
LUN Public no Great Bri be the.
my intention to orium wbud laws re news NDISINI ISINFECLAM. SOAP THE LIFEBUOY SOAP mand.
Herald says fishly PÅGE FOUR THE WORKIAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920.
LETTER FROM some lessons to learn:oat of Pagar Inteersting News from the organization. SinCUBA cerely yours PILGRIM WILKINS, Continued from page Cristobal, Nov. 17.
The letter follows:The Royal Sanitary Institute has extended its sphere of actiEditor The Workman, Concha, 135, Havana vity and will permit the West MANY Sir. The subjoined letter from Indies to be included among the November 11th, 1920 Dr. Radway, a friend of mine, and My Esteemed Priend, Wilkins, Colonial centres where its exawhom wrote requesting him to minations may be held. It prov.
investigate and write me the real In replying to yours of recent date, ides for passing of Inspectors of HANDS facts about laboring and working beg to say that was very xlad to hear Nuisances under the conditions in for specific from you and to know that you and Health Act as well as for women atn well and can ex health visitors and school nurses.
reasons, the chief being my belief family are well.
WIPE that Costa Rica would prove a press to you just now the conditions of The present centres are Barbu much better field for surplus West Bete list chance for her again, for the The examinations will be West Cuba in general, but as far as can see dos, Trinidad and British Guiana.
Indian labor from the isthmus, hus brought down same as and also for settlement with fami: markets in in those held ON ONE lies and to visit the their sugar to od cente per lb, and they tain including any items of troneighbouring republic and report that they now have in stock at any rate will be required to show a gen are advised to sell to sell off the two million bags pical importance.
Candidates on my findings and whet!
whether my that they now opinion is correct etc, wi without before the coming crop, besides the banks oral knowledge of the e and English prejudice or the like one way or have asked the President for an exten. Pub which will be Diseases the other. shall be glad if you sion of the Mora There will about up to Janusty next year, the laws сty.
give publicity the same and bye Sometime ago sent an article fore you can say yafely that Cula is to be some higher diseases and the milk trade in was dating to sanitation, infectious doomed there to a (colored) organ in Pa doomed. the kuenca nama advising against a.
rush to powers over this business would ap force in the colony in which the. Cuba to the extent of flooding the pear that Germany is in the market sable for poing at 12. per sanitation labor market there, predicting re barred within a few days since catue estates and villages in the troas applied to sults. The article was not publish barre ed: speaking to the editor of the sere, and now Germans have put in the pics a knowledge of mosquito paper in question about it, he same for with sixty days credit. It is work and a general knowledge of told me the people who were bent rumoured that her sugar is in the market insects, mosquitoes and flies that on going to Cuba would have re again and then Cuba will remain as she convey diseases together with garded my letter in an unfriendly is for the rest of the time; for as you well their life, cycle and habits.
manner. It true that facts are al know, when Germany was down other ways stubborn things and hard to nations had the rise, now that she is up Demerara digest by the skeptical.
they must go down many hands which are wiped on the Yours fraternally, am not criticising my colored brethren who have been driven RADWAY Another Million Dollar same towel are busy all day long handling away from the isthmus: nor shall I may go to British Guiana soon Company.
Money, encourage any returning here, germ laden things. Books, Tools, but as Mr. Radway experience VIRTUOUS BY LAW.
Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
in Cuba has brought British In dimlyroom a party of Corentyne Sugar Co. Ltd. Guiana to his mind eye, shall loe veramente una formyintelligence caroest people had Kathered to set inder use and Colonial how they could reach the intellectual The Corentyne Sugar Co. Ltd. Governments of Great Britain to summit of intellectuality.
a new million dollar company, the necessity of doing something Then one aruan, long of hair and pale was registered in Georgetown on at this crisis, feeling confident of face.
the 20th instant. The new comthat the day is not distant when Brothers and sisters. he began, in pany has taken over Pin Albion PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
she will wish that her exiled compassioned tones, this is my first time from the Albion plantation Co.
lored male strength was immedi. among you, but already think grasp Ltd. Bgdr General Rice and Mr.
It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy ately beneath her wings and com your aims. In the first place, you seek to Austin are among the establish a land where everybody can be Directors.
Soap does more. It positively protects its users from have noticed with specific in made good by law.
The Price of Rice.
the many germ laden things they Yes, yes!
come into contact terest what to day editor of the Panama Star Where food and clothing give no with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
about the organization of native bother, and money troubles do not ex. DEPUTATION TO THE GOVERNOR.
Panamanian labor, some have of ist.
fered critical comment; saying the That it!
Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will Panamanians are going ahead sel Where all attend church on Sundaye, The Hon. Nelson Cannon was make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe don see that way how. and keep regular hours.
at the head of a deputation of with it.
ever this is the Panamanians Shampoo with it. roar of approval answered him. His Upper East Coast rice growers which waited upon His Excellensovereign territory, and do not audi nee was getting worked up. Well, brother and sisters, myselí cy the Governor at 30 o clock on MORE THAN see why her sons should need af SOAP YET NO COSTS MORE.
filiation with any foreign labor have just come from such a place. the afternoon of the 20th instant.
the in organization. wish the Panama lle was instantly The chief object of the growers surrounded by an LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND.
ganize of course and don send the name of this carthly paradise man workers every success. Or inquiring crowd, who rotught to know was to try to impress upon His Excelleney the view that the new your funds outside of Panamal It is a place, he replied, edging to schedule price of rice was to my West Indian brethren have ward the door, called prison!
low. They also sought to get a done so often to be swallowed detinite statement as to His Excard Pavertise in the WORKMAN cellency future policy Bro. Dias of Rising Sun Lodge, by white thieves.
regard State District Grand Grenada to rice. His Excellency whilst No. 19, Toner hope West Indians will find and get Good Results expressing the yiew that the Lodge No. Bro. Pesso of Mizpab Lodge, No.
