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PRICE Cts. Cy.
First Hearing Given Pete Family HIS LETTERS TO MOTHER AND SISTER ARE READ following:while glar will that person is you ou enemy, as the complet know.
fatuie the STRAINED THE COLON RELATIONS THE KING OF ENGLAND BOY SCOUTS Between Costa, Rica and Addressed by Honorable UNVEILS CENOTAPH Great Britain over Annul Hector Jo:ephs at ment of Concessions, Inaugural Ceremony.
Burglar Weeps when he sees CritWest Indian Colonies Represented ical Plight of Aged Parents Cable dispatch during. Residents of Colon were privi.
the early part of this week leged to hear quite an impressive by Former Governor tell of strained relationship address given by Hon. Hector Inst Tuesday afternoon a pre. Georgiand and Julia but in them between the governments of Josephs, C, one of the most and Writing under the above cap (stances. It appears that the mai liminary hearios in the Belben einges surother was more younger boring republic of Costa Rica. sons of the West Indies on the too, the West Indies Commitee chine in which this very sallant Francis Williams, his wife and Georgiand were big women. They to do away with everything Third Colon Troop. Baden Powell einde. Theo of November. his daughter. father, mother and were twenty years old but you is which bore the hall mark of the the Pife and Drum Corps of the the in the river at Samanahon a baby and Boy Scouts, of o diams) who were arrested a little long as am alive you shall not companied the unveiling of the its occupant by the scenes which selbarently been shot doin more than a week ago, charged my with aiding and abetting the bur. disgrace that Georgiard, Julia celled all the trouble and sent government ruthlessly can. Bola is Scoutmastesh Clifford Mor. The country has been deeply on September 22nd, havion agreements, commer.
and Peter give of people coula on the be seen wending their way to st, of ball ty the King, and the burial sel Greenflyar.
which had stranded.
the Unknown Warrior in in Flying McDonald was Attorney Carrington anstand for it. wa le ashore and was also in attendance but no charges lopto influence you to leave, tain British, as is shown in the street and Broadway last Saturwestminster Abbey on Arnis seen to peared in their behalf. Pere was who cablegram which follows: day night where the function tice Day. The West Indian co taken prisonar, and from a aub assone cure and not very cord: was held. those who know him someone orecasione den George have been killed at Danga oras and a enemy to Gd and man.
represented on on this sequent he is known were brought against him as to police clam tla they have not an not the Peter you used ial notes have been exchanged personally para mange taboim Hunte, GCM. G, late Gov. Such is the tirst oriciul raport quite investigaow. am not the eter who between representatives of the wind others who had heard aboud ernor of Trinidad and Tobago, of thu end of this your living tous. Piring the best used to sleep in the empty room Beluiste und Costa Rican Sovereni listing this perioder med bak wow this who piaced a wreath at th: base officer to reich the Air Council composed chewing gun and and tight with you and search ments over a law recenly passed distinguished gentleman who has wh Flying Coukea nicio lie worse for his the pot. The Peter who writ by Costa Rica annulling inter been precio y la pointed to be at The West India Committee also the only son of the Hon. Donald experience. His aim is apparing you this is a inan who fears national transactions by the pro Worney Generalstip of British furnished a wreath composed of McDonald, member of the Lozis ently on the improve, jyoging no man alive or dead and who visus administration of President Guiana.
from his free us on will do just what he put his mina Tmuco.
At half past eight o clock Mr. leaves and a red, white, and Islands, and of laurels with a spray or cycis palm lauv Council of the Creward to do.
The law rescinds an oil conces Boit, after outlining the purpose blue sash bearing the inscrip. of Artigue. Hy was at scool in McDould, His sister also wananntent. Do you know how things is in sion given to British interests of meeting the inauguration tion:dl ok, every now and again ex of England when th war broke out com. entines Panama? Now you su you want aifects certain arrangements be of the and Drum Corps and in the year 1916, when only defending atforney to go to work. Do you know how twenthe Pinot svernment his troop, introduced Mr Parker, seventeen years or as he joined whale enjoying sone chewing many woman iu Panama 1o day and the Costa Rican branch of the well known school teacher of NON COMMISSIÕNED out to Poe, in the the Royal Flying Corps. It went Fum.
