
PAGE FIVB DI Atlantic Side News Colon Boy Scouts.
Big Readjustment Sale!
In order to meet the decline in prices of merchandise WE HAVE MADE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK Thereby offering the public an opportunity to purchase at prices which we have fixed could be from and VICTORIA DEFEATS Reil, Mr. Sidney Bourne And Me, CHAMPIONS Sutherland, the local Charlie Chaplain.
The pianist for the occasion was prof.
Bowlsnd and Coleridge develop Deane, while Mr. Allman Heavy Bowling.
occupied the chair in very admirable fashion.
On Sunday at the Victoria team Banquet Given in Honour of composed of Harewood, Archer, Sealey, Mr. Hector Josephs, Jones, Best, Carrington, Bowland, Alley.
De, Coleridge, thorpe and Holder, met and defeated the formidable Sussex in a RECEIVES CONGRATULATIONS, first class Cup match at Cump Bierd ovil.
Colon, Dec. 18 banquet was given The Victoria went first to the bat and Inst night at the Imperial Hotel 8th od Beored 71 runs, of which Alleyne must be Bolivar rests in honour of Mr Hector ereditrd for 31. Thorpe and Best also pbs, C, ex assistant Attorny made 10 and 11 respectively. General of Jamaica, who is on his wy After the usual recess Sussex, took to fill his new appointment of Attorney Whetem after hat man were present, and many addreeres were stand at the wicket. Bowland and General of British Guiana.
with the ball kept up a fine Cameron Many prominent residents of the city procession, as be seen marching and back made in which the hon. gentleman was to the pavillion in quick ruccession. At complimented and congratulated on his the close of the procession 27 runs were excellent service and deserving promo. soore witb and Nurse with The hall was appropriately decorated.
Vietoria again went to the bat and made 65 runs. Sussex in their turn WHIST played up to the call of time had made so runs at the cost of wickets. Victoria Colon, Dec. 19 The whist nontest supporters went wild with joy at the of last evening were keen and much en decision of the Umpire Sussex has lost joyed, while the results were as follows:by 44 runs.
in the Whippers Highlanders game, 24 21; Peace makers Rising Star, 24 22; Flower of the Isthmus Lodge Navy Central 24 18; Wanderers Mexi.
Celebrates Anniversary.
can 24 20.
The standing of the clubs at present Colon, Dec. 19 The members of the is as follows: Whippers, points; PeaceFlower of the Isthmus Lodge No. 1, makers, 4; Mexican, 2; Highlanders, 2; M. spent a very enjoyable Central, 2; Navy time last night celebrating their sixteenth No games will be played this week.
anniversary The gathering was lorge, and consisted Llewellyn Kerr of visitors and representatives of kindred societies as well as members of the TEACHER: SETHODIST EPISCOPAL DAT SEKOOL CORNER 3rd.
RESIDENCE 10 Market Street, Colon, A very fine program was rendered ADDRESS: PO Box 807. Cristobal.
among which were contributions of rs re Music, Spanish and Evening Lessons quality by Mr. Allman. Miss At Very Moderato Prices REGARDLESS OF COST o are very visit to any of our three stores will convince you of the wisdom of doing your Xmas Shopping at the who American Bazaar Stores (Continued from Page 1)
ma, loyal and true, and so we beg of you accept this small gilt from the 3rd Colon Troop, Baden Powell Boy Scouts, a Tenderfoot Badge, as a token of our sincert ty We assure you that we are deeply interested in your futura welfare and sincerely hope that you will be as successful in the land whither you go and even more so so than you lave been in the land of your birth, the Isla of Springs. In conclus on we wish you bon voyage and again a career crowned with suocess.
Yours in Secutcraft, CLIFFORD BOLT, Scoutmaster, 3rd Colon Troop. BS Hon. Josepbs accepting the present replied. Scoutmaster and Scouts; find it very difficult indeed to and how much deeply touched feel. In one on home and am ong those whow you have grown pleasant: but when one comes to another land, passing through as a bird of passage to meet with new frienns are so kinds you have been to me to night, is something, which one can never forget. thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart, and cherish the present which you bave given me.
Hon. Josephs begged leave, boarded Mr. Deveaux car departed with Mr. Cambridge.
