p. 6


PAGE SX pris ng Atla (Cornudd om lage I. ke nation Bcount the inpudel indis crations of a striker who does sharm besides busing our hos pitality. For this raon, Hub ert Walrond hould necessarily be explled from the nation.
al triters and I, Juan Nicanor Tinker, who signs this, will re qust th. Ex cutive Authority to issue a decree to that effect based on Aticle 26 of Law 320 1914 anama, Noveinber 29, 1920. Sigoed. JUAN NICANOR TEKER SOXOOSOBXSSXODAS dian CARD. and Mrs. Leopolit Brown of Argyle, St. Vincent, BW. beg to tender their heartfelt thanks to the many friends and country men in Panama of their deceased la mented son, Hugh Brown for their acts of kindness to him in a strange land, and the affection de monstrated by following his remains to their last resting place.
expressing the written.
LOST amanian Bunch of keys between Cen.
tral Avenue, and Ancon Post Office, finder returning same to WORKMAN Printery will be rewarded.
He NOTICE censed by the Al concerned are hereby notified that Harris, teacher, has been appointed assistant to the Inspectress of Panama Private Schools. All teachers are, therefore, requested to comply with all circulars etc. which may be issued by him from time to time with may approval.
INES FABREGA, Inspectress.
DON WASTE nakle dealing knows it.
Now Shepherd Lodge.
Stoute, USE IT CARE THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, ECEMBER 4, 1920 20:00 SC OS OSS 33393357 No nsu io Panz.
ri) PACIFIC THEATRE in Workhth the of his pipers man Ed torial le tine To night, Saturday, December 4, 1920 tres able Wanton Attack on West diettely the Tlie Interesting Reel Feature Indians Libery britof pable not by the Can 2 vne re. WHY TELL? Propaganda o Hostile Tas attick on th WOMAN To Morrow, Sunday, wecember Feeling bespirently nerd fron o her motives than patriol.
Another Rustling Reeler is, it is so unlike Mr. Juin There appeared in the columns Niker usual way of exo MUGGS of a publication of the Diario Naing hins in resto cional an article from the pen of the relationship of anaina Mr. Juan Nicanor Tinker, a with the United Sa es and the COMING SOON namanian lawyer, in which the contempt in which his ople Big Universal Serial Starring attention 01 Panamanians are is held by th nereus. It is called to an article publishel by more hostile that all have ever EDDIE POLO, ENTITLED THE WORKMAN, a West In expressed: anil chdiens the jurnal that the editor and muhod and honor of Tink THE VANISHING DAGGER proprietor MCH. Walrod, a to deny the sitem ne is Voor Het dors in this sul Barvaian, in winter oooooooooooooooo S0 sco rest, by Canil 20. au au hor den changion under the ities, vf Willian Preston Stoute, ku se of also a Ba partie citizenship budian, insult the Pa The word Scrap of is per namna vernment and the citi not an insuit. It is th high dup Correspondence. zens in stat ng that the letter of lonatie way We do not hold ourselves respon said William Preston Suute, is arvement or the naturalization issud to the afore. non recognitio of a provisions of HOUSEHOLD REMEDY sible of the opinion expressed below.
a scrap of paper. The article soine part of the agreemen: PRACTICAL, ECONOMICAL The following let:er has been Diario Nacional on Friday, Nor in that article which can conthe not a word For burns, outs, bruises, sprains, for sore, tired feet, for lame back, sent in to this office for publi ember 26th last, and the article structed an insult to the Gov strained muscles, dobie itch use cation by the undersigned of the WORKMAN was publishernment of this country or its William Preston Stoute is not a Paded on Saturday, 20th of the same citizens. personally have been DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC amanian according to the laws of the month, a resident of this republic for It has been fond to give quick relief from pain and to beal open Republic. He is not a naturalized PanIn a further issue of the Diario over twenty years and have to wounds quickly.
He is neither a victim It has also a positive, established value as a quick relief, taken spite as stated in Saturday. Nov. 20, Nacional, published on Tuesday, ceived all the courte sies and con internally, for colle, cramps and diarrboes.