mos ua folk, hokeve te np arci down looking for work the Royal Bank of Canada, and uie Cristobal School as chairman OFFICERS, bore a more distressed appear and would be glad to have a atfect some American mterests, of the erening who suid It is an year, and within six months had ance and are likely to collapse at mother or father to give them ldcluding the Sinclair syndicate honvar to have amongst us to been promed to th, rank of any moment, Sething to eat. You have all wmca nad obtained castain oil might most three and you want to livrow tights under tio Tinoco adminis coutleman, lekinų or gentle. THE BRITISHI WEST INDIES NEGʻr, Captain and had received the The other co de endant in the them away that show tration man we do not often have with you guished Plying Cross after hav.
case, Felicia Pliol, the Haxtian you are foolish and only a lithe British governinent filed a who will address you is, most us. Hon. Josephs, the gentleman THEIR KING AND EMPIRE inis accounted for no fewór than go bis halt of few Antigua friends, ly bitore of quantity of stories were Della Venta and workNou is minde Bob Rocas e Polisiesta pune in Jamaica to British Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, on be welty enemy planes Sur the be in work you don how yon Armistice he the law. To Sergeant tective Killay oras many litle girls your age. And allow a foreign power to inter the British biskut you is not smart ike Rca replied that it would not Gutuna, where he is appuinted by depositades abanutitulos teather cound to be sufering froin las calm leaves and arbutus berries, strain, and being consequently half of the government and told out of their house. If you go to Great Britain then sentits min: whien is held by great in the brance of those from Antigua, to bir home in Antigua, where Forsthe government rename bila obno ople will soon arive you fere with internal legislation. Attorney General, a position branomond and rateful remembrancelhong leave he proceeded British who will he received a well manited the Court that he had on the work you is going to stal whi e ister from Panamna to Costa Rica smaker further intormed those public the Great Sacrifice, welco. ne.
sons, England, and, Pretoria in 1919 here Josephs home of Peter family on the you in jail. Madam say so.
Los only a Barrister, As a consequence, the Costa London Cambridge, and of the death of Flying Ollicer Ian spoutally selected to act ai Ey but a 1920. the later being the date a perin inent conuisia, he Calidonia Road and Don was you two letters and two purses con giand put a curse on the family British claims and much, anxiety ug the Hon. Josephs who, and which reference is made inime. ing College Boutien know that Gear Rican press is bitter against the KO. He concluded by introduc McDɔnald, O, to ing bastructor at Cranwell Fixo taining money and jewelry found when she ran away. She was exists there at the probable out tumulous applause said that he diately below Tis not to die tively huru drum life of a there. The letters, it is claimed, he first child and don you come.
were writien by Peter, one to his know that when the tirst chili in found that bolun is a place surprises. Tae tirst surprise to to live in the hearts of those we at home was not to his taste, and şisier and the other to his moth: Jamily turn bad the others loved, be therefore volunteered for er, writing and signature be usually turn bad like her. You Another Distinguished him was that it is such a beauti Russia. Failing to get out there, ing similar to those on other see yourself Georgiand went Liberal Passes Away.
fol city. He further asserted THE ROLL OF HONOUR. he was on the point of sanding official documents on file at Bal. away she was the first child, she that it was friend and the to him to in his papers with a view to gobon Heights as written by Pete was eldest one, then Julin follow when he applied for his chaul. her, then me. Peter is in trouble After a long and painful illness, wavy be bis many surprises.
friends out to Antigua to join leur license. The letter to his new, Julia is in ear down roulon or Flying Officer lan. Mc his lathar business, when, na with her Donald, received an an offer to go to M350.
sister reads thus:dry heąd. And you Wednesday, Mr. Juan Sosa, al The speaker with much elopotamia on active service, which Panama, November 4th, 1920. while am alive whether am Liberal Party and a man who his address which commandeunt added to the West Indian Roll of following units, as stated above want to turn bad. You will not distinguished member of the quence gave a most interesting Yet another name has been he eagerly accepted. Ha arrived there early Who got ears let them hear in August, and in the Who got sense let them think. In jul and the news come me positions in this republic, such as on teling the scouts how serious Honour that of Flying Ollicer his vrie bus brillibat dalawa in Panama or out of Panama or filled several responsible public attention of all present. Hgiante: that you did what you did Thursday night. will come back cil, Deputy to the National As.
