
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, DECEMBIR 1920 (IN HAIR DIE VORISTIAN PIEDMONT HARDS POBUX 74 Penam RP RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year Scythe writer, sarily for polica Six months on but is nood faith We do not undertake return Ono 2x rejected correspondence THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE Queen EN Hair Cressia will make La long, soft and retty. This web derful hair impro ver is used by thousaad:of vom en, men, and children. keeps Jadiul away and stopniling bair. Dont take a substitue; be sure to get QUEEN, Sold fur 350. a large can by our agents, by good drug stores, and at 17 JS.
Three The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURAY, DECEMBER 1920, The COOL MILD Smoke With that lingering taste LosVIDK MOISTURE PROOF PACKETS OF 20 SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE on gentiemen of cor town. For the teising lahat this PAYING THE PENALTY OF CRIME Panaus.
Try QUEEN Medicated Snid Scalp Soap. QUEEN Face Powdus, The last chapter in the story of the tragic murder of QUEEN Peroxide Skin Cream.
William Blackett, a colored West Indian, which took place Ungar, Distributor last May, terminated on Wednesday of this week when No. 17. St. Panama, Eduardo Lopez, Daniel McCloud and James Williams, the Agents Wanted perpetrators of the horrible crime were banged until dead Address: Anoon.
at the Gamboa Stockade.
The history of the case is given in another column of Outing To Taboga this issue, the reading of which must grind on the nerves of all refined people. When these men planned their action they On Thanksgiving Day the did not dream of being detected; and the completeness Choir of the Wesleyan Church with which they took the life of the victim showed their journeyed out to Taboga on their belief in the old maxim; Dead men tell no tales. But usual annual outing.
Pler 19, Balboa, in the Panama little did they know that murder will out, and it was Canal gasolene launch Aspinwhen they had begun to feel safe that they were captured wall, at 7, 10 they had and brought to justice.
merry and enjoyable trip across In the trial which took place before Judge Hanan at the bay arriving at the Aspin.
the Cristobal Circuit Court soon after the men had been wall landing, Taboga, at about 9, 25. Here the party separated captured, a plea of gultyi was entere dby each of them.
some going to the preposed picThe Judge feeling that they should not have gone to trial nic site near the property of the without legal representation appointed three attorneys to Pacife Steam Navigation Co. in appear for them. The evidence which led to their conpangas and the others, thinking, viction, notwithstanding their own confessions, was a probably that such means of horrible story, and with tear filed eyes the Judge passed transportation afforded too slight, a margin of safety, went the sentence of death on them.
foot through the You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED in These men have paid the full penalty of their crime; order to completel, dominate your sufferings is the famous corpulent tenden and there is now the most absolute certainty that they will cies and the ladies with highheeled shoes perhaps the some never again commit the act. The effect of their execution HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES Suure what steep streets, set not with will doubtless be a lasting example to men and boys with of world wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Anemia, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Debility, etc.
beautiful pearls, but with cobbla a criminal bent in their nature. The ultimate goal of crime Stones that bad long since learn For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Messrs.
Kue is murder, and the only just reward of murder is the gal.
ed to maintain respectiul dist ince between each other, was Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon.
hu lows.
inco one The public ought to feel satisfied that they have been rid GERVASIO GARCIA.
heless it is a long line that has airly trying experience. Ne of three dangercus characters whose lives had revealed no 68, CENTRAL AVENUE.
Agent for the Republic of Panama.
most a public house, and in duo promise, tend ney for disposition to do anything honorthis the the two parts out able or profitable. With men like those at lurge in any under thispralinbrine place the safety of the community is always joopardieu the bany ammin However, it is always sal and territo think of the Personal an eil. The wide country lelie of sorrow when the sul hour had come, and that thout that there THE CENTRAL RSSTAURANT wore no relatives to show interest in the condemned ug. freedom of his stacion It has been made to arretarters and then the dy un No. 16 STRZET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE that an article published in the begin. Niver was a happier and gests the idea of abandonment by their family and makes.
the whole case so much the sadder.
editorial columns of this paper wherrier Bun on November 2011 last was in hered in any place each seting Tinch of wiMurderers are men, and when brought to justic and First Class Meals served at all lour tended to convey an insult to the determined to entirely banish condemned to death should receive every help in fitting Panama Government and the citi care for the day. Bithing, swing them to meet their doom. The abandonment of relatives EARLY TEA AND COFFEE zens thereof. Mr. Juan Tinker inge gathering sea shelis, and is not a very human act, nor is the abuse of condemned. ishte editor wishes to state where otheday mu prog man es happiness Special accommodation for Ladies made up criminals, on the part of the populace, in any respect, a emphatically, that this creditable action.
