
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Notice! Notice. IRELAND IN STATE OF WAR The West Indian Steamship Co. Ltd.
ASK FOR 73 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JA, With Forces of the British Crown SAYS PROCLAMATION ISSUED BY THE REPUBLICAN ARMY LEADER LION Brand Margarine The Company is paying on Preferencial shares.
We pay promptly because we can afford to pay Our overwhelming success is assured.
We have secured and are opera ting one steamer the first of the lot we planned for We are completing arrangements to open up the Bocas, Colou, Jamaica, Cuba trade and we want toch more money.
We are offering to our For eign Section 100, 000 of stock al per ehare. If our friends need the assistance we desire to give, they ought to come forward in a body and take up every cent of this 100, 000 of stock.
We hope soon to declare a substantial dividend in ordinary stock We pause, and await your re CAMPBELL By a Direct West India Cable despatch from Dublin it is learnt that a proclamation declaring that the the public must at once realize that Ireland is in a state of war with the forces of the British Crown has been issued over the signature of the Officer Commanding the Troop of the Irish Republican Army in County Monaghan The proclamation which sets forth that armed gangs in County Monaghan have been attacking and murdering inoffensive citizens, says that while we extend the hand of friendship to all Irishmen, murder gangs and their guides and informers shall be summarily dealt with. The procla.
mation further explains, recent raids for arms carried out in County Monaghan, by stating that they were ordered in anticipation of a similar order by the British Govern.
For sale everywhere in Panama Interest West Indian News Application for Shares The West Indian Stearnship Company, Ltd 73 Orange St. Kingston, Jo beg to apply for. shares of each in the West Indian Steams hip Co, Ltd. hereby send you 50 per share with this application and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 250 per share beg to apply for. shares ol each in the West Indian team pip Co. Ltd lher with send you to cover cost and await notification of allot ment.
Name in full Address.
popular had meet with quote from the been paid.
ronage BUSINESS MEN Rent Receipt Books in SpanIsh and Engilsh, for sale at the o kman Printery.
Grenada Demerara Have you seen the great barDRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH Rain sale in Fine English Wool. Continued from page 2) Destruction of Rice Factory ens for xmas all double width selling at 25 to 00 gold The Government haye come in Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refresh per yard formerly Sold at 00 to serve a community need, and An interesting development has ing beverage. Once drunken you will forget and 10. 00 per yard. Then go eventually it is hoped to make taken place in connection with to David Cardoze Store For the concern cooperative. The the fire which occurred at a rice Root Beer and all other aerated drinks. merly Chong Kee, opposite depot in Trinidad besposlamas be on the 23rd ult.
the factory at Champagne Mahaicony Panama Lottery Office.
these CALL AT THE is patronised by all classes and When the fire occurred there admits of no misunderstanding were 2, 000 bags of paddy in the Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane Rent Roce pt Books in Span: as everything ording to sleight. Robinson and Peters who hold is sold at schedul factory.
ish and English, for sale at the cheapest pere din and Secure same for your Xmas Drink operate along purchased it from an East Indian similar lines and it is hoped that for 3, 000. Only 500 of the pur it will mee pat The DOXOSSOBNOSSOS osios OSXOCASSOCsioo: To tice being issued by tbe Anase price building was not of entirely destroy ed and after the fire an inspection tural Department Co oper was made and no trace of burat ation is essential to the success paddy was found. The matter of the scheme and growers of was left in the hands of the police ground provisions are asked to who as a result of their inquiries sell their surplus supplies to the arrested Peters ageinst whom Depot and the general public re. they have laid a charge of arson.
quested to purchase from it.
GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST Now that great interest is be The Comptroller of Cusing paid to the question of Ven toms.
ereal Disease in the West Indies by the various West Indian Co. Reid late Comptroller of Customs No successor to Mr. Mc lonies a Commission is to be sent has yet been appointed. It is out to these parts from Great learnt that the post was offered Britain in connection with the disease. It is good to state that by the Secretary of State for the Grenada, due to the courageous son Comptroller of Cus: cons Colonies to Mr. Sydney Harris.
Sir IN THEGeorge Basil Haddon Smith, led toms at Barbados but was not the entire West Indies in pioneer accepted.
against the dreadful WORKMAN scourge which is eating into the NOTICE vitals of all civilised peoples, Legislation is in force. the To Fraternal Societies, other spread of provisions against the disease, and for its control ead Organizations and the general and subsequent eradication. Our public: hope is that efforts at making fine assortment of effectual the aim of the Ordin FANCY CARDS ance will be increased at this time.
For printing Christmas and New Year Greetings Rent Receipt Books in SpanPlace your orders early, and ish and engish, for sale at the pick your choice, at the.
Workman Printery.
WORKMAN PRINTERY, Notice ADVERTISE To all Fraternal Organizations: Pleased be informed that the Na.
tonal Progress Hall, situated in Cuorrillo Avenue, is now ready for rent. All up to date conve.
niences, roomy, airy and confortable. Terms moderate. For fur.
ther particulars apply to FINN, Box No. 688, Balboa, work making NOTICE The West Indian Steamship Co. Limited Persons desirous of obtaining shares in the above company may now do so by applying, if in writing address:P. Box 837, Cristobal or if in person at office.
No. 44 Bottle Alley between 5th and 6th streets. Colon. ALEX KENNEDY, Representative for the Company.
which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
Smashing Christmas Sale of 000 pairs of Gents Boots and Shoes KINKY PEACON The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama, WHICH do you want short kink)
bair, or long, wavy, glossy hair QUEEN HAIR DRESSING will make your hair long.
soft, and pretty. It remores Therefore THE WORKMAN is a paying Advertising Medium Taking into consideration that there were more than one thousand dealers after this lot of Boots much credit is due our manager for his untiring efforts in securing them. which number many thousands.
These boots are made of VICI KID. Tan or Black by our best shoe Manufacturers in Boston, and we now offer them for sale at 87 50 each postpaid with the distinct understanding that the the money (every cent of it) will be refunded if Boots as good as these in any particular can be purchased in Panams for less than 812. 00 Order at once all sizes. State size and width when ordering. Tan or Black Boots or shoes.
Orders shipped same day as received.
THE STAR MAIL ORDER Co. Box 87, Penn. Term. New York, dandruff and stops falling hair. Used by thousands of women, men, and children. Don take a substitute: be spre to get QUEEN, Sold for 350. large can by our agents, at good drug stores, and at 17 St. near Ancon Post Office.
Try QUEEN Medicated Skin and Bcalp Soap, QUEEN Peroxide Skin Cream. UNGAR, Distributor, 17 Street, Panama.
AGENTS WANTED AddroBOI Ancon, ADVERTISE TO DAY NEW YEAR Our RATES are Reasonable. GREETING CARDS WORKMAN PRINTERY AT THE Rent Recelpt Books In SpanIsh and English, for sale at the Workman Printery.


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