1920. issue of The WORKMAN. 28th last, Mr. Juan Tinker, in siderations that can be extendea has not complied with the laws of Pan. a memorial, requests the Execu to an alien. At times, have At your druggist. You need it.
ama, although be pledged himself to tive of this Republic to issue. been treated as if were no support, obey and comply with them. decree in conformity with Arti accredited person. certainly The documents of naturalization is ing from this Republic Mr. any upra cle 26 of Law 32 of 1914, deport would be the last man to tolerate insult of my sued by His Excellency the President of the Worond, because of the in temporary adoption. would com the Republic, coun ersigned by the Sec. sult stated in the WORKMAN sure the Workman or any West retary of Foreign Relations and endorarticle, who would try to the Governor of the Province. and Waldrond non. com pliance or refusal to publish an the respect due to the dose not make William Preston Stoute article written by Mr. Tinker, protection we have always re beneficer nor will citizen nor entitle bim to the right the insult, and to maka decla have had hird struggles know that that at tiines we and privileges of Panama, and he is of with some Panamanians, but non intention of the journal to they are not of the representa William Preston Stoute knows that on it the 11th day of October, 1919, he nigned cast as persions at the govern. e class; and for this reason wo can always magnanimously for in the office of the Governor of this Prov do not care to discuss the Live the insults of the ignorant THE GAS THAT YOU PAY FOR ince, the following diligence to wit:in the city of Patisma, on the elev. Stoute, as an personily o naturalization of William Preston on acciunt of th. cons rations we barceivel fom tine to enth day of the top. of October of tum. fron the botor class of For opinion, that he inule the mis Dineteen hundred and nineteen, appar tike of his life. inttiene by Citizens ed at the flies of the Governor of this We feel this tinchlang o rovire.
Mr. Will Preston Sto un persons or very supertit with the kno viel of the status of West muzatie Wst Indian press e cojet of receiving his letter of Indians in this conatry whare and wint de the instells thit His Excellacy the Firt Designate in Chance of the Exe not cquint vith the feeling of an entortoches of toleration und which they it is betri mude known that Mr. tierra y fruitrol risulti lent and will tight a very are guests to this republic is on. We have see pind thical cute tas been informed of his obligair in such a discussion althou cha step Wr. Warndo te And You Will Reduce Your Gas Bill tront comply with the requiries of natalowy nor citizen of this loie. The Ws Indian populy Article 321 of the Civil Code, inseribina republic after twnty years of mis pole keht is support and said of the Civil Reresidence say it unquilili diy, serp wil be take to give 25 to 40 Per Cent.
Bistry of Persons that can giv a vre satisfac: th: Panam mian governmentate In proof thereof ite proscat diligence tory explavati and interpreta ixfaction that no a tiek or in salt is signed Lion of the article reference to was intal d, but Mr Tinker The Governor, naturalizition, as conceded in pocket b»k amigt west 10 AT the Constitution than a larger dans will rec ive a sovere check PANAMA GAS CO. Sigued) ESTRIPEAUT.
The Nationalised, number of persons who are citi WYNTER Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
Panama Dacam ber 2, 1920. Signed) STOUTE.
Article 69 of the Constitution Tel. 798.
Tel. 364.
The Secretary SERVICE concedes the rights of naturali Have you son tha graat bər(Signed) ALFREDO AYALA zati in to ali ns after residence gain sala in Fin English WoolEntered on folio No. 31 of Book of in the republe for a sp citied ens for xmas all double width Naturalizations nu u ber of years, but according seliing at 25 to 00 gold par (Signed) DUTARI to the Civil Code, under Title yaed formarly sold at 00 and XIX, gistro del estado civil 10. 00 per yard. than go to Chief Clerk.
and article 311, the following David Cardoze Store, Former Stoute has not complied with the appears. The civil register by Chong Kea, opposite Pana Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. mentioned Article 321, neither has he includes the inscription (or Reg. nua Lottory Omice.
istration) of births, marriages, complied with the requisites of Article CHURCH NOTICES Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
76 of Executive Decree No. 17 of 1914, deaths, annotation of manhood His naturalisation papers are not in recognition of legal rights, legiscribed, registered in the Olvil Registry stry, tlmation of all documents, adop St. Pitor Church, La Bra Why then should be hape the audacity toa FREIGHT AND PASSENGER by naturalization, responal.
SERVICE calling himsele Pantalo, sad bility of manhoud, sentences of st. Poter Course morrow, cho Bloom of The following will the nie mupportero voico him such divorce, or nullity of marriage and Sunday in Advent:S. EBRO Morning Prayer and addrow at 11.
money under false pretenons, by pro 00 competent judicial bodies. Lay reader. School at GRAFT, is the newer, and collecting or the judgments dictated by will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balbos acou or the reg voking the sympathy of the Woot Yadine separation of bod on the Lachaus, because they all coolstration of the (Lwy ronder. Evenoug and rormon SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1920, for properties 821. itbute Saundially to what they think Falia stiat Korefigners tore lietas, St. Barmbas Church, Empire Tho 30 in. Rector)
natuCallao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso.
iut claim and cure, The Canal Zone authorites are aboo become a Panamanian citizen or Holy Communica 4t 10. 45 sm. Bohol and the declaration for option to There wil bo celebration of the ESSEQUIBO lutely right in telling Stoute what he will leave Cristobal op SUNDAY DECEMBER for kaows that he is not a ProAmanian the acknowledgement of the p. and Evening Prayer at 5p.
