p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1920 YOUR DOLLAR tous How ܘܬ ficut in Cases The pot willa Roya íy Vi its TanSos. 20 Soosse 000 Cricket. FOR SALE ma an PACIFIC THEATRE Vincent an givos gamto A practically new sale Junalce.
stitcher, for re soleing or Jialin tuntia hail soleing and sewing To night, Saturday, November 7, 1920 Thorne lulet me to not hainess, or any beavy maNissan Optii terial. Can be seen in crd 4th Episodes of the big Universal Serial son lit Vironni in culot operation any day at MOON RIDERS FICE, Pannelli SP ZLAT To Morrow, Sunday November 8 Rain s:ops Shindard Exce sior game.
In Toth the The colonne Dr. Hubert Edwards, An exciting and interesting to Ist Sunday to play the REEL 192 Bolivar Street FEATURE 18 first hok at the wicht wil were all die for UTSIN FRONT OF MASON TEMPLE) bet Continuing with Episodes cach Stew night the corning week vergi bor the 3:33: Os sessica Soho we in cutting those dus MS.
chets for runs wir.
Dr. Radway Again the BF celor med try it doplicate the Sinner Mo Tsits the profound apButyful, us he tou went in first and Cup Sustu.
pociation of the Pandanus Writes Cuban Sit.
Washington, when the His residence is now at the for the visit and we wil then uation, Kali le bid wade 21 110 out. Alba Houso etween.
just is hapi reception at Gam. for To morrow. and Fourth Streets.
il way ports and il their puint of destination We have to hand a letter from Jamaica Surrey at Istbruin Park Dr. Radway, formerly of Sandard Ve Britannic at Standard Wanted Colun, 110w ut Havana, Cuba, Oval.
Panama Ce ebrates in which he deplores the condi Invested in Gas, purchases more real For the West Indian exising among the CHURCH NOTICES.
17th Anniversary hordes of West In weekly Steamship Company duriving at that city. From che St. Peter Church, La Boca value in the form of comfort and cause or antether, little attempt is reliable we recommend.
The service at se Peter Choo Stuck Silat opere The using the tes of the trum made to wa vith the insure that it is now wow, to Twenty third Sunday after ten the Roone vi luni convenience than a dollar crow. tel beyond its cpacity and, Tiintywi le as follows. consequence, the behaviour Miting and as at 11: Son ilmil. jubilantrocasion am the West Indies is simple diy school at 3:30 pto oud Creason, Applicant should be a was low to commence Son shockin. Havand, he says, and sermon at 30 m.
Warcaulder in the Company.
Cd to school child en cul for any other known is fast becoming a fruitful St. Barnabas Church, Empiri be seen in their way to for loose hitits among Aply thrctive chools to ako At St. Barnabw there will be cele ur some peugle.
part in ihat all in Osing cere WEST INDIAN CO. commodity.
he has kuuwn landlords having a mi Confirmation class meins at bration of the Holy Communis at 10. 30 several untenanted quarters to 73, Orange Street, za was the scene of positively refuse renting them to pu. Evening Prayer at 30 10.
Kingston, Jamaica the assembling and in addition to West Indians and on his appeal Las Cascadas to more children gather ing to these landlords in behalf dhunter the direction of AT At ipm to morrow there will be Div of his people, he is told that they ine service in the Mission Ball at Lar PANAMA GAS CO.
ther chers quite a number COLON GAS CO.
ASK FOR are muy bravo. Cascadas, Rev. Mulcare, Priest in o adeve present to take YOUR Cathedral Plaza 93 Bolivar St.
He desires us to advise all in charge, will be the preacher. very OCROL the ceremony.
tending settlers not to listen to cordial inviation is extended to all our Blood and Liver Tablets ght o clock precisely, Tel. 798.
SERVICE Tel. 364.
the many stories being told of an embers and friends in that vicinity.
three litte piris stepped forward expected revolution in connection Newest and best Medicino and taking hold of the lines startthe forthcoming elections but Harvest Thanksgiving Services made for ed the beautiful banner of the Members and friends of St. Peter to do their best on arrival there Republic on its way to the top of to scatter tnemselves troughout Church, La Boca, are lereby very cor. Liver Complaints Indigestion, th tax bule in front of the Mu the length and breadth of the dially invited to attend the amuual Hur Loss of Appstite, Bill Jusness nicipa Building while 5, 000 young island and he is sure from what vest Thanksgiving Services to be held etc. etc.
el by the Republican he himself has gathered while on the 14th inst. the Twenty fourth Band burst forth in There will be For sale at all reliable Drug Stores travelling around that they will Sunday after Trinity.
of the Natonal Anthem. It was DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC get work, the farmers in the in four services that day. celebration of Solo Agent for Panama, in terior still complaining about the the Holy Communion at 30 am. Ma: Demətrio Fábrega sight. After an is in the lo nos o thousands of farcilies which havo often saved dpeshortage of of labor and are quite tips and serinon, followed by a celebra: th by one of the Councilors, tors bills by having it.
likely to meet other West Indians tion of the Holy Eucharist at Panamá Drug Store arched to the Herrera You should cary home a bottle to day because you or your wife who have settled there for years Grand Flower Service at 3, 30 tn Chu Paza or children by neol it tomorrow.
where the rently re con and are Muller Building. Calidonta all rol Evensong at 30 pm. The Ven.
structed payxiound was to be other capital cities, Havana offers Archdeacon II. Cation will be the inaugurated On a beautiful by DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC a great many inducements in the the ewing preacher, The names of the decorated patform in the Centre is certain relief for buens, dobio iteh bruises. cuts and foreres way of amusements and fast liv other preachers wii be announced sext Dr.
of the pas ground were the Hoffman President ing, so that uumindful in comers Saturday, in all parts of the body. It is the one best prescription for eolie, the Republic of cramps, and diarrhoea.
soon find themselves spending has reopened his olinio for gen the Scretaries of Public Inf what little money they possessed, struction and Government, der eral practice for kynocologica Ask your druggist. Buy now and ther tales of woe.
