
dray the Forel THE many hands which are wiped on the CURIALAHRATINEWITH LIFEBUOY SOAP with an autographicers ness. Inteersting News From the Lady Constance Stewart Rich On Monday afternoon a fatal ardson, the world renowned accident occurred near Hothersal dancer, happened to be in Trini: Turning, when Ebeneser Elcock, dad during the visit of His Royal a postman, was crushed by a dray Continued from page 3)
Highness and at the Prince re belonging to Bissex Hill planta Terrible Accident quest was invited to tea at Gov. tion. We understand that Elcock ernment House and give a private beg begged for a drive on the Trinidad, Sept. A report exhibition of her dancing Lady and on attempting to get off on has been received in Georg town. Constance responded to the MANY ses slipped which took place at the Turtlation and for all an hour danc and fell, the wheels of the dragi Demerara, of a boat accident to selections provided by gra passing over his body. The un Falls on the less qube Licen maphne, there being no one fortunate fellow was quickly con HANDS Monday, 13th in Tuo boats su. The leading boat passed the falls piano accomp iniment. She re where his case was at first con: erived congratulations from the sidere. hopeful by the doctors sally, but the second, they pre Prince for the tine display of her at that institution, but a change WIPE was caught in the port of in art for the worse took place, and falls ard was found to be sinking cock died about half past seven at the stern. Twenty three men o clock on the evening Barbados were aboard with a load of about ON ONE day, At the Hospital an inquest six thousand pounds of balata.
was held about midday og Tues The boat was lost in the whirl day by Coroner Brigns and a and eleven en lost their The dead body of a woman 65 jury, and a verdict of accidental TOWEL Fico including the bow man and years old, indentified as that of death was returned. The hospi captain Elizabeth Prescord of Bently tal Authorities handed orer to boat and cargo formed part of an exjudition helunging Christ Church was found in a the Colonial Postmaster he leto in. Garrott well belonging to Bentley plan ters which were in decenas de las Nothing was saved. The newestation on Friday 8th instant. At session at the time the accidens: of the trawidy was brought to the request held the same day occurred.
the jury returned a verdict of tout by two of the sur le death from shock received from longing to the Grenada injuries.
Trinidad The Annual Industrial Exhibi tion has been fixed by the Age The Princeand The cultural Society to take place on The Prince of Wales Wednesday December 151h, next.
West Indian.
in Trinidad The House Committee of the Appreciates Messages of General Hospital at the regular Welcome monthly meeting on Wednesday same towel are busy all day long handling Clippings of Incidents decided to apply to the Govern When Hon. Lazare of ment for 17, 500 for the Hospi: WILL WATCH DEVELOPMENTS OF germ laden things Books, Money, Tools, Trinidad was presented to the tal for the rext year. This will Prince. His Royal Highness ex. included 1, 100 for the purchase Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
claimed: Here comes the Gold of a new Rays outfit. Rev. Williams Chaplain to the in en Jubilee gentlen an.
stitution was granted a month On the 24th inst, there was a The Prince of Wales presented leave: Special Welcome issue of Tax Hon. Col. May, Inspector Gener WEST INDIAN in connection with al of Constabulary in Trinidad, Near Green Hill on Saturday the visit to the colony of His photograph of last a white man named William Royal Highness the Prince of PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
hitoself for the Lewis met with his death by fall.
ing from a cart on which he was Those who sent us Messages During his stay at Trinidad, getting a lift from Bridgetown of Welcome to be published in It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy the Prince of Wales atter. ded to the country. The cart, laden our papers will be glad to hear Soap does more. It positively protects its users from Divine Worship at Holy Trinity with manure was on its way from that the Messages have met with contact Cathedral and congratulated the the city to Lancaster the many germ laden things they come into plantation: Royal appreciation. We beg to choir on their singing, among and on approaching Green Hill thank our contributors, many of with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
the pieces rendered being Field the accident occurred. It is stat; whom, while expressing their Te Deam and an anthem Ho fell from off the cart, the wheels Sincere sentiments in their ex Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will. Mendelssohn, speaking to the of which passed over his head known to His Royal Highness make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe Dean, His Royal Highness said; and crushed it. The skull cap the extent of our loval piram with it. Shampoo with it. What exceptionally fine singing was completely severed from the tions to to higher British citizenyou have and what great interest head, and the brain of the you take in the choir. And what tunate man scattered on the road, stitutions of government, representative in MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE The police, ve your Royal the fatal accident, conveyed thoed the very tirst opportunity for the Dean replied Our LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND.
