
PAGE TWO Hor: es Racing THE WORKMAN PIEDMONT THE VIRGINIA VIRGINIA CIGARETTE the paladiumtur NI The COOL MILD Smoke DIK With that lingering taste and PACKETS OF 20 SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE phatically to ment for could Tomorrow again beata co arkt witten lected program got up by the Panama Published on Saturday Rates for Advertisement on applies PRACHE Assocition AN ALLUND But Odbor mars te thjast meeting for pur and ouruerubin Le winners have de Cortination must PO Bux 74 Panama PP LOOD on and On her RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Lind the name of that most wri Duit for publica Our Tea Pined from Litt a lait Mota Turec unterlakeretur Oue 22 jecle corress на аерое Moutain Boy and Others ve known.
SATURAY, DECEMBER 15, 1920, tween Du Boy and God Time and when it. that both these WEST INDIANS REPUTED AS GOOD of condit about equal time, it WORKERS job you but in decidi white place the coin Then Mountain Boy Elsewhere in this issue we extract from the Jamaica of Trumps and Humdrar till Cleaner an article from the London Times of the 3rd uit, meet luty co ciu ion for the dealing with the exodus of West Indians from the IsthParama Handicap Thisziun mus to Cuba and other fields in which movement tbeir loss doubtedly be a big ait action, to the British colonies is greatly fear Several Luther venis, in strerie chase Soldier This correspondence, the origio of which is the IstbFlat Race, inake up a program mus itself, serves to show that there are persons here who that must at once be pronounced have been watching the industrial and general habits of interesting and attractive, West Indians, and who have been sufficiently impartial MOISTURE PROOF Therefore all roads out of Panama city and elsewhore will lead and honest as to attribute to West Indians exactly the to Juau Franco Park to morow.
proper measure of praise due them.
Quite unlike the destructive criticisms of prejudiced REFUTATION individuals, this article tells in terms of truth how much service West Indians had rendered in the construction of Editor of THE WORKMAN the Canal. It speaks of the efforts of the people to have Sir: With reference to a stato their economic conditions bettered, and while we do not ment made by Mr. Tinker agree with the statement that the strike iu February last in his article as appeared in your was rendered abortive through this excess (surplus of issue of the 1lih inst, that five or six thousand) of labor. yet we endorse the article had given him certain information with respect to the Stoute for its logical position Defense Fund. beg most en.
We know that the strike was circumvented by the to refute aid Note: intrigues of certain big bosses. unworthy of self respect. could not tM You ought not to suffer more Now, is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDIS! ENSABLY NEED in Tinker that had had contributed to ing and honorable men. Surplus labor which had aloder to completel, dominate your sufferings is the famous Fame wben indeed have to ways been a menace since the completion of the canal was done su. Further, hate tot HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES conspicuously silent and invisible during the ten days of the faintest idea of the pure the strike, and there was nothing on the part of working of world wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Anemia, Weakness Lussuf Appetite, Debility, etc. of the cllections and it men, unionists or non union sts, which could render the For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this city and at those of Messrs. be impossible for me ever abortion of the strike attributable to the people themselves.
Venture Les Luthie Salazar, Delgado Son and Costa Gonzz in the city of Colon.
amount collected The general tone of the article is diametrically oppoThanking you for sale, site to that of muty local comments ich now and then GERVASIO GARCIA, SL WILL AS appear in one of our contemporaries. These comments C8, CENTRAL AVENUE Agent for the Republic of Panama depict West Indians as a shless, lucelent and undesirADENIAL able element, contributing nothing to the comercial or industrial life of this countr; and in this light the people BRITISH CONSULATE Luitor of THE WORK who did the herculean portion of the canal work and broke its bach bone are tals ly advertised, and receive noti OF INTEREST TO LADIES NOTICE Sir. Tith refereito name having been mi ing but contemptuous misrepresentation from those bose The British Consulate, Colon an article from tile of personal knowledge of facts should make them ex would be glad to receive infur. Tinker, aprel in press the truth, however, painful it might be.
IT is gratiling to note the increasing number of ladies mation as to the whereabyuts of your issue of the lith inst. io With such undeserved opprobium upon them it is not who are calling at our pai lor daily to have beir bair treated the followin: persons. Mrs. ibe effect am reson 1013 a matter for wonder that West Indians have come to feel Henrietta Scott, formerly of Ja for the information that era by the famous Walker Method.
maica; and Mrs. Christina Long, thousand dollars were collectie that they have been seriously wronged; and although they also of Jamaica We are just come from a successful teaching and resident in for the Stoute D fense Fund know that the basic principle of expressed disparagement Boille Alley, Culon, two years bek to state that it was niet demonstrating tour of Cuba and Janica having treated, is uneorked and irate prejudice, yet they feel the pitiablefor me to give that in.
in all, about rix hundred ladis fur scalp and hair troubles ness of the conditions which have repeatedly given occasion 101 Dot know and to the abuse to which they have been subjected.
in both countries during the past ten months. We taught Grand Christmas Bazaar up to now do not know, what The article in the London Times was directed at the 214 pupils in all.
