
THE WORKNAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920 PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News Canal Zone Notes ASK FOR GATUN LION Brand Margarine Boys took IT IS ENGLISH on each occa For sale everywhere in Panama runs LADIES SHOES were PANAMA AND COLON STORES The public is already aware of the excellent quality of ments Last but not least amongst tbs Res taurants on the Panama Canal, is the up to date Restaurant at the Silver Club house in this District, Out Bachelor are congratulating the Sceretary for his wonderful inove as it very diffi cult for those bird working men on the Icks to reach the stding house. thas it is a dime taken away from the boarding house pruric Is Lut our can talpit Activities for the week end ng De neur Contouse willes on Sun day night movies Vila Dina in The Cosack Whp along with curling Comedy and news weekly Tuesday night, Irebe liswick in The Sensational Lady also two reels Comedy Wednesday night, Literary Meeting Meests Clarke, Webater, Cragwell, Grant and several others are preparing for sa Inter Clubhouse Debate.
Thunday night, Bryant Washburn in The sins of Se St. Anthony and Mack Sundet Comedy Saturday night, Helen Holmes in The Patal Fortune A Serial in 15 Episodes 7th, 8th, and 9th. Episodes will be bown, Alfred Dorset, Assistant Stewart of the Restaurant at the Gold Clubhouer, received by mail from St. Lucia, tbe sad news of the death of his mother.
We beg to tender him our sincerest condolspces.
Remember the Xmas toys are on sale opposite the Post Office, just across the long bridge. Special sales men are on duty up to five o clock, so don forget the kiddica Butcher, Myke, S, Small, Holder, Blackman, and Farley. narrowly Escaped losing their lives on Tuesday night, while returning from Culub where they attended Lodge meeting the car backing over the grade on High St.
Shamrock of this vicinity unit ed another defeat on Sunday 11th 109 when Ardent C. from La Boca placed the knock out blow on them. Batting first the home team made winderful showing by placing on the tiny 53 runs Ardent in their turn thought they had an easy walk cver but Baker and lite sent them biek with a bowed head ly taking five of their wicka cts for 13 rue when Er shipper made viry foolish change with long two taking the ball himself. With Ice or on the bat Earle thought fast wling would prove unpleasant for him but the old veteran along with his part her carried the score to sixty runs. This brought a sa say disappointment to Gatun rooters se several thought better of the home skipper. Ardent inning closed for 73, with Baker and Springer elow bowl ing which shows the game was lost through bad management by our skipper. General meeting took place on Moeday night 15th instant at the Silver Clubhouse when the name of the Shamrock was changed to Cornwall Butler, of the Quartermaster Dept. is DOW Captain, while Holder is yet Secretary Treasurer.
Professor Hacciokim, had the residents of this district and their children out of their homes on Friday night Nov, 12th.
11. 48. Never in the history of per formances has there been so larges erowd seen at our Silver Clubhouse. Our songratulations to the Professor and his staff along with Shine from Colon who came to make Gatunites laugh and grow fat. Mascoll, employee of the Municipal Eng. Dept. received the sad news from bis home, Barbados, telling of the death of his mother. We sympathise with him in his sad bereavement.
Anniversary Celebrations, PRICES MODERATE for all wickets.
American Bazaar Stores bowlersliyi Whist League opens season. natuw. were well rendered and reflects much credit on the teacher Colon, Nov. 21. According to pre The function was well attended and vious sonouncement, the Colon whist the audience was indeed an apprecia.
tione lengue competition opened their new sea Among the varitms of interest son last night. The games wire witnessed were the initiative brilliant ad by theny, and much interst was dis dresy EV Morales of plased throughout the Unto Improvement The resuts are as follows Central nepal of St and ters. 24. 14. Mesir 18 Allen of the weity 1:31, 22; escenskis, vs. Whippets 21. 11. ir vy light Harvest Festival Successful.
The meeting of the league Colon, Nov. 23 The annual Harvest Festival services of Christ hart by the sea telow. Star, vs. Na Praire place on Sin lay last, as was an.
av Control: Mexa velhi nounced.
des Wanderers vs Whippers.
de caine ell successfully Services were held at 10a.
Westmoreland defeats Victoria 30 and 30 pm. Rev. Father Clin Nov. 22 The Westmoreland Cooper officiating Caterday at the Camp Bierd oval sion. At 30 special musical rendered, and a defeated the Victoria Clingy a score program wa presentation of flowers made by of 30 of the Sunday The winners batted first and barrassed the children school. opponents a good deal before they The decorations were beauti succeeded in getting them off the field Wallace was top scorer with ls fully and attractively done, and and Boyd followed with 11, in conjunction with the novel dis.
