p. 6


PAGE SIX Cricket.
Horse Racing at Juan Franco.
The horse racing at Joan Franco last Sunday afternoon was one of the biggest successes from a nu.
merical view point ever witn.
sed at The Juan France Park nince its use as a race track. The tractions were not as interer in previous occasions, Chad the la MOON RIDERS ton that stens fest.
OS 88XOC: GAS was except Daires hength in the which with for heller und Luo teren ald Chat of laughter in the crowd from start to fiuist.
The most exciting tinish of the day was in the Workman Handicap between Dainty and New Negra. There were four new entries in this event and all the horses got off to an even start about a rear, but on reaching the two furlong pole he caught up with his competitors and raced down the hill neck and nec New Negra who was being ridden for all he was worth. Dainty however pluckily challenged him at the for the home stretch and came in a neck ahead. This race was the most exciting finish for the day, and really deserved the space given it in this column.
The meeting on a whole was an exemplary one for the perfect order observed by the unusually large crowd on Sun.
day and this, if nothing else be satisfaction to the pro moters to know that it has been the first race meeting on the Juan Franco Track at which un pleasantnes and dissatisfaction bave not be in manifest bend for the vs.
tenderous should be and mates are St. Paul Church, Panama.
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1920 XSSISSES NOTICE PACIFIC THEATRE Standard dərrat; Yorkshire. Knights of Pythias Last Sunday, at the Isthmian Park, Pythi in Pride Loige No. 1, To night, Saturday, November 20, 1920 th Standard defeated York of Parina, will meet in :shire in a Spaiding Cup Match sulir Convention on Wednesday The Two Last Episodes of the Exciting Serial Bitting first Standard put up a o al of it. Nirem 210. at 730. 62 runs out of which Bailey ride Team work. Ron of Knight; and Garvey 11. Yorkshe in der turn all of Ps. invi ed.
at the wickets could only get 1 EVANS JOSSAMY, hould be ho Temathed that Satidard played Kornis To Morrow, Sunday November 21 with only to mea For the last few months Samardhen cadily A5 Reel Feature in ber way to the forefront Fire at Bocas Fuch clubs as Janic Vinentand FROM BROADWAY TO THRONE Yorkshire to taste debatit her band Vincentian whips Primrose.
Commencing Monday next week with th Three first Episodes, the Splendid and The Vincentian jou bedst Tuesday Thrilling fahé production to ke lutko Sunday last aid LIGHTNING BRYCE ministered a avere defeat to the TOSC. Cina Salding Cup Will be Shown rinarose bated Mason al betebiedtletin OG Vi 9:es300. 000 20. 000, 00:00:00 be prepleters were to the city loween Avenu Justua 21 Descut 16 and Davis 15.
EF av Fistin re Collection Contest Suc Bowling for Vincentian, Samuels cap Itreets Smok, it is said was tured wiches for runs and Morgans en coming from the chinney cess.
14 for since o clock in the morning, The Collection Contest and Dedica. Surrey Britannic match ends but no spcial notice was taken tin of Bell which was held at the in Draw, of it till 10 30 when the whole of Methodist Episcopal Church in Guacha pali on the 14tb, of this month was ard Oval last sunday ended in a draw ablaze Luckily, thay say, there The Surrey Britannic match at Stand the top story was seen to be brilliant success The Church was well Britannic won the toss and sent Surrey destruction of the whole city no breeze blowing or the attended, and a most enjoyable evening IN to bat, and dismissed them all for 97 could hardly be aserted.
YOUR HOME MEANS was spent. The Rev. S. Brown, runs. Linton made 35, Thomas 14 not Superintendent of the Mission, and Rev, out, Blackman 14 and John 11. Britan Oliver, were present, accompanied by other members of the Sea Wall Mis sic replied with 81 for Porter 27 and UNITED STATES OF AMEASY sion The Contest ended as follows. Maynard and Graham 13 each, ERICA Games for To morrow.
Mise Lilly Wilkins 59 87; Mrs.
COOKING Belle Jackson 841. 05: Miss Laura Morris Primrose vs. Surrey at Red Tank. 34, 10; and Mine sumn Verge 123 60.
CANAL ZONE Demerara vs. Standard at ESTATE QUICK These young ladies are to be bighly Umpires. Coulthrust and Hall at In the United States Dstrict Court fur complimented for the earnest and real Brewater and Asbby at Red Taok.
the Balboa Division, at Ancon MEALS ous way in which they laboured, for it WALLACE DOWNS, Plaintiff must be understood, that they only bad The strong Britannic will send a space of five days to make their col.
