
CIGARETTEST Good NG BET EE years be the Buch been very Extra Mild ness.
Better GARETTES Best von KING BEE means instant death order BRITISH AMERICAN TORO COMPANY. LTD.
mour and encouraging word. ciated the remarks which had Life at best is a complex affair, fallen from the Bench, and he but you have so managed to was glad to know that in the weave into its far too few hours practice of his profession he had of relaxations in matters social, been of assistance to the Court educational and otherwise such and to maintain the high tradian interest that your genial pre tions of the Bar.
sence will be much missed by your many, friends and admir Mr. Joseph Reply.
There must have been Mr. Hoctor Josephs, said some self sacrifice in the great be also begked to thank the usefulness from time to time Bench for the kind sentiments evinced by you on those occa that had been expressed. He skas We are glad of this op felt very ancient that day, for is ing on record our humble appre that he was admitted to practice portunity to join others in plac was 21 years ago at this session ciation of those services. It did seem a long time, but to May you find ample scope for him those years had been a haptield of your coming activity. Jamaica he came in contact with those talents in the far wider py time. When he returned to They will sweeten fellowship, really astute lawyers, and it was and help others, we can never realls a pleas are to devil for tell how much Please accept the accompany and in the course of years one men like Oughton and Cargill, ing souvenir as a modest remind felt the pride and pleasure as er of our official and business were in being a member of the relations in the past, and testi English Bar. After all these cigarettes monial of our good wishes for felt much regretat the future leaving the Bar Janaica. His In bidding you adieu we can experience was the very not close without saying that we wish for you, Mrs. Josephs and considerate. He had ende. vvured your children, health and happi. to do his best, and now that he ness, and a long life of useful was retiri sretiring from private pracIn the hands of Him who tice, he felt a little keenly about ordereth all things if in the fu it, lest one should become some.
than ever ture yon shall be permitted to what rusty. He again thanked return to the homeland, we trust Their Honours for their kind before you may have the pieasure of sentiments.
meting. even then, some warm raining friends among the Have you seen the great bar.
many who greet you with bon roy gain sale in Fine English Wool age to day. Sgd. Reginald Seaton, selling at 25 to 00 gold. Tomilson, o. Segre. John Mc per yard formerly sold at.
ens for Xmas all double width Reeves, A, McLaine, to 10. 00 per yard. Then go the Hall, McIntyre Smith.
Dave Car doze Store, forme Mr. Josephs brietly and suit. rly Chong Koe, opposite Pane in the world ably replied, and with some emc ma Lottery Office.
thanked the signatories for their thoughtful address and souvenir.
DANGER SIGNAL The little souvenir is a silver plated perpetual calendar and inkstand combined. The address Stop! Read! Proceed to was very tastefully got up, the Action. One cent silver paid left hand top corner being paint.
ed in a water colour design of STOP. This is neotssary, brosuse Forget tne. nots, etc the signal of danger is prominently disfor every empty KING played before your gaxe, namely symp.
toms of the deadly diseases of Kidney SUPREME COURT BENCH and Bladder and to proceed uachecked BEE package returned READ. This is also necessary in to dealer or the factory.
Refers to Departure of to direct your action as to the Messrs. Branch and safest route to pursue and as to what you should do to escape the confronting Josephs danger.
PROCEED TO ACTION. When The same paper of another you have stopped and read, then moro dates reports the Supreme Court to action, for mark you, without this as refering to the departure from escape is impossible.
the Colony of Messrs. Branch Pills, the best, easiest and safest means Start right now with DeWitt Josephs thus Before the business of the Apescape from the serious danger Millions have escaped by this kind of pellate Division of the Supreme medicines for the whole world. No Court begun yesterday, the Act other is just as good.
ing Chief Justice (His Honour Take heed. Why not you? But get Dr. OGILVIE Dr. LOWE Mr. Justice Beard) said the the genuine Pills put up by DE of Court band the ante rieze denete wirr Co. Ltd. England.
Is Sow LOCATED AT L, Edin.
fact that the Attorney General Sold at all leading Drug Stores 157 Central Avenue, corne 139 CENTRAL AVENUE eral had been appointed to other and the Assistant Attorney Gen THE CITY PHARMACY, Street PANAMA CITY The Court desired to 139 Central Ayenue Panama.
