
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands PIEDMONT The The COOL MILD Smoke oh obat the well can be suc With that lingering taste MOISTURE PROOF PACKETS OF 20 pro This be greatly inconvenienced, and Chis together wit ry Jamaica many of them would spend a dis.
ains, caused the stato give mal Christmas. They asked His way and the whole of the il Excellency whether he would not burst through and rushed to the river.
Shortly after the fire Export of Bananas cabe to the Secretary of State the broke out; tu ap to the pra.
grant before Christupas.
sent the orizia nas no bara discorered.
The times raindly Has now Dropped to a Very The Governor made it quite Low Point.
spies and the baraingollit while he sympathised clear that with the civil servants in the way down the rive river set fire to COCO properties on either buk Boti Vand NO. dni The output of bananas for the matter, it was not one that could be dealt with the Secretary of year has now dropped very low. Der were burnt to the ground and it is estiuaretth. 60 ve 10) sur As a rule, at this season the State by cable; nor was there THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE prices fall and there is very little time avaliable for summoning the legislative Council. So the of cocou lind were coinpletely Truit to be had.
decision arrived at would have destroyed while the whole of the oil was lost.
Recently some very poor fruit to be adhered to he could not has been shipped, which a good order payments in accordance Company had built many persons interested in the with the new scale.
sucoes of this well, and 30, great hopes on the trade byve considered deplorable, as it not only spoils the market.
The deputation put forward a though they can feel a little sat but gives Jamaica a bad reputash jamas, for the months ofl isfaction in having produced further proposal that payments before well giving probably the largest sion rate of flow ever known in the Anyhow, the activities of the January, February and March island estimated at about 100, 000 coming of the off, and will probably remain so for in force, which is given at the rate in. now the grant in a Darrels in 18 hours, yet the cat a little while yet. Rumours are of 25 per cent. on salaries. They astrophe cannot but be a heavy afloat that one company might hoped that the Legislative Coun loss to them.
that the not continue the business for acil and the Secretary of State, opinion little while, but matters in the trult world move somewhat mys. would in January coming, appro ve the the cessfully re opened, will shortly be realized, and in the meantime tically at times, and it is difficult amount paid to them for January, offer the company our sincere to predict what will bappen February and March could then sympathy for their loss. It may when the trade gets busy again. be deducted from the sum pay.
be mentioned that this well was To day the enquiry with re able under the 15 per cent scale.
1, 000 feet deep.
gard to the black iy pest starts The October, November and Dein Washington, where Mr. cem ber moities would, of course, Goudy, the Government Etomolo be paid on the new scale.
Major Randolf Rust has been gist, has elected Mayor of Port of Spain gone to represent His Excellency, it is unders.
Jamaica tood, expressed himselt as being and Dr. McShine Deputy. Mayor; Messrs Lazare, E. Scott in favour of the proposal, and it and Viera have been re. 8, 000 Fire in the was said last night that he will elected Aldermen, with Mr. McCarthy elected in place of amounts will be paid to the ci il Metropolis the late Mr. Adam Sinith.
servants before Christmas.
United Fruit Co. MateGrenada rials Shed at West End Barbados Agricultural Society have trled is Destroyed by Fire to make the Show as interesing An Uncomfortable The Crops and THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT The Graner of the 17th ulto and educative as possibie, and it is to be regretted that owing to Situation.
reports a disastrous fire which Planting No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE the unfavourable weather we took place recently in Kingston, have experienced this thus:visions generally will not show to Passengers from Grenada to disastrous fire took place at Under the headline Agricul. First Class Meals served at all hours the advantage of previous years. New York cannot leave here as the United Fruit Company Ma tural Jottings, the Herald says: prize is offered for tha best usual according to the ordinary terials Store at the extreme Planters are taking advantage EARLY TEA AND COFFEE essay on The preparation of the routine of past years. They are western end of the City at of conditions and have started soil etc. and the growth of plans required to proceed to Trinidad o clock yesterday morning. re:putting in nex tyear crop. To do Special accommodation for Ladies iu tabs, pots and boxes stating to have their passports vised by sulting in the destruction of the so, they have had to destroy a bow the soil should be prepared the American Consul.
building and its contents, with a goc many of their canes.
TIDY AND POLITB WAITERS manured and watered, The loss estimated at 8, 000. The was inevitable, owing to the late It is understood that the State children of the Elementary Department in Washington bas store was under the charge of rains. The present crop is com SERVICE UPTODATE.
Schools are offered special prizes ruled that passports of passen9. Bubb Clark, Storekeeping on nicely with the rains and.
for plants grown in boxes, tubs, gers from the West Indies must er, Lothian Grignon being the should the downpours continue etc, and in school gardens and be vised by American Consuls storeman.
The premises were until February the returns in for the best collections of pinned and not by Consular Agents. We closed as usual on Wednesday certain districts will be up up to specimens of insects that attack think there are only two Amerle and.
the economic crops of the island. can Consuls in these parts, one morning, whilst Waterpoliceman nately, this will not be so through certificate is required for ex. in Trinidad and the other in Bar.
on. hibits in these classes showing bados. The difficulty set up by the he saw flames shooting from the out the island, there are some places that will not be able to article place.
equal last year result by one tare stille and taken der andere wilt. therefore, bo ENGLISH BICYCLE PARTS very distressing indeed.
