
են նաեւ ԱՐԵԼ recalled the country.
rots vein of content and fears were actuales le forgotten and 20 asked me for the dance, and as a un DEEPBUOYI gave the RYAL organ YDISINFECTANT did His Room SOAP opposition THE many hands which are wiped on the only LIFEBUOY SOAP to know sorry the Prince in cases cases where these Decessity PAGE FOUR THE WOMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1920.
France Calls On Ba Germans Agitating Intoorsting Nows from the chelors.
FOR ECONOMIC ALLI(Continued from me ANCE WITH GREAT Husbands for a Surplus of ly went to see him are, and BRITAIN did not think he could possibly 4, 000, 000, Women.
remember me; but he described Wants to Trade With Partner the bat had on red MANY RAPID RE POPULATION had quite forgotten it but as Wbo can Make the Going mentioned the fact Paris, Aug. 10. France greatest 50Profitable that had worn a crimson has cial problem is not prohibition but how HANDS to find husbands for a surplus of 1, 000, 000 Berlin despatch dated October 29 that day. He also said that he wonen with a view to insuring more states that Pan German elements are agi noticed me at the Council Cham rapid repopulation of the war stricken tating for an Economie Allince with ber on Friday morning and again WIPE areas and the whole future prosperity of England, as the bly way in which Ger during the At Home at Govern many cangan ber pre war commercial ment House in the afternoon When the question of producing toore prestige. The Radical wing of the Conser Fascinating Slang.
chuldren was first trunchiu the press took Vatives believe the European situation ON ONE No, was not introduced is it without a study of the Gov. bas made de such a nin not ouly practic statist es brought a more se atle, brat provalile, and are urging the Royal Highness, just came up to me at the Prince Building and TOWEL.
con repressed that Iranerny le balse derstanding reached between the two na LU Teover from this decadence tin Geirany must reckon in Interna: terwards when was just going More than a to add off with another partner he quarter tion and European commerce.
Frenchmen between the res touched me lightly on the should Writers in the newspapers discuss at era 20 sud 25 years were killed and new) were so length the problem of the enthaltendliny that dance again. Of course er and to give him badly wounded that they cannot ever say is in unabating anti German feeling him it. He dances in an easy hope to assume fatul duties. These with the ordinary million and a ball be the oldtaglish. The kreuz Zilus que manner, and he likes to sing of the Monarchists, says chelo:8, provide France with her immedi in an editorial: If we have in mind any all the time and, oh be dues ese ate task unless violent repercussion in foreign Alliance, only England can be the most delightful slang in such la fascinating manner.
the social and economic life of the nation considered. am fully aware that will How sition of Royal Highness as well as morals, is to result.
meet with the earbest like Demerara. Women Forced to Work, of my comrades when suggest an alliance with England, which has done quite as cool as Trinidad was the do not think he found it It is a fact that the Frenchmen lack everything to destroy us. In spite of it, somewhat guarded reply he he of tendency to ernigrate complicates the hazard to recommend an alliance with did say Trinidad was the pretti situation and it is hardly likely that even England on the following grounds: Poli est spot in the West Ladies a million men would be willing to leave tics are not founded on sympathies.
their bomes and come to France even to That is the first lesson that the honest The bene The Prince Charm taste the luxuries of La Belle France and German should learn from his English to woo ber beauties. In discussing the cousin. We should possess enough cleversame towel are busy all day long handling Did you find it difficult to on with His Royal High situation a member of the Ministry of ness to put sympathy out of our politics, At this question Mid germ laden things Books, Money, Tools, Hygiene said: and as a wise business people, travel zie laughed merrily, shaking her The equilibrium which was main with the partner who can make the going head as she replied: Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
tained heretofore in the regular altera profitable; and that England certainly Why no he is juta per tion of births, male and female, bas been can do.
natural boy, lice may con le completely overthrowa by the war. For she paused selling only the last three years millions of French kirls have been unable to found homes possible. he said: There is none. It is he is exceptionally charmine you and have been compelled to work for impossible bring back the dead or to Last night she contioned their living. Everywhere they are in com take couples forcibly to the marriage alPURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
petition with male labour and the women tar France salvation depends entirely ter one of our dance we went to look at little Digger grave are holding their own only through their upon the men and women realizing perpoor intelligence and tenacity, which was un consell les edices de pincere le pointed it out me some little fellow. The Prince It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy forseep The result is for single blessedness places the mound the willich Soap does more.
threatened with becoming a nation of country, It positively protects its users from Meanwhile officials are doing everything he unmarried women and bachelor men, had planted on Saturday the many germ laden things they come into contact There is no question of children in in their power to overcome the little dif went down to the whari hass with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
this problem. Even should illigitimate ficulties in the routine of marringe. The night and we all felt very sor the when the alliance be formed, records prove that French law has always demanded the shook bands less than half of the offsprings would sur consent of both parents of the bride, even and said his last good bye. When Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will parents have been moved away vive the first year.
we sent make your skin glow with health.
