
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1920, THE WORKMAN PIEDMONT KINKY stra and itch Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND, at the office Central av tion. Correspondence on all matters Due and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited de All copy for publication must be Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 S. the writer not necessarily for publica Six Months on but as a mark of good faith Three we do not undertake to return One 2x ejected corrispondence THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE QUEEN Hair Dressing TIE and of The Litty of the is the palladium for JIN CLEEN The C0OL MILD Smoke QUE With that lingering taste MOISTURE PROOF taxes are running the canal an entirely different aspect Sincerity of danger victorious in terest SATURAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1920, WM. STOUTE VICTIM OF SPITE Some months ago, an editorial comment in one of the leading London newspapersreputed for its nation wide circulation in the United States, notid for its veraeity in Ungar.
discussing international questions and esteem for its authenticity in all matters gave prominent mention to the Agents Wanted alleged unjust ireatment meted out to the colored employ ecs of the Canal Zone, persecution of the officers of their Panamanian En plcytes of recognized labor organization and exploded the monstrous Canal Zone Cranise mistatement of facts which had appeared in a Washington periodical stating that Governor Harding had successfully Labor Union.
settled the silver employees strike with an increase of five dollars in the pay of the strikers.
number of Panamanian eu It was only then that the American public came to ployees of the Panana Canal met last Tuesday night for the purknow the real state of economic affairs on the Isthmus of Panama, and the information they received, it has been PACKETS OF 25 pose of organising a Labor Union to be known as the Panama Canal claimed, made them stand aghast at the gross mis managePanamanian Employees Union.
ment and ill advised policy of a work which has led to the Mr. Luis Alejandro Victor, by complete disorganization of the colored labor force on the whose efforts and invitation the Canal Zone. tissue of falsehoods had preceded the only meeting was called, explained impartial account of the strike and its consequences, but the causes which prompted the DANGER SIGNAL lack of guarantees in their condi move, when the truth broke upon the ears of the people whose which was the Sincerity is Imperative tions as employees. He told his before Stop! Read! Proceed to hear hearers that he had already comSince the whole world is already familiar with the facts municated his intentions to the You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide.
antecedent and subsequent to the late strike among the Secretary of the Pan American What you indispensably need in silver employees, it is not necessary to reiterate anything STOP. This is necessary, because Confederation of Labor, Mr. Ca order to completely dominate your sulferings is the famous the signal of danger is prominently dis inito Vargas; who had favored in that connection. It is already known that the strikers were forced to return to work and that they were Health Syrup of Hypophosfites plaved before your suxe, namely symp him with a very satistastory to ply. Mr. Vietor also told the toms of the deadly diseases of kidney ply made to submit to a reduction of from five to twelve andof world wile reputation for NEIRASTHENIA, ANAEMIA, WEAK. and Bladder and to proceed uncheeked meeting that he had during the month of ctober written til a half dollars in their salaries, which they suffered for sev. NESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, DEBILITY, ETC means instant death READ. This is also necessary inainine sident elect eral months, the only instance in the civilized or even barFor sale at all drug stores the barous world in which workers struck for more wages GERVASIO GARCIA, mafest route to pursue and as to what you Panama Canal and askok bis order to direet your setinn as to the shoyeitt and were answered with a cut in their pay.
should do to escape the confronting support and proiection Now after the interval of eight months, Stoute has Asent for the Republic of Panama been arrested and detained for deportation because he, like 68, CENTRAL AVENUE.
PROCEED TO ACTION. When expressed the hope that we you have stopped and read, then move Harding would be seventern thousand silver employees, was constitutionally to action, for mark you, without this the election Canpin. Mr. José connected with the strike which told the world that the sa thien followed in a bril escape is impossible.
exceutive administration of the Canal Zone was not giving the colored workers living wages. During this period seriously desire his deportation from the Canal Zone? And Pills, the best, casiest and safest means Messi Vietar On Bul Start right now with DeWitt liant address after which the election of officers took place, Stoute has been silent on every question affecting the sil if deportation is inevitable, chaparelse under the same prvi Milionerad become Millions have escaped by this king of lido being elected Presidente ver employees in the Zone and has been anonim to Panama. medicines for the whole world. No Vice President and Secretary on in himins attempt to get from one city to another in the other is just as good.
a unanimous vote. We wish the Republic of Panama Stoute was, four weeks ago, taken off tion to issue a passport by which Stoute could be sent to the genuine Pille put up by De will watch its career with inPerhaps, a request will be made on the British LegaTake heed. Why not you? But get new venture every success and the train by the Canal Zone police and taken on to the Barbados. Such an effort would be an act of the brassiest WITT Co. Ltd. England.
Canal Zone, where he has remained ever since. No charge audacity, the most shameless insult and the fiercest politiSold at all leading Drug Stores, was placed against him and the statements delivered by cal outrage. Would the persons making the request hope THE CITY PHARMACY, Isthmian League of the government are colorless, empty and childish. The to flout the dignity of the British Government by asking 139 Central Ayenue, Panama.
position of Stoute is as clear as daylight. He has done her to do an unworthy thing in the sight of the thousands BOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS.
nothing, and nothing can be proved against him.
of her subjects domiciled here?
