p. 1


INIC: Crs. Peter Williams Now in the Toils AFTIR EVADING POLICE LORD BRYCE ANOTHER INSTANCE FOR MANY MONTHS OF MISINTERPRETATION GRAVE CHARGES ON clur the noi put pread vet ele left ing the bu re 01 1o Citd. columns kong lesby Tai. תווי) و وو. او وی را لولو Nat care was 11a ht und spot.
in order been in a Filed in Ancon Court Powers to Save World from Against Attorney, Anarchy.
Panama Notorious Housebreak In the District Court of Ancon, Boston, Navenber, 24. Lord No Reason Indicated for Attack the following charges were tiled Bryce, former British Ambassa er Surrenders Himself. before Judge John Hanan dor to the United last week against attorney Folixed the world at the abyss of on Editor of Workman Porter by attorneys Wm. calamity into which the war has Last Thursday morning in the districts. Soon he was seen to McIntyre and M. Rɔbinson plunged it. in a letter to the neighbourhood of eight o clock emerge from the bush below the In to day issue of this peri roll of mouthpiece for the WORK.
The first of the charges have Colonial Roups of men and women wear Ancon Corral heading for the to do with Mr. Porter conduct public ociety of this city made dical Mr. Juan Tinker, PA MAN, and his letter, as far as yesterday Fax anxious looks and moving concrete culvert along theCurun towards his clients; the last is The people of Britain and the an article captioned Lt the West expository.
amanian lawyer, is the author of we can see it, is impartial and Burrously back and forth could du river. Halt! was the order filed in cmnection with his treit. United States, he said, are spe Indian Community Decide.
te sien assembled wong the tat rang out from Detective ment of the Canal Zone Bench cially called to try and rescue Last week we published an ar It is neath the dignity and San Miguel and Calidoniu roads Kallay. Halt noth. and Bar.
onds Sergeant the world from the danger.
well on Central Avenue ingPete have in discussing what app aied to be 10hiunsele Tor he immediately the very near future, it is under the United States is prized be cheamanian Govermentuhade as a personal gratification and :lele in contradicion of the contrary to the policy of this otadded of against us insulting toe to engage mud very important historic storic opened fire on the cop. Then event and indet such it was ensurd a pistol du l, the detect called u wn to show cause why above the jail busies and din bi bilo najstion of Personal ani say that Mr. Tinker had misin.
tood wh dr. Porter will be cause she is iin partial and raised by theirsmanmar. Gaveberen under nting of plien. We will only for Bionſthe news spread ive scoring the tirst hit which he should not be disburred from ions that vox this distracted printed on our editoi paso, cabinet) have en un insult terpreted article in around that s left arm temp rarily the Canal Zone Courts ous, litr Williams, the tancs it of business Lord Bryce wrota to express which reads as follows: housebreaker. ibit epid ob.
Seeing CIVIL CASES ng ainst the ginning of the Panamanian Gover drezret at his inability to attend Persɔnal Complaints were tiled in open the annud me tink of the Socie und bod op an tu guin ind, thir recioubtable ele dron ment and people. p:inted an fall into the soft av peita prit of the bo hi ha court am Felix Portar, at ty which this year celebrated the Exp anation which, hich, we are sure has atitind all who like Mr.
pent the idents collected lorer to reduce his torney, by CM Intyre o It has been inade to anpar Tinker, may have lt thit s No 01 Cod hot doing win the nehalf of Phobe Novit, and retary of the landing of Lue Pilgrims.
that an article prolished in the Government ad people ha bere Ahito a fare il other EM. hilips, legink VIO.
editorial olunns of th prisult, but we unike hin, mut though the lighting donctives were choisis on nation of his path is attorney, PHOENIX CLUB on November oth lat. are to fuliar with the lo ce of indus Betaway of Pte found himselt mitata in that he had nt conduct tonlel to convey an insult to the languag: 10 bindly mis. PPY this Jumme James or thith rear awr of thin elf in his with cod Pani Geittheitat lent, ex, Oil and 10 moulting dating, he id kept go tilty to sd cien as their The attention of Il concerned zens hereof. Mr. Juan Tinker ferences be the nat vetiu or at which ing what Helveted shot attorney to divre: ueti with is called 104 al ceing of is the war of this stat. net QUOD Personal. xlanation LOD in the loft tish, ide bullet only hd reta:ned certato con for Tu sd y even phucaliy, thit this in this article to let the public ses dered through the part of ices to when was not ewitd. Donor lih, at the usual has always e tired and will wint we wid tast werk in ply 10 of his wonder the thigh It is is evident that Also a cnplant sixner by As twarcin inu to entertain the highest to Nr. Ike tek ind for by tutor seys Maintyre and ne ters of beat importance to respect and rear tor to Maio expit bied her le ctives bo va of Robinson was tiled aga nt sud o discussel, all members are romt of Pin and thuthui isen was to englily tem.