HOURS: 80 11. 30 am. Office Hours: 30 a. p. nl.
congratulate both gentlemen on SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS to 30 Jamaica Teneral, we, the undersigned, their p. p.
their promotion, but at the. their de.
Sundays: to 11 a.
erical stars of the Supreme parture. What was Jamaica The Classical and Court and the General was really gain of Te 875 Ancon, most cordial congratulations. tlemen were goingCourt SOUVENIR We are highly pleasel to think had recognized the very able that.
your ofticial career in this assistance which the Attorney No. 2, Calle Domingo Plaz city has now received that due General and Mr. Josephs had PRESENTED MR. HEC meed of recognition in the ser given it. The Court wished both Box 1044, Ancon, TOR JOSEPH BY STAFF vices of His Majesty the King gentlemen God speed and con ELEMENTARY AND HIGH which OF SUPREME COURT SCHOOL COURSES hich comes at last to most of tinued advancement in their prothose who faithfully and patient fession.
ly The Attorney General (Hon. Day and Night Sessions On His Departure to Take As. up New Appointment cannot close our eyes to your begged to thank His Honour on Letters, Petitions, Memorials achiavements in the past. We behalf of himselt and his learned Addresses, etc. tastefully wordare proud of them, and feel that friend, Mr. Josephs, who, he ed and neatly executed by hand late issue of the Gleaner stat when as a Jamaica scholar you had no doubt, would say some or typewriter.
SUNLIGHT SOAP is made es that on Saturday morning last. were selected, that selection was thing. He could assure Their For terms apply to from the sweetest and more. ROBERT LINDSAY, dan choicest of edible oils and fats.
Court and the Attorney Gener shewn later by your forensic at.
It contains no harsh or strong gave Mr. Hector Jos tainments and successful achieingredient.
ephs, Assistant to the At vements at our local Bar, Domino It is the purest and most torne21. quite that you were among the first find pleasure in remembering efficient of soaps and, if used as he bad judiciously, the most economical and was preparing to go into Jamaicans at the Bar (along court he was informed that the with our learned and highly es: staffs above named had prepared teemed late Acting Pusine Judge little goes a long way an address and a souvenir for Mr. Brown) to take silk (BRANDON BANK)
every particle is pure there is him and would like to and be honoured by His Majesty nothing to harm the clothes or then, if convenient to him Mr the King as Councillor to impede the rapid progress SECURITY Josephs consented. Mr. Seato We cannot but rejoice with you of the wash.
SERVICE explained cetime it helps the wish of in your path and we take them ALL THE VALUE those present to bid him farewell as to ourselves. Filling with IS IN THE SOAP.
in a formal manner, and place marked ability the posts of AsPanama (Founded 1863. Colon)
We are soapmakers with an ou record their feelings of regret sistant to the Attorney General ideal our ideal is to make.
at parting with him and their at various times, and sharing to Our large Resources and well known Soap which shall have no admiration for his many good the full, as we firmly believe.
SUNLIGHT qualities.
equal for Purity and Efficiency much of the anxieties and res. conservative Management afford) unMr. Seaton then asked Mr. ponsibilities attached to those throughout the country superior in all the world.
quzstioned security for every dollar Reeves, the usher of the Su offices (along with your learned CUAD URITY We realize our ideal in every preme Court, as the senior mem: colleague the Hon St. John ber of the staff both in age and Branch the Attorney General)
deposited with this bank tablet of Sunlight Sorp which service, to read the address. especially during the years of is manufactured.
Mr. Reeves then read the ad the Great War, you are now redress as follows: ALL THE VALUE 18 IN warded and given a wider scope THE SOAP THATS WHY.
THE ADDRESS for the further development of General Banking Business Transacted your liberal legal training and Dear Mr. Josephs; experience.
On this the eve of your depare Closely as we have been in 18AAO BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON ture from Jamaica for British touch with you, and watched President.
Vice President, Guiana, to which colony yol have you, we will miss your cheery Tron beun appointed Acting Attorney manner, and the kind gcod huof WestIndian News colonies 30 to 30 pm the saine Appointmentes can be arranged a. 728 phones: 1002 ADDRESS AND Sie alternate generous other colonies whicheer Commercial School Office 844 All the VALUE in the SOAP wait.
SOAT SUNL al Office star. We Panama Banking Company of soaps.


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