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PRICE Cts. Lopez, McCloud and Williams SURPRISING ATTACK ON EDITOR OF WORKMAN of man The facts Vre was seen inst to the jugular But HANGED BY THE NECK PANAMA BRITISH BAD MAN MINISTER AT GAMBOA PENITENTIARY Peter Williams, Continues Leaves for Costa Rica Temto Create Excitement.
porary Headquarters.
Men Displayed Signs of Bravery Pete Williams, Panama noto The British Government hav. By Juan Nicanor Tinker in Local rious bad man has kept excite ing renewed diplomatic relations Even on the Gallows. ment at fever heat in this city with Costa Rica, the British Min Spanish Paper.
during the week. Since his dar ister, Hon. Percy Bening escape from the police last nett, left Panama on Friday last After a lapse of eleven years were taken from Pedro Miguel week, it has been rumoured that for San José in order to present In last Saturday issue of our can legally, politically or morally and for the fourth time in the tº the Gamboa penitentiary and he is frequently seen about the bis credentials as His Majesty Spanish contemptorary pamed Invalidate the document without history of the Panama Canal, has executed. During their incarcer streets of Panama, both day and Envoy iat Government been called up. ation they were attended by the night.
to the neigh letter from the pen of Juan ernment of Panama and making tween the hours of 11 and on to exercise its executive pow Revd. Evers of the Wesl.
Int. Last Sunday night be ter phordhary and Minis El Diario Nacional the following throwing indignity on the Gov.
12 bouring Republic Tinker, a lawyer of this city, ap. the signers of the documents by handing out the death pen. eyan Methodist Church who sta. o clock that part of Central Ave.
hnad ina mcheping with the ted that the condenned men bad nue opposite the American Cea: Sake no ano, Naval Artache and contradict themselves ignomini.
Mr. Bennett who will be ac peared:companied by ABUSED ously in the face of the whole confessed thier guilt and were sulate was the scene the street Mr. Gunningham. Private Whosoever sheddeth Prophets of old world 01 Cou were Panama, Nov. 23, 1920.
blod, by man shall his blood be better men on the day of their commotion, caused by the state shed as Eduardo Lopez, execution than they were seven caught up with Peter Williams Don on CAMBRIAN an insidious article which ap (Sgd. In contemptuous terms and in a Secretarywill for Port JUAN NICANOR TINKER: Daniel McCloud and James Wil months ago when the heinours near that spot and that he had of the North American and West peared in the editorial column of Referring to the above meniams, were hanged by the neck crune was committed, WORK given the tioned unication to the in the Gamb Perito tary on During the period from May Pipera relle cop the slip and dis Indian Light Cruiser Squadron the weekly paper: The osits: From Port Limune en Mission Man, No. 16 of Saturday, the press of the Dark Vacional we the Canal Zone, last Wednesd last when they were sentenced, Grone nxei entene prevailea will proceed by special train to 20th of this month, which is pub. feel obliged to express our sur gateway the 1st Dec ber until they Wednesday last th day of and the crowd was eager in its San Jose. were dead, de id de id seention thin men were held in anxiety to catch a glimpse of lished at the Workound or of Prise at the grave misunder on the ground is understood that the Brit. wilding at the corner of a wrong interpretation of the som persons Seatou them ish Minister, expects to make the the corner of standing which dastudy thuiding up the dro Migu jail where, it Pete has fcome out of they add their late selves on the steps of the base. His headquarters at San Ji Strata Central Avenue. the editorial in quesiin.
ill with a calm and quiade thitlient and declared their int pending the completion of the property of this truar double of a Birbidian who an: in they of the public. was somewhat sur vrising. He e tion to remain until whenever lotion Hom which the wors to the name of Hub Nations to understand how the Complit with this condemn men were they broazit our Pin it tool Ben Samarthe Exhibitions mest in dosti za vly and ignonne origin of this statusa snt in this Te Walrond, the National Govern cornelusion which tend the rivelit the intent to come of the bly visited by the Rv II unt the next morning. build in Panama Wit bis Eers oth Will Church Later in the ek a wellknown with Panamanian Government; the tirst tim, but the third tim Grounds on a site kindly ofurod Oasly discussed this pot ing office.
