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PRICE Cts. Damructive Fire at Jamaica CANABANS IN CUBA SENTENCE LOSS OF PROPERTY ANXIOUS TO RETURN HOME ESTIMATED AT 200, 000 VION. PERCY BENNETT British Minister to Pana Meted out to Curgla maand Costa Rica Returns wito Robbed Post Office.
20 months personal business Clared guilty by the after tollows: maica We to of 1907 take son we re con knows. one sured, so far Wartof al of season.
producing personages attended wit Cumberbatch, a ON British Consul Advised to Give copy welcome to the most serious genre at Centre boce peni Fire Reported cordial Honor. tentiary was the sentence pro Set by Thieves Free Passages.
able Prey Bennett, His Britannounced by Judge Hanan in the nie Majesty Minister to the Anen District Court last Mon.
Breaking into Store.
Bepublics of Panama and Costa day in the case a zainst Elmund Tie Jamie (mot that was my visit to their home Ric, who arrived here last Mon. Greaves charge with having lobist states thit euntry when the taking ift of the Cu day on the Ca steamer Ancon Office Late information from Jamnicu nise Wit also diret. on both com that of the bun gror is completed. But those who Cartago after an absence of near and of which chuse he was de reports the obras there is a wall in one comebase tir, said to be the larvest sinc factors Conbinn:t kep the lative interlay ve since been borrving home, and ly six Oficial and jury 800, Wajir Dixin sai he those who are preparing to come back as after fire 1917 stock. for little should like to ank the Colonial as soon the meritis of transportation are called Mr. Bennett to England on the evening of that day. report of the big conflagration damage done by the water which Secretary what was being one available at hoved by fear of impending the torney in of ons. The Discovered in respect to the large number of revolution, to setusted by a deste to preko Prinçn ul Wallis and we are glad for Thompson, who de pers in a Jamaica paper as er pt in and reach use while Jamaicans in Cuba who were a place of rafeiy. As our scries of specialito krow, that everything buvin tablish an alibi on behalf of bis The tire on Saturday night and by insurance in th: Junien Codesirous to returuing to the Ja article on Cubs printed out mo weeks agoen settled, this most popular polient, producing witnesses to Sunday norning which domolish operative Bro and General to: a miracle a dis Minister is again us bome The Colonial rretary said that b2100 in Cuban towards the end of Mr. Bennett apparently has bs Bruwe ithate Grea:es was at his ed Mr Mr. Leonard de Cordova su auce Company.
The Insurances local Government had been given this sove or the lozimning of 1921. nefitted excredingly froins his houses in the Chiorillo district at store, then switched over to the time the robbery was commit. lock up storeof Messrs Issa every facility. The had to then we interviewed Jamnicu labourers trip as he looks the very picture ted, but the evidence of the four Gapble and Son, is the big Army Cantren is insured in two and Bro and evidence thence The stock of the Navy and tol Messrs.
a communication from the Bri in that islaid, we found that they were of health.
tish Consul in Santiago and they apprehensivo and we felt that their ap arn that a good deal of forment witnesses left no room doubt bad in ormed him it necessaris prehen ion was well founded. But in ad important business is awaiting coerday će the mind of the rest blazzo in the city since the companies, viz, the London and Greaves guilt. It hquake tire of Lancashire, and the Legal Insurned tion to this fest there is also the finun him at his desk and for that rea. pears that during the he should afford fre passages to cal and industrial crisis in Cubs to take There is night of the men. The United Fruit Com cial Brigade; but it is generally The Army and Navy Stores Dany had decided to let one ono o nsideration, the great sugar usines well and glad that he looks as September 12th, last, a thief she Fire is much criticism of the ance Companies strong as lie does. Dur Dur ceeded in boring his way through admitted their vessels call at Santiago to there have stopped working, no une quite bona con Bennetta stay in the one of the windows into the Ally equipped to carry out the respect to damage to ted on that it is not thorough also have a claim to adjust in Old embark passengers and facilities ows just will. and it bad been extended whereby ver lor field Yatour ave, seven, en and even daughter, Miss Iris Winifred ed packages. In crossing the is equipped in a thorought shion efforts of Serxeant Major Parker, e that the fabulous prices paid of giving in marriage his only therefroin a number of register is only when the establi hment tioned that it was through the could than they were classed to bring fiteen dollars for a day work is now sennutt, who at one time adorn stable yard across the road from that the public can rely on any who is attached to the Depot, without prosecution. lear, a thing of the past. So what with a cesed Panaisa high society with her the post offe, he was hailed by thing like an efficient fire squad. thit the store premises were heat. Leation of employment, what with a natu charming bil lancy, to Captain the watchman on duty tbere. In Property anounting to fully saved.
