
PAGL TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920, KINKAIR THE WORKMAN PIEDMONT Queen Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND, at the office Central Ave. tion Correspondence on all matters nue and corner of Street, Panama of public interest invited de All copy for publication must be Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be companied the game of One Year 80 cy the writer, not be forbica Six Mout on tut as a mark of finit Three donkertake to return One ejected correspondence.
THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE Rair Dressing QUEEN will make your balr long, soft, and HAIRDRESS pretty. This web derful hair impro ver is used by i en, nen, and chldren. It dandruff away and stop bair. Dant takes suhti sure to get EN 350, a large en by our age Rood arug stores, a SATURAY, DECEMBER 11. 1920, The COOL MILD Smoke Try QUEEN Seni SCULEN TE DU QUEEN etes de Sit (peam. Ungar, stributor.
No 17 St. Tanam.
Agents Wanted Address: Anon.
With that lingering taste Donation Ackr. owledged ATTORNEY PORTER CHARGED BEFORE CANAL ZONE BAR The filing of serious charges by attorneys William McIntyre and Robinson, in the Ancon District Court, against attorney Felix Porter, is the latest and most unusual sensation in all circles of Isthmian communities, and has created the widest interest, not only among the elite of this country, but also in the ranks of the peasantry who are wondering what are the real causes of this sudden shake up in connection with the one time Assist.
ant Prosecuting Attorney of the Canal Zone.
The charges, which appear in another column of this issue, claim that attorney Porter is guilty of practising bad faith with two lady clients, and accountable for alleged violation of his oath of fidelity to the Courts of the Ca.
nal Zone. These charges have been filed in open court and Mr. Porter will have to answer them at some time in the near future.
We do not know enough of either case to give the public decisive editorial conciusions, but we feel that a discussion of the whole situat on is stric ly in order. The matter is now an open and public question, with attorney Menyre and Remitisun on the one side, and the Port on the OLIRT; with the two bus ligulis lie cao broken lainsi M1: Porter, WHO Catale Lalalla Tillbil 1. to the Coun The sites to be more more serius than is on Cal di MOISTURE PROOF PACKETS OF 20 Santo Tomas Hospital, Republic of anama December 4, 1920.
Disbursement Committee, Defunct Silver Employees Association, Box 55, Ancon, Mr. Louis Lindo, Sir: On behalf of the patiente and personnel of Santo Tos Hospital, it is request to will accept my thanks very Enerous bift of SS15 which was a promine istitution on yestercity, Dec br 1920, As you are want is tition is in SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE WITY) INDISPENSABLY NEED in You ont uot to und Now is th. tint it of the th HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES of wide reption for Curtai. Ana Apetite, Debility, etc.
For sale at all Pharmacies and Dru: Staria City and at those of Messrs. Salazar, Delgad Sand Gon:z in the city of Colon.
7610 Sale of tire Season! throul THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT Pay a visit to David Cardoz, iLunety, Wine CULTUS corner on Si. and Avem fore the puble Thill. how.
But No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVECE fin Chenille EDGARI BOCOR la. Villy sy uite CORTS WO Triositator adi dres Muj. USA the dous decide to su boligation she Sceis a liter esin tine English wions that who, she bel us, will alien in her business with proper First Class Meals served at all hours are being allered at 140 ruce Supermercato tion in value. These tubes are ty and honesty; and ii bier chlori lu seek justice she is EARLY TEA AND COFFEE all double width and of sterling stung by Taurocate the usuit must be it loss of Was he invited?
confidence occasioned by the cruel si deception.
Special accommodation for Ladies Save yourself worry and en.
It is always very unfortunate Circumstance for the rich your experience in the mar. Tothe Editor ofTHE WORKMAN general publ. when a licensed attorney in a con. munity TIDY AND POLITE WAITERS ter of the elasticity of your purse Sir. My ask you to be when it is introduced to a luse enough puolish the following commences to pracuse sharp tact on the uniformed SERVICE UPTODATE, that caters to the wise that is in the hope that simone arrong tayman. Sucii act must be characterized as dastaruly, to say those who know the fue your many readers may be in a oppressive and wicked An attorney office is to represent yalue given for their money. position to furnish the required bis clients and protect them. When he deviates from this information and perhaps crow exalted position and tries to clean up. le torteils all Brotherhood Meeting soine light on his attitude to.
claims to bis license, all considerations of sympathy and wards the WORK MAN as shown all rights to the designation of gentleman.