Mr. Kinnimouth, also one of many speakers, interesting talk to the very scouts Miss Linda Smart, although suddenly a ked by the scoaumaster to say something to the gaya one of the most intercoote addresses of of the evening. Sh covered lui wavle phase of her journey and expressed regret at not being able to see them in France, together with the Uni ed States and Jamaica Scouts at the Jamborie.
She also congra of the band and im plored them to pull together.
bow Wing to the lateness of the and the law in scouteraft that a scout band should not play o clock at camp, the meeting was nights outside aclose, all going home fully satistied with the many interesting things learned and to have been privileged to hear so distin guished a gentleman as Hon.
Hector Josephs. collection was taken up amounting tu 39 shall ever PANAMA car and COLON soos Canal Zone Notes LA BDCA Everybody is just crazy over Dr. Welters Tooth Powder Because it the ONLY dentitee that polishes gold in the mouth bleaches the teeth, retards diseases, prevents decay, and relieves toothache.
Free from grit. Ito Antisoptio Try atin to day 199 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon.
Box 730. Cristobal, CZ Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEUATY PARLOR Distributors.
Selling Cheap. Selling Fast theated Drum Major Daniels on QUEEN after of camp, NILE The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Made of oils imported from India and Japan WITERED AND CLEANSER (CLEACH) NOVEL COLD CREAM. LIQUID POWDER MAIN CROWER AND TEAUTIER CREAN UM. VANISSING CREA Horo CREAM POWDE IS CADEN) DANDRUTY REMEDY Springfield, Kashmir Chemical Co.
Chlongo, Gentlemen Nie Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin. heads without succes, anth found Kashmiri Nila queen. Now my skin tried nearly every thing to clear my complexion of pimples. liver spots and black smooth and lovely can be and my hair has a Tong and clossy, my friends all admire wish all our women would try Nile geoyours. d. SALLE REID, BOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS Bulvar St. between 8th AndSth. Colon.
Box 73. Cristobal West Indian Steamship The Ideal School Concerto attend and take a se Company Ltd.
Advertise in the WORKMANS and get Good Results.
Church Brigade to Go On TOYS!
LUCIANO SANCHEZ No. 21. 13 EAST ST. Salsipuedes)
Big assortment of general Merchandise OUR PRICES ARE CHEAP COME AND SEE OUR their must be Special mention The Grace Church Boys Brigade will go on a route march on Christmas morning and are training hard to meet the occasion. About 125 io number they will leave the barracks at o clock on Christmas morning.
headed by a band, march direct to Chorvillo and from thence around the City of Panama. At und intervals they will give a real honest to goodness demonstra tion of military tactics for which the public is requestei to be on ha the lookout. They will return to bar acks at a, and there they will be dismissed. similar programme will be carried through on New Year morning.
CHRIST at the Pacific Theatre on Friday and Satnrday 24th and 25th.
The La Boca Literary Society will bold a Christmas Meeting on Sunday the ENGLISH BICYCLE PARTS 28th instant at 30 Mr. Walters, will deliver an Wired on Tires and Tubes address, Mr. Fred Clunis will officiatest the piano, while ssveral lady members at the of the society will be among those who will contribute appropriate vocal selecWESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY, PANAMA tions, to be composed of Christmas AD theme, Solon, Duets, etc.
Phone 85 Box 816, Ancon, The rogram is being carefully rotten up by special committee and quite an.
enjoyable time in anticipated. Members are requested to make it a point of duty many friende they possibly con; in other words the public in cordially invited.
The concert staged by the Death of Months Baby.
pupils of the Ideal School came (Incorporated under the Laws of off last Friday night at the Bap Jamaica. We regret very much having tist Schoolroom, Mr. De to chronicle the death of Helena The greatest proposition ever Souza was the chairman for the Evadney, months old daughter taken by the West Indians; and evening, and he did full justice of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey the whole world is falling in Ito his position.