Serbia President said he was tal desire to spend Christmas in the home Goux Richard Wen deh postrad however, of continuing his 200, 0ố has been demolished Coming to the bigz insurances, afraid the facinties would have country, and what wih fear of revolu. Goth Rifles, B to Field Mar flight, he turned to threaten the and it will be some time bofore it might bu mencionad thaives: to be in the facilities la pared won, the Jamaican is returni vk to Jemi shad Yi. count Frene ha viss ben watchman and in fact actually wont of the gentlemen concerned sus As sau und son was in their as their stock to the very insanitary cotidition ca by the thous ud. The question now is, nutt engagement having bien discharged a shot from the re will be able to re es ablish thiet er tous not assume that the can we so ito him lure? or, if we do announced for some une pist, volver lie was carryings. and by business of course the merchant the locks up store was concerned 15 of the wedding was being the heavithe 37. Vessels arxiving here.
soon as conditions there are fairly nor booked forward to with much recognised. Then in crossing the Leonard deCordova, in whose greater the risk was car From what a representative of luc. condos de mal once. And will be terest, and it that it nied by the World Auxtary In eringen, learn as win Cuba wilon a yet. would war me vf the prostiest wed linzo Coin Avenue, le can across store the fire originated. Several hi hand and Gittens of Siret, ternoon, there are at least 10, 000 Dotisurd to expect that the chief sugar of Further effort to obtain a ciu, surance Corporation and th: Pa.
a boy jockey, as to the cause of the confligra latine in urance Co. represented Jamaicans in Cuba Cubu who are ce duce country of ile world wille wir Byl Messrs Issa Caseh!
important bitos Some of them are returning producing up for long, or hat Cuban the ceremony, the Bishop of who were out for an early exertion was made yesterday, but is also had ortion of sur.
returning to the island. Producer Cise. At this momemt a a couple without success; and the therry Bros vidutinists will be permitted by the Salisbury officiating.
of this paesagas dropped, and which we advar:ced that th fire ance in the Scottisha Umi in and ing to the fact that the res United St is to keep the island in a stato tates on which they were workih of prolonged untest.
The prisnts wre many and azuin he inadvertently stopped was the set of a burglar is fully National, Coop raive and the costly, well becoming the happy to ek them up, at the same time borne out by the attempt to bur. Royal Lasurance Co. nies. It have been shut down, and the holding his Many of our returning emigrants have gun threateningly glarise the safe.
might be mention general fear old probable revo.
been robbed of their money, some love at Gittins. This time there was The store of Messrs. ilfat mr. Boyd worker ward to lution in the republic.
hey muy cerca Panama Chief Executive no mistaking the man, as Shorty Handal and Son, standing up in de avouring to savu portivas of assist lust part of their Messi senCommenting editorially on the bar porarily perhaps) owing to the future of to Git New Hom. Gittens in the midst above in its issue of the same banks, but god many of them will be tact and Cumberbatch who used to their stock meet hien daily at the Corralesual yesterday.
was open for business as date, the Gleaner animadverts returning with found at their owmand, The story of With regard to the insurance thus;And those muy desiru to purchase land.
At the meeting of the National where he was then employed. Its marvellous escape from des on Mr. Leonard de Cordova From June to the present time over Put this and fur other rewne wo are Assemby, held lost Moudy. That settled his hast. The police, truction in Saturday night and store and stock, we have good General Mana Quintaro in some way or other, learnt Sunday morning great confa reason to believe that the insus this laud from the ucighbouring repub. Council passed a resolution that in order. lic ul Cuba. It is also corinted that to exped the acquisition of lando fue micted for the consideration of was that Storty was arrested.
and it may now be adde companies, am ng them being Find the Deputiest proj ct by which large number are now wating anxiously to sale to stalletlero, the Governacia lit is proposed to thit what loss there was, ducher the commerciul Union. Mr. de the Jamaica Co Co operative to returo ten thuusand of our people, Privy Council Le Riven authority to con: bildi ig for the Pre idential Pal.
Ale Fome water getting in either we are told. The reason is obvius. clude purchases of suitable lauds when COMING VISIT.
suggested that the the Ehrough the roof or wluduw Cordova estimatrd his loss at Those who come back in June, July and appear to bim desirable to do so in the 1900 000 be vote from the Of President elect Warren kept the fire out; it is learnt that amount. Nothing definite will not exceed 100 August were only the usual contingent interests of the land setletneut sob. me easury of being solid concrete bux said Pounds sterling and it is said that he is insured to nearly wo and Harding 18 inches could be obtained yester av. In BIG RACE MEETING AT THE STOUTE DEFENSEd that a xeneral call bis u thick, and the walls of the ad the first place Mr. deCordova JUN FRANCO. COLLECTION FUND. architects to subunt plans to the Chief Eig neer of th4 It is officially stated that Pres. joining stores are practically of was only avls to get his book oct safey yesterday, and when To morrow proinises to be an. Cuction lists for the Soutoublic for Co Isideration and fial ident elect of the United States. the same thickness, while the representative of the Gleaner roof is also other big day at Juan Franco Defense Fund are now in the selec ion. W:hove that the pro the Honorable Warren Hard struction. Great as the tire was, cal ed at tile wharf he found the Race Trak lhe Panama Ric hunds of authorised th persons in posal will be a proved and that ing, will visit this Isthmus along it could not burn its way through clerks busy wcı out parto let interest in the Sport of Ind ans and other sym athisers ment of this work.
