
The New Immigra certain House and Senate leaders Correspondence had decided to propose this tion Bill. course of action by the United We do not hold ourselves responStates followed a conferer cesible of the opinion expressed below.
to day berwevn Mr. Johnson aud PROHIBITING ALIENS Roland Morris, United States Another InstiINTO THE STATES.
If the plan goes through the MANY tution Tottering.
For Two Years.
whole question of immigration over for solution to the Harding Insularity and Selfishness to to this country would be thrown HANDS, Particulars in connection with Administration and meantime Blame.
une Johnson Immigration Bill, the United States would run no United States for a period of two would follow any attemption to the Editor THB WORKMAN prohibiting immigration into the risks from delay that surely WIPE would become effective sixty laws.
years, state that the measure Dear Sir. Peeling ashamed result days after enactment Mr. Johnson believes it will be of mere talk Roing the round of the ON ONE measure would exempt blood much easier to get Congress to shiftlessness and lack of proper uning relations, relatives of naturalized pass a resolution this winter tem. Amone rur people, as one among others inst wrongo suffered ritizens and also exempt for a porarily suspending all immigra who fearle sly Deriod of six months persons tion, pending a leisurely revision by the laboring classes of our people, and TOWEL who have resided continuously of the law, than to get a general who must feel the reproaches which fall for one year in Canada, Cuba, in migration bill en acted at this upon hem when it is courted, for once Mexico, and Newfoundland. Six time.
took an advanced step quite contrary to months Xruption are allowed It understood Ambassador the position. have taken in the past for travellers and foreigners at Morris agreets with Mr. Johnson when other Newro undertaking of com tending United States Education that the Japanese Government mercial importance on the lathmus have al Institutions who would be would not find fault with the failed and fallen in veelicated, in the admitted for such time as their complete exclusion of its subject toiste plader Lufind the beaches a voice work required Ivice reason has diaregarded to from this country hit the same such an extent, or has been absent factors Further Detail.
law applied to all other countries, the It is only discrimination against by the votaries, that expensive litigation Congress may suspend tem the Japanese that has aroused has been sorted to at the big los and porarily all immigration to the their resentment.
expense of the contributors: the poor day United States except of persons laborers.
who have close relatives here the Representative Johnson feels Now Mr. Editor, as it is evident that sospension to remain in effect immigration bill would result in no voice is ever beeded the voice or until such time as as careful con sideration can be given to the prolonged discussion in to the press when matters of vital imporTHE many hands which are wiped on the entire problem and detailed re House, which is not desired by tance to the very being of our people are at this time. concerned, and the thing am referring same towel are busy all day long handling vision of the present immigration He believes the passage of a bill to be already appeared for sale in the laws brought about calling for suspension of all im. shambles street corners, have droid gerin laden things Books, Money, Tools, This idea is being fostered nigration can be passed readily ed in mind that word from my pea primarily by Chairman Johnson and will solve all outstanding through the worthy columns of your Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
of the House Committee on problems until such time as an paper, might not be too late to aid in Immigration, and it is under: immigration bill could be pre repairing the breach in the Colon Costood to have at least qualified pared for inauguration by Presi. operative. Stores which have suddenly support already from other lead. dent Harding.
fallen in the meshes of litignats as result SOAP ers of the House of Senate, in eleding Senator Sterling (S. The necessity of quick action of insularity and party greed (selfishnee. a member of the Senate Immi on the immigration question is have reasons (and good ones too) ter PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
gration Committee, who has com emphasized by the fact that they conclusions and observations, that pleted a a personal study of immi emergency passport legislation, there has been no Institution gration conditions at the port of through which immigration is started on the Isthmus bat gave greater It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy New York now controlled, expires March promises of success than the Culon Com operstive Stores, and that especially Soap does more. It positively protects its users from The proposal to suspend tem.
under the expert management of Mr.
porarily immigration to this Advertise in The WORKMAN Edgar McCarty during months before, the many germ laden things they come into contact countrs from everywhere in the and get Good Results. and those of the absence of Mr.
with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
world not only would allay the Ricketts in the United States.
fare of labur and the public are But our peo; le are blind, they are been Dr. Hoffman drawn by loud talk more than facts and Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day.
generally, which have Its abundant, antiseptic lather will sroused by reports of great deeds, and in the absence of the ability make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe horde of immigrants about to in bas reopened his clinic for gen. to appreciate the good management of with it. Shampoo with it.