Don miss the grand Xmas through the Workman Printery amounts were collected either foundation of the situation when the inference was made No matter what may be the trouble with your hair nor Bazaar at the Calidonia Recrea or by the various culiectors who that the Imperial Government had not done its duty to how many things you have tried unsuccessfully, you can be tion hall. Lots of fun, including laboured in that connection the West Liidian colonies. This has been the complaint helped wonderfully by a Walker Treatment correctly free pries for children, tishing well, Christmas tree, thys, etc Respectfully yours, put up by the West India Committee in London, the West applied. You can also increase your earning power three to real jazz band in attendance for LEO CAARLES Indian Committee in Panama and also by the leading fourfold by learning Hair Culture by this wonderful method.
dancing. Refreshments on sale.
newspapers in the West Indies We want live, earnest womea in busines which has Doors open at o clock. Admis. Loyal David Lodge No. 2321 The West In dies and British Guiana a bound in natu very bright future in Panama rion: Adults, 50c, children 25c.
ral and other teeouices, and the only detect in commerce You pay a moderate fee for your training which is The meeting nights are. and industry is that the small landed proprietors need ca.
CHRIST at the Pacific Thor month and members of sisit!
3rd and 4th Mondays of rach thorough, practical, intensive. At the end you receive a full pital which would aseist them in extriering from the cou equipment of lbe tools and products you need to carry on tre on Friday and Saturday lodges are cordially iaviled to add ditions around them the results systematic industrial 24th and 25th.
sour practice. You also receive a certificate of the LELIA tend these meetings, occupation.
COLLEGE of Hair Culture verifying your capacity.
The Canadian West Indian reciprocity is the best and most progressive step towards the improvement of econo Here you learn by doing and you grow happier as you mic atlairs in these islands, but even in this there is a cry. realise that this is a business which meets a prinnal need of THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT ing need for Imperial assistance. Capital is required for womanhood. Wide awake, progressive ladies are taking up No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE this work because they realise its worth, its money earning the initial work such as preparation for the work and the financing of labor; and since the people have not this potentialities. Something worth while is now within your capital within their reach it ought to come from the Home krasp CHOOSE WISELY LEARN HAIR CULTURE BY First Class Meals served at all hours Government either as convenient loans or small subsidies. THE WALKER METHOD THE BETTER WAY; THE The West Indian people would not have to roam about WAY OF PROGRESS! Call at No. 11 Street (2nd. EARLY TEA AND COFFEE all over terra firma if they could obtain the cond. tions Special accommodation for Ladies which would appeal to them, nor would the various island: be brought to face the threatening; labor shortage if there TIDY AND POLITE WAITERS were inuucements strong enough to keep them at home. TOYS!
This is a vital question and one which every West IrSERVICE UPTODATE.
dian island ought to take up in its Executive Cnamber a: LUCIANO SANCHEZ the first thing in the coming year. Enough has not been No. 21. 13 EAST ST. Salsipuadas)
done in the past, by way of hamameriog way at this question, and this, perhaps, has caused the matter to be dismiss ed as a pegligible affair; but we hope that no stone will be Big assortment of general Merchandise THE WOMAN EXCHANGE left unturned by men of influence and power to bring the OUR PRICES ARE CHEAP pressing Leccssuy home to the mind of the Imperial Gov.
NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA ernment, COME AND SEE OUR Jamaica, Trinidad and British Guiana, in particular, are countries whose resources are almost unlimited, and, TOYS!
DRESSMAKERS certainly, for a large part untouched. These places are dow experiencing serious crises due to the high prices in The Importance of completing your Christimporud necessities and the lack of remunerative employ. Meanwhile, West Indians who are abroad must live mas dress on time is never under estimated.
ment owing to the practical inability of proprietors to up to that high standard of industrial life which they have meet the demands of labor. stablished, and which they cannot now afford to surren WE WILL NOT DISSAPPOINT YOU.
To say the least of it, it will be a permanent reflecter either to the howls of calamay or to the pressure of untion on the British overseas policy if the fist of the impeavorable eircumstances. It is known all over the world rial financial hand rema ns ciosed against the appeals of wherever West Indians have gone, that they are an active, ANN THOMAS, her loyal and struggling colonies in the Caribbean. Hellard working people, and it is to the best interest of one is needed and there is no one who can render this help but and all to strive through thick and thin to maintain this Proprietress.
Great Britain herself, world famed reputation, that am ago possible for for in stion as as did


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