month. Senator Harding insuffered in no way what Messrs. Gamble and Son Blumes ous obstacles planned a Stutis behind prisen bars Jamaica Steamship Co. There will acquaint himself with and his senior reached the tire but the amount of insurance will dwindlu Las again des are asked to subscribe liberally trends, he sny, to mix business ever from the flame or heat. Mr. building was insured in the Prother big met and will to with pleasure and while he is in Hindal. the junior partner Londono a Aswurantin Company to to day for attemp:ing to tight the morrow pull off one of the most cause of right against mght, Appoints Agent.
es conditions in the Canl Zone, e zone at about 12. 30, with their not be able to restore the bunda exciting race in etings ever wit cause which is your cause and pecially the question of canal keys. They at once took out ing which is insured for about nessed at the Juan Franco Race my cause.
far as it affects ships their books, and every tive min. 7, 000 pounds sterling. The stock It is with great pleasure that of Am rican Complaints have reached the e utes the younger member open of island produce and other Besides the usual attractions committee that many persons de we annonce to our many real.
We that oppor. Ed the front duors to see that the merenandiz: estimated at 15, 000 Siil there will be a Cavalry Rac. siring to subscribe have not seen ars ihe upuointment of Mr. Sio tun ty will be given him also to place was safe, this action at the pounds sterling are how ver.
which will include a tielu or suine a collector, it is therefore advised they young as cal Agentie sudy at close range the status same time giving the necessary covered by insurance in the Loa.
ten not army horses. inule that all those who are desirous of the recent y established Javnaicthe silver emloyees of the ventilativo.
Tace, which for its comicality contributing to this worthy cause Steamship Company. Mr.
Param Canal, taking due consisure wexcite unusual interest call at the WORKMAN Are you hateam of inunha mand he deration of the heroic part they Then there will be a Buy Race. Prindery wuere a list can be are concernt will to haundie the played in the construction ani!
PUBLIC HEALTH. tality in the order nuned. One get all at.
open to all buys with ponies.
of this great ultimare completion bundred and twenty six cases of eutrance fee will be charged for engineering feat.
malaria Were reported during Under the above caption the the mouth, with deaths, both of this race and ench ompetitor ni Courteous and Of course we know that the will get a prize. It is the desir. well wanty will Isthmus. Influenz. Caused of the Racing Associatlon tu sti young lady of Panamwadilan was intending shareholders gods of the Canal will paint their Canal Record of the 3rd inst. whom were nonresident book the mulate interest in the boy roco Saturday at the Sant Tomas tr.
of loss fortunate co workers as states the following: transa cordial welcome to his of of Olack as midnight, but we hope One hundred and sixty three 12, and diphtheria deaths, typhoid fever 2, pellagra with the hope of making future bonpi al. She was much led by fees, which are lot found on that he will not allow himself to deaths occurred during Sapteinjockey of some of these boys. young and old alike, and to the same building and floor az be bun buozled. He should enThree hundred and ninety five tion has laid itsell out to urovide The fun ral wok place on Sungai Parlors, 143 Central Avenue. We servour to get first hand inter ber from the population compris births were reported for the As stated above the Associa: dath has been sincerely felt the Balsey Succesop Dentist de. Court from those personally of Panama and Colon.
ing the Canal Zone and the cities month, 28 of which were still.
clean and honest spurt for the morning at o clock and was at Chgratulate the Co. on its on. ce ned We are sure that births. Deaths under year of public who we feel sure will ap nded by a good number wito xcellent selection.
the trip will do him good as Pa Tuberculosis, colitis and en age numbered 44. Kiving an in preciare it. We therefore pre followed the corpset the ceine numa en bo ist to day of belog teritis, and pneumonia, with 21, tant mortality rate. based on the dict a buw per crowd at the age tery througli a heavy shuwerul Advertise in The WORKMAN one of the healthiest apots a 16 and 16 deaths, respectively. Aumber of births reported, ot track at Juan Franco to morrow. nalu.
and got Good Rosults. the surih.
were the leading causes of mor 119. for the month.
wa to erect for The store of Republic erection 601 am the walls are are fully very solid Con.
stuck tolls in in so for Young is we tuntio neces will get mento Hiscessary for its dev. com


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