
THE WORKMAN SMOKE UP Of Leper Cases in Honolulu.
Przedmond PIEDMONT Thelt the palled un The Virginia Cigarette وا other MANUFACTURER of 10 so, once, Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaA cablegram appearing in one of WALROND. at the office Central avv. tion Correspondence on all matters the local dailies during the early nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited And When You Smoke part of this week tells of a Mrs. de All copy for publication must be Resalt Bludsell, native of Hono. Box 74. Panama RP written on one side of paper only, and Remember lulu, who after suffering from prosy for the past titta RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of years, has recently the writer, not necessarily for publica One Year 62. 40 9. cy on but as smark of thod faith charged and pronounced sound SixMonts BC take tortura we do not Three by by the physici United States Public Healb Оде DIN InvisinskSATURAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1920, by DAL NO LIBERTY ON TRAINS Made of of a trip the sun an which The Stoute case which is engaging the nttention of all mostly in Burma independent prople from the West Indies and other foreign Asiatic countries. CIGARETTES countries has introduced to the public an issue of the mot The Finest, Mellowest Bus tells beroan story vital importance in connection with transportation between 10ther told me to observe Myran the terminal cities of the canal that lie within the Republic Butik Omerican Tobamo Tobacco.
our old tabus (rules of conduet) or. of Panama should be stricken with leprosy. said stupifying cowardice has silenced many persons who this daughter of a race that believed in.
smart under the chagrin of having their liberty shackled Divine rinity 3, 000 years ago and taught the power mind over matter over the Panama Railroad when travelling from one point From centuries before the christian era die to another in the republ But individuals whose sense of not beed her warning and in 1895 a personal rights has not become befogged under the pressure The Celebrated Piedmont Section burning spot on my right cheek apsounoof iron fisted autocracy are protesting against the outrage ed that my punishment had come.
which has, of late, grown to serious proportions, reappeared off and on but not in aggraof vated form until 1908 Stoute and others have been taken off the train on the From then on became worse, etup Zone while riding on purchased tickets from offices of the tione, as we call them appeared every Panama Railroad, for the purpose of going to places within VIRGINIA three months. My face and other parte the Republic of Ranama. The only line of the Railroad beof my body and limbs became swollen tween these towns lies along the canal banks through Canal and inflamed during these periods. In March 1917, was sent to the Zone territorty.
Kalibi hospital. From that time until It must be remembered that when a ticket is sold was released the other day took diffor to an individual for a passage from Panama to Colon, On January 10, 1920, ratifications of the Treaty of DANGER SIGNAL ent kinds of of treatment each marking a or vice versa, the railroad contracts to execute the deal. Peace and League of Nations were exchanged and Peace step of progress in the manner of refioIn case of an acc dent, damages for loss or injury are became effective between Germany, France, Great Britain, ing and administering the curative es.
recoverable through the courts of the Canal Zone; and it is Japan, and other Allied Associated Powers. But the most Stop! Read! Proceed to sence of of chaulmoogra oil.
Action. During the the earlier stages of the work logical to argue that the same thing is practicable in case unfortunate thing for the whole world is that while the at Kalibi chsulmogra oil was hard to of a breach of contract.
representative of America, President Wilson, who took part STOP. This is necessary, because cake, Mrs. Blaisdell continued, discrit If Colonel Chester Harding orders the arrest of an in the forming of the Covenant and framing of the League the signal of danger is promineatly dis in the remedy. At present an injes individual on the train after the ticket has been duly paid has succeeded in having other powers come to internatio plaved before your gnxe, namely symption is administered once a week, while for and that individual embarks on the train for his desti nal agreements his own country of which he is the execu toms of the deadly diseases of Kidney the remedy is taken interually the nation, the contract is there and then broken, because as tive head is still, through the inflexible obstinacy of Con sud Bladder and to proceed uncbeoked times a week.
READ. This is also necessary in Oil Brings Fever Chairman of the Panama Railroad Company Col. Chester gress, in a state of war with the Central Powers.
