of housing accomodation, as Consul in Barbados for the Here the Prince inspected the United Barbados CONTRACTOR BUILDER of America. Pend guard of honour of the West Ining the arrival of Mr. McCunn in la Regiment, and afterwards the orlony. the Goveruments First Class Workmanship Free Transportation. No Deposit. roceeded up the steep streets, the Voited States has directed which were decorated with arch: The discussion recently in the Mr. IL Boernstein, Vice Con Plans and Specifications Free Must have Passport and of flowers amid the clanging House of Assembly over the sul of Port au Prince Hayti, to bulls and the of crowds for the wireless House 90 Vaccination Card.
West Indians and their Station was a case bee bielegraph take charge of the American 15th Street West dressed men and children, tot peating by the Attorney Gener Barbados Mr. history Box 411, Panama, itself.
Court House.
in the cool, shady courtyard, all of the of the Admiralty likely veto His Royal Highness shook hands um bicicus a one is only a repeti.
of the if made too Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
with numbers of returned their tion of the opposition from this lative Assembly Room, the wide Coaling Station scheme met with the wide source that our improvement and Cristobal, Canal Zone.
and deciul panorama of some 25 years ago.
Secondly, the junior member replied to addresses for St. Lucy of welcoure, posed amount as in some future of this ceremony OWNED BY the Prince was taken by motor time it may be desirable to reexr into the thicky populated move or extend the station, illus The National City Bank of New York THE WOMAN EXCHANGE country through some of the most trates the all too readiness to Head Office: 55, Wall Street uxuriant vegetation in the world, postpone matters. in view of some NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Jasi big cua and nutmeg plan thiog that may happen, sations, and up 000ft. into the Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 nountains, where he was showa It is noted DRESSMAKERS Ble forest shaded lake of Grand made by the that the latest Order Governor in Exeeu Etang, occupying what was ouco tive Committee regulating the Official Depository of the Republic of Panama he Crater of Volcano, prices at which articles may be Depository of the Panama Canal Knowing the service that is demanded from An official lunch and popular sold fixes the price of large bls.
every garment in these days of high prices, we have sa deu party at the Government cuits at 4f for cents. Do the the rest of the biscuit factories really make Through its Agencies in the Interior and douse tiiled up set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK way. To night the Prince hoids half cakes? If not wonder who its Foreign Branches this Institution offers MANSHIP. reception aboard the Renown. is to decide the accuracy of the exceptional banking facilities, to take place, Grenada Decision Draftsjon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands ANN THOMAS, Three tragio oecarenetes withA Reuter despatch from Lon in the past few days tend further Proprietress.
dou states that the Grenada Leg: to emphasise the fool bardiness laterest Paid on Savings Aoc suat, at Per, Cent Islative Council has decided to of the majority of our people: support the scheme for a Trupio Firstly, on the 8th Inst tbere was Per Anaum TRETUNTO Wanted! Wanted. LABORERS old ce Thomas, toro es, and others.
States First, the hint Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock dropped by INTERNATIONAL BANKING GORPORATION com come not to spend the proAt the close divisions


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