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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920 Senator Harding Visits. be the one man who embrdin today Soosoo HH PACIFIC THEATRE To night, Saturday, November 27, 1920 The Exciting Reel Feature SINS OF THE PARENTS To Morrow, Sunday November 28 THE NET 0:00: 00:00:00.
FOOD the feel soos characterized with the symbolsa of old to fire about Mr Treat Who we Ooo Cricket.
the batrintisn, the ideals the poble aspirations of the American preple; to the alth of the Statesmin of (Continued from Page 1)
Demerara Forfeits to Standard.
clear vision whose kind character makes The Demerara CC was sche greatest and best Re ublic on the face of bim so war, and let us express our the earth. want it to go on said the citoto wish that the principles of duled to meet the Standard ca Suday last at the Standard most cordial relationship that any nation surdy Americanism which this guide, on est can ever te for of the greatest benefit to Qual and owing to the fact that at their first meeting Standard May say la conclusion how deeply tama and to all the Republics of this gratefollata for the tit vul Cintinent won a hard fought game by the pitality, to ter when it cou?
During this abland appro Barrow margin of one run, much pontent was felt when where you base de folicumine pilata idress President Porras Tre fated to put in an api in th. Canal neht, in tale pen Surrey CC journeyed the uli ate of the te betyr Rinto ply the Primrose to mne to freet think not play the game Reel Feature On Thursing more Senituri Hand induid in italiane istit une of for To. orrow.
ONS Yorkshire at Next Weeks. Continuation of the Exciting Serial Links and made an excellent way of that herstel of step SISTIR Surrey is. Demerara at Stan LIGHTNING BRYCE for the 50 though am Standardit Red 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 excesso 30 listen to their bankasroth the time to ar ierosity a Wanderers Britannic Wanauestions Print and its Match မန HORSE RACING was the unstof Pris not least untecoming to worrit, leident Porrasati byretteder. cits the recenben Thmuel talk of not crkt in connection with the TO MORROW ed in his honor at the Union Club peoples, and the need to find flowells benefit match between The President in his to st to the smong nations is the call of the great Senator said: ibe Wanderers and Britannie heart of humankind Another day of sport will greet cricket clubs which took place at Sitting around this banqu. table all turtites who journey out to Moreover, though bent on this bur.
the Mount Hope Baseball Park, Clon, come to a settlement on Cooked with the LEAST Delay and in the Juan Franco Park race track toate wen representative of the Panatabian tied visit munly for recreation, would Thanksgiving Day Governmeut, of the friendly Nations that be insensible to the obligitions of citi.
and norrow. The Panama Racing AS keep diplomatic relations with us, of your zenship if were indifferent to the great decided the issue in favor of Britannic BEST Condition is Accomplished MOST sociation taking advantage of the by own opportunity afforded it the The skipper of the WanAmerican people that share with us sp insorship of my country in this most be privilege of the soil of the Republic attractive land, and would deaf to serers won the toss and Economically and Satisfactorily with a Army horses to show their prow. of Panama, and of the Panamanian peo the call of duty as a public servant in sent the Britannic boys to the ees on the circular track, has got ple, assembled together to show you our the Senate if did not seek fuller under wicket, who were all dismissed up a very exciting program which pleasure will include, besides the usual in. pleasure in being honored by your visit, standing of the developing obligations of by the Wanderers for 96 runs and also to teresting events a steeplechase ings of a sister Republic. so closely linked aim to add to the friendly unden etoding Wanderers took their stand at tender you the friendly greet our civilization as reflected here, and the wicket and were all sent back and cavalry races, by gallant to for 51 runs the bowling of Max Army horses ridden by fearless the great country that has chosen you which becomes our two republics in soldier riders.
its President for the coming four years. their exceptional intimacy here. We ESTATE Well of the Britannic was It is the wind of each and all of us aro rather more than friendly On the last occasion there were analysis read 13 can playable, his bere two cavalry races which enthused Acors. balls, maidens, 12 runs, tonight that you eball det quaffing the cup of. we association, are wick much excitement among the though you were in a strange land, and most cordial wickets. Never bas Colon wit that spiritual partners in one of the crowd and kept the pari intuel. together with.
sessed such a large crowd at tending a cricket game before.
quite busy Ja sincere hospitality: salt. Eigantic advances of twentieth steeplechase The weather was ideal and apart transp. rtation. Your race is generally regarded as the and water, we also wish to offer ycu Biom an incident in connection one of the prettiest feats on the ae bew symbols of that same hospitalitedom and our genius and reca on the as conceived by Emerson: Courtesy and oceans, and the day will come combined especially when lan to link race track with one of the Wanderers men ace com Truth, Love and Honor.
peted for by field of frac.
who was given out by the Um Hie Your visit to this country rives us when the commerce of the tious horses as the one which pire for obstruction, the match will the opportunity world will stage its surpassing came off without a hitch to war take to know you personally place to morrow when the harmony which existed AT horses will face the and to appreciate your sleting qualities pageant here.
