p. 6


caprice Now, in reply public disrepute claring him entie privi!
will be واران In the Deep Blue Sea Socco00 NOTICE Without a Rudder Tol Suetes, ther Surrey defeats Primross.
treba The Surrey jur neyed to Red MR. JUAN TINKER Teoklast Sunday ani de rested the PrimEE FAILS TO CON INCE Anonsertinant of TO Cunit.
FANCY CARDS ti Pana za vas it isu ted Dop?
mas and New Do lirit 01 Sout Three Episodes cach night YrCine Criticised Paris and Friday 24th. and Saturday 25th.
woke up a tal of ting Criticism should be constric WIN PRINTERY tive senser destruct critt, indic25 tot cut os CHRIST 99 If the would be critic cannot ex ing for omer, Bytoe was the only nely define an er he should coinplete ife of the Savicur. Every scere taken in Pa estine. Special Satisfied to red what he is and captured Pickets Eathering of first class actors for the taking of this film. The most co nplete capable ofisini insand for runs film of its kind. Nothing missing.
the discussion of remedies to JamaicaC. fats Yorkshire thos whitechnical knowledge Warnis Hilt with the The Jimate Ce deleated Yorkshire right to inter the intricos with Last Sandy at lubmian Park ly 25 runs The latest Polo hit in serials Yuk hire UB జ rochii de la figursil wling Jmwalitor captured niekto fritunBirne il for 3, Darty for dmits their opin as to the final results of Deti 19 and McIntohi for WHICH Wel with SP tion to the Chief Executive for Jamies in their turnt the wickets do want short links are very often Mr. Waldron expulsion, as at made 65 for the hiss of wichris when vy and obscure.
EVERY HOUSEWIFE present we are blused with a time was rallel Melntosh tade 22, gios y hair?
Home of lacis are governed competent admini tration, who Breit 18 and Barnett Jo not out.
QUEEN well delined and estab isted should be prepared for the accidents that an in the household would en investigation pronounce Britannic cripples Standard.
HAIR DRESSING laws. Nics are spiritual and not lano.
Cuts, burns, sprains, bruissan quickly red by that old, oft the petition an absurdity.
will make your hair long mechanical. Actuated by tid, sadard reed.
some of the At Standard Oval, last Sunday, the soit, and prilby. lir or the per tersity of spite, some DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC individuals attempt to bring into Mr. Tinker, his analysis of the or late, Standard had been playing dandruff and stops ranog nar. Used numerous arguments raised by Britannic CC. crippled the Standard others through statements made in THE WORK up finely, and so, the fans thought they by thousands of womea, us, and cooling, soothing, resef giving applicatioa. Don be without What is imperfectly understod it. Will relieve dobie itch. Keep it on hand all the time MAN article, is fallacious rea. would have been able to make Britannic children. Don take a substitute: ba from leading and consersation Neo In the decree signed by extend themselves, but those who thought snre to you QUEEN. Solid for 350 soning pleasat mouth wash. specific cars for cramps The untrained mind presumes President Belisario Porras grant so forgot all alout Beckles. He bowled large can by our agents, at good drug criticise Vily often with a and stomach troubles, fute stores, and at 17 St, Dear Ancon ing naturalization to William Pres. the Standard down for 15 runs, caprur post Omical maliciou and selfish vindictive Buy a bottle of your druggist too Stoute, and duly authenticating wickets for runs. Britanniere Try QUEEN Medicaid Skin and ness which is astounding to the ed by the seal of this Republic, plied with 36 for when rain put an end scalp soap, QUEEN Peroxide Skin the Cream nudent of justice and fairplay Remember, there is a real dit following appeared: have to the asme.
caused to be issued the present eden UNGAR, Distributor, Games for To morrow.
lerer ce betwentheiare and the 17 Street, anama Naturalization papers to the said.
choice, between the constructive Mr. William Priston Stoute, de Oval.
Demerara vs. Jamaica at Standard AGENTS WANTED and the destructive, the good Panamanian, and, Address Ancon, and the evil, whinever we at Yorkshire vs. Vincentian at Isthmian Obligations tempt to criticise, persecule on as such, subject to the GOOD Park and enjoyment of all the CHURCH NOTICES.
exes to which he is entitled by UMPIRES Do not gather from my reply the Const tution and the Laws.
