
PIEDMONT The severica Three 25 contives The COOL MILD Smoke owners With that lingering taste SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1920, Sunday Horse THE WORKMAN Racing. 13 The races st Sunday, 1 as on late osas. Je Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies success and again much praise WALROND, at the office Central Ave tion. Correspondence on all matters must be attributed to the Panama Due and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
Racing Associatia lor the dai R. de All copy for publication must be sport enjoyed joyed by lovers of racing Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and at Juan Franco once more.
RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of several events were all ex.
Opo Year 82. 40 Ls. cy, the writer, not necessarily for publica.
THE VIRGINIA citingly contested and the various CIGARETTE Six Months on but as a mark of good faith.
horses lived up to what was exBE we do not undertake to return pected of them. large field of Military horses was agu One rejected correspondence.
in strong force and added siderable enthusiasm to the day The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Sucot program.
Punte a large and rem.
crowd graced the grand stand which is evidence conclusive that MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
the Isthmian ing kindly to the Sport of Kings is and this should induce horse To morrow will be Christmas 1920 and all those to take greater interest in, and be more prompt in assiste dry countries, such as, the United States of America, ing the promoters to prepare the Russia and the Canal Zone, will have to toast friendships program earlier each meeting.
with grape juice apple cider ginger ale or something We hope to say more on this cold (not cool) like the many syrupy beverages either of matter later.
the home made brand or of the grocery kind.
of Vital Interests to Of course, this does not apply to breezy, tropicy. wet Panama where the spirituous potions obtainable Cyclists.
from the wholesale or retail business houses all over the The Western Auto Supply Company country will add pep to the jolifications of the old folks MOISTURE PROOF has just received from a well known Bog and children, young men and maidens who will start in tish bicycle concern, one of the largest from to night over punch bowls and liqueur cups exchangbesortment of bicycle supplies to arrive ing greetings of the season and swapping smiles of fondPACKETS OF 20 on the Isthmus. The shipment includes est affection.
repair parts and accessories, including the famous wire on tires, as will be The last twelve months have shot by like an arrow from the out of a bow and it seems like yesterday when we were the ad, appearing on another page.
of this issue.
carolling Noel and Gloria in excelsis. To morrow The class of material has been a longagain the same songs will be sung by all constituents of felt want among local cyclists and now this population in the various languages spoken here, and that an assorted stock is here, there ean be no doubt that the next athletic meet whether we will understand one another words will be of little or no import for we all know that it is Christmas.
heartily enjoyed.
will find eyeling fully contested and Christmas brings so many inspiring and beautiful The goods are on display at the Com.
thoughts to the world. At this time we are happy because pany sales room, corner of street we reflect upon the coming of the Great and High King You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED in and Ancon Ave. Panama. It is the de order to completel, dominate your sufferings is the famous sire of Messrs. Graves and Johnson, the whose fe among us has changed the sorrows and fears of man into joy and gladness. We are merry because the HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES proprietors, to place each article on the market at the most reasonable price, 80 world has procured great freedom through him whose of world wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Anemia, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Debility, etc.
that those interested may have the privie birthday we will commemorate to morrow, and we will For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this city and at those of Messrs.
lege of obtaining their wants at a mini.
keep sober because true mirth restrains herself and so gets num cost; and give athletes equal oppo the best out of enjoyment and pleasure. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon.
tunity of showing their skill in bicycle The true spirit of Christmas evinces itself in an inexGERVASIO GARCIA, riding when the time comes haustible sympathy for the poor and afflicted, an unmeas 68, CENTRAL AVENUE Agent for the Republio of Panama.
CHRIST at the Pacific Theaurable devotion to the sick and dying and an undying love tre on Friday and Saturday for all. This is the message we are sending out to our 24th and 25th.
thousands of readers to day, and we hope that while our more fortunate brethren are feasting on their select Christmas dinner they will not forget the widows and fatherless, and the poor and helpless, PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Christmas means good cheer all around. Not only in NEW ORLEANS, churches or in the home, but in all public institutions, and oven in the penitentiaries, the light that streams forth from IT is gratiliyng to note the increasing number of ladies CRAWFURD B, ELLIS.
the Babe of Bethlehem penetrates and gladdens the soul. SIMMONS, who are calling at our parlor daily to bave their bair treated President.