Kaded by Blact and which his ritw o ministered to their chaufear to nel ti loe tish mistaken tish spiritul med Any as bifuru Pet. rund hand surrounded si anwhilo however, N, Ben that because of a certain afair of In its fissue of the 301 ulta up to state mi sig is of nott will keep in close touch with another Barbadian that is up the sin paper published the dok in the nurning as May is the shon fase di cael which Avenue, and hid is not men for at vissen Wonis capital wud ol the store. ouse at one penitence and were recunched by a crowd bin ton cu Pahamu and will also pay or niso pozel or said to b: call a wil fllowing hran Presto Stoute, the Govern EXPULSION NECESSARY un iegt tinding their unfortune they had brought up in th. in pursons present and leave Daring Mr. Bennett absence tento tof Panama is insulted and victims sitting with his back to Selves. On Wednesday mno nin been rozhly handled through Mr. Constantine Graham will as Panamanians in general are th m, pez and him with severe blows on them. condemned in nw re taien son stating that he resim before. actas Charge Affaires. name and in the naine of all Governannt and people of PanMcCloud, felled abused. I, Oving to the abuse offered the such, in any own over to the Gamb a Penitentiary citu re taken ble Peter Willians, and so ex.
had which they it cted with the place of execution, strongly ment during the wek and ru.
cit inent kind op excite PHOENIX CLUB worthy sons of this hospitable am in tha wekly raper THE sledve hammers after which by guard and secure y handcuit mour had nation, protest against the in WORKMAN, of which mention zove is Dade in 166 of this piper, the ie war of tinishing the job Will sult which is offered to ed Here they were at once mour had it that Petər pende here, there and elsewhere around 27th directed iams stuck skuif into his rack placed in the death cells, pengali and Calidoni, but whether bers are asked to bear in mind am ready to coinbine with any weekly. with the thereby severing the Cntral Avenue, Members and intending mem ernment and ourselves, and Saturday, Guacha ing the hour of execution and proprietor and editor of vein. They then tied dis pili acquiesrope here it was that the mendis Tood as no one the next meeting of the above who may apply themselves to suid around his neck and dragged him over a little knoll, some dis. Prayed signs of nervousness anu hraginary or otherwise no one Club which takes place on Wed chastise in an examplary man cence of the Governor of the Province an art cl: written in seemed to have only then realis seemed to have an excitement lesday evening. December 8th, ner this stranger who is not nce away, where they expected ed that their existence on this rached its hight and the atmos. the residance of Mr. E. Git thankful for. but rather is ins. English in which corrected the he would not be easily found. ear. ly sphere was only mat hare became som what sensa. teas, corner of Street and Cenultivate hospitality which this abusive sentiments Xpressed, Then taking the keys from his ter of moments. Here the men Lional when along with a note dated the 23rd pocket they opened the magazine were offered winner but only it was learnt that tral Avenue. Meeting commences nation gives him.
on Wednesday a local and made away with 600 lbs. of Williams par took a hearty meal, bant in Bella Vista district As a pretext to the insult it is in st. in which police on at 30 sharp. Please to be on claimed that William Stoute maN Walrond, dynamite and a quantity of caps McCloud asked for nifested a cup of cof boat and fuses.
WORK. rect it would belp toported to fee to headquarters yester Rov. Taylor wilt Preach at sonal convenience to become a your er La Boca But the sewdust leaking an. steady his nerves. while Lop day morning that he was sur noticed from the dynamite cases being in a state of nervousness early the morning in question at prised by a man wearing a mask Panamanian and complied with corial of the WORK MAN of The missionary Rev. Taylor with the preliminary requirements, arday, November 20, 1920, by disclosed the diswal tale to the Williams ia the dark hours of the morning declined woked for a full dinner the polat of threatening gun at La Bocs on Sunday, 5th inst. at 30 public, Dr. Bellss elo Porras, is the article that is berewithto partake of anything the Bella wisten districtes tid at proche de los material osa Thunder around the present President of the Republishing in your next luoma detectives and before 48 hours and wa had elapsed, the murderers and ate it all beartily, and while the dating he was heard to exclaim, made to throw up his hands All aro cordially invited to attend. sued him the corresponding closed in accordance with Article if you don eat you won be als pocket weltled oldu were behind prison bars.
were rided, his papers which bear his signa 2048 of the Administrative Code ture, that of Ernesto CONCERT AND DANCE Lefovre Yours slacerely, trial it was brought out heavy enough to pop your neck, sun taken away Secretary of Foreign Rela ges it contained and the cartridges that Lopes was the chlefactor only want to have to drop one replaced it in his pocket was eando Dance to be held in their Later Stoute tooke the legal and which article interpreted JUAN NICANOR TINKER, Look out for the big Concert tions, the customary seals.
crime and that him time.
self and McCloud had very bad miniature picture of Peter. Ho At about 12. 15 o clock the men Ho ball, at No. 22 street Gaachapali, oath before the Governor of the in Spanish textually says thus with criminal records. The Judge In (The letter referred to appears pronouncing sentence related to wore brought out to the gallows my porten men the various crimes with their hands already straped to him with the ejaculation and his able body guard will be says that they are scrap of in another part of this issue. my picture? which was return on the 18th of this month. The Province, and the WORKMAN IN undisputed Prot. Dan Monroe referring to these documents to the correspondence columo recorded against them and the to their sides. They on, you can it that doesn on hand again to entertain, plen. paper and compares our gov.