Lewis and Coulthrust at Standard Oval St. Peter Church, La Boca tuopion or advice GAS SERVICE This was te informal nor provi Hill and Sundels at Isthminn Park from the une lucah are to be sional; and it is fectly true The servires at Si ter Turen tojedis unnd al act to Sus ex Jamaica Match rent or to in morrow, the fourth Sunday Advent, that any act Wo Listen att validate the exceton of that de Our will be follows: We Always Strive to Make The ndubtable Sussex Cham It is said for itine 21 ere without another from the pa vf Colon, whenice defeated the II ly Communist 630 Iloly illicitedal President of the public can Surrey Cup winner of Pret of the Holy Contaa вручни at 30; Mefiby.
Service Entirely Satisfactory When it with Gitions and sploding Coll orierk; Sy stwo p. co.
10. Chr.
intrigand indemity to the Jamia CC If you have trouble with your Gas Supply or one Status of in dienent, and industrin in Jury tand 201 wonllana Oth The Diy of your Gas Appliances need to be adjusted please ok. Is the Jo TuneIn will come to fit in Camon ni miner This, tu erefore, in advise our office of your difficulty. We will have Wilt Chal Cele Wajust the UK which our id our special service man call as quickly as possible istant wc is the bottle of crichet eining experte This drukliasil and correct the trouble for you.
St, Carabas Church, Enspira valda hat sie in We Furnish This Special Service To wille Mitte Red Chardonnutel, it the Crnd Secular Concert.
Ihnen able to fore follows that the insu ant llamy S3 press thout the Sivan On Wedne day evening, the 22nam. und Evening rayer and as.
tion of intrigues de but ali. of use, thil tue int, they Folio of St. Piter 73, W! THOUT CHARGE to the public or its httible consider On Dev tie Holy Communion in that Wat be but to these who have wanonls Church, La Ba will stages one of the purely West vill be clorada o clock dull doprind sleute of his tine si culer neri ev put on Attendance topit.
regrettable that a discus Die anulines made by car. Tinka young man at the si ver Cony Club Las Cascadas BU this kind should enamat AT is therefore, it fallacy. ad uusur. Tius pristan will consist of all from UCHOC. whatever the PANAMA GAS CO.
There will le School at pm; and, Bento in might have Civil Code that the registro Nvents of Santa Claus up in the Ol YOUR vening Prayer and Address at 30 ma Cathedral Plaza 93 Eolivar St.
done for Mr. Tinker. He must admit, tal there is is a racial rela Tel. 798.
would bare no legal effect would compelling one. Come and the youn Tel. 364.
Nen Juve vile Lodge ten bumself and SERVICE incontroverilly mean that lie savintor at least four tours. Doors opes Cid Dreply is the ai 730 WIN, Hd that relation On Dec 6th, 1920, the Juvenile Bhup! uue visitation of patriot sh civil rights of cit viso such Have you ssen the great bar Branch of the Loyal David Luke si 10 ntbiy eradicate. lt as von heling inportni 15.
chimpayment, signing of do gain sale in Fine Englis a Woo. No. 2821, at No. is therefore, Itasunable to as other sume, that in any misunder: cuments, te word ens for xmas all double width Carlos Icaza St. San Miguel, was be 18 a Patamanian, but selling at 25 to 00 gold per duly organized and 32 juveniles blanding between the Panamanians and the West Indians, that would be morally and legally in the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
at 00 of Mr. Tinker would have been one position xox attained his majority, and David Cardoza Store, Former uticers was perforaced by Bro.
minor who has 10. 00 per yard. Then go to were made. The installation of of the best persons to use his Influence and racial relationship Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
could not exercise the civil Lions of citizenship. This is ao ma Lottery Office.
ly Chong Kae, opposite Pana Jolly, 8, assisted by in bringing about an understand Bro. RN. Ingram, ing, and in this manner assist in other band grenade on the doubt and Bro. Mitchell, promopreventing any triction.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE fal iaterpretation of the law.
ter. The Juveniles of Star in the The West Indians interpret It is alarming to hear Mr. Tin. common, constitutes him a Pan. Eist, 2793, Excelsior Lodge, his attitude ker, one of Panama noted jur. amanian citizen. This was of No. 2414, and parents of th: perverse and hustile, because of what could ACAJUTLA ists, say that Stoute has not lnis owo rolition, and the act was ly mad. juveniles were present.
have happened as the result o taken any oath. This is appar finally made constitutional by he following viticers were idMr. Tinker mischievous and will leave Cristobal a. in. SATURDAY, DECEMBER ently one of the many technical the Executive decree of the Presstalled for use wicked in entions. The publica 18, 1920, for ities indulged in by men who are ident of tnis Republic.
ensuing Bro, In the tion of the two articles in the mot erudite lawyers.