Reid immediately communicat. third. large area is being pui There will be Diplomas of Me ed with the Fire Brigade, who under potatoes, and the poor If we are not mistaken, the rit by the Department of Agri. Consular Agent here issued and Wired on Tires and Tubes promptly responded to the call, man diet should be plentiful culture for exhibits of special sent down a number of passports but when they arrived on the and cheap. The yam crop is excellence. All exhibits except to Trinidad to be franked by the scene the premises were well non perishable articles which may American Consul. Whether it crop.
the WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY, PANAMA no chance to save the building anting of be sent in on the previous day was done or not, it is stated that planting between 12 o clock noon and p. in in future the passports must be It was provision Phone 85 that the fire vad been burning cannot see any round reason for Box 816, Ancon, must be sent in not later than signed in its literal effect by the 30 a. on the day of the show. American for some time before its discov. this attitude, as it is a well known Consul, by The fee for admission for visitors Washington which means that ery, but just how it was caused fact that polatoes grow quite as is two pecce. Exhibitors will be intending passengers have to go has not yet been discovered. well through yams or od does as admited free.
through the expense aud Kreater On the preinises were stored in open lands.
iron piping, lubricating oils and TOYS!
The Markets inconvenience of going to the TOYS!
island of Trinidad to answer to other materials which the big their names.
concern uses in connection with During the past few weeks Trinidad LUCIANO SANCHEZ We are not in a position to give its construction work in this there has been a considerable the reason which prompted the Island.
drop in the selling price of pota.
No. 21. 13 EAST ST. Salsipuedes)
State Department in Wasbing.
It is understood that the loss toes, and this popular food is Disastrous Fire ton to make this order. We which, as stated above, is esti once more within the reach of the gather that full representations mated at 8, 000, is not covered poor people. These are being sola at shillings Big assortment of general Merchandise have been made in our behalt by insurance.
On Property of Apex Oil from Trinidad, but that the rule Market is OUR PRICES ARE CHEAP The Sugar Fields Limited seems to be adamant.
COME AND SEE OUR plexing who Grant in Aid to It is, therefore, good to state purchased estates at last BURNING OIL SETS FIRE TO that His Excellency the Govern.
Civil Servants Palues is causing them no little prices, the or has not been slow in the mat.
TOY. COCOA PROPERTY ter. He has been in touch with une ısiness. know of one pur the British Ambassador in Wash Objects for which a Depu chaser who bought for 50, 000 The Port of Spain Gazette of a ington on the subject, and all last year, and would gladly take recent date contains the follow. that is left is for us to hope that tation Waited on His 25, 000 for the same property.
ing:some way out of the difficulty Excellency Yesterday. One of the biggest disasters lency efforts.
will be found through His Excel ever experienced in Trinidad so An effort is at present being far as the oil industry is con.
POINTS PUT FORWARD We expect some day to experimade to obtain increased repre NEW ORLEANS, cerned, occurred on Saturday ence American retaliation in sentation for the St. Michael and night last when fire broke out many ways, just as soon as we deputation consisting of Bridgetown constituencies in the CRAWFURD ELLIS, SIMMONS, on the property of the Apesoou: preference, but it does not appear oil perfect our schema of Imperial Messrs. Fraser, 1st Vice House of Assembly. The movers President.
its Vice President Gen. Mgr President, Fletcher, 2nd in the matter are tirst testing Vice President, Dickson, popularity with the electors, and Saturday atternoon their well the reasons for it, when fully che. It appears that date on this strange new order. Perhaps Insurance in force over. 85. 000, 000. 00 Secretary, Bond, Treasur. in the event of receiving encour.
No commenced to gushthe disclosed, might be found to be er, Ritchie and Bick. agement will draw up a Total assets over.
flow starting at the rate of about 500, 000. 00 representing the Civil Ser: and obtain signatures with a 3, 000 barrels per hour, and in in good order.
vice Association. went to King view to placing it before the Le Legal reserve on policies in force as creasing rapidly. dam, cap.
House at noon yesterday, where, gislature, The representatives required by law over 500, 000. 00 able of holding 50, 000 gallons The Government is opening by appointment they met His of the interested constituencies was in readiness to receive the during this week, under the austhe Governor have promised their u: divided Assests in excess of liabilities for preoil, but it soon became evident pices of the Agricultural Depart The was to ask His Excellency to approved by the electors.
deputation support should the movement be miums of policy holders over. 580, 000. 00 that this would not be large en ment, a Ground Provisions Deough, so a pump was sent for pot in conjunction with the Corn of the paying of the side draios dug divert the the Granary at Burns Point seventy five per cent grant in aid Local Agricultural Show.
The only Life Insurance Company qualified In to nublic servants Lefore Christidea underlying the estabThe yearly Agricultural Show the Republic of Panama.
ed of what was for Peasant proprietors will be notice given to the people that courage ground provision grow.
a he members of the deputation held this year at the Pool Pianta.
there was danger of oil coming ing, to purchase ground provi.
HENRY CAMBRIDGE, pointed out to Sir Leslie Probyn tion, St. John through the per.
their way and they should be sions at fair prices, and to dise that as a result of the discussion mission of the Attorney for the Special Agent, Colon, careful of fires. In spite of all pose of same to the publicat aot to pay the new grant in aid estate Sir Frederick. Clarke, that could be done, however, the reasonable prices.
dam filled and the oil came over, shis year, ciyil servants, would The members of the (Continued on Page Selling Cheap. Selling Fast exhibitir at the bidden alight and there was practicaly vody, poor, as is also the eddoe more than field.
order from spur 100lbs. Fodder has also considerably con still year Increased Representation PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. petition nell, Excelenect of the approve Joll, while the police were informa lishment of this depot is to enhappening and The Dras,


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