It could scarcely be hoped that with the United States order to direct your action as to the Som times, is about 10 per cent of Harding sells that individual a railroad ticket to ride on the train, thus showing that the ticket was sold in bad out of the League much in the way of a permanent peace safest route to pursue and as to what you the cases, the oil brought on a leprosy faith and that the deal was performed with sinister intent. could be effected. This Nation is not any longer a second should do to escape the confronting fever, accompanied by eruptions, and danger.
the doctors insucted us not to take the This condition, which is the most anomalous ever class power in the world, but is considered and considers PROCEED TO ACTION. When capsules until these had passed. This was known on the Isthmus, needs adjusting and calls for inter herself in the front rank of ruling nations. With the lack, you have stopped and read, then move hard to do for we felt that we were national and diplomatic discussion. The subjects of foreign therefore, of her political influence and international pres to action, for mark you, without this ing time and some of us disobeyed did and continued taking the cap.
countries are not free from the manifest spleen and choler tige the treaties of peace are accompanied with the most escape is impossible.
Start right now with De Witt sules during the eruptions. Before was of an inveterate autocrat whose latest pleasure is to perse uncertain circumstances.
cute and inconvenience self respecting people.
While the nations are contracting agreements among of escape from the serious danger.
Pills, the best, easiest and safest means on the road to recovery again my rook lessness had cost me the joint of one It is hoped that somebody has already taken steps to one another for the establishment of international and uni Millions have escaped by this king of toe.
place this matter before the proper authorities, so as to de versal peace, internal troubles in almost every country medicines for the whole world. No We had our afternoon tean, our arpa cide whether the offices of super foreman of the Panama are threatening the foundations of the governinents. Other is just as good.
tear theatricals and, of course, Kailroad and that of Chief Executive of the Panama Canal Germany and Austria now lie humiliated and ruined in the the genuine Piles pour tous el be ano, but huic areas in the waindt wait Take. Why But get munity whose majority are compatible, in the light of reason.
Russia her Co. Ltd. England. needed for the buildings, the board of No one is safe under the present state of affairs when self in a shroud of eternal chaos, while Turkey is sealing Sold at all leading Drug Stores.
health riding on the train. What is more annoying than to be mo her own grave by her barbarous policy of murder.
THE CITY PHARMACY, the sewing. Co operation was the keySince the cessation of active hostilities between the sto e of the station activities, for wa lested by the local gum shoes and stool pigeons at the bid139 Central Ayenue, Panama.
ding of a man whose hat seems to be too big for him. If Allies and the Central Powers, the utopian hopes of piling SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS, beav. ly ta ted to meet the expense of our the territory funds were this is democracy and liberty, may the Good Lord help us. the swords and spear s, cannon and gun on to the scrap beap have vanished like mist. The great powers are increas Thirty of Kalibi re2ND. ARMISTICE ANNIVERSARY ing their armament and improving their strategical posi. National o. of Oddfel lem than your team in patients were to tions, and the greatest distrust seems to prevail among lows.
out, also on Sole, and not one bas been returned to the station on account of On November lith, two years ago, the shrill blasts of them. There is one kind of open fraternization at round the sirens, the loud pealings of the bells and the sharp pip table conferences, and another back home within the re Layal brillant Panama District to urrence of the disease. vocal ya light No. 1241 I, 0, 0, in all have been released on parole within the year.
ings of calliopes proclaimed the news that the cessation of cluse of the political chambers.
fighting between the Allied forces and the Teutonic powers The world is not a whit nearer universal peace to day The above named Lodge will had been agreed to and signed and that the dawn of peace than she was when the armistice was signed two years ago. hold their regular meeting in Sympathy had commenced to line the erstwhile dark borders of the President Wilson plea of making the world safe for de their hall on the 18th instant, The many friends of Small, political horizon of the world.
mocracy was flouted by a non cooperative congress and 30 sharp.
will regret to learn that he is at Immediately after the rattling of cannon and the boom finally kicked out of focus by the Republican landslide of be on time. Matters of importwo fractured legs and is proMembers are kindly asked to Ancon Hospital suffering from ing of guns had ceased the churches sang songs of Thanks. Nov. 2nd. which told the nations that the political world tance will be transacted.
giving and Praise because the shedding of blood would be of this visionary is only as large as the western hemisphere.
grossing slowly. He was formerly gold time keeper for the Buildended and the slaughter of the Pride and Flower of the There can be no doubt that the five greatest powers of Loyal Victoria Lodge No. 45 ing Division, Northern District.
nations would no longer horrify the mind of civilization. world are not looking at one another with the same eye will celebrate Anniversary Political prophets and international prognosticators deliver that they used during the awful days of the gruesome cata ed pronouncements of a sure and lasting peace established clysm, and the League of Nations which was regarded a Loyal Victoria Lodge No. 45, year ago as the only sane solution to international disturb of will celebrate on the bssis of the potent League of Nations.