Vloe President Gen. Mgr This is one time in the year when joy is not monopolized by the famous Walker Method.
by the rich and lofty, but is the common property of one Insurance in force over. 85. 000, 000. 00 and all, everywhere, We are just come from a successful teaching and It is also a time for the renewal of friendships and demonstrating tour of Cuba and Jamaica having treated, Total assets over 8, 500, 000. 00 in all, about six hundred ladies for scalp and hair troubles the burying of all inimical hatchets. Let us look for our Legal reserve on policies in force as in both countries during the past ten months. We taught enemies and turn them into friends; let us forget the pains required by law over they may have caused us remembering that, we too, may 214. pupils in all, 500, 000. 00 Assests in excess of liabilities for prehave given pain, and gripping each other with the firmness No matter what may be the trouble with your hair nor miums of policy holders over. 580, 000. 00 of fidelity, let us throw the past into oblivion and extend how many things you have tried unsuccessfully, you can be cordial love wherever anger and wrath may have been. helped wonderfully by a Walker Treatment correctly The only Life Insurance Company qualified In True peace can only come to men when they seek to applied. You can also increase your earning power three to be on friendly relations with one another. The petty dif fourfold by learning Hair Culture by this wonderful method.
the Republic of Panama.
ferences must be wiped out, the bitterness lurking in the We want live, earnest womea in this busines which has a breast must be extracted and nothing but a forgiving spi very bright future in Panama.
HENRY CAMBRIDGE, rit can accomplish this. What would Christmas mean if You pay a moderate fee for your training which is Spe. ial Agent. Colon.
we could not forgive? And what would be the extent and thorough, practical, intensive. At the end you receive a full quality of our social life if we could not transform our eneequipment of the tools and products you need to carry on mies into friends?
your practice. You also receive a certificate of the LELIA Forgiveness is not only a quality, it is a philosophy of COLLEGE of Hair Culture verifying your capacity.
the richest type. The more friends we can have means THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT Here you learn by doing and you grow happier as you the fewer enemies we shall count; and the fewer our enerealise that this is a business which meets a primal need of No. 8, 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE mies the less trouble we shall experience, the less worries womanhood. Wide awake, progressive ladies are taking up we shall meet and the less dangers we will have to fear.
this work because they realise its worth, its money earning Many broken and disordered homes might have repotentialities. Something worth while is now within your First Class Meals served at all hours mained intact and held by the strong chords of love if grasp CHOOSE WISELY LEARN HAIR CULTURE BY only men and women really knew how sweet it is to forTHE WALKER METHOD THE BETTER WAY; THE EARLY TEA AND COFFEE give and forget. Very often slight and insignificant WAY OF PROGRESS! Call at No. 11 Street (2nd. Special accommodation for Ladies things which occur in people homes lead to serious misunderstandingand disruptions because hastiness and TIDY AND POLITE WAITERS harshness displace reflection and gentleness.
Whether at home or abroad there is one day in all the and making everything look new in honor of the greates SERVICE UPTODATE, year that fills one heart with the brightest joy. It is day in all the year.
Christmas, and the very sound of the word seems to im.
part a richness of happiness unequalled at any other time Christmas. Business puts out its best efforts and tries to Certainly, there is a mysterious sweetness in the term in one experience.
The proverbial Santa Claus of the child world does look like perfection itself, and patrons visit the stores to THE WOMAN EXCHANGE not lose his grip upon the dissilusioned grown up, and purchase the things which suggest the good old Christeverybody expects him to bring or send something at this mas time. while clerks who at any other time of the year would be impatient and nerve racked through the big NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA most joyous season; and Christmas would be cold indeed crowds seem never to tire or loss their calmness just bewere it to pass by without leaving behind the shining raysa u se it is Christmas time.
of good cheer.
DRESSMAKERS Relatives absent from home during the year seek But many a man has failed to enjoy the day because the old fire side in the wintry climes or the bowery he had commenced to toast the season before it came and The Importance of completing your Christeaves of the tropics. The instinct to eat the Christmas going too freely among the epirits found bimself in mas dress on time is never under estimated, dinner with the whole family together is the same all over dreamland and never awoke till the twenty sixth of De.
the world, and people have been known to spend hundreds cember, only to find that Christmas has come and gone. If WE WILL NOT DISSAPPOINT YOU.
of dollars and travel thousands of miles just to peep into we mean to spend a happy Christmas it is necessary that the faces of their loved ones and to make new vows of we temper our enjoyment with moderation and discretion, Affection around the Christmas meal.
for unless we are careful we will pass the border line of ANN THOMAS, While the little ones lie blinking in the dark looking enjoyment and find ourselves in the ditch of regret.
for Santa Claus and listening for his bells, the big folks We wish all our readers, in particular, and the pub.
keep busy brushing and dusling and decorating the homelic in general, a Sober, Happy and Merry CHRISTMASI ER Of Interest to Ladies!


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