PANAMA GAS CO. One can not escape the inspirations COLON GAS CO. starter This race is sure to that account for the immense popularity which you sport Temporary Insane Uses attract a large numb or of you enjoy and which has takin and impelling influences of commerce and YOUR Cathedral Plaza 93 Bolivar St.
low 20 Juari you to be most exalted post in the gift of trade. The adventurous navigators and Franco Gun Freely.
met die vere verers cam hither and revealed a Tel. 798.
SERVICE Tel. 364.
Then there is the Liliputian a democratic people at the me time it you in a to appreciate us. Handicap in which such well The people of pastu, kur mago vi cause tende and Trade hus nude the Cristobal in a West known competitors as burstburn. He enjoying elit. and the best sont proposofiani Daunty and New gra will me te dan od killed two Panamanian souhs, Leopold this should also a Buod attracteure will testy Inn Revue, CV ile Chat, were present Orimat di Theodumaine Porc tion as those o Med that the seat is the way to enlar Irurtrade, le Spiele at the last ting saw the ex and 20spectively, whit na ke in bastions citing tinish between these horses Conly of the two dalis, in to flur ir tie chal rude, It is clomid that Hurstburn has it were both the button our bitevne ricost Sundying Lorines DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC graly improved and is in form cwn contry ht ible to live any reason lead tied to the the tinish. The bacis.
tar murderous act other than That some of interests primits will feel to pick as well 18 is the one best prescription for itchies. bruises, cuts, ers of New Nexru stated that his the ones Vaterloom if the date and that stud pilte luiting. It would be fully that he was insulted and threat eued by some of the youths at Fprains and flesh wounds, galloping recently is beating Bonittime reperate us just as the title of luce and lange, if we failed to tide wake to such an exten past recordo while while the owners of thy wireless bathed open the dust in date and uplift and exsle. spike Mr. President of our As an internal remedy for cramps, colic and diarrhoea it that he finally lost control of the road, to tie a bir te lleveheerd in are keeping silent your euntry will reference to bounda nerica Teing mirrored Tere himsef and, seizing his gun, he waithig the drop of the tag.
hasn an equal tired at the youths with The Boy Race which brings in between the stral States of the our Cnt al Zouie activities Ich will re lieve that, and trust, Mr. President, sults as already stated. He also You want instant relief and you get it.
together such widgets as Dickie. We live bojeful pod corfident in you find in the Zone a reflex of a rightstated to the judge that he did Paco a Lad, Red Devil and others DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC not know the youngsters nor was the United States eous America, which believes in that li also prove one of the ex: the kindeur of sure that you who are the berty for obers wlich we demand for our ke certain that ciuting events of the day and it is they were the of Buy it at the Drug Store.
personification expected that there will be some in the most ample and sound way, ple justice and fair dealing which inDoes who insulted him. He did not the American spirit Iselves, and you catch that spirit of an 10 call for the protection of the po big wagering especially between lice, he says, because his experi the backers of ckie and Pacora will show in your official relations with dexes the highest humo relationship.
Lad our little country that affectionate re. need not assure you anew of the ence was that they were never to be found when necessary. One of watch race between Ace of land natural in the Statesman who does friendship of our United States for she lacis seems to have been a Trumps and Billie a dark borse not boast of the irresistible power of his pour republic. We are deeply interest student at the National Institute terminate what is bound to prove country, nor cka to pluce her own solid in your developing good fortune More, we want our proven friendship as nearly all the pupils attended a gala day of sport and amuse tary glory above the other Nations which for you to add to the contidence of a Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
the funeral.
meut at Juan Frauco to morrow. may be weak, but looks instead to win America, North Central and South, ning the friendship and the brotherly in our people and our government affection of other peoples and Nations by to promote them and make them We crave and wish CHURCH NOTICES.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
MAN ALIVE! Have you seen a magnanimous and noble attitude. abide. We want a spirit of fraternal the great bargains in FLOWER No country in the world is more Americanism which the Western St. Peter Church, La Boca ED VOILE? All new goods at a favorably situated than Panama for the Continent, not in selfishness, not in FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE The follewing programme of Church big reduction, going at 30 and full application of your doctrine of self rivalry of the old world, but in mu tuality of interest, and helpfulness to services will be observed at St. Peter 40 cents gold per yard, worth determination. You Americans are here one another. Indeed, Mr. President, it to morcow, the First Sunday in Adtwice their value. Dave Car watebed from every corner of the world, may speak for our republic, wo sent MEXICO 30. Choral Celebration of the doze Store, Formerly Chong irem North to South and from East to choose peace and amity with all just Holy Communion; 11 am. Matins, fol. will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, Kee, opposite Penama Lottery West. This country is, ao to say, a mir. Peoples and we cravo for all of the Americans that lowed by a second Celebration of the SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920, fór Office.