Is for them to take theic lan McDonald, C, Ebrought to a close, boy of heart how Air of. When heard the shocking for you and you will be sorry. The sembly, Panamanian Charge portant it is when an boy ys au who has lost his life while ona gceat intergrity and care, ha news Thursday night, Novembar curse that Georgiand put on the Affaires in Spain, Secretary of mitted as a scout to live up to Active Service in Mesopotamia, endeared himself to all with the 2nd, in the year of our Lord family will never fallon pou nou be time of his death was Direct taken, and concluded in wishing com hoe Government and Justice and at ihe obligations he bas uider under peculiarly tragic circum whom he camia contact.
hundred and while am thaj my thirteen year old bats go about playing with man who ora General of Posts and Telec une boy 18:00 dock and prospere Doctor Otway Leaves for Christmas Concert, sister wanted to leave my moth make ity. At this juncture, as the er house said she must be mad. wake you leave Mother house graphs.
He has on several occasions Hon. Jusepiis time was limited Jamaica, but when heard on this Thurs where am, so am going to been honored by the Liberal Mr. Bolt. einbraced the oppor1 Methodist Episcopal day morning, November the put a stop to that business and Party with positions of pre emin. tunity present him with an a Tenderfoot Badge and We regret exceedingly to have Church in Guach spali will bold a married man house, said ay and am accused of shooting also be remembered that he an that she want to go to put it quick for am thief alresence in its directorate and it will 2009 Card. ou behalf of the to bid farewell to Dr. Otway, who its regulas Christmas concert for somebody, or that wan put some a Chinaman. But it will be a delivered the opening address to troop us follows: goes to Jamaica by the Cuba the Day School children on thing on her, because know damm Jamaica man this time!
Christmas night, commencing at the eighth National Convention Hon. Hector Josephs, on Saturday.
that she is greedy and will eat With love hoping you will take of the party which met in Colon Ia tie name of the Baden Powell during his short stay here, to these concerts, before know Dr. Otway. added many friends. 30. Taose wno have yişited Madam told me this morning and appointed Don. Belisario Boy Scouts Organization, we, the those he already had from old. what a delightful time is always that it is a married man whose JOHN PETER WILLIAMS. sidency. The National Govern beg to extend you our inost sin courteous manner, and his having in that you will take the oppor.
wife is in Jamaica, that want to SGD. ment the National Assembly cere What time Thursday nigbe passed special Malecreed hot orlog her en to the shores of to seek a better field for his talent tunity of hearing the children and told Madam tat as long as did you return to handles hores de his memory and special arrange trust that during your stort stay the absence of co hesion among special programme rendered by am in this Republic of Panama am an xious to know that. Send ments were made for his burial you will enjoy the change so our people and a want of appre them. part of the and got the slightest news that and tell me now.
with all the customary honours. much liked by those who fre ciation of their own. We however gade will also take part, which that man ever speak to you again will kill him.
quent our Windy City. It is, sir, wish the Duitor all the success will form one of the most promi.
The next witness to take the may God have mercy on my soul.
stand was, Policeman Hallerman To All Concerned, a very creat pleasure to meet and prosperity in Jamaica that nent items of the program. There feel for our mothery son lay on the searching trips. He, who accompanied Sergeant Kaland greet you as Scouts. We should not be satisfied we would have liked to see him will be no tickets old, norrad.
sajoy Panama mission fee required, but there send money for her! could save up that tuoney and to base de to the chance to issue by THE WORKMAN the our city. knowing how keenly Mr. Finzi Back from wp. Please come one and alland. had be general taken We beg to state that with this to have passed trough which was writ leava Panama quicker, but is as follows: controversy with respect to the you cherished the game of scout would enjoy yourselves to Jamaica.
money my mother is in need of moneg, want you to put down this consequently sewe ask those something. In order that you late attack on the Editor will end. ing without being able to do It is with sincere pleasure 80 send what can for her dollars bill for me and send me whose yetersswa muays hane Ay, remember that, there are that we welcome Mr. Finzi. back. CHRIST tko Faeld Thea. ble now, she had plenty with (Page Continue on Page 6) sepending a few weeks authed 25th. sun.
hos inzly made produced the meet his old he.
lastici the. The fourth (4) th.
And 809 logly


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