dire evin vertured to ho a up and their shots as he might very attorillazing wilation kod make it pustule to a exalt ofcial there it and at pered 10 primithia sue lacus naman das. best time. no tune was neither directly or and not fanc es. ue time is a chalenge to put At this last shot, Poliamid, is charyd, that during indirectly ever a tented or the Chief of the local detective censed mi ing avd dropped in his the motto of June last by frau tended to insult the Up to the present Mr. Tinker force is mutt hin at the same tricks taking advantage of the mate continuane, of all of his Gvernienthisn give reason for his wan.
de Lodge Publication.
he au indi or th: citizeas ther. The prown ta kupon the editor ofToe darkness to haul of the WORKMAX has WORLMAN. His attitude is in: llowever, whatever may have the bush dance that for bis balth; that a continut ce the Mosaic mplars of America for the past three years and inconceivable that only from his cases in to go to the Status The imaz Temple No 913, of in the public of Panain the ci cumstances which get away despite the fact that was granted on the repres. to notify its members has rrceived pressively unusual and it sems ded to his capiure, though really king of man wild thrown as it could not be called a capiure as th: wt where he was soon to entations; and that, whereas the tarousi these columns of the Mies froin the officials and other curansion in the Stoute affair Mr. bave daylight he reached the attorneys allege, he went to the coming nonination and election gentleinen, citizens fall. At daylight he reached the the coun We understand that he personne of bis parents at house 89. Slates for the purpose of making of officers for the ensuing term, try and was very much surpis. Graft was the answer for Ally vred up himseli tre the ruito il which he su glaring Canal policies and ter having Calidona, where it was arranged last and malicious cherkos. which will take place on Friday, ed to sed in different m stručtiva mais recente been thrice, wounded in Get him medical aid, isut the Department of Justica asuinst 17ch anstant. All members a placed in the article in quan ning encounter with them, set Pete wistom wild him that to the US. District Judy of th: requested to le va time at 30 than that muant or intended by Mr. Tinker has received any Pele on this occasion did not dis would easily be trail a thereby Canal Zone, and with the attempt sharp.
the writer as there was absolute Information against this offios ly no losult intended. Ed play that shrewdness and keen and he at once decided to deliver to have hin removed from oftice, which considered might be fureright which has made him up hiinself. Seeing all argu for the purpose of slandering Big Minstrel Show It is puzzling, amusing and Tinker seriously desires plicatory of his ac ion, and if Mr.
so famous in the eyes of his up hints that a doctor should be the mainbers of the bar, and the porters and may be accomplica. called were unava his aling, administration of justice in the ridiculous to see how Mr. Tinkor good will of the West India sis.
The tacts leading up to bilo ter his devoted to Netherlich was 2nno. District Court of the Canal Look out for th9 Biz Minstrel bas allowed our true explanation cominunity, he should, as an capture are briefly these: sent to a jitney It is further sileged show at the Caldonia crea of the situation and our refuts. homorable man let the public Early on Wednesday morning solong in coming that Pete had that on July 10 last certain char. tion Hall by the famous Panarna have oesbis acurrulous charge to know all that he has learnt in this als than and the December 11th. Czy Es Apartment in House 212, sit. detectives appeared. Take me Attorney Porter against to bave taken as the WORK. greatest pleasure to publish bio uated among the od wooden to the Ancon Police Station he Judge and the Bar.
the fa nous comedian and Big MAN explana:ion. a corres.
wa Judge Alanın referred the Sim, his theatrical partner, wii pondence by Me. Wynter cleaned up 1962 Hospital and said to the driver who unhesita in cash besides obeyed. Arriving thare natter of the complaints to the be seen in a thrilling skerchen under the herding of No Lusult. We Tinker, that this can not, by vi tue of its.
o torial.
inx, and it is possible that his officer and declared himsell. Executive Committes of the Bar Als lois of whole lote valuables and chile walked straight to the desk US District Attorney and the titled Non uttack on Pete to Panwa in WORKMAN Edition of M3, for the informg.