RELIABLE lections, so that while we would compli team to Colon on Thursday next MATILDA DOWNS, Defendant ment Mies Wilkins as the winner, we with the Wanderers Thanksgiving Day) to try conclusions Civil No. 448 SERVICE.
our heartiest congratulations to PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS The object of the match is to augment each of them, for they all did their very the Howell Subscription Fund. Me. To Matilda Dowho Lest.
with a willing heart also.
Howell is well knowo in cricket circles Take you Vision of Eden, neesm panied by Mr. on the Istl mus His impaired health has are hereby required to enter your op Verge sung solo (A AT Peson on the Piano, and Mr. Latty made it incumbent on him to return to pearance in the District Court at Ancon, PANAMA GAS CO.
COLON GAS CO. on the violin, which was well rendered, in a very short time. His friends Canal Zone, on or before the Ast doty un club also Miss Lilly Wilkins trying to assist him of January, 1921, and plead, answer or YOUR played Cathedral Plaza 93 Bolivar St.
solo, to the satisfaction of all present. 00. hcially, and already subcriptions are demur to the complaint therein Gled During the Dedication service be Bell coming in. Su as to give the cricketing against you. Should you fail to suiswer Tel. 364.
Tel. 798.
SERVICE was rung while an anthet was run by Public butu be subcription list us the complaint herein referred to judge.
an opportunity to cast in ment will be taken against you by dethe Choir, end at the cloeirghi mn also not reached, The collection will le frent in defraying their tite, a selit Match his been fault and according to payer et forih the expense of the erretion of the Bel which Club Mit Howell arranged between the Wanderers o in said petition.
frey captain and M, GOOLSBY.
be Britannic of Panama.
The Mt. Hope Baseball Park has been Clerk u. District Court.
Rent Reccipt Books in Span secured of the mate and an enterance CARRINGTON, ish and English, for sale at the ice of 15cts, un 10 els. Cy. for!
Attorney for huntirt. Workman Printery. on the Grand Stand und the FOOT EASE.
Bleachers, respeively, will be collected CHURCH NOTICES.
ASK FOR Walk greit deal and be happy and healthy The Britanie C, is one of the But you can if your feet trouble you, OCROL St. Peter Church, La Boca stru best combinations of caicketerson DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC The following will be the serviers at the Isthmus, and in playing the Wander Blood and Liver Tablets le the best treatment 8t, eter tomorrow, the Twenty fiftbers the boys ore de cromad to let ieve Newest and bist Medicine Eunday after Trinity: the loss sustained by Full directions with evry pacagt kives quick rele? to cut dobio Lich Corporate Corominion of the Brother The las four month made for las four months, when Surrey ou Used Intemally D, TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC is certain relief for cramps. hood of St. Andrew at 30 A, mn. Celotno uccusions, and an All Star corubi Liver Complaints indigestion, the brant rhe Retor; Morning Prayer and nati sul red decat at the bands of Loss of Appetite, Billiousness address at 11 a. 11. Hodei Ered. Cuionies. Thu When in Drug Store, don forget to buy Wanderers the viber etc. etc.
DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC song and rermon at 730 Preacher hand, possess two of the best bowlers the Rector on the Isthmus, and the batting ability for sale at all reliable Drug Stores St. Barnabas Church, Empire of the team is known to be a link ex Sole Agent for Panama, cellene, wen selected to play will Wil Demetrio Fábrega To borrow is Harvest Home Day at certainly have a bard taek to uphold the St. Barnabas. There will be choral cele banber of victory for Colou next ThursPanamá Drug Store bration of the Holy Communion at 10 40 day, but they feel themselves equal to Muller Building, Calidonia am. Preacher and celebrant Priest in the occasion. Excitement over the game Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
is increasing daily, and if the weather POCKET WHISKY STILL Flower Service at 30 Priest in. permits. those who attend will see a charge) in Evensong and address (S. great game.
London, Ost. message from AsbePacific Steam Navigation Co.
Holder. ville, North Carolina, states that.