But after two years of anxious waiting for the opera ances is destined to be superseded by an indefinable some. its 4th anniversary on Sunday tions of the League and the evidence of successful predic. thing less perspicuous and more verbose than the present November 14th. There will be a tions of peace, the world is still looking for the advent of Covenant to which all of the great nations, except the Uni cession from the Lodge Hall at San Miguel precisely at 80 the new era of universal brotherhood as preached from the ted States, have subscribed.
to the Wesleyan Church in will grow long, diplomatic rostrums of the eastern and western hemispheres.
Yet the world wants peace. And peace can come, but Panama, where Divine Service straight The battle cries of trouble are still sounded over the fields only on the grounds of equity and reciprocal confidence. It will be held for the occasion.
and itching seal Nearly of southern Europe, and Turkey is still massacring Jews any nation holds an olive branch in one hand and a sword in Panama and Colon have been will stop if you and Christians as a national pastime.
in the other all the talk about international harmony and invited to the banquet on Monday QUEEN The great diplomatic characters of the war who shone universal peace will amount to nothing more than a mass night the 15th inst. and it is ea?
so illustriously during the world conflagration are now of vapor and hot air. Equity, Justice, Truth! These are the pected that quite a number of This wonderful hair lost to view in the strange confusion that has overtaken the bases of permanent and certain pence. Without them the them will be present.
grower used by this.
nations. Clemenceau, Orlando and Wilson are in the ranks nations may as well continue mobilizing their forces and BIG BARGAINS in Women QUEEN; tib of the most ignored in their respective countries, and their manufacturing their arms as they will, sooner or later, be Voile Dresses. All new Goods substitute. Sold in a views of a League of Nations and their dreams of a lasting needed for another war which will make the last one look selling at a big Reduction of peace seem destined to disappointment.
from 30 to 50 Beautiful Dresslike a plaything in a thoroughfare of children.
The League of Nations, so far, has not done what was es going at U. worth expected of it by those who helped to draw up the CoveThe first meeting of he League of Nations will be at twice their value. David Car who will call on you, and also at nant at Varsailles. It was thought that within a very short Geneva in the next couple of days, and delegates from doze Store, Formerly Chong No. 11, st. near Auron Pol Oficecan for35e. Try QUEEN while after the articles of the Covenant had been finally nearly every reputable nation, except from the United Keer, opposite Panama Lottery Murde kamers in the EN Office, QUEEN Pare Powder in three shades, shaped the nations would unanimously sign and agree to States, are already in Europe or on their way there. Wheand QUEEN Peroxide Skin Crean everything that is contained therein, but two years have phen the so uequestion in scanicus other besides the politiced Dr. CALVO Ungar, Distributor, pruning is a which No. 17, Panas Physician and Surgeon The Covenant of the League was first signed at Ver. States are interested, Anon, Cana!
sailles by representatives of the Allied Powers and Germany President elect Harding has made article ten the issue CENTRAL AVENUE AND No. 2, on June, 28, 1919. The German National Assembly ratified that boosted him into the White House in Washington, 19TH STREET, EAST, Llewellyn Kerr it, July 9, 1919; the British House of Commons, July 2, He cannot now allow his literal Monroism to turn turtle OFFICE HOURS: to 11 a. TEACHER: METHODIST EPISCOPAL BLY SCHOOL.
1919. The French Chamber of Deputies, October 2, 1919; and endorse the League, and yet we know of nothing bet3 to p. RRSIDENCE: 19 Market Street, Colon, the King of Tealy by royal decree, October 7, 1919, and ter that he or his coterie can offer. We shall wait and English, French, Spanish and Music, Spanish and Evening Lerncome Japan, October 30 1919.
see what will happen.
Italian spoken.
At Vory Moderato Prloos com.
furnished tbemos material and we did knev that treat pent.
some KINAK To ana glossy, dandiu use HAIR DRESS unds of women in te States. Bo sure to get ana by our as COANER 3rd and STREET, CGLON.


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