THE WOMAN EXCHANGE in your issue of December 4, special meeting of Local 1920 In connection with the other charge. that of violaUnion No. 2129, of the UnitdOn November 30th, last read NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Biotherhood of Carpenters and in the columns of a leading local tion of fidelity to the Courts of the Canal Zone. Mr. PorJoiners of America will be held daily the following with respect ter position is somewhat ugly and wholly unenviable.
at their office on Saturday even to the hangiz Why should be bave sought a continuation of his cases beDRESSMAKERS ing, December 11, commencing ed murders: th now deceas gof fore the District Court on the plea of going off to the at o clock.
witnesses besides the District Oaly twelve States for the recuperation of his failing healin. when he All members are requested to Attorney, undoubtedly knew ihat his object for gomg there was to file The Importance of completing your Christ attend, as business of great iw. cian, preacher and friends of the Prison warden, while mas dress on time is never under estimated. portance will be discussed.
a series of reports against the Judge of the District Court accused men, not to exceed tive SAM GREAVES, in number, will be allowed to of the Canal Zone, and to register unpleasant iusinuations WE WILL NOT DISSAPPOINT YOU.
witness the and complaints against the other members of the Bar. If Secretary noue the hanging. The witw nesses must all be over the charge of Messrs. McIntyre and Robinson be true, one years of age and be residents twenty it does seem to be an instance of intidelity when, ANN THOMAS, of the DANGER SIGNAL however learnt that tne celebrate Canal Zone. have instead of visiting his homestead, or some place of Salubrious surroundings, Mr. Lorter should bave gone to Proprietress.
ei Dr. Juan Nicanor among the шкеr fаз busy, nerve racking and exciting Washington. CerStop! Read! Proceed to Dr. Tinker is nos es present. As tainly it requires les3 works to prepare is not a resident of cases here!
the Canal, Zone, am pazzled to than it took to formulate and accumulate charges agant tind out whether he was novit STOP. This is necessary, been use by any of the accused as on of the local Bench. The ponderous brief 10 Wirich he sellorth Everybody is just crazy over the signal of danger is prominently dis their friends or whether his in his charges must have consumed more time, energy and Dr. Welters Tooth Powder plieved to fore your guxe, Daly ymp Vilation came from the cal force in its framing up than would have been nem Berase It the ONLY dentitice that polishes in the mat bleaches the toms of the deadly diseases of kidney authoriti sa reusion ut 19 working the few cases he succeeded in getting from cuilibnet Bedder and to proceed wachuchd friends in meninginnt diuth.
ing individuals.
Thanking you for space, REX. This is also necessary in Fents Wanted KSHAA BLU TY. Distributors.
li Mr. Porter was ailing when his request for contiYours truly order to diret your netiva as to the nuation of his cases was granted by the Court, le citier sufort toute to pursue and as to what you PANAMAMIAN got suddenly better before he left, or otherwise he chose a danger.
Luther peculiar place and procedure in his qiles for health ihe bar Nir. ortor referred to all non American members and do to escape tive controuting Court Minerva No. 928, If he ostensibly leit here for the purpose of siling charges as non resident alien Negrues. and in this sweep PROCEED TO ACTION. When Elects Officcr3 against the Benel, then he erred when he said that he was ing statement, he includes Panamanian lawyers practising you have stopped and read, theu move At a regular meeting of Conra going off on account of his heaith, and by this act has at the Canal Zone Bar, who are nit American citizens and to action, for mark you, without this Minerva No. 9234. AON led on qualified for fuu memburship in the Grand Orar ul who do not reside in the Canal Zone. We can see in this a escape is impossible.
reflection on the colored members of the Bar on the Isth Pills, the best, easiest and safest means th, the following memars were Surt right now with DeWitt Saturday ng last cober Ananias, mus, and an expression of the dirtiest feeling against of encape from the serious danger.
The cases before the Court will doubtless take up a colored people, as a whole.
Motions have esea ped by this King of ing term, James, Gea lected as offers for the ensu.
long periou of time; but their interesting nature will at It is said that Mr. Porter is a Negro hater of the vil medicines for the whole world. No LaPerre, nJohn Mc.
truct the attention bi every one who will watch, with an est type. If this is so, he has a fight not only with the Take herd. Why not you? But get Teas; George Percival Mar halt.
other just as good. as Kiely, the progress of the whole atfair. Attorney Porter colored members of the Bar, but the colored constituents the genuine Pille put up by DE as Permanent Secres is now before the Bar. not as a representative, but as a of the Isthmian population among whom, in the past, he WITT Co, Lid. England.
defendant on more than one charge, and his position before has made some of his warmest dollars. We believe Mr.
Sold at all leading Drug Stores, tary; George, 17 Grizzle, Budd.
the public is, as we can learn, exceedingly unfortuuate, Porter sun has set on the Canal Zone, so far as Negroes THE CITY PHARMACY, Patt Mitchell, Budd, freniendously embarrassing and superlatively critical, ace concerned, but he still has a chance of defending him 139 Central Ayenue, Punams.
Asst. Seety. James Alexan.
der and Satnuel Church re electe It has been learnt that in some of the charges against self and contradicting the allegations, if he is able to. BOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS ed as Trustees, teetedy. and teler toolband Fruir Crit. Icaptio Try th th 4y 12. Colon.
Box. Cristobal.
Permanent reelected


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