Las Cascadas Advertise in the WORKMAN pocket still in the latest device captured by the Federal prohibition officers and get Good Results.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE There will be no service at the Mission The whole outfit is so small that the of How to morrow Harvest Thankagiving ser BIG BARGAINS ficers put it in their pockets and brought vices have been postponed till next Dresses. All new Goods selling They called it parlour still. It holde Women in it to the city for exhibition purposes.
month, ARŽILA at a big Reduction of from about one tableglass produces a drink MULCARE, 30 to 50 Beautiful Dress for home ownsumption, and is said to be will leave Cristobal a, will leave Balboa noon, Priest in charge es golng at U. worth complete to the smallest detail.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1920, for twice their value. David Cardoze StoreFormerly Chong San Juan del Sur, Puntarenas, Corinto, La Union, La LiberDr. Hoffman Khe opposito panamal Lottery Advertise in the WORKMAN tad, Acajutia, San Jose de Guatemala and Champerico bas reopened his citnic for gen Office.
and get Good Results.
eral practice for gynocologica cases and urological disorders of GUATEMALA both sexes. Diseases of the blood Everybody is just crazy over created in accordance with the WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1920 for Dr. Welters Tooth Powder atest German discoveries. Ap.
plication of the Genuine German Because it the ONLY dentifice that polhos sold in the mouth bleaches the Guayaquil, Paita, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Tambo de Mora, Pisco, Chala, Mollendo, 606 and its latest moditications Free from grit. It Is Antiseptla Try a tln to day Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Coquimbo and (1495 and Silber salversan. Box 738. Cristobal. VALPARAISO Telephone No. 746 Agents Wanted KASHNIR BEAUTY PARLOR Distributors.
CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, Opposite Amador Theatre ORIANA GOOD WILL will leave Cristobal THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1920 for business lives through its New Port News, La Pallice and Liverpool 182 Bolivar Street customers. And its greatest asset is their good will.
Our service has always measured to this standup For further particulars opply to the Office of the Companies at begs to inform the public that ard and and brings forth volun.
he has severed all connections tary expression of friend.
CRISTOBAL with the English Drug Store, ship and confidence.
owned by Mr. Salazar, of the Come in and see our New or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, DIDIT Pan American Drug Store; but Slip Grip Soft Collar Holdhis offices have not been removed EVER ers. Better than pins.
PANAMA and be can still be found above the Singer Sewing Machine STPIKE FULLER or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. lag. Sub Agnals.
Company. Same old stand.
You JEWELER His rasidence is now at the The Royal Mall Steam Parket Co. Panama Alba House Letween 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, and Fourch Streets Punamu, at the gate. anama nains within bruisenud turni colle und diarrhea Itsives dioctors bills Harl Thorgring dermico. Sunday Nov. 21st, 1920, am. Holy Communion: Cele brant. Archdeacon Carson: 1030 am, Matins: 11 am. Choral Eucharist and sermon: Celebrant and Preacher the Rev. Nightengale: 12. 30 m. Holy Baptison: p. Special Musical giamme: 30 pm. Choral Even song and sermon: Preacher, the Rev A, F, Nightengale.
AF NIGHTENGALE, Priest in charge.
For the Musical Service at pm to monow at St. Paul Church, Panama, is as follows: Processional, Hymn 383(A Prayers.
Anthem, The Earth is the Lord Presentation of Flowers; Hynn 573 Anthem, We Love The Place, God Taggart, Address: Anthem Great and Marvell jus. Offertory, Voluntary (Organ, with cello accompaniement. Closing Prayers Recessional Hymn 381 (A uu. Trimell, charge. Bridge, Loyal Victor Lodge Celebrates Fourth Anniversary The teeth, rotands alsdasos prevents dagay, and relieves toothache.
thel 139 Bolivar St. batweea 8th and Oh. Calon On Sunday, November 14 h, the Loyal Victor Ludge, No. 45, 10 and of celebrated its 4th Anniversary Procession left the lodge hall in San Miguel at 30 headed by the Black Star Line Band and proceeded to the Wes.
leyan Church where an appropriate sermon was preached by Rev Evers. Several kin dred societies in Panama and Colon were rej rasented in the to the procession. Returning to the ball the G. Brother Moore in a few well chosen remarks thunked the various visitors and arks representatives for their co operation, after which he proceeded to install the ofticers elected for the ensuing terin.
On Monday night Nov. 15th the usual banquet took place Bro.
Marshall from Court Minerva acting as chairman. Other frater nal orders were again well repre sented, special mention must be made of the Black Star Line Band, which furnished the music on both occasions, also the re presentative from the St. Olive Lodge, Colon for his excellent address. splendid time was enjoyed by all present. 90 Dr. Hubert Edwards,


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