Victoria in their return do their best, play of fruits, vegetables and other offerings, added consider and made an excellent showing, but of the were quite unequal to the cask. Sealey ably to the appearance church top scored with 20 runs.
The services Coley and Grant did the trick for well were all attended Westmoreland, Andrew Brown Pas es Away Personal and General You will always find the largest assortment Colon, Nov. 22. Mr. P. Brown, An unusually heavy shower of who was reported in our last week issue rain fell on Sunday last, from to of styles in our to be seriously ill, passed away yester 10 Cars and other vehicles day morning at 45 after having been literally floated in the streets, and confined to bed for a period of 10 days. all the evening services He was, previous to this, ailing slightly washed ont.
for the past few weeks but no one imagined that the end was so bear. Medi Mr. Kerr of the Methodist cal aid was promptly summoned, but Episcopal school, and his scholars despite efficient treatment and the are working hard for a concert to watchful care and surveillance of be given at Christ Church school.
devoted wife, he succumbed to his all room on the 14th inst wente He was born in Falmouth, Jamaica, in Among the recent arrivals is the year 1886, and came to the Isth Mr. Simeon Scott, returning from OUR MERCHANDISE mus in the 1907, working in vari ipus de a vacation in Jamaica partments of the Panama Canal, until CHURCH NOTICES.
January of the present year when be revered his connection with this organi Christ Church by the sea.
zation and secured a position with the 30 am. Parish Communion; Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 10. a. matins, 10. 30 a. Choral Deceased was well known, being a Eucharist and sermon: 2:30 pm member of St. Charles Lodge, No. 72 2, Holy baptism.
TUOOF, M, L, the linen Star, 30p. Evensong and Sermen.
No. 1, O, of and the Colon Rev. Fither Cooper officiates Brigade throughout the day The tits and ceremonials of Odd Fel. Daily week dus services at 30 low:hip were conducted at the residen, am and Wednesday and Friday other 9th and is stres, after which 30. m.
the remains were come to St Joshi Colon csicyan Church.
Church where a funeral service was per formed by Rev Father Hogan 530 am. prayer meeting: 11 The brigade paid their last tribute by a. Mr. Kerr, 30 Rev.
PANAMA COLON bearing the corpose to the Mount Hope Evers.
cemetery on their bier, and the sounding Cristobal Colon Baptist Church of taps over the grave by their bugler. 10 a. Young Worshippers lengthy procession followed, and League: 11 a. Rev. Witt: 30 interment took place at 4p. m, Rev. Witt. wife on the Isthmus and numerous Rent Receipt Books in Spanrelatives in bis native land survive the New Paper at Havana, ish and English, for sale at the deceased.
Cuba. Workman Printery.
NILE QUEEN Wellknown Literary figure reThe World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin turns to Isthmus. We are pleased to welcome The Classical and Made of oils imported from India and Japan Miss Linda Smart, well known in among our foreign exchange the WHITENES AND CLEANSER (CLEACH) ROUGE.
anterark circles on the malattie side first number of a new o page Commercial School Towia SEADES DANDRUFF REMEDY VANISHING CREAM SHAMPOO.
arrived in Colon on 11th insb.
after a well spent vacation in Europe: paper called Our Own published Kashmir Chemical Co.
Springfield, tu.
Leaving the Isthmus on the 27th, of in English Spanish, at Havana, Alego May last, she first called. Norto. Cuba. Our own is tastily got up, No. 7, Calle Domingo Diaz Gentlemen. Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin, Virginia and afterwards visited Liver neatly printed and somewhat nearly every thing to clear my gomplexlog otpimples. liver spots and black pool, London and Folkestone, prones Box 1044, Ancon, without miocess, until found Kashmiri Nile Queen. Now my skin is as between and lovely as can be and my hair has grown so long and glossy, my friends ceeding afterwards to France where newsy. Obsorving close fects the ELEMENTARY AND HIGH admire I wish all our women would try Nile Queen. eres aad Bourges were added to her impression of espousing the cause SCHOOL COURSES Sgd. SALLE REID.
list: of the negro people of Cuba.
SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS The return voyage was started at The Editor is Mr. Arthur Bordeaux, coming by way of the Day and Night Sessions thar St. between 8th andsth. Colon.
