
CENTRAL Better Extra Mild GARETTES Best greso. Along fluence has had respect.
Stop! Read! Proceed to Bishop Overs Tells of His Action!
Life Among the Nativas STOP. This is becera ry, because of This Republic the signal of dager is prominently displayed before your gue, namely BLACK MAN COUNTRY od Bledder and to proved unebrekend toms of the deadly diseases of Kidney menas instant death Civilization is in Stage of READ. This is also secryl Advancement Owing to releet route to pursue and me to what you order to direct your action to the Offorts of Missionaries should do to mop the confronting PROCEED TO ACTION. Wb New York, November 28. The Am eriaan negroes who have gone to Liberia, you have stopped and read, thea meva the undirputed republic of the black to action.
for mark you, without tha is imposible.
man, have been wonderful influence to escape the country, accordinx to the Rich Bee Pills, the best, easiet and for men Rev.
Start right Dow with Witt W. Orne Protestant Episcopal Bis hop of Liberia, who is at the Hotel Peep of excape from the res du Pean sylvania. Bebop Overs has made ex Millions have escaped by the King of No cigarettes tensive explorations through the forest medicines for the whole world, of darkest Africa and knows the country other is just as thoroughly. For the last three years Take heed. Why not you! But got he has been Bishop of the Republic of the genuine Pills put up by DE Liberia, the little republic on the African WITT Co. Ltd. England.
Sold at all leading Drug Stores Liberia Lound iably the black THE CITY PHARMACY, man country, wid Bihop Overs. 139 Central Ayenue, Pesama.
in the caly republic in the world entirely SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHM03 ruled by black, and the white man in than ever hardly.
const civilization is in very good stor Great Britain Has no Fur.
Welcome guest. Along the before of advancement, but the further you go into the interior the more savage bo ther Monoy Ald to Give come the tribes with whom you have Greece to deal. Liberia is thickly populated and there are fourteen separate tribre who are more or less uncivilised. CanA direct West Iodia Cable from nibalism is rife and there is even ono Athens states that Great Britain tribe which este its own offspring. There will extend no further foaneial svagos never bury their dead, but est eld to Greece in case ex King them themselves. It is a ghastly condi Constantine returns to the in the world tion, of course, and one against which throne, according to a Note prethe Church is slowly making some pro sented to the Greek Government dated Dec. 6th, by Earl Granthe exterior, where things are The French Minister also preville, British Minister in Athens very much better, there are a few Amer sented Note demanding the icon negroes who have gone to Liberia and they are treated with the greatest Payments of outstanding held fetand loans consideration and Their in Returns from the Ple One cent silver paid in throughout Greece on the 5th Land is which was to decide whether the has been splendid.
freely given out in Liberia, and it is for every empty KING most fertile and productive. The Am Kink and it is Greek people would recall exConstantine to the to the throne erian negro could go to that country, the death of his BEE package banime a leader ind be most welcome made vacant by returned bec: use the coloured man is much more King Alexander, indicate a cordially received than the white more majority of 500, 000 in favour of to dealer or the factory.
man the return of Constantine and Indeed, no white man man is allowed to be e a citizen of Liberia. It is the only claims are made that the entira country in Africa except Abyssinia where electorate of 80. 000 voted for him the black man rules The Repablio of Liberia is about Rent Receip. Books in Span two hundred square mil 8, approxiante.
ly the siz: of Panylvania, and has 3601 Ish and English, for sale at the Workman Printery.
les of coastline Due to the offre of missionaries, there aro twenty two NOTICE and 100 paid telers. We go rialt board schools, thirty three day schools.
into the huts of these heathen people have been authorised by the and try to teach then modern method President of the West India lof sanitation and the Christian Religion Senship Co. of Jamaica to They ato pathetically enger to learn state that the permission gives Dr. OGILVIE Dr. LOWE Complaints Against American Wins in everything we have to give them thu y Mr. Sydney Young of the. Panama to Is SOW LOCATED AT L, Edin. Japanese. Prize Ring are adopting our methods and coming to represent the West Indian Stein157 Central Avenue, corne!
livo in a civilized fashion.
ship Company Ltd. in the sale 139 CENTRAL AVENUE of stock at Panait until fur. Street.
PANAMA CITY The following interesting ex. Frank Moran, of Pitts. BRITISH CONSULATE ther notice cancelled.