The concert Spalding of Colon. which occured The Directors are offering opened with a song by the 100, 000 worth of Stock to the We Come with happype Greta u delicate nature, there was no school suddenly on Monday morning 10 o clock. Although of people of the Republics of Pan Ings. after which Mr. DeSousa ama and Costa Rica.
was called to the chair in a masapparert change to indicate that This can be taken up in Pre terly way by Master Geo. Gra her little life was so near it rit end, ferred Shares at per cent or in nier, one of the pupils. Mr. De until about 30 when medical Sousa address was full of sound aid was immediately summoned, This money is needed before advice to the huge audience, and but alas! without avail, for an the end of January 1921. This of great encouragement to the hour and a half later, she happily will bring to Panama before pupils Certainly Mr. Tho joined the million other little April your LARGE PASSENGER mas should be proud of the way angels gone before.
STEAMER his scholars went through West Indians, this is your parts.
made of the little Mary Wilson Notice Purchase and Live! Disobey for the delightful way she sang and Perish!
her solo Gracious Father Send money by mail to Josephine Roach, a solo entitled To all Fraternal Organizations: CAMPBELL Beloved. Irish Walker one pleased be informed that the Na.
President and Managing tional Progress Hall, in Director, Kingston, Ja way Wed 73 Orange Street, entitled The Little Brown for. up to date ed year old cabernet Wellmanniences, roomy, mint and comfort the house with the able, Terms moderate. For fur.
she NOTICE recited ther particulars apply to Mother Darling. and seeing FINN, the way this little suited Box No. 688, Balboa, The West Indian Steamship Co. Limited every word to the action we prediet a bright future for her.
Persons desirous of obtaining The boy whose elocution COLON AGENT WANTED shares in the above company seemed to stand out far above all may now do so by applying, if in the others was Master Edmund writing address:Edwards, a boy in the sixth Active salesman, who has some Box 837, Cristobal or Rrade. Boys Debate in which cash, can make money selling our it in person at office. this boy starred, and Only an excellent line of toilet articles in other Footprint a dialogue was Colon Cristobal, and the new No. 44 Bottle Alley between 5th said by all present to be well Silver City. For particulars, ad.
and 6th streets, Colon. worth the money dress Box 17, Ancon, ALEX KENNEDY, feature of the concert was a Representative for the Company. boys of the school under their 15 minutes drill by some of the drill master Ex Sergeant May.
ers of the regiment.
NOTICE Little St. Vina Keliman presid. Don be worried about the OptiI have been authorised by the evening, and gave promise of be Blasses. If rour glasses are not ed at the organ uhroughout the cian and the man who fixed your Bteamship Co. of Jamaica to State that the permission given tion with Mr. Thomas, he if you are having any difficulty in reading VERY FINE print at to Mr. Sydney Young of the she would be called to play till nights, if your eyes need atten: Panama Mercantile Agency to the very night, any. then represent the West Indian Steamship Company Lid. in the sale came in for a great deal of con Mr. Thomas, the Principal, that you consult a COMPETENT specialist of stock at Panana is until fur gratulations, and surely we agree Dr. BUCHANAN ther notice cancelled.
he deserves them all, and would Offée No. 182. Bolivar Street, Colop.
FT ALEX. KENNEDY, be glad to see him stage this in front of Masonic Temple Bldg, Represeutative 8. Concert over, Famous ayo specialist of New York TOYS. More Brandford and Pearl Moreno and coor ons venue, is now ready DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH wonder Clearance Sales Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshing beverage. Once drunken you will forget Root Beer and all other aerated drinks.
CALL AT THE Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane and Secure same for your Xmas Drink Selling out entire stock of English Woolens below cost price.
DAVE CARDOZE Two Stores: Main Store, opposite Lottery Office (late Chong Kee. Branch Store, 23 Central Ave nue, adjoining the Maduro Co.
YOU CAN DEPEND Theatre parties, dances 2UPON IT and social festivities of Dr. Hubert Edwards SV various kinds will occupy Mi lady attention from now until the NEW YEAR COMES Nawrally her dresges and dress accesories will be selected with the utmost care.
The splendid style, the fine workmanship and thorough dependability make the goods we sell preferred and admired wherever discriminating people meet.
Come early and buy your gift at our store. It will satisfy.
Sydney faller Jeweler 29 Central Ave.
182 Bollvar Street. IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE begs to inform the public thal he has severed all connections with the English Drug Store, owned by Mr. Salazar, of the Pan American Drug Swrebut his offices bave not been removed and he can still be found above the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Same old stand.
His residence is now at the Alba House etween MG, and Fourth Streets.


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