new songs, jokes po ition as a public journal, in success on thai vecasion tich led am Putor Williams. suid he Association of the Canal Zone for and other side splitting kteh. Mr. Wynter letter was ad culcate or foster any leeling him into a somewhat car les ard have come a divor lup such action at they shoud deen Don miss this opportunity dressed to this office anent lhe against hi in; and moreovc, wo and inuitierent air, for the tuto myself. He was immediately Lucessary or advisable take. of an evening of laughter and unprovoked, unprecedent d, and concede his right as a member low ing morning te wins again on to the con Ho pival where Cone one, come unwind statements and agitation of this community to criticize ia the scene, this time taking the lis wounds wit a tınd to Dr. BENJAMIN de CASTRO. open at 30 il. Adults 250. prets as an atte:up to muzzle murstif even the criticism is 11 MR Cross H11. Doors of Mr Tinker whien h: inter these clowns anything on publia bext house, after which he was taken bach to luis only reasonable to prosume the station and laver transiend currey the West Indian Pres and direc ed at ouis ives; but we that the nervis of the una es for safely to the Balboa Station, chorro Ave. Sunday morning Specialist massaja, No. 79, bars Mr. Wynter persoalal o chim the right expc would be at their breatinin tim polic mt canins to tike Brother Seriously Ill. to 12 Tuesday, Wednes views on the question of Mr. Wil such critici tbbestu on pion and no one but the daring Chios by putting him into the day and Friday evenings.
am Stoute naturalization as a truth, expressd in hopesty and Pele wuull think of visiting hospital. His wounds, which are Dentist Howell received a cable Pin inanian citizen. Mr. Wyo. rected with comma candor. the same place two nights in three in tub the left elbow, this Week informing of the ter does not Dresume to play ile Editor Buec 101. But etir is now thal. ith leit hand anith Isthir. ian League of Brit rernus iluess of his brother Fraping the fruits ut his ip left ibigh, will be atinued to at Ish West Indians Hubert in New York City. Much tuosity. He was seen mennythe station and is hoped that byopathy is extended to the pop School Entertainment. PLEASE TA NOTICE.
wou the balcony of the Dub. he will soa b: weil er ugh to ular young dentist and hopes The fourth bi nonthly Social 8001 apartments, probably wakis appear in court. Thus ended the The gereral monthly meeting entertained for the speedy recovDon forget the big entertain Sunday afternoon of the Colon ronnance belone launch career or Jon Peter Wiliates of the ahan District will be ery of his brother.
netit to be saved on Monday, Independent Mutu Benefit Coing lis attack, and immediately ex showblack, ex newsboy, chauf convened in the hesleyan School the 13th in t, by the pupils of operative Society: will b: held uue itt silent wings of the tide leur, rubber, huusebreaker and low to sbt, beinang to the Progressive School in the at their hul at 5th Street, on There is an im, ortant Sacred Cantata phone were at work, the police bold un Crozil Buptist Church. The Sunday at instead of 3p.
at both Anoon and Balbua were on Thursday afternoon, all sorts inatter of interest to the agus admission is moderat, only 25c. as ueretofore advised.
noured and in less time than it of wild stories of his escure from be discussed, anu all memors The beautiful Dramatic Sacred Kalung and help the little takes to tell two pairs or revolver the Balboa Police Station were are asked wo be out. This is also can att wirich was stioned ones.
Ini! lation Ceremony Slots lay out frou the dire circuland tion of the Aucun Police Station.
Mua through the city, the iting or the year, f Nov. 2011 will be stated in all of which manated from it is important that members be the Envire Social Hon Satur The initiation ceremony of enLodge Meeting, the signal for all outpusts that superstitious minus ui his nder. pre ent. The Lean uu nolds a day night. 11h, when the didatust be admitted meunirs Wange Wits approach. Hurleig. Yesterday 10 Phill ps Bud acco social on the 18. st.
folks u the West Bank are all It, the Eden Bloom lodge No 7, siedly a corda heavily armed panied by Capt.
invited to see what prowiss to Special meeting of Royal King of 3. und will meu. was drown out uling the another policeman he was taken proud in the knowledge. of hav. b4 the best entertainment over Edward Logo will be convened take place on Thursday, the 16ta to rein rein to the Ray Chic for examining acom listed great this held in npié among the color December lith, 1920, at their instints th011 Fellows wall toice Uusi stready on the look to which resuit estisfactort but tired and dejecte gene ally ed people lodge room at 30 sharp for grt strat a ral Arano st it was presumed that to lv. He was that taken to the with the hie te had led. He Admission will be by tickets the purpose of initiation and the p. in. All members aru request Nach bis lair he would necessar. O, era to Rom wh re his arm sm led plas ntly, though palm for which is asked the stall rum conferring of Degrees. ed wb present on to thre liy V to cross the roads leud Was dressed Our reporter, who fully cau from time wo time poke of 600. The can ata will be ren All members are requested are other inatuu of lapriano Img from the bill into tu jungles, saw him. llot bis veneral ap the ducior or the police derol by bue Panama Wesleyan be presens. Invitatious ars er ne rensa had ou dao same Authie Dau Nyau ur Caidunia pea anve as veln, buat au mau ulves.
leuded to sister lodges. Penins.
run. and for tha tion We will of the Ancon wards of Hem 213.
luut to 4utas


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