The general monthly meeting On the whole, this case has fallen to the gaze of the of the Panama District will be world. People of every country are looking on interestedly of the Canal Zone. He did not go there voluntarily neither All that can legally be done to Stoute is to put him out Pen Grenades convened in the Wesleyan School and awaiting the outcome, General sympathy on the Isth does he wish to be there. Eight months have not changed room to night beginning at pm.
mus has been accorded Stoute, and it is a matter of singu the fiery man hunting venom of an autocrat againsta man mental dyspeptic, and is also Matters of importance to memF. is both a physical and a bers will be ciscussed.
lar importance that the American public in Panama and on are to turn the Zone have shown their disapproval of the actions of who dared to speak out for himself and his co workers as heavily amicted with negropho out fully that so there may berlin concluded to be a strictly personal and unofficial matter; don and ordered the liberation of a criminal who confess children are so unruly is that Governor Harding whose treatment to Stoute they have to their need for bread. But the Governor in less days than bia. Ishun him?
good attendance can be counted on the fingers of one hand signed the parOne of the reasons why our BIG BARGAINS In Women and their sympathies towards the man whom they feel to ed his guilt, and who had not only robbed the Panama Rail. come parents, especially mothers. Prescobie here we loods. rsetting be persecuted is of the quality that speaks louder than road Company, of which the Governor is the President, but do not appreciate complaints 20 at a of from words.
The question of the deportation of Stoute is one of in the penitentiary at Gamboa whilst their boss bas also distributed to a gang of accomplices who are now in concerning their children mis es going at u. worth 30 to 50 Beautiful.
ternational interest and far reaching consequences. The scot free.
gone Colonel Harding ends his term doze Store, Formerly Chong twice their value: David Carnaturalization papers which are translated and printed in as Governor of the Canal Zone on Kee, opposite Panama Lottery another column of this issue are self explanatory. They say Stoute may be manoeuvred out of the country just as December 31st. Buttis be going Office, in incontrovertible language that Stoute is a Panarnanian he has been suggestedly manoeuvred out of his citizenship, Stoute will always possess a citizen and is therefore entitled to the rights and privileges but he has already won a moral victory over his persecutors. stout heart no matter where he WANTED. Colored salesman, honest of Panama. This being so, not even the intrigues of sophis His name will go down in the history of the Canal as the goes.
and energetie, to sell excellent lines of try can legally, politically or morally invalidate the docu man who championed the cause of an oppressed, half starvWho will be the next Cana toilet articles to colored people in Panament without casting indignity upon the government of ed and boss ridden people, while that of the Governor and Zone Governor is hard to prophe and Colon, by house to house can.
Good commission paid. Call Panama and making the signatories to the papers ignomi his colleagues will stain its pages as the society of blunder. 55, it is hoped he ll be a gentle Yassing man with a conscience, at No. 17 Street, the Canadian Shoe niously contradict themselves in the face of the whole world, ing plutocrats who ran the canal out of centre.
Shop at 30 Yesterday it became known from official quarters in the Canal Zone that Stoute had been declared not to be a dependent gentleman. His honour, integrity and honesty est one we have ever experienced. Isthmlan Undertaking Co. Ltd. Whenever Stoute leaves here he must leave as an in trations the present is the poor Of all the Canal Zone adminis.
Panamanian citizen. In the face of the papers which he have remained unsullied and irreproachable. He was never holds the world is confounded as to what process of reas: mixed up in an ugly deal, neither is there any scandal at but they want to turn it into a Taboga is an A1 sanitarium oning was followed as a percursor to such a conclusion. If tached to him. He can stare the whole world in the face, military reservation. Members of the Board of DirStoute is not now a Panamanian what is he? Is he now an and no man dares point a finger of scorn at him. He can ectors of the Isthmian Under.
international hybrid, half Panamanian and half British. depart from these shores without the least shadow of sus his dirty work, but he had better moned to attend the monthly Sam Police is out again with taking Co. Ltd. are hereby sum.
Such a position is incongruous, illogical and ridiculous. picion resting upon him, and without fear of being called to remember that when dog eats meeting to be held at office of the Really, we do not feel that the British Consulate is concern. justice for any crime or misdemeanor eommitted openly dog treachery is evident.
ed as to what Stoute now is, but rather as to what he is or secretly.
ber 25th. at pm. Business of not. He can not be a British subject since he has renounced The rain last Thursday knock great importance to be discussed.
all ties and allegiance to the British King, and has been acThis is one of the most interesting cases ever known ed the starch out of the Armis.
EVANS JESSAMY, cepted by the chief executive of Panama as a Panamanian on the Canal Zone, but the manipulations by men who tice program. Let we pray!
President citizen boast of mental superiority will leave a stain upon themPanama will go dry when HENRY SPENCER, That the Canal officials have ridiculously advertised selves which time nor fortune will ever be able to erase. there is no more booze in the Secretary themselves and made farcical display of authority is the Those who have symathised with Stoute are satisfied with world. Many parts of the concensus of opinion of the cosmopolitan public of this his conduct and manly principles and experience a feeling waterdry, but are as wet as a lily stalk.
Dr. CALVO country People are wondering if the case is not one in of sincere pride that they have had the privilege of contri The only way a man or woman, which a body of plutocrats have sworn to wreak vengeance man whose skin is like ebony but whose heart is as white Zone, is not in the barrell, but in CENTRAL AVENUE AND No. buting tangible testimony to the elevating qualities of a can safely take booze into the Physician and Surgeon upon a single character of Isthmian plebeanism. It is felt that vindictive force, venomous spite and mean spiritas snow.
the belly.
19TH STREET, EAST, ed rancor are combined to execute the most vicious deter Fear not Stoute, the forces of bell may be let loose, Some of the Canal Zone police OFFICE HOURS: 10 11 am minations.
Hoat has Stoute done Mr. Harding and the rest of of your life! Let demons do their worst, justice must kind of bou da fighters when English, French, Spanish and but the confidence of heaven shall follow you all the days keep dry when they are in hospital. They are the right to p. o.
the Executive staff at Balboa Heights that they should prevail.
they are well, Italian spokeo.


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