
Lieutenant the loss TOWEL!
figure LIFEBUOYA of had ROYAL to DISINFECTANT SOAP which at this time THE many hands which are wiped on the LIFEBUOY SOAP medal the PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1920.
Edison Invents Firms Must) Inteersting News from the a Ghostometer Hold to Contract Continued from page 3)
Manchester Manufactur for Distinguished Conduct. Be.
Sensitive Value which May ers Wont Agree to Amer sides Mr. Yearwood, late Be Made Use Of By ican Cotton Cancellations was the only officer of the regiof the who MANY The Departed.
ment to attend the ceremony, London, November At a there were a number of ex nonHANDS LIFE INDESTRUCTIBLE. ter Chamber of Commerce on vates of the Regiment as well as special meeting of the Manches. commissioned officers and priThursday, says a despatch to Hope.
friends and well wishers of Mr.
The London Times of policeman WIPE Dead Friend Of Noted Am ter, American firms were accused under command of Capt. Reid of attempting to cancel orders was present. Capt. Hancock, erican May Be The First for cotton goods as a result of acting Staff officer of the Barba: To Use Machine the recent heavy fall in cotton dos Volunteers, presented the ON ONE prices It was estimated that young ex soldier to his Excellento Manchester if the cy after the policemen had been li New York, October 21. Dr. Edison would be between 200, 000 to L2, had marched past.
permitted inspected by the Governor and interviewed in the Scientific American, the leading American scientific public considered nearer the mark.
000, 000, but the last His Excellency after pinning was the Medal said ation, intime he search for apparatus resolution was enabling him to communicate with the that passed Mr. Hope, very much regret spirit world.
no cancellations would be agreed that the copy of the London Gazet. My apparatus is in the nature of a to in cases where the terus of te which held the record the contract been valve, he says. The slightest conceive the fine services by which you able effort will exert many times it in: Commerce in London has agreed fear it has seen lost in the The American Chamber of have gained this very high disis not in my possession.
itil power for indicative purposes. where a man with one ciklit borse power Chamber of Commerce, asserted way here. Therefore have no besimilar to the one dei te hore power. President of the Manchester transport by enemy action are the starts a 50. 009 pengine. My apparatus will magnify the that some American tims were official record of the services by you gained this medali slightest effort which it intercepts, and trying to evade responsibili ties. Mr. Stockton added that have, however, been informed give us whatever form of record we desite. do not wish to explain further there can be no confidence in that you were on outpost duty the stability of trade either un with some of your comrades on collaborator on this work died the less the sanctity of contracts is the 7th July, 1918, when you were attacked by aeroplanes.
other day. He knew exactly what am maintained.
Your arm was fractured and one same towel are busy all day long handling after: Therefore, believe he might be of your comrades was seriously the first to use the apparatus if he was Advertise in the WORKMAN wounded, and, what under germ laden things Books, Money, Tools, able to do so.
and get Good Results. stand is, that you in a most galMr. Edison explained that his ar lant manner picked up your comFurniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
sumption after death was based on the rade, carried him to a place of beliel chat human bodies are composed The Classical and safety and both of you were of myriads of infinitesimal entities, each afterward taken to Hospital. We co micofile foreningen and life. They Commercial School know that it there is any medal human being.
giren absolutely for merit, it is Indestructible the medal for distinguished conNo. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaz duct in the field. Every soldier is These entities live for ever, he said.
PURIFIES AND PROTECTS. You cannot destroy them any more Box 1044, Ancon, expected to be gallant and brave when in action.
than you can destroy matter. We are ELEMENTARY AND HIGH When a distinguished conduct It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy simply working on the same supply SCHOOL COURSES individual bas done something. means that the Soap does more. It positively protects its users from over and over again. We change tbe combination, but we do not change tbe out of the way. have also been the many germ laden things they come into contact Day and Night Sessions informed, although not officially, relative quantities, and they ar: always with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
The reason why Letters, Petitions, Memorials, that this was the first Disting.
same entities am Edison and you are somebody else Addresses, etc. tastefully word uished Conduct Medal granted is because each has a different swarmed and neatly executed by hand to the BWT Roripen her in if that Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will of these entities or typewriter It is not only a make your skin glow with health.