20, Outer schedule price of rice was fair and reasonable would make no The Superintendent of Agri Bros. Carmichal. Davis, statement on the subject and culture has informed a represen.
ordon, of Rising Sun Lodge, No. 19, promised the delegates to com tative of this paper that the Gov.
municate with them if necessary ernment has opened a granary triet was called to order for the purpose meeting of the above named Dis. Mol. Bro: D: Rodney, of Mizpah Lodge, 20. Supts.
at St. George for the purchase of installation on Sunday, Oct. 31st, Bro Wilson, Scribe, assisted The ceremony was ably performed by and sale of corn.
Good sound corn on cob or installed in their respective offices by the Sun Lodge, No. 19, Sisters Gale, N, Vote for Steamer Service. shelled corn will be bought daily Supreme Deputy of the Order :when the following officers were duly by Bro. Davis, R. of Rising The Demerara Legislature has between the hours of a. to Clarke, of Guiding Star Bro, Gobourne of Guiding Star No. 14 and Sister Ennis, RW. of.
approved of the sum of 322 000p. The prices can be obtained Lodge No. 14. Colon, being provided by loan for the on on application to the Agricultu.
Southern Star Lodge No. 18. Pama.
Bro. Small of Mizpah Lodge No. The installation being completed the Colonial Steamer Service for the ral Department.
purchase of a Steamer from Eng. Claims for cash payment at the 20, Colon, meeting was brought to a close with the land for the Demerara river Treasury will be issued by the No. 19, Colon, Bró, Wint of Rising Sun Lodge, usual formalities at o clock UNITED FRUIT COMPANY ferry and a locally built motor Agricultural Department, or in Bro. Nichols of Guiding Star Lodge, Advertise in the WORKMAN boat for the Berbice ferry ser the case of country vendors may No. 14, Scribe.
Port Limon Costa Rica vice.
be posted to them and get Good Results.
Bro. Reid of St. Andrews main objects of the grana: Lodgo No. 28, Panama, Scribe. Dr. CALVO Official Changes.
to the colony to make a ready No. 20, Colon, Mizpah Lodge, Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty It is understood that Mr. narket for it, and ultimately ply of Bro. Hart of of housing accomodation Physician and Surgeon Sisnett acting Attorney Gen. lead to more stable of Rising Sun Lodge, production.
eral of Demerara has accepted No. 19, Colon, Chap CENTRAL AVENUE AND No. request is made of corn Sis. Christian of Mizpah Lodge, 19TH STREET, EAST.
Free Transportation. No Deposit. by the Secretary of State for the the corn not required for pri No. 22. Colon, Mohl.
which was offered hin Government by selling to it all Bro. E, Brim of St. Peters Lodge, OFFICE HOURS: to 11 a. to pm Colonies and that Mr. Hector vate needs and thus make the Must have Passport and Josephs, C, Assistant to the scheme a success.
Bro. Burrows of St. Andrews Lodge English, French, Spanish and Vaccination Card.
No. 28, Panama, Attorney General of Jamaica is likely to be seconded to act as wholesale and sell by retail It is hoped later to purchase Italian spoken.
Attorney General of Demerara.
ground provisions and vegetables.
British Guiana has recelved a new band master in the person Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
of Mr.
Albert Fawcett who at the West Indian College located Trinidad is determined to have rived there on the 18th. inst. Mr.
Cristobal, Canal Zone.
Fawcett is a Kneller Hall gradu in that colony. To that end her ate and a retired bəndmaster of active men are already bending the regular army. He has seen their energies. The ways and service in various parts of the means of obtaining funds have OWNED BY world.
been placed in the THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD Ordinanca. Our sister Head Office: 55, Wall Street VIGOR TONIC islands, 182 Bollvar Street this, but it is not foris Capital, Surplus; Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 coming, she will proceed handed. Grenada promise to. IN FRONT OP MASONIC TEMPLID This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended co operate in the upkeep of this Official Depository of the Republic of Panama in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishbegs to inform the public that collere has been received favorment of the Blood, and to build up a rua down constitution.
ably. It is the Depository of the Panama Canal with the English Drug Store, larger islands are prepared to do.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives owned by Mr. Salazar, of the Through its Agencies in the Interior and tone and energy to the whole system.
Pan American Drug Store; but BIG BARGAINS In Women its Foreiga Branches this Institution offers his offices have not been removed Dresses. All new Goods sellin Doss One Small Wino glass bafore each meal or times a day and he can still be found above at his Redection of fromg exceptional banking facilities.
the Singer Sewing Machine 30 to 50 Beautiful DressJAVIER MORAN Company. Same old stand. es His residence is now at the deze Store, formerly Chong twice their value David Cargoing, or U. worth Drafts on Jamalca and other West Indian Islands FARMACIA AMERICANA. Alba House Letween G Kxe, spposite Panama Lottery laterest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent and Fourth Stroots.
Per Annum LI a likel and.
Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers Star Lodge, The med. the No: 20 Colorado. com of Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Ar Committee and it hoped to col The National City Bank of New York Dr. Hubert Edwards, oculing har forelser om end other single tone and energy to di Office


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