Bathe Wash your face with it.
divorced. This Was amended some very bearty cheers across Appeal to Patriotism.
liet week the water in our final and the law with it.
our final goodbye Shampoo with it. Moreover, the cost of living now proe only wow provides that consent is What about your dance on the from the parent charged Renown. hibits single women either from founding as guardian.
was the neat question What a night of rain that was.
their own bomes or aiding in the upkeep Another step toward increasing the of the family hearts. The war and lli population was Miss Mckenzie taken when the Chamber danced with the Prince and then replied LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND, bawy among the mate population has of Deputies aproved a law which im strolled around the decks will tination the abhorrence of warried life, any person writing or putilishing articles batten. We had some refresh turned buth sexes towards a natural des poses heavy prison terms and fines on him accompanied by Lord Mozat They will never wed and will never bave or booklets against maternity or placing children except through some system of on sale medical preparations, or even ad ments, and then the Prince reWe are most cordially in syn campaign in a manner to win the force do te which will not terefit ibe State, verting in newspapeto any thing that tired into his quarters, think, eagerly awaiting the action to be might prevent au restoration of France He was feeling very sore over Shortly after mid day east Satur: cate and the Jamaica Gleaner knew men, should astere the war taken by praise of who Asked what remedy for this would be diminishing populatior.
the death of his litile England and show his seke day the Police Department were in the appeal for interference 2018 orer and while ready to go whom he had hoped to apprised that made British from Australia. Digger was its had been taken on board the Governments cotis helisest Indies home, have been treated in sush the a fashion. Proper representations name, and he was very fond of it. Paysandu which was leaving that British West Indies soldiers now to the Imperial Govern inent by for he said it said it had grown so tamne evening. Police Inspector in prison for military offences, His Excellency the Governor on during the short time he had it along with others of the staff mutiny, etc. As far as we have behalf of any Barbadian now in with him. Before leaving me mission known. As far as we can suffering because the various would we are sure meet with rebuarded the ship and made their been able to gather these men are prison in Jamaica for mutiny that night, the Prince invited me to last night dance which was the oficers of the ship to offer very little about there was no attempt ty West Indian Governments cared sponse.
given at Government House on any explanation, or to assist the bad been enlisted. The men were them after they very very Joey Walker. Joey the well Policemen in any fashion. led to feel in some instances that known Barbadian Jockey, met seareh was, however, made, and there for four ehildren three boys and a insults and unsympathetic treat cent on Sept. 21st last. He was bis death tragically in St. VinPrince and Railway sirk discovered below below deck. They ment by officers who did not care UNITED FRIUT COMPANY brouge property Werbore id Three to understand West Indians. The exercisinga. panythe were said by the Australian Government found it other animal ridden by its ownof other Bigge Railway Record reseved kids to have been on necessary in order to prevent just er He found himself forced near Port Limon Costa Rica the could not be such Says the Port Spain Geldbe ship exercise of recent date: The proper was to the effect in each case that over their own men coulis mers his attention being, distracted found. The story of the little boys utmost care of and watchfulness the trees along the road and on Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty who travelled into the othey were coaxed aboard the ship tial were composed of Australian second crashed with his railway and steamers of the Tri and the fact that they were all officers etc and any grievances over to the road. He was dead mount into a tree which leaned of housing accomodation nidad on Thursday and Priday. Med it easy to understand why they their own fellow countrymen. it shattered by the force of the eager to get a square are meal makes of of the men were gone into by when taken up, his skull being the Free Transportation. No Deposit. of the Prince of plan, were followed the strange sailors. The is decidedly hard that men impact.
her brot set kaurdian. having received the face de telas en met verschat kord Advertise in the WORKMAN trene girl was however she said sold, had distinguished themselves in on Thursday elled on Must have Passport and.
takings on from sailserved the tedious, ors.
Tbe children all state they ing through sweltering Egyptian and get Good Results Vaccination Card.
Living memory, this is the big were kindly treated on the ship best record of the local misras when found by the police and the department deserres underwear. The reason for were wearing new and clean much credit on the result Apply UNITED FRUIT Co. Mr. Marwood, Inst. more or less of a mystery. Some Under date of September are the abduction of these children is E. General Manager of Baik people are seenting all kinds of Cristobal, Canal Zone.
unspeakable horrors, ways, and Chief Resident Engare of the opinion while others neer, issued a circular Shaking were to have been kindly treated children the staff for their devole atten tion to duty.
and employed. Whatever the an.
OWNED BY may be the Police should THE WOMAN EXCHANGE Barbados ind out all about the atfair as The National, City Bank of New York much any local persons implicated in the Head Office: 55, Wall Street transaction as to prevent a repiNO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA tition.
Children Kidnapped Capital, Surplusf Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 DRESSMAKERS Threatened Libel Action BY BRAZILIAN SAILORS. There are rumours to the efOfficial Depository of the Republic of Panama Knowing the service that is demanded from feet that Mr. Mitchell, molasses Depository of the Panama Canal every garment in these days of high prices, we have Detectives Search Skipand Find dealer of St. Lueia and formerly Three Boys and Girl The Brazilian transport, PS 20 the Colonial of Barbados intends to institute set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK Through its Agencies in the Interior and libel against the its Foreign Branches this Institution offers MANSHIP.
exceptional banking facilities.
for libel, in con has furnished the Berbecul section with certain statements ANN THOMAS, lic with an incident de mulher made locally with regard to Mr.
Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands unusual kind. The crom del Mitehell alleged dealing in moProprietrese.
anfortunately do The Loses made and shipped at St.
Interest Paidſon Savings Account at Per Cent Whys and the Lucis as being Barbados molassoocurence, and Per Annum society.
ID present ren Wanted! Wanted. LABORERS much.
was no no redress petty were on Hazell against an17th ulto.
visit of neighbourhood oumber are the hood of 12, 002 Within Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock and INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION swer


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