For terms apply to Wash your face with it. Bathe It has been conclusively proved that our personality resides in that part of ROBERT LINDSAY, highly of Barbados (Cheers. with it. Shampoo with it.
the brain known as the fold of Broca; hope that having been disand it is therefore reasonable to suptinguished by your conduct in the MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
pose wat our directing entities which death and depart 10 soek, new work field, your conduct in civil life give us our mental impressions and But how about the fold of Brora? Do may be equally meritorious that LEVER BROTIERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHTENGLAND, personalities. What we call death is the break up and seek nou work in the you will ever remalu a living ex In my opinion they hold ample of devotion to duty and width parture of all these entities universe together, their own per onality continues loyalty to your king and coun The whole question of survival is to exist, and my machine ought to be try. wish you every possible what happens to the master entities in of sme use. success. Cheers. The Cane Crops the fold of Bruct. It is for to assume visers are not satis tied that the Mr. Hope who was educated St. Vincent that the other entities from all parts of Advertise in the WORKMAN at the Combermere School was petition represents the wishes the body, doing routine work, disband at of all classes of the community and get Good Results Following upon showers the en: of the tirst and most enthu.
in St. Vincent or the change siastic of the Boy Scouts in the tire country side is now a mass troop formed by the late Mr. of waving emerald green, and Petition for Repre which is desired would be for Springer at the school. would to Heaven that it were their After leaving school he wens Ele still low, even though hardy, and more than that. The canes are sentative Govt.
The Times in commenting on Eated for some time as as an the above say say mentary School Assistant Teach continuance of the show Representative government er He enlisted toward the end ers.
should make a tine recov. Reply from Secretary of may be a very good thing, but of 1915 and was sent to England. ery It is, however, impossible State for the Colonies our people are not yet in a con After soine months of training for the rosete anticipations of dition to govern themselves and small communities do not count ferred to Egypt for service. Mr. realised and to expect more In his reply to the petition of Under Crown Colony yorernment st.
his be in these days of.
was an efficient Signaller than a half crop would be to in the people of St. Vincent asking Vincent Tin no word ooff than the in his regiment and it was while dulge just now in a particularly for representative Government slands posessing representative in.
on outpost duty in the Beersheba aggressive optimism. Since my the Secretary of State for the stitatious (italies mine. and the Sector in Palistine where he was last fortnight notes, Edgecum. Colonies UNITED FRUIT COMPANY wounded that he performed the be among other Governor reply will meet gen.
ins St George has destroyed things:distinguished services which some ratoon canes for fodder Such a change in the consti eral approval.
won him the medal. He returned and, we understand, that the tution of the government would Port Limon Costa Rica to the island in June last year Betle. St. Michael, has idos eo fikte het beerighe, tem pervedicou ce and Dr. CALVO and soon after entered the Civil Wise, The tempting prices of the not be lightly carried out and Service where he is now em. last few years have encouraged His Majesty advisers Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty We cannot Physician and Surgeon of housing accomodation bearty congratulations and hope and in a year like this no other change words with the wishes CENTRAL Avenue and No. with His Excellencs that Mr. result could be expected. that it 19TH STREET, EAST.
Hope civil life will be no less of the inhabitants of the Colony successful than his military exand that it is calculated to prom omy OFFICE HOURS: The Provision Crop to 11 a.
ote their interest more effectual Should the rains continue the ly than the present system of English, French, Spanish and Must have Passport and Agricultural Jottings.
yam crop in some districts will government His Majesty ad Italian spoken.
Vaccination Card.
still be fair and it would not Commenting on the weather a bad idea for the speculatively be conditions for October a recent inclined to lay in an early and Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock issue of the Weekly states that good store these vegetables are the fortnight ended October very likely as to bring a very high 29th has been the most favour price next year around May Apply UNITED FRUIT Co. able of the year for agriculture. June. Planters have been very Apart from some very heavy and busy during the last few weeks Cristobal, Canal Zone.
valuable downpours, there have getting in been repeated light showers, and glad to be able to state that there am potatoes, and as these have been spread over has been an apprecjable drop in the entire cultivable area of the this popular article of diet from OWNED BY Colony there has been general 18. 00 per 100 lbs: to 00 per The National City Bank of New York THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD lbs. The price cane and corn fodder is again on the increase and will continue so until Head Office: 55, Wall Street TONIC Dr. Hubert Edwards, the reaping season.
Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 182 Bolivar Street Dr. Hoffman IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE)
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended Official Depository of the Republic of Panama in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverish. begs to inform the public that has reopened his clinic for gen Depository of the Panama Canal ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
he has severed all connections cases and urological disorders of eral practice for gynocologica with the English Drug Store, both sexes. Diseases of the blood Through its Agencies in the Interior and It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives owned by Mr. Salazar, of the treated in accordance with the tone and energy to the whole system.
its Foreign Branches this Institution offers Pan American Drug Store; but his offices have not been removed latest German discoveries. Ap. exceptional banking facilities.
Doss One Small Wino glass before each meal or times a day and he can still be found above 606 and its latest modifications, plication of the Genuine German the Singer Sewing Machine (1495 and Silber salversan. Draftsjon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands JAVIER MORAN Company. Same old stand.
His residence is now at the Telephone No. 746 Interest Paidfon Savings Account at Per Cent FARMACIA AMERICANA. Alba House etween AG, CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, and Fourth Streets.
Opposite Amador Theatre Per Annum irom our bodies one of the Buch with Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers Hope says Free Transportation. No Deposit. to p.


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