
tion TOWEL!
THE many hands which are wiped on the that has the Stoutes naturalistica in tbe Republic LIFEBUOY SOAP to support Mr.
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31; 1920 Let the West Indian Republic itaten? have caused to be which be obbieter Willer wekili issued the present Naturalisation paper requirements al moline alte Community Decide to the aid Mr. William Preston Stouto, Code Law of the Rep the declaring him Panamanian, and, as very mme day and date in which he such, subject to the OBLIGATIONS published documents and Lawyer Carrington, Consul Humber and enjoyment of all the privileges to and in the very mind the Ger and Teacher lonies, sured me that it which he is entitled by the Constitution eraor of this province, god bilim has never been Mr. Walrund AND THE LAWS, signed by him and the same Me. Stoute and the Governo intention to insult the Panamanian Gov. cum ersigned by the Secretary of For Secretary, and had Me. Wynbee plain MANY eromeat and people in the editorial pub eign Relations and second, the endorse led to the West Indian family the libed in THE WORKMAN of Balment of said Naturalisation Papers Isthmus for the information the Nov. 20, 1920; that my letter dated Nov dated the 11th day of October, 1919, whole world that and section 321 of the HANDS 23, 1920, would be published in the and signed by the Governor of this prov Civil de orders and declares that the issue of Dec. 4, 1920, with an explana ince, hy Mr. P. Stoute and the Gov. Naturalis iti va Papers ined by the the public ring up the situs Secretary President, in accordance with the Co tion of Mr. Stoute affir, and pro The people that sad other on the time they more WIPE mised to drop the question and saiu to documents in the THE WORKMAN of by the Secretary of Foreign thern as say now, that have no per Nov 20, 1920, had necessarily to con ud endorsed by the Governor the sonal ill feelings for Mr. Walrond. clude that they say in incontrovertible Prvinen, published TEX WORK ON ONE The promised explanation understand language that Stoute is Panamsain MAN of Nov. 20, 1920, the it to be the one published in mid issue citizen and in therefore entitled to the that declare Me. Stoute of Sat. Dre. 1920, under the hepding rights and privileges of Pansma and nise, and much subjed to the oblige No Insult to Panama in WORKMAN the West Indians specially felt moro in lions of the Constitution and the barre Editorial, which does not explain the truth of the WORKMAN. West Indian Journal be registered, and that who mesmo papers signed by Mr. P. Wynter clined to eive Mr. Stoute, through the shall have no legal effed until they situation and rather maintains the cus that has always voiced and defended th of Mr. Stoute were met wat are not med low and practice of misrepresentations rights of West Indians on the Isthmus istered, the sentimento of the West Le Effort is made in Mr. Wyntet article tid elsewhere their moral support and liaus would have been different nad they to impress the West Indiso community financial contribution, and the monie probably would not have wpported that Wonton Attack has been made kept the mines plantety with that objec what they were made to believe in the office of THE porally and matributed finally to on the West Iodinos Liburty. that WORKMAN Printery hive made a challenge to fuzzle thi wa natural conqwnce ther of, und be cause, and their manion would not have West ladiso press and to intimidate the were right also to think Mr Soute a Pao ve into the lice of THE WORK.
just claim of a right to a right to criticise the aci imanian martyr, a victim of spite and MAN Printery with that ohjeet esitler of certain bigh officials on the Canal hat not even the intrigues of And I, the undersiyaed, all of which is absoluto y con ry enn legally, politically or morally in nian who Mr. Wya ee presente ly untrue, becanse am not guilty of validite the documents without casting nemy of the West Indian cruity, aby bostile feeling toward Mr.
Wali indignity upon the Government of and not him who prodaima! hicas de tund or to any other member of the Panama and making the signatories fender of their rights which includere West Indian family on the Jethmus, and to the papers ignominiously contra their mooies, unmasked the situation in specially in this question of Mr Stoute dict themselves in the face of the behalf of the West Indian family the naturalisation have done the West in world, as stated in the editorial of Lothmus, by making the WORKMAN, same towel are busy all day long handling dians more good than all the article that inue. Nov. 23. 1920, top Now appeared in THE WORKMAN. The signatories to the papers are 27, 1920, the THIRD. germ laden Lot examine.