Highness the members of the corpse to the Mortuary on the presenting copies of THE WEST choir with one exception are all Reef grounds, where an inquest INDIAN to Lieut Col. Grigg, His West Indians. Many of them was held on Sunday morning at Royal Highness Political Secre.
have never been outside of Trini. which a verdict of Accidental tary, to be laid before His Royal dad.
Death was returned.
Highness for gracious accep His. a young man of tance and copies were uiso ser the people, upon receipt of the ability inclined to reside in the Dr. Hubert Edwards, to be given to every member of above, promptly cabled back the tropics for a while.
the Royal Party reply hereunder:182)Bolivar Street Early on the morning of the The Agricultural section of IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE 25th inst, the following letter Chief, Governor in.
Islands send the community deserves hearti.
was received.
a sincere wish to Your Royal est congratulations for their gen. begą to inform the public that RENOWN, Highness for a safe journey Grenada, Ensland and a a happy meeting and vegetables to the officers with the English Drug Store, erous response in sending fruits he has severed all connections September, 24th 1920. on eleventh October. Taguin ex Special parcels were sent to Pan. American Drug Store; bu with Their Gracious Majesties and crew of three warships, owned by Mr. Salazar, of the The Editor, press the appreciation of all sec. the Prince of Wales by his oftices have not been removed THE WEST INDIAN, tions of the community of the 10 Young Street, great honour conferred by Your the Agricultural and Commercial and he can still be found abve Society the Singer Sewing Machine St. George s, Grenada, Royal Highness to these Islands, Company. Same old stand.
and assure you that the visits Bis residence is now at the UNITED FRIUT COMPANY am desired by the Prince ed by the inhabitants of Grenada FOR SALE and Fourth Streets.
will be affectionately remember Alba House Letween E, of Wales to acknowledge with and St. Lucia.
Port Limon Costa Rica thanks the copies of THE WEST INDIAN sent by you for his ac HADDON SMITH ceptance day, His Royal HighA Ford Motor Car Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty much appreciates the Tradesmen have come in to In first class condition WILKINSON of housing accomodation which this their own for the past two or special issue contains He is terythree weeks. There has been owner will make sacrifice sale CONTRACTOR BUILDER glad to have made some for personal as he is leaving the Istmus.
acquaintance with the life and some have been able to make a Free Transportation. No Deposit. activity of Grenada, and will be little money. As there is still For particulors apply at the First Class Workmanphip Watch the development of its very much more to be done we Workman Printery Plans and Specifications Free Must have passport and loyal aspirations with constant are looking forward to a conti interest.
auance of the good that we have Central Avenue and corner 15th Street West Vaccination Card.
House 90 only just begun to do in St. street.
Your obedient Servants George Box 411, Panama, Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock GRIGG When His Royal Highness was Lieutenant Colonel, touring the town, he acknowledg Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
Sec. to HR the Prince of Wales led the cheering of the crowd by neat ceremonial salutes. After Cristobal, Canal Zone. Farewell Message from the ket square, he kept on saluting, leaving the function at the Mar Prince of Wales and noticed that many persons did not discern bim. He then The das alter his departure took his handkerchief his from this colony. His Royal High pocket and waved it familiarly as OWNED BY ness sent the following telegramihe went The elicited The NationalCity Bank of New York of appreciation of his phone to the greater THE WOMAN EXCHANGE Windward Islands to His Excel log betiker, This obeert said to the Gok lency the Governor: erner as his side. On the way Head Office: 55, Wall Street NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Renown, 26th Sepleaber. to the at. To Governor in Chiet, wared his handkerchiei hill along Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 Windward Islands of his DRESSMAKERS car wald Good bye, Good bye. have much erfrged my viitto persons lining the route. The Official Depository of the Republic of Panama to the Windward Ishods, and am parting was a touching one. Depository of the Panama Canal Knowing the service that is demanded from very giateful for the lusal met come prepared for me. Please every garment in these days of high prices, we have express my warm wzipreciatkan ciljuneda horiy vote for the Although the Legislative Coun Through its Agencies in the Interior and set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK to the Government and pearle sulary of a Legal Assistant to the its Foreign Branches this Institution offers MANSHIP.
of Grenada and St. Lucia Anterney General, no nne hus ad exceptional banking facilities.
very sorry but to visit St. Vincent and other we suppose the matter is in the able yet been appointed to the onst.
islands in the Windred pande of the colonial Office ANN THOMAS, Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands for know it at they would have Shich is trying to select per.
xelowed me just as byally. My se qualified enough Interest Paid ongSavings Account, at Per Cent to occupy best wisbes to one med all.
Nhé nyásponsible poult on. The Per Annum BEWAP. ty which lead as 600 per TIITTITUITIENDUITE Tum 26th Wanted! Wanted. LABORERS Sir, ness the am, INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION from lo have been


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