HOURS: No 11. 0m. to 30 pm Office Hours: 30 a. p. nu. cerp is taken from the Advocate, burgh, Knocks Out Joe FS ALEX. KENNEDY, a weekly paper printed in Port NOTICE. to. 30. no. p. p. land, Oregon, and devoted to the Representative S.
Beckett, Champion of Bundays: 10 11 am interest of the colored people:Office 844 Great Britain Appointments can be arranged. Box 798 The British Cousulate, Colon, Phones: You must have noticed that Te ephone 875. Ancon. Residence 1002 would be glad to receive informa Dr. Hubert Edwards, you, your very virtués become Moran, of Pittsburgh, knocked bados, alleged to be resident in when one is prejudiced against London, December 10. Frank tion as to the whereabouts of Jeremiah Miller, native of Bar.
vices in his sight. As an outsider, out Joe Beckett, the English Colon since the war.
182 Bolivar Street have been interested to note heavyweight pugilist, in the sec) IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE the accusations which the begs to inform the public that white man of the Pacific Coast ond round in Albert hall here tonight.
Dr. CALVO he has severed all connections naively makes against the Japan In the first round, Moran tried are owned by a left lead, but was caught with BPhysician and Surgeon Salazar, of the have heard them complain, right to the jaw. Moran led with Pan American Drug Store; but as rode with them on the his right and clinched. He was CENTRAL AVENUE AND No. his offices have not been removed trains, that the Japs have all warned by the referee 19TH STREET, EAST.
and he can still be found above the business in such and such the Singer Sewing Machine OFFICE HOURS: Uppercut Did Trick little coast town that they do to 11 a. Company. Same old stana. to 5 all the catering in some other Beckett got in some good work His residence is now at the from the sweetest and place that the restaurants sell in the second round and again English, French, Spanish and Alba House etween ENG, more food for the same money Moran closed in, trying short Italian spoken.
and Fourth Streets.
choicest of edible oils and fats.
than any white restaurant (thinkarm jabe, which failed to land.
It contains no harsh or strong how a white restaurant would be moran got in a hard smash, ingredient.
praised if this could be said of but Beckett quickly retaliated it. that It is the purest and most leased acreage than the make more out of with a powerful right to the jaw.
a efficient of soaps and, if used out of farms judiciously, the most economical own that they are anxious fighting and was counted out crashing uppercut during in.
of soaps.
to get land that to when he failed to rise. The end little goes a long waygather and that pretty general of the bout came amidst intense (BRANDON BANK)
every particle is pure there is ly they show a disposition to excitement.
nothing to harm the clothes or thrive where the white man fails.
to impede the rapid progreso Just think of a race being acSECURITY Advertise in the WORKMAN of the wash SERVICE More than that: saw one and get Good Results.
ALL THE VALUE great San Francisco daily com.
planing against the Japanese would praise in our own? It rePanama (Founded 1863) Colon We are soapmakers with an high birth rate and the child: minds me that in South Carolina ideal our ideal is to make bearing superiority of the Nip for generations the Negro has Our large Resources and well known Soap which shall have no women. It was contemptu been accused, of wanting to SUNLIGHT equal for Purity and Efficiency ously said that one out of every wear good clothes, to live in fine thirteen babies conservative Management afford) unborn in throughout the countryCalifornia houses, to eat the best food, to last year was a Japlet, superior in all the world quastioned security for every dollar is ich vote, to hold office, to go to col.
far above the URITY We realize our ideal is every the proportion of love, to enter the professions, to Japanese population. It get more pay for his work (of deposited with this bank tablet of Sunlight Soup which seems that while less than ten course they put it the other way is manufactured.
per cent of California white about: to do less work for his women bore children, more than pay. and in ALL THE VALUE 19 IN THE SOAP THATS WHY, twenty eight per cent of the white roke. Reneral to be like Japanese women bore children.
How in the world are Japan. May Allah and Odin and the God of the Christians save all the ese men to blame for this? colorod races from the virtues ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL (BRANDON BRANDON Is it not relle of the garage which the mediaeval atavists of Proaldea Vloe Provident.
Trond that caused us to curse in another the white race would like to 10 race to qualities wbloh wel dok me obber races endowed with 3D அழ என STAY WAM 200 agosto All the VALUE in the SOAP ese.
SOAP SUNLIGHT they make can make which Panama Banking Company they they sticks tos cused this crime!
21000 pon SOAD General Banking Business Transacted SUNLIGHT SOAPE


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