
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 13, 1920, PAGE THREE bany throughout the close. com KIN BEE ed Esterai minutes with CIGARE CIO Good Co cigarettes ET square Otra His Better IGARETTE Best Westward Bay, ro clock.
KING BEE ing in 1790 St. Lucia H, and the Jockeys.
The Priace soon made it appa rent that he would enjoy himself The Prince of Wales and accompanied by the digitale to the full. aving at Castries Halsey who kept him close afternoon, and there chatted with the stable bose Passes Under Arch of Coal and jockeys and owners. He ante wners. He con.
St. Lucia, Sent, 23. Leaving the versed for severai Grenada at daylight to day the the noted East Indian Jockey Bale Renown threaded her way through said he was born in Cileutia and Robin who in reply to the Prince green cones of the Piton Peaks England on two occasions. Ha. he and steep Pi.
scon Island, Adiniral Rahey shook hands with Balcobin and naval base, at noon.
the latter declared that he would The Prince accompanied by Sir Wales Cup. The Prince wished try his st to win the Prince of George Huddon Smith, Governor bime banded at the wharf at Castries, bim Jack and proceeded to in where he was received by Colonel Seet Hooligan with a critical eye.
trator, supported by the Chief Owth and secured two tickets Davidson Houston, the Adminis. As if satis tied with his inspec: tion he went to the pari mutual Justice and members of of the Exeon Hooligan.
cutive Council. Then passing be Princa Accepts 53. Wazer.
Beath an arch of coul, te ken of St. Lucia importance as the West Then asked by a man who had Indian coaling station, the. e Princ just bought a tick. com Qrick and crowded strents to Columbus Bloolik in best Quick the proceeded through the decorated Stop if he wouli wigur 56 that re, where 000 children re Princ readily topta: chal Katheted and where an add address longe afirming tith challenger.
of welcome was presented.
his continca in Riga. The Riyal Highress afterwards horse la ked by the Rival Guest more than ever Visited the brick bastions of Fort W1 Convern with the man Charlotte, where his his great, great jarur the race anak hitin before Frandfather, the Duke of Kent, pression of the people of British hoisted the British colours in Gurana the Prince express his 10 in delight and land by the forces under Sir often heard British Guiana admitted that he had is Charles Grey and Sir John Jervis name associated with malarial Here the Prince looked down to and bad sanitation. He was how wards the north, where into the ever delighted with the city sea jutted out Vigie pro. nontory. which he thought quite beauti, on which he could desery the and was struck by the exceeding site held by Sir William Mind friendliness of she people, in the world ows, who, with 300 British, in Mixed Frealy With Tha Paɔple 1778 drove back the invading The Prince rein ined on the enemy, 12, 000 stron course until the fourth race, lear.
he looked over the muddy ing amid cheers and expressions Cul de Sac where Sir Sam of uel Barrington desperate engagement with the the in 1778 fought a regret from tite populace at minutes past four o afternoon le One cent silver paid taing, while eastward he wingbed freely with the people.
could see, over the red roofs of coumeroush cases could be recounted where the Prince delightCastries City, the low palm shad. od the hearts of the hoi poltoi by for every empty KING ed beaches where Moore and his frankness and freedom from Abercrombie effected their land restraint.
BEE package returned Poses Before Camera At Girl Descending the steep slope of the famous Morne, the Prince Request.
to dealer or the factory.
afterwards attended a popular Shortly after the luncheon inreception at Government House, terval he was returning from the re embarking in the evening in paddock to his stand when he the Renown.
was requested by a girl to pose for a photograph. As the girl was about to press the bulb sbe Demerara was asked to wait a minute. His Highness gave his helmet a sporting angle and smiled his readiness, Some very interesting incidents The Prince As Staater.
are given in an intercolonial paper There was six races on the concerning the Prince of Wales day programme all named after movements in Demerara and we members of the British Royal pass thein on to our readers; BRITISH CONSULATE at Panama would be glad to hear Jubilant at the sight of the car. vered in the race for the Family. Chief interest was cenof the whereabouts of the fol.
riage in which was His Royal of Wales Cup, the third event NOTICES.
lowing: Highness, some men in Water the day. The cup Richard Carter. Alexander Dresented Street broke from the orderly by the colony in honour of His The British Consulate. Colon.
three throng and approached to bid would be glad to receive informa Bailey, Geo. Minott, Frances Robinson. Miller. tion as to the whereabouts of Mr Joseph Brooms, William Minto, Royal guest welcome the rice was increased by 300 Royal Highness and the value of Proinptly the police intervened added from the funds. All the Allen, formerly of Waveworth, Jamaica It would appear as if the England, latterly managing a busi: Georgiana Matilda Brown.
