
Good quanti PE extra Mild Better GARETTES it creditably.
bad a mobs Best Abis speciality was sil: found in bad study medicice.
best KING BEE We must dred stes 21Mr. John McPhail returned from his trip abroad some weeks Grenada ago looking quite fit. The whole community wisties him continued Proposed Paper Factory.
good health The banana trade is rather In connection with the propos.
brisk here, is. 6d being offered for ed local paper factory to be erect bunch The four companies ed by Messrs Thomas Nelson are in the market weekly. Jud Sons, Ltd. it is of interest to ging by the fields one passes, state that bungalows are now the spring crop, barring winds, erected, east of Mt. Hope Estate, promises to be large.
St Joseph for the accommoda tion of the staff Mr.
Dinner to Mr. Josephs.
Sinooker being in charge of arrangements, with Mr. Ince as Mr. Hector Josephs, Spain Gazette With possibly, assistant, says the Port ofAssistant to the Attorney Gen. the exception of a few acres, eral, who is going to British of the entire 000 acres of land Guiana to act as Attorney Gen. acquired from the Government was entertained at dinner by the in 1914, have be in planted in legal profession at South Canp bamboos, and as bamboos are Road Hotel on Saturday night ready for pulpmaking in between last.
The Hon. St. John Branch, iy now ready for the mills. All and years, there is Attorney General, presi arrangements for a regular and ded, and among those present full supply of water cigarettes were Their Honours the Acting completed for the use the Brown and Mr Justice Or. Soot feest Whithe machinery is ex Mr.
will pen, as well as a representative pected at any moment and, as gathering of legal men of the soon as installed, bamboos will colony.
be purchased from anywhere here or in the neighbouring Dr. Escoffery.
islands for the local paper making industry.
than ever The Gleaner of the 15th inst. before says it is pleasing to note that Contractors for Harbour Dr. Esceffery, of this island, has obtained the coveted degree Improvement Scheme of in England.
He recently sat to the examination and has succeeded in passing the Bahamas having advertised.
We read that the Governmet of The young doctor is one in Canada for contractors to of the sons of the soil who has undertake a barbour improve most distinguished career ment scheme in that quarter, rer and of whom we are justly proud.
bad. eral Canadian firms of marine in the world It is well known that he won engineers are interested in the the Jamaica Scholarship in 1913. offer. One firm has applied for was, mathematics, specimens of and of all the candidates who sat the scene for operations, also for throughout the world, he took specifications in connection with the first place in this branch of boring of reefs etc. We think learning. This was without doubt it high time for work to be start a feather in Jamaica cap. He ed One cent silver paid on our Harbour Improvement then proceeded to Aberdeen Uni scheme in Grenada. Perhaps it versity to He will be will be good to advertise for a.
for every empty KING ther a most successful career firm of engineers to do the work.
there He gained the place We have one of the harbours BEE package returned in every examination that he took in the West Indies, if not the and was awarded numerous me best land locked harbour. It can dals. In his final examination he be made into what enterprise to dealer or the factory.
was twarded the special prize murks out for it. We must for the most distinguished stu: ge, and we must dynamite reefs dent of his term. Upon obtaining which seem to be narrowing the his degree of CH he en pissage to our inner harboura listed and served as a Lieutenant Sime of us remember the time in the RAM. in France, until when three or fou the end of the war, when die was chored in ourner harbour with BRITISH AMERICAN TOBOO COURIYLTD.
offered and accepted the position satty Snips of wati of Instructor of Anatomy at in and remained there within a Aberdeen University, a position stone throw of a bəy in Matwhich he still holds. The Doctor thew Street. We want our Har is only 24 and is perhaps the bour improved. The Imperial youngest professor the Universi Government are interested in ty has ever had, and it is very Harbour Improvements in the delightful to think that one of Empire. We want a propar Dr. OGILVIE Dr. LOWE our song has been thought good ding place with all conveniences enough to till so important a posi to visitors. We want bitter ware To Visitors. olation. We want IS NOW LOCATED AT L, Edin 157 Central Avenue, corne 139 CENTRAL AVENUE Dr. Escoffery was determined the entire face of the Ctrenage Street.
PANAMA CITY to o pursue his studies in surgery to be in a position to reflect de and he therefore went to London ceney. When are we going ta HOURS: to 11. 30a. Office Hours: 30 a. ni.