CARTAGENA and PUERTO COLOMBIA he Mr. Tinker controverte my. McKenzie, Sis. M: Sis. Diario Nacional, it will be conced by Stephens ed, could have brought a cd, zation papers, the following af not been in QUILPUE in this public for regtei Sis. J.
less intelli liimation which is interpreted as twenty years. He again relies Chandler. UG; gert element of Panamanians will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balbna, noon allegiance was mase, on a non essential technicality to to LCG.
without which could have placed a wrong inter SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1920 for disastrous Sis. Mo LM. Sis. mi 101 eerdings would have been a farve pusiti in which he is pitiauls Sin Pelation on the construction Luenaventura, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Cuayaquil RS; Simpson, THE WORKMAN articles puk houre drama. Endurre and hopelessly placet. focus 1510. Francisco, onde; in a thereby of Panama del To is citing mut. who apparently at 10 o clock in the morning of public of Panana, or twenty ter the ceremony the meinbi in the and Bro. Alexander, AP could have gone to Mr. Waluron S. PERU of. printing establishment the 11th day and will leare Cristobal a. in. will learn Bilbon, noon MOY.
315 years ago Panama abans was a a depart rep«ired to the vanqueting room shere blought about a melee. The West DAY DECEMBER 27, 1920 for appared in the otices of inent in the Republic of Colon do justice to thu good things Indialis would have become ex.
the Governor of the Province of bra, therefore no republic exist provided for them.
chued, and in their sympathy for Guayaquil, Paita, Piment:1, Eten. Paca mayo, Salaserry, Panana, Mr. Wolian Preston et. For his information Barriv. Mr. Waluroir a Callau, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Cuquimbo Stoute lor the Rent Receipt Books in Spanwould have ensued. The unfo wore a general inction Bad VALPARAISO.
ng in his earurpose of declared in this country, landing at results would be, that the lan by adoption, that he will and with the exception or thiet ish and English, for sale at the United States government would MEXICO support and obey and comply visits to Jamaica, have been a Workman Printery.
have been called upon to supwith the Constitution and Laws constant resident in this country press the lawlessness; in uy will leaye Cristobal a. WEDNESDAY, JAXTARY of the Republic, that he absolute during these years. Mr Fabio ASK FOR opinion an opportunity very 1991, for 1y and perpetually renounces all Bra. o, the present Hon. Depuis mucli necued to uemonstrate the ties that bind him to the gov. to the National Assembly repreNewport News and Liverpool OCROL West Indians the might and ernment of senting Toro, power of luat nauun be witu a repi was born or to any other on tify to the veracity of any asser: Blood and Liver Tablets of what has occurred in For further particulars opply to the Cffice of the Companies ot tion Haill, and without a sbadow Newest and best Micine of have been considered dependent The other things said by Mr.
made for Loubt, hundreds, or thousands CRISTOBAL sed likewise that he renounces Tinker are of so much unnecess Liver Complaints Indiges lon, of people would have suffered, all the rights and privileges ry verbiage that they can be bet And at undying hatred crested or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, whieh could be derived from ter left alone to die a naturall Loss cf Appetite, Billiousness for West Indias, as being the It is on this oath death. hope, however, that etc. etc.
disturbing eleineut of the peace PANAMA allegiance that rests the deci. this discussion will come to an For sale at all rell itv3 stars and harmony lá this epub ic. ar Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. lac. Sub Agents, ion that William Prestou Stoute end and that Mr. Tioker sball This is the dreadful clare to Sole Agent for Panama, istio longer a Britisher and have been made a wiser man.
be drawn from Mr Piaker Demetrio Fabrega The Royal Mail Steam Packe: Co. Panama.
which, lo my opinion, and in the opicion of those who are versed WYSTER att tude.
Panana Drag Store Persunally, bave no doult, iu thu law, luterlatiunal au. Panama, Dec. 14, 1920. Muller Eu. Idin. Celldonia NE me sul func als.
Lern Sirens taule friction The the oathol a proSis Price. Sin Hot in unale lition which he such ties.


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