but with a charming smile and a noted flyers had been prepared blow was purely local, for be.
ness in Front St. Colon.
yond the property of New Works wave of the hand the Prince said: with a Advertise in the WORKMAN with a speciul eye on the cover da Let them alone. have come to three miles from here. where a The race a mile.
the people; let the people have Shortly before the recommend was The British Consulate General and get Cood Results. Local Cyclone. ww banana and other fouit trees their way.
to be run the Prince expeessed a were no damage was done. In fact, no breze nor In honour of his visit, tho De. desire to oficiate at the Linstead, October 22. Acy rain was experienced at Wallens merara Turf Club had arranged gate. Six horses lined upclone of great force visited this which is but one mile from New a three days Race meeting at Bel (Balgobin, Land Lady. HD Pa town during the afternoon of last Works.
air Park to which the Prince siz Bedelia (Bullen. the Barbados ro trol. Worrell. Atom (Bonner. Wednesday and did much damnified his intention to be present age to bananas and other fruitful Brunner Died on Ship on his reaching the grounds, th presentative well trees as as The Prince Prince received a hearty buildings.
mount The day was bright and fair from the record crowd on the course and, semina ed the platform and made him.
the sun shining in all its The Gleaner of the 27th ulto, to th selt familiar with working of the splendour when at about 125 says that at about three o clock front of the stand, waved his lever. Behind him not a yard o clock, large black clouds began yesterday morning Henry Me helmet in acknowledgement. He away was a dense throng the to Ho people behind the rails.
was in mufti and wore a khaki Next came the driz Clymount, a native of Top Hill, zling rain and a slight breeze Clarenden, died on board the helmet. The grand stand and the (Continuat an Page 61 sprung up. In a few seconds af. Steamship Remlik which was in 52 and 33. stands were also pack from the sweetest and the rain was pouring in tor the harbþur. From what could ed with a gay throng, the ladies Advertise in the WORKINAN choicest of edible oils and fats. rents while the wind was raging. be gathered, the deceased was in being very much in evidence. and get Good Results It contains no harsh or strong Large branches of trees were Cuba for some ingredient seen flying through the air, and been in some time. He been in the best of health, and hoge trees toppling orer. Zinc decided to come to Jamaica, so he It is the purest and most efficient of soaps and, if used sheets were blown from the took passave on board the Remlik roofs of shops, and show glass on Monday afte judiciously, the most economical up in the fury of vexs came up he was placed un.
of soaps.
der little goes a long wayblocked in some places with the the querantine, and anchored in the stream, and as stated above, every particle is pure there is fallen trees, and labourers had McClymont died at about three (BRANDON BANK)
nothing to harm the clothes or to be employed immediately after o clock yesterday inorning. The to impede the rapid progress these away, The matter was reported to the of the wash.
were literally strewn SECURITY with Waterpolice, and Sergt Major branches of trees. Coconuts were Francis took the necessary steps, SERVICE ALL THE VALUE blown off the trees in large num and the body was taken to the IS IN THE SOAP.
bers, while some of the trees Public Mortuary where Dr. Law.
were uprooted. shed with zinc son Gifford, O. for Kingston, Panama (Founded 1863) HColon We are soapmakers with an ideal our ideal is to make a rooling owned by Mr. Rolier Performed the post mortem ex Soap which shall have no one Mrs Edith Natla: how was blown while amination and ordered burial. Our large Resources and well known SUNLIGHT equal for Purity and Efficiency SOAP conservative Management afford unglasses was badly smashed, Mr throughout the country 00 McFarlane suffered superior in all the world.
a half, questioned security for every dollar CUADO PURITY We realize our ideal in every only a few stalks tablet of Sunlight Soap which ing here and there.
Physician Surgeon deposited with this bank Banana cultivation on a whole is manufactured.
Begs to announce that he has suffered most, and several of the ALL THE VALUE IS IN peasant planters have been hard removed and unay now be found at 131 Street. THE SOAP THAT WHY.
bit. Mr Gaynor lost nearly one hand red temis Apart from young Phone 91 trees. Mr. Clarke also had his field of bananas reduced by al CONSULTATION HOURS: la 13AAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON Targe number. The wind did not mi to 12 noon; 30 Proudat Vice Predeat.
Trom last more than about five minutes out the damage Wes were to 4p. p. to p.
WestIndian News their cup All the VALUE in the SOAP th (R. Worrell. and NO with the gather.
SOAP SUNLIGHT UNSCENTES He had not On afternoon es broken Panama Banking Company line to clear streets 1000 y much of creand so on. DR. Mc. MILLIARD, stand General Banking Business Transacted UN THE LITLOOT. SUNLIGHT SOAP


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