
utters them Dym, and TOWEL!
LIFEBUOY resentful to be another ROYAL DISINFECTANT SOAP ve effort es with you. But know nothing at the bed to believe that ons diatribes who are ultered to give of THE many hands which are wiped on the her am ne. would be Branted ineri ing rapidity.
Everything else is for by LIFEBUOY SOAP you or any at once.
There is.
of the some day These PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1920.
Lawyer Tinker Re sion with them? You know why and ice The Horror Of you dont, as your plies ll tell you. And to satisfy your curio Malicious Slander sity of envy and untangle your pusale I ll inform you that it is not the first This letter in directed to Mr. Hubert execution have witnesed on the Cana (Communicated u. Walrond, Editor of THE WORK Zone. was present to that of Adol. Mischief thou art foot.
MAN; to a coward Panamanino who phus Coulson on March 12, 1909, Take thou what course thou wilt.
fortunately has not a name; and Mr. through an invitation citation tendered me also MANY Hubert Noville, in answer to their They are both here for your personal letters captioned No Relgen supervision. You are apparently scared slogan by an unscrupulous, envious, These might fittingly be Indicated for attack on Editor of WORK of publishing you name if you have one. malicious, and spiteful calumniator, who MAN. Was be Invited In Defense but you can call to see them at No. 63, would chuckle with abovlish glee so be HANDSOM The Editor of THE WORKMAN Avenue B, without feat Papamanian And yet, though they published in Tue WORKMAN of in a gentilitous, not a name or a pseudo appropriately be used in this connection, Saturday, Dec. iTtb, 1920.
WIPE you can only bave the they emanated from a source where it To the Editor right of using it as such if you had pre was intended to portray a magnanimous viously informed the public to that of wind bent upon noble object. the have satisfactorily explained to you fect. Its only a coward who tries to vindication of the character and worth ON ONE and the publie in my letter dated Dec. hide his name, when he has one from of one upon whom the lash of injustice 1920. published in the mentioned publication we of THE WORKMAN, my reasons and blind prejudice had been wielded hur having penned the articles that you To Mr. Novillewith terrible fury had translated and published in your But mischief is misebiel, whther it My mental faculties may be impair sve of Sat. Dec. 4, 1920. ll tell you ed or was impaired at the time of writ. De set in action with the desire to aven and the public again the have ne ink the articles that you refer too, and be a wrong, or with the more bisous feelings for you and that have per they may be impairod yet for all know. desire to perpetrate REVENGE that milli awhine meninnt you. No mabice. But yours may be also itopaired. One was hatched out of the in u sence of od malicious feeling don know that you are guilty or madinan doesn like to se Tezpe of having done me anymadmo kot alone, any how.
What cannot be gaineaid that mischief actust.
material or moral barin, and fail do you bink? But judgion from the ed by the desire for revenge never fails saderstand, therefore. why should you ephemerous notoriety that you wish to to inflict injury, which is sometimes irre and a couple of your friends express acquire by offering Me Walrond vour mediatude, upon him or her against whom youpelvis by thinking that am your defense in a cause that he has explained it is put into operation Churlieh invectives emanating from Demy. If knew that you have or had and that needs no defense, and your done me any harm would manly and and thin skinned to make him appear as a victim of narrow minded per honorably take up the question or sub malice If you are off your out. And let me tell you vent to passion caused by mal or te guilty or responsible for having something that you dont seem to know. tary grievances the impresions of dace any barm, don know of it and It Mr. Walrond was up against the pro querulous and petulant individuals; habi.
don care to know either cultivate a obedings for deportation you would not be un gossip, bypocrisy, deceit, all these rear wind and a cheerful spirit always. found anywhere in the line of defending are unpleasant and unfortunate traits swot you as one drop of water meets him You can defend yourself, never the character of the human family same towel are busy all day long handling not aystematically in favor mind defending him out of any the serious world over, but none of them is so sgrinst you because you are a West trouble. You be all very sorry as that horrille vice, SLANDER.
