
PAGE FOUR THE WORK LAN, FRIDAY DECEMBER 24, 1920, Trinidad With for the so upon troversy, as want to say TOWER!
po of the BA LIFEBUOY to the tice of the government YAL ie a preferred by revolts, Sations. Dans as the brilliancy of the sunmated that a change of data lor if the press INFETANT Mr. Juan SOAP and been proper channel through which to voice justice, let the rights of the individual pleased content THE many hands which rights of the individual LIFEBUOY SOAP Meganie che What?
the nation to Correspondence be is to survive nations There is a law of bumanity more rimitive and divine We do not hold ourselves respon than the law of the land. He has bighsible of the opinion expressed below.
er claims than those of a citisen. He bas rights which date before all charters Trinidad is benefiting from the To the Editor of THE WORKMAN, lot communities; not conventional, pot sale of raw silk for air ships left Sir: read with much amused inter repealable, but as eternal as the powers on hands of the British Govern ment after the war, and which at the attempts tade by the learned and laws of his being Mr. Stoute it is a question of the Disposals Board caused to MANY gentleman, Juan Nicanor Tinker, to how the publie how grosely the Pan right, of justice, not of his being a Pao be dyed in art shades. Trini dad firm has secured a portion atnanian or a Barbadian menina have been insulted Juan Nicanor Tinker, in bis ardour to from the sale and is offering it at In my opinion this Solon is suffer HANDS champion the cause of six shillings per yard, sixty six his compatriots, from a nightmare.
called do not intend to go into any co them, has tried to be sarcastic in his use Advertise in The WORKMAN inches in width insults heaped Juan Nicanor Tinker is of the word Barbadian but am proud WIPE Jawyer, and knows the law, as taught by of and get Good Results to be school from which he graduated, to be Barbadian, from the stock of while of course. am graduate of no those men wbose bravery assisted in Jamsica, whorl of Law, but there are a few things adding to the British Crown ON ONE Barbados and several other British West Indian Virst of all That government which islands, whose brain and brawn assisted menores, or tries to suppress public sentito make the great Panama Canal possible; who have worked in the Republic The Barbados Chamber of wal, is a government void of conscience of Panama artisans, teachers, doctors, Commerce (on behalf of the comThe object of government is the bapRoverned, and any thing etc. assisting practically in the progres nercial community. the alana which, in he idea of the publie is detri of the young Republic, and were asked agers of tne Colonial Bank anal wakul to its welfare, should be brought to make another choice. would like to the Royal Bank of Canada and Le ar Englishman.
the promoters of both the in Sath American Republic od whore justice outshines that of other ing, tixed to take place on Tees love the protection of that flag Zaar and Gymkhana Race Meet Sito Feiers, dissatofactivo day, November 9th, having inti solations, turders, etc; but under eclipses that of the other planets.
the Nicanor Tinker, the Public Holiday would in no grand triple crossed fing of that great Empire on which the run never sets, we us wrong, then public sentiment is wrong way inconvenience them. His have been taught that the press is the Mr. Stoute actions are at the bency the Goveroor 10 ROV rument must set it right; if Committee has to sign a Proclamation discontent which is published in the Official Do you mean to say, that according be considered.
the learned Juan Nicanor Tinker, the rights of every human being. The na All nations are bound to respect the changing the date of the le from Tuesday, Novemare wiped on the mablie must be muzzled, in sentimento ti on that does not respect the rights of ber th, 9to Monday, November must not be known, if the public express the individual, is a nation with a stulti: 8th, as it is believed that the same towel are busy all day long handling. itself, it is an insult to that govern: fed conscience, is a nation without God. general public will welcome the mal, and not only to government, but or hope of progress change.
germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, to each individual citizen!
Thanking you for your valuable space, Surely this gentleman is suffering from Respectfully, The winter cruises from Ney Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things. htmare, brought about by his ignorYork to the West Indies which Ance of the duties of a government, and LEON ALTABA GILKES, before the war were an annual of Barbados, BW.
tixture of the White Star Coming to the question of Colon, December 5th, 1920.
will be resumed this. comhus it appears passing strange, and (The above letter, although set ter.
The Megantic, whi beyond my feeble conception to account up in type was unavoidably been selected as the Sortbis attack on Mr. Stoute by the crowded out of our last issue. adapted for the purpose. il liner beat PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
learned gentleman, when personally to undertake cruises in January «w letter written by Juan Nicanor Mater, in unmistakable Englisb, vouch her porta of call on each occasion including BRITISH CONSULATE It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy in his unlimited sympathy in connec the Panama Canal, King Soap does more. It positively protects its users from a with the strike, and offering his NOTICE.
ston, La Guyra, Tribal wervices free of charge, also bis help in bados, Martinique, St. Thomas the many germ laden things they come into contact any form to assist the movement What The British Consulate, Colon: together with the with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
bus caused this about face. Echo receive informathe wers, remarentic. oft tion as to the whereabouts of saine line, was Agnie, he chime that Mr. Stoute is Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will zo a Pavamaninn, and therefore not en Jeremiah Miller, native of Bar. run during the three wants Hitled to consideration bados, alleged to be resident in immediately previous to the make your skin glow with health.
Bathe Wash your face with it.
Colon since the war.
this latter vessel being later Le it possible that for a man to receive sunk by a German min off with it.
the Shampoo with it.
justice at the hands of his fellowmen, he Irish Coast in 1917, heavy um produce a bit of parchment, and Dr. CALVO book for these cruises is antici MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE That all his rights pated, many inquiries having alition to which he belong! Physician and Surgeon ready been received at the White LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND, That great orator and writer, William Star offices.