New York, direct citinen, and we do not recognize ar com sace in the previous law or in Las Cascadas article 69 of the Constitution older bim as such either. He does not shall bave no do us any good or honor.
ettect in legal There will be sobool in the Churda GUATEMALA mean while until it is inscribed Mission Hall tomorrow Pagams, Nov. 22, 1920, In the public clvil registry of conducted by Rov. Mulonne, will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa Hoon SATJUAN NICANOR TINKER.
any at 339 there Priest ia. the date on which it had been Evening Prayer and crm. Parreto will be URDAY DECEMBER 4, 1920 for Guayaquil, Palta, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry. Callao, TO WHOM CONCERNED the date the petition for naturali their children on time to school ad all conceded. Article 322 requires and guardines are regosted to send out Tambo de Mora, Pisco, Chala, Mollendo, Aron Iquique, Antofagasta, Coquimbo and Lodges receiving circulars so zation was iled and the time our members and friends are cordialle leiting their insertion in the when the alien to be registered iavited to the Evening Servide.
Guiding Star Volume are hereby acquired a home notified of the closing, not later any part of the republic and the Somsthing Dəing on the EvenIng of the 22ad Inst, CAUCA than December 31, 1920.
time when he residence in the country. There his Grand Secular Cacert will be will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, WED.
THE AUTHOR is nothing in the law to indicite staged ia the Li Bica Clubhouse on the NESDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1920 for the time when this registration evening of the 22nd inst, wder the Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil.
NOTICE is to be made eftective, nor does auspices of the Young People of Bt.
the law state that the non regis. Peter Church. It will be the bigges tratiun of the papers invalidates social of içs kind ever pulled off by For further particulars opply to the Office of the Companies at To Fraternal Societies, other the rights of citizenship; but at young folks at the club use. Cassad CRISTOBAL Organizations and the generalis quite clear although the appli preparations are being made, and every public: cant has subscribed his name body in tle Silver City and Chorrillo or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, fine assortment of and has taken the oath which is who hus hard about it laus tea electrie FANCY CARDS my opinion and in the opinion of fied, and is prepuriuo to enjoy it. Are PANAMA all the authorities on the sub. YOU COMINGI For printing Christmas and New ject, the oath is the most essen. The results will go towards supplying or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. lac. Sub Agente.
Year Greetings tial element of naturalization; be the Sunday School with literature.
Place your orders early, and gal privileges antil his papers are has not the rights to exercise le.
Chorrillo Baptist Church.
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Panaps.
pick your choice, at the.
registered, but it is a misinterpre 730 Rov. Bobson. Lord WORK MAN PRINTERY. tation to affirma, that after having supper. בין culi lower has isted in bus favor, The iniuration of the Loyal David gr. 9531. ASA under the Tribe Call ne District with Br. Michlapos, tuok place on the rights of the 2111 25 and 9: Nv. al No. Cal leaz. Street Miel, Patos City The cand a cs who numbered 50 were dily admitted into the myster of 8h plody by Bro. JJ. Jolly who was er of cerem hics On be night of Nov. 27th the Dedi etia and Installation cermonics were duly priormed by Rro. JJ. Jolly, CS and Bro. RN. Ingran, PCS C asisted by Bro. Brown, PC. Bro. Byan, DP of King George; Sia, Bravo, M. Bro. Mais, and Bro. Mson, of Excels or Lodge The following offiours were duly in stated for the cusuing teren Bro, Mi chell, M; Buissett, Wil on, Ellis, M8; Williams, Chap. bie. Mitchell, Treas. Bro Phillipe, RM. Sis. Lewis, Sis.
Walrom, C. Bro. Grat, C. G; Bin, Wallace, Sia: Brankor B. Bro. Wm. Lewis, and Bro. Barclay, 0, G, The Hall was tastefully decors od fur the occasion and after the ceremonica were concluded the Brother And Sister Tetired to the banqueting room and did justice to the sumptuous repast that was provides for them where they indulged in speech making and addresses from the presentatives of the various lodges until the wee hours of the morning.
Zing UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 12, the commenced CANAL ZONE Lo the United btates Dstrict Court for the Balboa Division, at Aucos WALLACE DOWNS, Plulatif VS MATILDA DOWNS, Defendant Civil No. 448 PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS To Matilda Downs: GREETING: Take Notice, that you are bereby required by enter your appearance in the District Court at lucon, Canal Zine, on or before the 21st day of January, 1921, and plead, answer or demur to the complaint therein fied against you. Should you fail to answer the complaint lucren referred to, judgement will be taken against you by definult and according to prayer set forth In said petition, E, M, COOLSBY.
Clerk District Court. L, CARRINGTON, Actoney or Haiute,


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