TIDY AND POLITE WAITERS always entertained and will con and enjoyment. The return jour Crime has increased within recent years, in this countinue to entertain the highest re at 40 in the ney to Panama was commenced SERVICE UPTODATE.
spect and regard for the Govern: when just about mid way beevening. but try, to an alarming extent and only this week has a whole ment of Panama and the exalted tween Taboga and Balboa the family in Veraguas been brutally murdered. Whatever officials thereof and at no has he either directly or indirect despite the coaxing at no time sentiments the public may have as to capital punishment, engine went on strike an ly ever attempted or intended to ator, refused to budge. After it is the only method that can be successfully adopted the oper: against the slaughtering of innocent people. The knowinsult the Government or the citizens thereof. The proprietor of hours or more the operator, de of working strenuously for two ledge that the law of banging will be enforced in cases of THE WOMAN EXCHANGE the WORKMAN has been in the murder will have a restraining effect on men whose minds in the cided Republic of Panama for the past but await the help which was nothing could be done may be infiltrated with criminal intent.
The wave of murders, which is sweeping over the Istb.
NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA thirteen years and has received numerous courtesies from the offi. sure to come. At about 11 o clock mus seems to be gaining in strength, and for the least of cials and other gentlemen, citi a speed boat came out and took zens of the country, and was very minutes later, tired sleepy, but. 45 fence men are using deadly weapons with which to settle DRESSMAKERS much surprised to see a different vers their disputes. Many men, now in the penitentiary of Panama undergoing long term sentences for having comin question, than that meant or baviour of the Aspin wall construetion placed in the article very happy and convinced that despite unfortunate misbe nitted homicide, might have thought twice before perThe Importance of completing your Christ.
intended by the writer as there we had spent a perfectly, happy fecting the gruesome deed of murder had they known that mas dress on time is never under estimated, was absolutely no insult intended. day. The party consisted of the Ed.
the result of the act would have been the death penalty; WE WILL NOT DISSAPPOINT YOU.
cheir and a few friends, number.
and many lives that have been taken by the cowardly asing forty one in all.
sassin and the wilful murderer might have been spared to DANGER SIGNAL MAN ALIVE purposes of the greatest usefulness in the world.
ANN THOMAS, Some people are not in favor of capital punishment. great writer says while you They think that persons convicted for homicide should be Proprietress.
Stop! Read! Proceed to are in possession of health san.
ity and cool judgment imprisoned and given opportunities for reformation and should decide to put a little general moral rebirth. But here are a few questions STOP. This is necessary, because money away for certain, wise for menwho reason, like this, Can the life of a the signal of danger is prominently dis loving and beautiful purpose and murderer, at any time, be computed more valuable than played before your gnxe, namely symp. put it where you can get itin one toms of the deadly diseases of Kidney of those feverish intervals when that of the slain? If the murderer wilfully plans and perEverybody is just crazy over and Bladder and to proceed unchecked your imagigation sains control petrates the slaughter of a life of promising usefulness, Dr. Welters Tooth Powder means instant death.
of your our better self. The Panwhy should he who had no regard for the sanctity of READ. This is also necessary in American Life Insurance Comhuman life himself be permitted to live?
teeth, retards diseases, prevents decay, aad relieves toolbache.
order to direct your action as to the pany will help you to effect this.
It Is Antiseptic If within the six months usually allowed between the Rafest route to pursue and as to what you Insure your life to day and you Box 73, Cristobal, CZ sentence of condemnation and its execution a slayer with Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR Distributors.
should do to escape the confronting will ensure protection for your danger.
family and against old age see his eyes in the grave does not yield to moral or religious PROCEED TO ACTION. When Cambridge at Colon and he influences, but remains untouched and unmoved by the you have stopped and read, then move will tell you how to do it.
stings of conscience what could hypothecate the possibilThe penalty of death in the case of the three murder to action, for mark you, without this ity of a reformation after a reprieve or during a long term ers who were executed last Wednesday was what they escape is impossible.
NOTICE sentence when with the rernoval through time or location knew they deserved, and while a human instinct prompt. Pills, the best, easiest and safest means Start right now with DeWitt from the incident the criminal seeks to forget the wickeded them to seek reprieve, they were not unconscious of of escape have escaped by this King of Steamship Co. of Jainaica to have been authorised by the from the serious danger.
deed that had stained his hands?
President of the West Indian the equity of the sentence. In this, they deserved the pity Or, if during the time the criminal is awaiting death of the people, and needed every human aid that might medier is for the whole world. No state that the permission given other just as good.
he does yield to the prickings of conscience and the moral have contributed to resignation to their fate. Not Take heed. Why not you? But get Panama Mercantile Agency to to Mr. Sydney Young of the and religious exhortations of those who visit him, why for a moment, would any one say that they should have been the genuine Pills put up by DE should he crave to live, or fear to die, after having become pardoned, but the feeling exists that they deserved the WITT Co. Ltd. England.
represent the West Indian Steamship Company Ltd. in the sale prepared to meet his doom? It would apppear to be a moral upbuilding that would have made death less horrible Sold at all leading Drug Stores, of stock at Panama is until fur.
sort of inexplicable indulgence to wipe out the statue of and removed out of their attitude much of the puzzling stoic THE CITY PHARMACY, ther notice cancelled.
capital punishment from the legal codes of the civilized ism which they openlyi evinced before presto. act of the 139 Central Ayenue, Panama.
FALEX. KENNEDY, nations.
hangman sent them into the land of eternal silence.
Strike and of the that engine, you Because it the ONLY dentice that polishes gold in the mouth bleaches the Try atin to day Free from grite 128 Bolivar betweea 8th and oth. Colon.

    Death SentenceEngland

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