vade this country from Europe eral practice for gynecologica: Mr. McCarthy, and attempting to outdo and the Narat, but it would cases and urological disorders of and undo him, they are undoing the Rive to the State Department a both sexs. Dis ases of the blood business, but they have a man with MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
Breathin spell in dealing with treated in accordance with the brain to do with this time, and one who ve Javanese immigration and atest German discoveries alien and question, has Apapparently bas taken time by th LEVER BRORILI PORT Sil fore assun primus proportions 60s and its latest moditications bren mudinong at McCarthy, and plication of the Genuine German lock to be squar, so that while there has Dictatovall the peopl (14. and Silber salversan. of California of the antialien dust throwing in the eyes of those who are already Mr. McCarthy ul.
lund holuing line Telephone No. 746 though it up der the treatment of Jap Croslea luvolved. CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, his physicians liss o so conducted bimself that unless the words of Holy Writ are In fact, the information that Opposite Amador Theatre obeyed: with thy adversary quick ly, whilst that in the way before SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE where litigation will dvour the greater part of the pre, it is You ought not to sutter more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDIS ENSABLY NERD 10 fuired that another Negro Organization bider to completel, dominate your sufferings is the famous and as ve already suid, one which bids fiir on the way to Freerss, will vele HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES Catto a mashup.
of world wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Aneruia, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Debility, etc.
But it is hoped that when Mr Me Carily is out and about his popers For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Messrs.
which bebas wively held in his custody, Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon.
willpeak for him and themselves.
Agent for the Republic of Panama.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY COLON AGENT WANTED Port Limon Costa Rica Active salesman, who has some Llewellyn Kerr cash, can make money selling our Everybody is just crazy over Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty excellent line of toilet articles in TEACHER: SETHORSTEINSCOPALE RAY, SCHOOL Colon, Cristobal, and the new and Dr. Welters Tooth Powder of housing accomodation Silver City. For particulars, ad ADDRESS: llorwi. Cristobal. RESIDENCE 12 Market Street. Colon. Because it the ONLY dentifice that polishes kold in the mouth bleaches the teeth, retards aiseases, prevents decay, and relieves toothache.
dress Box 17, Ancon, Music, Spanish and Evening Lessons Free from grit. It lo Antiseptic Try atin to day. Very Moderate Prices 129 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon Box 738. Cristobal. cz Free Transportation. No Deposit.
Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEUATY PARLOR Distributors.
Must have Passport and saleswoman to sell tilet articles in Panama and Coton by Vaccination Card.
house to house canvassing. Good commission pad. Apply 30 pm, at 17 Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock Street, Panama. CanadianShoe Shop. Incorporated under the Laws of Jamaica)
Apply UNITED FRUIT Co. The greatest proposition ever taken by the West Indians; and Cristobal, Canal Zone. the whole world is falling in. The Eldorado Variety Parlor, The Directors are offering The KLDORADO BEAUTY PAR OWNED BY 100, 000 worth of Stock to the LOR, on the premises, on the premises of people of the Republics of Pan. the Eldorado Store in conducted by The National City Bank of New York ama and Costa Rica.
Madam De Weever, graduate BeauTHE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD This can be taken up in Preity Culturint, Hair Dresser and Manu Head Office: 55, Wall Street ferred Shares at per cent or in Pacturer of Hair Goods, who has lately dinary Shares arrived from New York City holding diplo VIGOR TONIC of January 1921. replete with stock of the best quality, will bring to Panama before washable and panitary Hair Materials April your LARGE PASSENGER to match your own hair in texture and Official Depository of the Republic of Panama This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended STEAMER color. Your own combing is used if neDepository of the Panama Canal In Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverish West Indians, this is your cry ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down eonstitution. chance.
Pulis, Switches, Transformations, eto, Through its Agencies in the Interior and It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives Purchase and Livet Disobey made your onder Hair dyed and its Foreign Branches this Institution offers tone and energy to the whole system.
and Perisha!
exceptional banking facilities.
Send money by mail to THE ELDORADO VARIETY Doel One Small Wine glass before each meal or times a day CAMPBELL STORE BEAUTY PARLOR Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indlan Islands JAVIER MORAN President and Managing L1o Bolire between 7th and 8th Str. Colon, RP.
Director, Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cont FARMACIA AMERICANA.
13 Orange Street, 2, Box 76, Cristobal, Per Appum Kingston, JA Madam LA DOWEEVER, which in 1901 Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers West Indian Stean ship WANTED. Intelligent and energetic Company Ltd.
INTERNATIONAL BANKING HOR TON CORPORATION This money, is needed before for those preload to the Parletit Capital. Surplus Vadivided Profits over 13, 200, 000


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