punishments thay had under were then led up the steps on the Walrond bas abstained from After which his y Rune and to Lopez he said amince gallows and each man placed carstwhilo friend hosty laugh, plenty fun, and lots of ornment with that of Germany other things.
position legs were into an automobile from which jazze It is also announced that with respect to The Hague Tres publishing the ardele. In the issue of Saturday, 27th lost. he hich the famous Silver city Band will ty.
res rince then pinioned, the black can he had alighted and speeded away be in attendence, Doorloper at the first twenty seven years of drawn on and the noose ad. bidding the ironically tell us:These are the only activities your life have been a failure justed. At this stage William Pater Williams. He further stat copithetiHe 17 sharp.
and in that period you have com, cried out Trust in God Notice to Correspondenttherefore concluded it was taken by Stoute to obtain Pana Juan Nicanor Tinker Your let mitted the most heinous cowar manian citizenship and which ter re William Stoute received and aly and dastardly. it hur te deducted indeede belang: 4n03. Lopes then said to his ou thing these ando mais la rouse at his Lopez replied Adios Her os that the automobile was with. Dr. BENJAMIN de CASTRO are not suficient.
They need to and will ba published in das by ways ex any better results to you or to right want the job over quickly, the spot when he was surpılsed. City.
of your natural life would bring guard see that the rope is fixed suspicion and attracted him to sage, 23 Central Avenue, Panama tu the Registers of Civil Acaire, actly the contrary. The rectia without which they have not cation should be published in the te community. His remarks at 12 30 everything any legal Death of Ellis.
MeCloud included inter alia had been made ready and at clause of Arect, according to a lissue of Saturday 27th because 321 of the Civil the paper is circulated Code, and Stoute has abstained eh following: Your life has been 12. 35 to the minute the lever was BRITISH CONSULATE every rond in my not only an absolute failure so pulled, the bolt released, the trap far as doing right, and you have cloud and Williams were burled from fulalling this legal injunc Saturday and Wal. ro way of thinking, ought to be NOTICES.
doors gave away and Lopez, MCWe regret to have to announce tion as well as Article 76 of De thankful and make good of been not only an enemy to your into eternity.
the death 8f Mr. Ellis, cree No. 17 of 1914 which gov. the opportunity to rectity the sell, but you have deliberately, The British Consulate, Colon, native of Jamaica and resident in erns the law of inscription. How. injury done the Panamania purposely wilfully and inali Immediately after the drop would be glad of information as Panama for over 20 years, which ever, the Barbacian Walrond Government and people and not cighslv meraced (society. You the bodies were examined by to the present whereabouts of the took place yesterday at pm. defence of the Barbadian Stoute havenot only taken a lile dear un preferred to confirm sune run tour medical surgeons who were nderinentioned ex soldiers of after an illness of weeks. The says, according to a translation or permist thereinar But he has to himself and wile children present and who kave it out that the British West Indies Regi funeral will take place this after from the English version, that: and Panamanians should not permit noon at o clock. Mr. Ellis is sur.
but you have made a wide a wi Lopez expired in 10 minutos Moment. The question of Stoute del nor silently agree that any dow and innocent children fath Cloud in il minutes and Wiliams vived by his wife and children portation is one of loternational stra Frederick Hudson, No. 15365: to whom we extend our deepest stranger should suit us or dis erless, and deprived them of the ia 16 minutes.
Samuel Goddard, No. 14063; Da sympathy.
interest and of conse respect or injure our Goverocare, nurture, The bodies were then cut down niel Maitland, No. 12378; Amos support, educa quences. The naturalization pa ment. Nor should we silently tinon and training of a father, and taken to the Ancon Morgue. Williams, No. 14740.
Twenty eight Have you seen the great bar pers which have been translated applaud any insult offered to the years of such a Williams was the bravest of the life as you have lived is entirely thne, he was seen chewing gum gain sale in Fine English Wool and are printed in another cul government of the Canal Zone.
ens for xmas all double width umn ot this issue is self explan from our territory. We, Pan too long for both yourselt and all the time and walked bravely confinement in the condemned selling at to 00 gold story. They say in uncontro amuians, the world.
in us, respect all per up the steps to the gallows.
The laws of the Canal Zone cells they were not visited by per yard Sold at 00 vertible language that Stoute istions beson account of cont Rev. Evers, accompanied any relatives and this was inter and 10. 00 per yard. Then go a Panamanian citizen and coose sons and all governments, and prescribe that six month elapse the men over to Gambya and preted to mean that they were to David Cardoze Store For quently with all the rights and with that of the Canal snu or before the sentence be excuted was with thein to the last.
and so on December 1st. they forsaken in their dying hour merly Chong Koe, opposite privileges of Panama. That te rather that of the United States It is stated that during their even by their own.
Panama Lottery Office. ing so, no sophistical intrigues (Continued on Page 6)
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