Jamaica four hours after admission. The and sat for the degree start this great work Shall we advertise for contractors and 90 to 30.
which he has now ob ained. p. p.
chauffeur was rrested on a Sundays: toll am charge of manslaughter but Escoffery of th town, and The doctor is a brother of Mr man it?
Appointments can be arranged Box 798 Office 844 Phones: granted bail on his producing a this community wishes the young Te ephone 875: Ancon, Residence 1002 Tragic Death.
medico every success.
Barbados Spanish Town, Monday. The Bog Walk Notes death of a young man named Bog Walk, Nov. 13. The new In The Market Decoration with DistinTerrence Tavares occurred here sugar factory being erected at Newton plantation, Ch. Church, under tragic circumstances on. By broc about three quarters is, or soon will be in the market guished Conduct Medal Saturday last.
finished and we hope to see the for sale. The understand that an The deceased, who resided at machinery going in January. offer of 60, 000 was submitted BY THE GOVERNOR Half ago employed at Innswood energy and business accumen of and was accepted; but owing to. On Thursday morning at 30. Mr. Hope, lato privato win Charley, but was laid off. Rott. Constantine.
purchaser withdrew his offer.
of the 2nd Battalion British West Last week he revisited the place The cane crop in St. ThomasIndies Regiment, was publicly with the hope of being employed in the Vale as result of the sea decorated by His Excellency Sir Rent Receipt Books in SpanSUNLIGHT SOAP is mado vas unsuccessful. sonable again, but was Seeing a motor truck laden with very promising, and some heavy Workman Printery.
weather since June is sh and English, for sale at the Charles Brien with the Medal (Continued on Page 6)
choicest of edible oils and fats.
bags of sugar leaving the estate tonnage is expected. In fact it Kingston, deceased thought would be interesting to know it It contains no harsh or strong securing lift home, or ingredient.
as any canefield in Westmoreland It is the purest and most cordingrejampossible: han drasi or Vere will beat in the average on the truck yield per acre, some fields in efficient of soaps and, if used which was being driven by that parish.
judiciously, the most economical Charles Rowe, Besides Rowe, It is time for the Public Works of soaps.
the chauffeur, there were on the to look about the roads already little goes a long waytruck George Benadier Foreman failing into disrepair, and save mechanic, Jos. assistant heavy expenses during crop time (BRANDON BANK)
every particle is pure there is to the chauffeur, Vernon Davis when heavy truck and waggons nothing to harm the clothes or and others. It is said that on his will pass up and down hauling SECURITY to impede the rapid progress jumping on the truck Tavares canes to the railway or the facof the wash.
told to get off, and that he tory.
ALL THE VALUE left the spot on which he first sat Food is still scarce, but Negro IS IN SOAP.
and found another seat on the yams and breadfruit are obtain fender. Whilst passing Warwick able on Saturdays at the usual Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon We are soapmakers with an Castle on the Old Harbour Road, high price.
ideal our ideal is to make.
the chauffeur saw two keys. There is a good cocoa crop on Our large Resources and well known Soap which shall have no on the road, and swerved bis in some parts, but it is not genSUNLIGHT equal for Purity and Efficiency conservative Management afford untruck to the right to avert a col. eral.
SOAP throughout the lision country 20 with them. One of of the oc: The planters and penkeepers cupants was heard here have been served with nosuperior in all the world.
questioned security for every dollar Coolieman drop. De tices to plant given acreages of CUAD PURITY We realize our ideal in every deposited with this bank ceased was, sometimes called foodstuffs, and this will provide tablet of Sunlight Soap which The was food in abundance for the future.
is manufactured.
stopped and it was soon that both legs of the unfortunate will be complied with.
ALL THE VALUE IS IN found One wonders whether the order young fellow were THE SOAP THAT WHY.
The potato nursery is now in crushed. It happened that a van fine fettle and should supply enbelonging to the fame property ough plants for hundreds of acres.
was following behind and in this The Food Controller certainly ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON van the injuried youth was placed has looked ahead in this matter, President.
Vice President.
Treasurer and conveyed to the public hos and the use of this norsery is pital, wbere be expired about Dow patent red West Indian News tion.
Mouse accommodation.
to 30 surety.
All the VALUE in the SOAP. IS SUNLIGHT AP Panama Banking Company was 1000 donkeys at this time to say truck badly General Banking Business Transacted VA ROTATO FONT VALGO, NO BM SUNLIGHT SOAP


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