damnable and far reaching in its effects germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, No Indian. No. Its silly to think so. If you sorrow, and excuses. In any may other person is wrong in my opin let take it Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
for is the baneful assertion made that am insane. ll say so in a clear and upright or in an alienated condition or state that it is circulated around with amazwebber. If you are right, ll side with cant you please petition the authorities of sou regardless of your nationality. If and favor tne 80 doing, to have me gotten in the hour, and this becomes the other person does Anything put under observation so that may not chief topic for discussion. Every individual at stby of applause, applaude it. It to be pestered by you?
resolves himself into a the contrary!
cetsure or criticise it.
Tass what has happened in your case. besides the ething also in the mortarake and jury at the same time, and Its the first crack you with without any indictment, except wlunt PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
without any water actorily said you are anche rstond you to be wrong. You have have had at me since Mr. Etherbert mere rumor asserts, and with not. That Campbell Sterling engaged me to collect trial whatsoever, passes swift judgment It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy Fuck it, If you read me in the Sprinish the 165. 65 gold as did on the 3rd of upon the accused to inatter what his you would know more about my last low rank or station in life may be.
Soap does more. It positively protects its users from April, and you bave done it in character and courage. And to terminate and mean manner. by taking Mr. WalThat this is the tendency hu the many germ laden things they come into contact ll say nkuin that have accepted your rond as pretext. Loxok out for another two mind cannot be denied indeed it pointion and dropped the natier opportunity and you may feel satistied is the rule. The exorption obtains only with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
among tiny of thinking prople who do not jud ko by hearsay Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will but by fact, wh do not allow their Hibited. In fact, could not NOTICE imagination to run tot with their bet make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe tur judgmunt and common sense.
Stokade with out The West Indian Steamship Co. Limited proplo wough and com der. They jud de with it. Shampoo with it.
showing the invitation. Im not Seturi Persons tiesirous of obtaining die individual ou the brumis, of the goud MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
Chinokton, Carl Ningr shares in the above company things known about him and do not em 1x riteit, may now de la plyng, if in hasten to condemn bim on the score of Pin and it ridents writing address: tappens to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND.
na who were PO, Box 37. Cristobal or th. They also take into account bestion thy have heard etib at the end the status of the more and the Win to them also www. branded pris No. 11 Bitte Alley between 5th wondered stund in Bising the execution, the and othstre Colon their friend intellectus. The Raleigh Class Irresive, Williams of the Am ng oer items did was that ALEX KENNEDY le community they Sports, Gren and Wade of the of making a new pitch on the oval at just conclusions in Why dont you to the SING Third Holder if the present bung red which must as well storico their own minds, and will aller relegate Most Powerful Protected into a simbolo Wanderers several others will be porning to Cruisers wide Cole of the Westmore attention of the Cricket Canland Cada act otherwise.
Chalis will be advid from time to time it has to wote the motive, and onlicct light cruiser Baleigh, wineh wbich twn to clima the 1920s son and start Sinson. After a very ex of what has been remplished In an article describing the tive dinion during which a mo!
temp til val awarensiveness is being prepared at Dewport in as soon as possible with th 1921 sva He may suy thing for strvice as lagstip on the right through to finish, and LOST wlochar multed enhance the North America and wishes a stronient to that motion to lose ther in the poble estimation, but not stition. The Inginersi bele so plodit in fact, he al For th next few yer at limit the number of clans to were the 1920 son and start in with 1921 Bunch of keys between Cen.
in silang aver ris on devrimcil the latters wated, it was didelis tral Avenue, and Ancon Post the one who he verbally wil be the mit Dr. Fate that the Sason becifice, filter returning same to tected rinted into 1991, On the other hand, the most danger. speed they may be surpassed by watches first, playing oli postponed WORKMAN Printery will be re.
ous kind of calumniator is he who, having the ton American vessi is now The Cricket Council. The following warded.
his mind filled with grudge, cherishes iag built, which are designed fr re eleeted to Vacancis in the Port Limon Cicket Council. Messrs Burton, Costa Rica. desire to injure. But whenever there is my the British ships will be Hart and A. Willame. The Councii Dr. CALVO a palpable motive, it becomes more superior. This fact has been so as it now stands is as follows: Bolt, Physician and Surgeon clearly conspicuous to the thinking pub. far recognized abroad that the President; Risk Dickson, S:c. Treas.
Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty lice, in prportion to the social and mo General Board of the United Gaskin; Thessiger; Burton: Central AVENUE AND No. ral advantages which the victim posse. States Navy is advocating a new Hart and LT. Williams, of housing accomodation type of cruiser with a main ar.
Whatever else may be, said, it is cer mament of in. guns; while the unanimously decided that no applica. OFFICE HOURS: Postponement of fixtures. It was tain that the thinking public are able to French authorities are sais to be tions for postponement of fixtures be to 11 a. to p.
Free Transportation. No Deposit differentiate between a rumor that has considering designs for a group considered unless when in the opinion of English, French, Spanish and foundation in fact, and one at of light cruisers with a in.
the Council ame would be for the bene sa calculated und deliberate slander.
armament. The Raleigh are, per tit of sport in general on the Isthmus.
Italian spoken.
Must have Passport and The inexorable logie of circunstances haps, open to criticism Vaccination Card.
makes it imponsible for certain persons of cost, for 500. 000 is 1) escape from these seeming social without doubt a large som to pay calamities; but this cannot be helped any for a cruising ship. Still, conmore than it would be possible for a sidering the present deprecia.
kentlemen or a lady to escape being tion in money values, their cost Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
sitten by a mad dog, if either were to compares not unfavorably with be thrown by Destiny into the path of that of the County class, which averaged 775, 000 per ship. We Cristobal, Canal Zone. And mi chief never fails to take what should like to add that, in our course it will, for a slunderous assertion opinion, the design of the Raleigh is lable to be interpreted in a thousand class is a remarkably successful OWNED BY and one ways. The un uniform one, reflecting on THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD competitive. The goesipers try Naval Construction iu rival each other in giving as accurate of the Admiralty.
Head Office: 55, Wall Street in ucount of the situation as possible.
Each tries to paint a blacker picture Sinclair Cricket Cup competi Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 was actually portrayed to him. until at last a spectre is erestion Councl.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended ed bat is horrible to imagine.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama In the absence of innocence, integrity On Saturday night last a general In Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverish.
Depository of the Panama Canal and honor, the whole situation would meeting of the Cricket Council and clubs ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution. have presented the gloomy aspect of a participating in the Sinclair Cricket Cup It promotes, digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tragedy; but this Character, being, ever Competition was held a Through its Agencies in the Interior and he Silver tone and energy to the whole system.
above reproach, lifts up her voice and at Cristobal. The following were present: its Foreign Branches this Institution offers says, like the sumbeam, am incapable Messrs, Bolt, Risk Liekson, exceptional banking facilities.
Dose One Small Wine glass bafora cash moal or times a day of being soiled by any outward touch. and Thessiger of the Cricket Council.
There is no lie as bad as one that Mests Pearson Burton of the JAVIER MORAN Drafts on Jamrica and other West Indian Islands looks like the truth.
Excelsior, Hart, and Douglas of the Humming Bird, Cooke and Interest Paid on Savings Account, at Per Cent FARMACIA AMERICANA. Advertise in the WORKMAN Jones of the Lily Whites, Temprow, and Morrell of the Meland get Good Results bourne, Howell ond Harris of the Per Annum the first of reble TV IN to the line of In they the.
te slander recuperamental Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers UNITED FRUIT COMPANY CIUS is in the fill secrel em ses over his aseniant, some on the score Sailings Every Tuesday. at o clock INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION such a dos.
mes of an toandalous rumor sumen a les kilon and enterprise of the The National City Bank of New York VIGOR TONIC


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