things Books, Money, Tools, THE WORKMAN attitude and Relations of the Republic of Panama, shows in of to incontrovertible Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
and support the idea that bo is a Panama are not Me, Harding and the rest of Sec, 321 of the Civil Cody Low of the aian citizen and can not be deported Executive staff at Balboa Heights. to from the Canal Zone to any other place whom have beeu made to understand tion that not until Papers are entitled to world him appear 1 martye ad victim in those worde written in italics lico so privileges of citibip Tere is the topile. The West Indian family was insult. It self evident. Any impartial wrong that have done a the Web PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
called upon therefore, Mr. person can now it and understand it. Io. population by telling them the altrowe kontributing to what is termed the Panamn read the Goverament of Barbare have donc theme by addingt Blouto and they answered financially, atead of reading the Government of and legal situation of Me. Shoulder It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy Stouto Defense Pund to fight just bados. Jamaics or the government may have stopped the op Soap does more. It positively protects its users from daim and cause, u have been infurm of any other country of which the reader into THE WORKMAN ed by West Indians ruch Mr. Leo. li Dativo. Tako into consideration the ite other factors on the Molentierte the many germ laden things they come into contact Charles, Me. L. Williams, De. Con circumstances that prevails in Me. or may tave taught tw you did not Bull and others who have contributed Stouets matter; that the papers are know shout the complimentary equire with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
and the montes received in the office of eigned by the President of your Repub meats for naturalisation, hent nothing the Wokman Printery, that amoun lic or the Head of your Administration, else.
Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will to over one thousaud dollars gold, am to which you are loyul, and answer them Acceptink Mr. Wynter stolence make your skin glow with bealth. Wash your face with it. Bathe old.
to yourself if those worde don sting the am in a position to state that it It doee appear that to ke good the inter part of your soul. How would Mr. Stoute cuxo had been left alone to my with it. Shampoo with it.
Purance of Mr. Stoute Panamenian Wynter feel, who preaches and proctices legal advice and opinion he would be etizerlipand to encourage naturally loyalty to his country, if it rend Juin juil now, and be keus it. manga MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS MORE the flow of contributors to his assistance, Ica instead of Panama? Turn the to. Dr. Peter Me Milliard, who inice TWO of the THREE dements per table and note the foelings, and you will viewed we several mes Le Me Stories LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND, taining to hit niturulizition we pub agree with me thit the insult is there naturalization, that he would not to lish din TUE WORKMAN of Sat. but you can fur obvious reasons, Pausinnuiau ciiixen until this papras were Nov 20, 1920, unler very strong and guarantee as to the intention. registered, and through bam add impressive leading directed not only But, tund THE WORKMAN published Mr. Swu e leave Clone for a shor to the West Indians but for the infor. in that same issue or in any of its pre whilr, recently níter the strike ense. Bled ension of the world, which y, first, vious is us, the THIRD document per uff. The Sink had my wrapport usy artieles in lerenre to this matterIn De ense of the. The Classical and pleand in El Diario Nacional be the one in wbich the resident of the twoing Mc. oute naturalization, in liked he movetuent breeee! ander en vise that paper is publi bed in Spanish bined it to be properly organised sead the only language know enough to Continued from page 3)
Commercial School bad the posibility to win think in ni not teenuse intended to The last time met Mr. Wynter rprise Mr. Walrond, and bewe!
to speak to was at ibe Ishuaia Puke series of educational No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz on the 3rd of Nov. last. We happened articles on all subjects of Law in that zens and so tend to injure his to speak of Me. Stoute attestand die peper which can be alan translated and destroy the confidence of his ELEMENTARY AND HIGH o social character or status and to Box 1044, Ancon, C, pulation. would that he could be de published in THE WORKMAN un bene neighbours in his integrity. In: ported because he is not Pussit of the Wet Ladian community on the deed it is for us at this instance Mr. Wynter suid w, and lowest vill molshmus and abroad. And if Mr. Wat, to find out what is the matter SCHOOL COURSES was the therefore, Harond bad published in time my letter of with Mr. Tinker. And in way he he have never Nov. 1920, that reveals the true this, only one of two things can Letters, Petitions, Memoriela.
Day and Night Session my opinion and werexitla situstion, my other letter of Nov. 23, be assured either that his mental Addresses, etc. tastefully word.
changed challenge the manbad and beece 19:20 would never have appeared.