Dr. OGILVIE cases and urological disorders of Lain members of the Supreme Another regrettable feature is IS NOW LOCATED A1 bou sexes, Diseases of the blood Court, the President of the Nat the tendency on the part of a great in accordance the ional Assembly,. embers of the many to go from place to place 157 Central Avenue, corne latest German discoveries. Aps Diplomatic aud aud Consular Bodies, seeking high salaried positions Street, plication of the Genuine German thu Ministers representing the with the idea of getting rich quick.
606 and ity latest woditications HOURS: to 11. 30 a.
United States, Cuba and Nicart.
One can easily see the false 310 30 in. 1495 arid Silber salversan. gus, the Cunsuls of Great Bri Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
economy in this as they are 14. 30 18. 330 lain and France, the President Telephono No. 746 Bundays: 70 lb a.
depleting instead of adding to and certain members of the Mu their financial store paying trans y Appointments can be arranged CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, nicipal Council and several Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
portation and getting nothing. Te ephone 8751 Opposite Amador Theatre He referred to the Bank Crisis The inauguration speech was which has been dealt with extendelivered by President Porras, FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE sively in our last issue and ex.
in the absence of His Royal presses the opiuion that it will be CHORRILLO DRUG STORE over in a short time.
Don Fernando de Baviera, paino had to forego his engage QUILPUE No. 48 WEST 18th STREET ment on account of the serious will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balbos moon, Collection ConJust Received a Large shipment of illness of one of his co commis MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1920, for sioners, General Arraiz.
Creollas Hair Producer the Werld Best Hair Straightener and GFONU BUENAVENTURA and GUAYAQUIL test At 10 o clock the firefighters and Elcaya Disappearing Cream of the city assembled in the Sao EBRO ta Ana Park where good conduct There will be a collection con bars were presented to deserv.
will leave Cristoba. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 7, 1920, for test Id at the Methodist Episcoing members by Coinmander NEW YORK plurch, in Guacha pali, on the Juan Guizuo. After the pre 11th of this month, coinwencing Everybody is just crazy over sentation, the Brigade paraded at pm. in aid of the erection of eDr. Welters Tooth Powder the principal streets of the city Belfrey for a Bell which has hended by their splendid band. MANAVI been presented to the Church by Boobuso te the ONLY deatince the polishes gold in the mouth. bleaches the tooth, retard prayona do sal rolleves 10thaobe.
Later in the day, an extraWILL lenye Cristobal a, m, will leave Balboa noon, WED four American ladies, to whoun thanks Proo from grit. Ito Antiseptic Try a tih to day 133 Buvar Sibasasa Blani sh. Onlon.
NESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1920 for ordinary session of the MuniciBox 731. Cristobal, pel Council was held at the The dedication of the Bell will National Theatre, when the Ac Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, and Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR, Distributors.
take place GUAYAQUIL on the same date. The of Independence was rad, Cutti Detition will be among four young ladies pamely: Miss Susan display of calisthenics and simVerge, Miss Laura Morris, Miss nastics by the S:T JAMAICA 30 GOOD WILL Lilly Wilkins, and Mrs. Amy cre, was another impor Bull Ring.
wil deere Cristóbal Ba. Will leave Balboa boob, FRIDAY, Belle Jackson There will be spe BST no ad business lives through its NOVEMBER 12. 1920, for tant feature of the day cele cial Sungeisolie, and thens, Customers. And Ita, greatest sys BUENAVENTURA and UMACO.
brations. The boys Wet HD, to along with other musieat items special addresses given by bhs their usual standard, and she is aseet is their good will.
1191 Our service has always play was enjoyed by the vist cry yd preseot.
For further. pcrtiaulars apply to the office of the Companies at clase of the eartest, the cons measured up to this standlera and bring omah yolun to ciation of the bed will brieg the Concerts by the Republtan tary, expression of friend.
coils meeting to see there will CRISTOBAL strip and confidence and Mretnes Bands latha ho no entance fes clared, just Come in and see our New Cathedral and Senta Arai or to the Paolile Steam Navigation Company.
Come one and all, and the Slip Grip Soft Colles Hola Pesnectively, which werondeusai tertin to see by buki 898. Better than pias.
isdam. uted for the 20cesion, boorgate coy oficial pro FANAMA ing one of the ladies and helpingitis Ler to win in the contest by cola FULLER Kudie vokseSplendid weather prevaile thevog hont Musn. ISAAS BRASDOR Phys. 14 Set Aguts.
lectiog bedre atunci JEWELER the day and the seventeenth an niversattus 38 a public The Royal Mall Sleati Packet Co. Panama.
Asheets in the worMAN Tonic 122 GONTRAL SAYENUE pred of witwta blot.
Budget Good Rosuits.
Panama, RP.
SU in the strains certnis an impreinen address press children 11 a.
are doing well. Like others.
we tender GO OS parks


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