Slery Channing, says. This is a ter CENTRAL AVENUE AND No. tilde doctrine. It strikes a blow at the 19TH STREET, EAST, It enables the An extraordinary edition of rights of human nature.
OFFICE HOURS: to to 11 a. ihe British Guiana Official Gazette political body to which we belong, to p. contains the following order in Long Felt Want.
ole each of us on outcast from his Ex Crown Prince Court Land, No. 8943, reference the export of sice tace, urber, this great American English, French, Spanish and Elects Officers Italian spoken. No export of rice or paddy anys. Man is older that ustions, and We have been advised by the shall be allowed before the end Panama Drug Store that they Denies Complicity in of October 1921, nur would the have just received a big shipment At the regular meeting of the aboveexport be allowed even them of the famous Dr. French Smuggling Funds mentioned Court held on the 16th inst.
less the Governor in Council is Swengthening Compound.
As it The Hague, Nov. 23. Denial for the first half year of 1921:the following were elected the officers satistied the conditions justify has been a good many months of any complicity by ex Crown such export.
Brothers: Hinds, Frank in town Prince Frederick William in the lin, R; Jarvis, Per. Seety. rehas been out of this so much reported smuggling of capital elected. Ferguson, Treasurer: Mr. Tinker Still Continues asked for remedy, we are sure from Germany was entered for Fean koon, hores, wow.
that on many readers will re both the forner Crown Prince Allen, Small, in Errors ceive the news with some inter and his Adjutant, Major von Trustees. Bros. Drakes, Lewis est and pleasure.
Mueldner, to day by a member and Simpson.
In the issue of the WORKMAS of Frederick William suite.
of the 18th instant noted that Installation Ceremony The relations of the former Mr Juan Tiuker gave some Crown Prince toward the banker, kind of a reply to my aricle on Reduraday night, December 15th. arose from the fact that Crusser Crusser, the informant stated Dr. Hoffman UNITED FRUIT COMPANY published in the issue of the 11 e installation of the officers who are to was the first man who placed bas reopened his clinicocorries in which he was called upon to dietet the air of Mt. Zion Lodges wiun selt at the disposal of Fred. eral practice for Bypocologica Port Limon Costa Rica give reasons for erroneously as me 4, LOGS and of in the erick William after the latter cases and urological disorders of tacking the Editor of Tax WORKing half year took place at their MAN. Inasmuch as he has made online phoe. Bro. Brio had fled across the Dutch fron both sexes. Diseases of the blood Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty an effort to say something in de too. Moore of tier. the banker aiding the fugi treated in accordance with the fense of himsell, he has strayed Loyal Victoria Lodge, No. 45, acted as Haning him, 35, 000 forins totide plication of the Genuine German of tive in his financiai difficulties by latest German discoveries. Ap of housing accomodation far from the point and has failed restring Olice. The following com him over the first period of his 606 and its latest modifications to express himself as management red, due to his inability so to deathee: Bellen, exile. Since then, it was added. 1495 and Silber salversan. therefore it Free Transportation. No Deposit.
Telephone No. 746 it should be taken for Demmede, Vie; 3. Won, Secty: the ex Crown Prince has paid his granted that his reply bent no villany, Treno; Evans, ed from former Emperor Wilway from funds which he receiv.
CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, significance further pub Melale; Joe James, Cond. Nelson, Must have Passport and lication of them will be sebe Is Neinn, o s, Trone, liam Opposite Amador Theatre Vaccination Card.
to refutation.
After the ceremony refreshments were pears to be the author of errors, served and congratulations tendered the errors in all places, errors at any installed times and errors under all circumstances. Here another CHURCH NOTICES.
error. He claims de that my Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
in defense shel St. Peter Church, La Boca WORKMAN Cristobal, Canal Zone, was engaged by Ethel CHRISTMAS DAY.
Sterling to to collect.
Shtimaad Holy Communion at a.
the sum of 165. 68 from me on St. Barnabas Church, Empire OWNED BY the 3rd day of April last. This batinand Boly Communion at 84.
is libelous in in the superlative de THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD never was acquainted The National City Bank of New York with Sterling, neither am aeSunday after Christmas, Head Office: 55, Wall Street quainted with him up Peter Chureh, La Boca Seni tine vrtever be to indebted Body Countio 11 300 m; Moting to any one in any such cum. Uoder Holy Communion at 11 ano. Child Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 the circumstances would rearwin 320p. m; Evensong and quest Mr. Tinker to ascertain 720p This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended from said Ethelbert Campbell St Barnabas Church, Empire.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama In Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, ImpoverishSterling who was the man Morning Prayer and Address at 11 Depository of the Panama Canal ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
to full details of the matter, there yer ved addrew 30 m, him, correct name and Sunday School at 3:30 pm; Evea It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives der that he way in duo time corrison Hall, Las CasThrough its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches this Institution offers rect his blunder and make a tone and energy to the whole system.
exceptional banking facilities.
Dose. One Small Wine glass before each meal or times a day HUBERT NOYILIR Being Payor and address at 11 Panama, December 31st, Ben day School at 3p. Evening Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indlan Islands JAVIER MORAN reab pim Rent Receipt Books La Spa Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cont FARMACIA AMERICANA. Ish and English, for sale the WORKMAN Workman Printers.
de Good Results Per Annum Since Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers and are Mr.
Tinker Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION for writing Editor of THE reason of thel is be cause he berts Campbell Rree. VIGOR TONIC debted cadas:


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