Dr. Peur McD Milimad and Me, BP.
Wynter Tuonking the Klitor for the publice. faculties are impaired (non com.
to this state. Blies of this answer is THE WORKMAN Pus meatis) or was impaired led and neatly executed by hand or typewriter.
gratiewe, Where are of Des. 11. 1920. Ibing to remain, the been done merely for the gratifi.
sides these the time of writing, or that this has For terms apply to Day o her wet lodisme the know cation of malice from withio.
ROBERT LINDSAY, that my legal opinion has laps been WAN NICANOR TINKER.
Port Limon Costa Rica that of Mr Stoute not being the And glad am to state that.
nian until his papets are registered and Panama, Dec. 1920 either of the two can be remedi. your lands and fire may burn your Mr. Scoute himself confine this ed. If he claims it to be a mistake your mony, your good name and Siis houses and thieves may steal Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty statement.
madethen ale dont know of tortice in The WORKMAN following can be said to him. your fair reputation must go with of housing accomodation, in which the Americans have to the and got Good Results any man may commit a mistake you to the end, a ready shield Panamanian Goverlutut people witte but only a fool may continue agaiast the attacks of your ene contempt, as Mr. Wysler salut winke Mave you seen the great bor.
therein. And to you a Mr. Walrond, mies and a powerful aid in the Free Transportation. No Deposit. he would cite it.
pain sabo in Fine English Wool fear not! You are not left alone. competition and strife of your Ius evident aloebat not only we ens for Xmas all double width You are deemed not culpable of daily life.
Must have Passport and Wynter but other Weat Ladiano interest selling at 25 to 00 gold anything by intelligent men. And ed in Mr. Stoute fue wverad per yard formerly sold at 00 although taxation inay confiscate Panama December 6, 1920.
Vaccination Card.
knew, before requered the polarizations to 10. 00 per yard. Then go to of the THIRD THIRD ducurat perinning to Dave Car doze Store, formeMe. Scule baturnisation, which wery Charg Kee, opposite Panahis rea, true and kilusion and ma Lottery Office.
Louw dobeye vuow the Wes Lachen Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
community for loving kept them all dunk us to the truita ut ibe Sieci. Dr. Hoffman Cristobal, Canal Zone.
is my questi. Furthermore, why we lucy uut tid the truttu? ss umutbar que has reopened his clinic for gen.
nou ul Imporiolie. le adueral practice for synocologica tive kept back wedly or aheadlines and urological disorders of OWNED BY is another questo that we both Xes. Diseases of the blood wawer. und wenn die puispace to wind we urrated in accordance with too The National City Bank of New York THE BEST TONIC THE WORLD puheline Ap Weat lucians prosvete alication of the Genuine German Head Office: 55, Wall Street chock and who clublid wwe 506 and its latest moditications uru moules euulubie thuwuyla Libe(1496 and Silber salversan. Telephone No. 746 Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits ovar 13, 200, 000 Nir. Wyuter has alas erted rayCENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, Thie elegint Tonic preperation is highly recommended intaucunty which he auf uwe taset Ale.
Stulemas labra che una ca la Opposite Ainador Theatre Official Depository of the Republic of Panama in bility, Nirvousness, Female Weakness. Impoverish Lois opinion aud that the salu Depository of the Panama Canal ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitation. in the subject, is the most trusted eleIt promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives nuit of naturalisationen beste sale. Dr. CALVO Through its Agencies in the Interior and swule lund out then why weide tone and enervy to the whole system.
ranslated docUQRCHA. peut we Physician and Surgeon its Foreign Branches this Institution offers Dose One Small Wiao flass bafura sash meal or times a day THE WORKMAN of die 21, 1920 CONTRAL AVENUE AND No. exceptional banking facilities.
uves tot speak of Hir. Site du rug 19TH STREET, EAST, JAVIER MORAN Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands taken any walueider. ded Mr. Wyor! to 11 a.
puble for over twenty redhe me Interest Paid on Savings Account, at Per Cent Befure clung weg English, French, Spanish and oppurtunity fora de la del laliaa spuke Per Annum M really aily write in Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers theo evident 19 solving heel burkolat demy at UNITED FRUIT COMPANY me ever, Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION.
cidu what VIGOR TONIC rep sa luas.
ME to p. u.


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