ror in which you see yourselves and in and that cordial frieudship and Holy Euharist; p. Holy Baptism; Callao, Mollendo, Arica. Iquique, Autofagasta and Valparaiso.
which you are seen by others, and thus, goodwill which you have uttered 330 Service for Church School Children; 30 Choral Evensong Advertise in The WORKMAN for your own suke and for our own, to night and which can so sincerely and sermon TAMAR innemuch as we came to life under your reciprocate and pledge to you and your.
On Tuesday evening, at 30 o clock, and get Good Results. pro ection, we wish that you continue Yesterday the President elect there wili bo a special service for will leave Cristobal, the first week in DECEMBER for to be in your institutions and in your members of the Brotherhood of St Havre, Rotterdam London and Hamburg UNITED STATES OF AM bigh ideals comparable only to the old left for the Atlantic side where Andrew quixotism of another roce, to be like the he will visit the fortifications and Et, Barnabas Church, Empire ERICA Polar Star of our American Contingent, from all we have heard it is eviother points of interest. Judging A: St: Barnaba there will be GUATEMALA lighting the way for other peoples, that mabins and address at 11. a. Church will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa, noon WEDCANAL ZONE they might follow the path of Liberty dent that Senator Harding made an excellent impression on the school at o clock; and Evening NESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1920 for and indep Prayer at In the United States District Court for Panamanian public, and all indiGuayaquil, Paita, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, the Balboa Division, at Ancoa Las Cascadas Happily, sir. by your declarations we cations point to the existence of a candidate which have made you win the tnost cordial relationship, beThere will be Chureb School at Callao, Tambo de Mora, Pisco, Chala, Mollendo, WALLACE DOWNS, Plaintiff our love before knowing you, you have between the two governments in p. and Evening Prayor and adArica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Coquimbo and dress at 30 come the champion of genuino American, the coming presidential term, VALPARAISO MULCARE, MATILDA DOWNS, Defendant ism, that which upbolds the liberty that every Nation should bsve to move witb Advertise in the WORKMAN Priest in charge.
Civil No. 448 in its own sphere of action, and yet ORIANA PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS msin without breaking the bonds that and get Good Results.
ASK FOR To Matilda Downs link peoples from the North, the Center will leave Cristobal THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1920 for GREETING: Take Notice, that you and the South in a spirit of loyal brothOCROL New Port News, La Pallice and Liverpool are hereby required to enter your ap erhood, and now that the Panamanian Dr. Hoffman Blood and Liver Tablets pearance in the District Court at Incon, people have had the opportunity of Canal Zono, on or before the 21st day meeting you in the most democratio bas reopened his olinio for gen Newest and best Medicine For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at of January, 1921, and plead, answer manner, can assure you that your eral practice for synocologica made for demur to the complaint therein filed popularity bere is as high as in your cases and urological disorders of CRISTOBAL Liver Complaints Indigestion, against you. Should you fail to answer owa the complaint berein referred to judge Ateatry, and our hopes for the ad both sexes. Diseases of the blood to be obtained from your ad. treated in accordance with the Loss cf Appetite, Billlousness or to the Paclfic Steam Navigation Company, ment will be taken against you by do ministration more firm. We are eure latest German discoveries. Ap.
etc. etc.
PANAMA fault and according to prayer set forth that your bobleness of character will let plication of the Genuine German For sale at all reliable Drug Stores ia said petition.
achieve our bonest aims, since the 606 and its latest moditications or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. le Sub Agents.
Solo Agent for Panama, prosperity of the Canal, which you have (1495 and Silber salversan. Clerk District Court.
80 much at heart must reflect on the Demetrio Fábrega Telephone No. 746 The Royal Mall Steam Packet Co. Peams.
existence of the country in which it is Panamá Drug Store L, CARRINGTON, CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, Muller sBuilding, Calidonla Attorney for Plaintiff, Gentlemen. Lot drink to the Opposite Amador Theatre hasi all Dainty are silent and in the Union.
should alsu pie and are.
us built


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