Azores, Guadeloupe and other West Burkely, a West Indian who is Indian Islands.
known to this office. The Letters, Petitions, Memorials.
Miss Smart, apparently has enjoyed Manager Mr. Jones is Addresses, etc. tastefully word: of cour tosy with which she was treated in also a West Indian and under ed and neatly executed by hand London and other places.
the piloting of these two ener, or typewriter.
getic sons of the West we pre For terms apply to School gives Successful Program dict a long and useful career fot ROBERT LINDSAY, Colon, Nov. 25, Mrs. Ella Johnson, Our Own in the Pearl of the 14th and Streets, Colon, principal of the St. Joseph Gram. Antilles.
inar school, lower division, presented Llewellyn Kerr Box 209. Phone 64B.
her scholars an excellent program Advertise in the WORKMAN last night in the schoolroom. The TEACHER. METHODIST EPISCOPAL DAT SCHOOL Wholesale and Retail ems which were mostly of a classical and get Good Results.
Music, Spanish and Evening Lessons Importers of Staple Articles At Vory Moderato Peloos Call us on the phone and have your goods delivered.
HEALTH APPLICATION Orderman will call on you at your request.
Dr. BUCHANAN, HOR TON Goods Delivered at Colon R, Station for For indigestion, loss of appetite, weakness and famous eyesight specialist of the. Line Folk. Atlantic city has recently return. The Eldorado Variety Parlor, Give us a trial and be convinced that we are courteous debility, constipation, lied from a much needed vacation and give first class service.
ver and intestinal disorof months. The Doctor received The ELDORADO BEAUTY PARders, poor blood and a very warm welcome among his LOR, on the premises, on the premises of run down system, Trin many friends and old patients, the Eldorado Store is conducted by whom he has relieved of their er Elixir Bitter wine De Weever, graduate Benuty Culturist, Hair Dresser and Manumany eye troubles and failing facturer of GOOD WILL and Angelica Bitter of Heir Goods, who has labely sight during his many years of Tonic, will prove a real basiness lives through its arrived from New York City holding busy practice on the Isthmus.
boon Dr. Buchanan returns fresh those professions. The Parlor is customers. And its greatest asset is their good will.
These Tonics hold Gold and glowing with new vigor. He replete with a stock of the best quality, Our service has always washable and sanitary Hair Materiale had not landed many hours be to match your own hair in texture and Medals from the leading measured up to this standfore many individuals began to ard and brings forth volunExpositions of the world interview him expressing their color. Your own combing. is ured it tary expression of friend.
for their high merit. anxiety of having bin display cessary.
ship and confidence.
Puffs, Switohen, Transformations, etc The excellency of his professional skill in their be made to your order. Hair dyed and DIDIT Come in and see our New Triner Pills, Liniments Slip Grip Soft Collar HoldThe Doctor occupies offices at bleached. PRICES ARE MODERATE EVER his old stand, No. 182, Bolivar St and Cough Syrup will ers. Better than pins.
THE ELDORADO VARIETY also readily be approved in front of the Masonic Build STORE BEAUTY PARLOR STRIKE FULLER on trial.
ing, Colon. He speaks in highest 110 Bolivar between 7th and 8th Sket appreciation of Dr. Colley, JEWELER THE CITY PHARMACY, who so satisfactorily tooit care Colon, R, 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, 139 Cen. Avenue, Panom of his practice during his ab. Box 783, Cristobal, C, Panama, sence, Madam A WEEVER, until Very truly yours, Box 736, Cristobal.
well The Universal Trading Co.
coma On Sunday, November 21st, the Mount Sinai Juvenile Lodge, No. 16. G. and of cele brated their first anniversary at which several representatives from other fraternal orders of this were present. Th chair was taken by Bro. McFarlane. Proceedings menced with the singing of From Greenland Icy Mount ains after which a passage of scripture was read by Bro.
Moore. Then the Secretary presented his year work. Then followed program of Anthems, Solos, and addresses, all of which were well received. Special mention, however, must be made of sisters Riley, McCorkedett and Scott, whose renditions were excellent Light refreshments were served and all retired feeling satisfied with the splendid time they enreport of of the diplo mas for half.
WANTED. Intelligent and energetic salesman or sales woman to sell excellent toilet articles in Paosms and Colon by house to bouze canvassing. Good commission paid. Apply 30 pm, at 173


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