p. 8


Accused of Murdering Wife.
Fraternal Orders Pay Respects to Representative PACIFIC THEATRE a GOOD SHOW Each Show Night THE COMING WEEK Wales, de Supreme od Lord were Holy One more por DR. TICHBNOR ANTISEPTIC th.
force you uiterance have give will this SSSSSSSSS Notice to all Lodgos.
Maria Thomas, Alias Ana, Linstead, Wednesday. Just Maria Brown, formerly a member before midnight last night, the of the Star of Dorcas Lodge, Na police here were informed of a 12, of B, in this City case of murder which it is al now stands expelled from the leged, took place at Redwood, a Lodge, and order for violating district seven miles from this the laws thereof.
town, during the afternoon of VideConstitution, Article 11, Sec.
13, and for makidg false represes.
Detective Watson was shortly tations to the Lodge for the ob after on the scene of the occur. ject of obtaining money from the rence, and the alleged, perpetra. lodge.
tor of the awful crime, a young CHAS. COLLINS, man of about thirty four years of age, named Solomon Mein Scribe.
tosh, was placed uoder arrest on Panama Dec. 28th, 1920.
the capital charge.
The viction of the sad occur. Court Paradise No. 9292, F, DAGGER rence is a young woman thirty Soon EDDIE POLO in VANISHING six years of age, named Ada At the regular meeting of Court PMcIntosh, wife of the accused. radice Nc. 0292, baldo Wedoredav, The unfortunate woman was 22nd inst, the following officers were The latest Polo hit in serials brutally hacked to death, a razor elected to guide the destiny of the Court and a Cuban machette being the for the best six monthesociocco Sosokosco weaposting the crime, which is alleged to be used in Jas. Rugles, Chief Ranger; ALENDcharacterized as being one of der Taylor, Sub Chief Ranger; J3 ing wounds that are yet unhealed the most brutal and horrible Innis. Treasurer; Alfred, Secretary at The glory of the victorv is all murdes so far as a Jamaicau is the pleasure of the Court Theophilus Prendergast, Senior Woodward; Amce the greater because of the terrible concerned.
Pearce, Junior Woodward; Sut It is alleged that there is no ton, Senior Beadle; Alphonso Moure, WHY SUFFER WITH DOBIE ITCH in the thick of the battle direct eve witness to the murder Junior Beadles when DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC will reliere and cure you?
from the start. We bore a part save a five year old child. The This old time prescription is living up to it reputation by conquering worthy of our Empire, not on one body was found in a kneeling Installation of the above will like STOPS DOBIE ITCH battlefield, not in country position with several horrible place on Saturday, January 8, 1921.
The advent of DR. TICHENOR ANTISEFTIC has proved to be but in every clime and in every wounds on the neck and face.
ocean our dead are sleeping. One of the wounds on the back was brought here by motor car the right thing in the right plsce. Those that have tried it for this troublesome itch have found instant relief. cooling, soothing And we who are left behind must of the neck cut right through to day, and is now in safe keep application for the affected parts and you are doubly grateful to DR. turn again to the daily round and the spinal cord and into the ing at the police station.
TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC when the itch disappears.
the common task and by steady windpipe.
It is alleged that the accused Other have tried it and found relief why should you suffer?
endeavour and patient devotion Inspector Scotter, detective and the deceased were not on set to work to repair the ravages Morrison, of Spanish town, and peaceable terms through some can be found in all drug stores. Try it.
of war Dr. Clark went up during the money matters and other domesAnd the patriotism and loyalty day, and a post mortem exam tic adairs. The man returned that is needed is of the kind that ination was held. The accused from Cuba some time ago. see before me to day. The pa triotism that shows its devotion to the ideals and traditions of our lives and following in the path of him whose natal day we now honour.
By your honesty, your upright.
ness, and your honourable con Resolved that the price of Dressmaking must duct you shall bring honour to be reduced.
great Empire which we are RESOLUTION SHOULD BE ON all so proud to serve, and honour THE WOMAN EXCHANGE to your homelands the love of which know lives in the heart of EVERY MAN LIST: Once more would thank you DRESSMAKERS greetings to myself and my colleagues and for the ex NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA pressions of loyalty to which you will get my wife that Gas Stove given and which take an early opportunity to convey to His Majesty Guvern ANN R: THOMAS, that she has been wanting ment. In conclusion, take opportunity on lehalf of myself Proprietress.
my colleagues and in the for a long time.
name of the Government which represent of wishing you all here assembled together with your families bappy Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year FULLER AT PANAMA CAS CO.
JEWELLER Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Dolivar St.
Tel. 798.
Tel. 364.
SERVICE Wishes all ris Customers There are no games in the Spidi Competition for New Year day or the eftir, but at the 9ib, the boat wilde vuur tot ti Lug 4440 004 4 4 1 ader The Sun C, of Call jy across this to me Con leth. com Pub, The buys of the Janica Cote detetuised Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
puta pound whipping on on the Sussex CC. and so prove to the Cricket would of Pasta bat Su sex might have been Pacific Steam Navigation Co. the champions of 1920 bit not of 1921.
Undoubtedly there will be two god FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE tams in the field, and weather peruit.
tik a good game should be witnessed.
Standing of the Clubs in the ORTEGA Spalding League, will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa, noon Clubs Played Won Lost Drawn Pts.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1920 for Surrey Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso Jamica 13 Britannic 15 S. JAMAICA Standard 14 TO THE INTENDING PATRONS will leave Cristobal will leave Balboa, noon SUN. Yorkshire 15 DAY JANUARY 20d. 1921, for Vincentian 15 8 Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto. La Union, Liber. Primuse 14 8 tad, Acajutla, San Jose de Guatemala and Champurico.
Cherrillo 15 10 Owing to the greatly increased Deшerara 14 2 MEXICO demand for our services and in will leaye Cristobal a, m, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY New Year Day Cricket order to avoid any disappointment on 1921, for Match.
Newport News and Liverpool.
the part of those requiring same, we S: CHILE would advise all intending patrons The two days game to be play will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa, noon, WED ed between the celebrated Sussex to give us advanced information of NESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1920, for champions of Colon, and Guayaquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, the Jamaica C, begins at 12 their needs as we are very busy and Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagista, o clock Coquimbo, and Valparaiso.
at Isthmian Park. It cannot always make it possible to is unnecessary EBRD here of the prowess displayed ty both of these cricket teams in the will leave Cristobal, SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1921. for various engagements in which So please be guided accordingly so HAVANA and NEW YORK they have taken part, inasmuch as that we may arrange matters to suit Taking Deckers for Havana.
they are well known to the Isth.
mian cricket public. We will only our mutual convenience.
say that weather conditions being For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at favourable fans are certain to CRISTOBAL witness a battle of giants, there The Madam Walker Hair Culture or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, fore lovers of this grand English classic should not fail to attend.
Parlor, No. 11 Strcet, PANAMA Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agobe.
Rent Recelpt Books In SpanPanama City.
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Paasma.
ish and English, for sale at the Workman Printery, Colon, Rp of Pansma.
December, 25th, 1920, To Eis Britannia Yaesty Consul, Hoa: Fwing Colon, Rep. of Finama.
Bir. the Officers and Members of the Colon District. No. 210 and of the fol oning lodges, Efforts. No 2335. Pride of Colon. No. 2776, Canwillpold, No. 284 Loyal Princess. No. 2807 Rone of Lotbmus (Juvenil) and the Rose of Pride. Juvenil) of the Logal Order of Ar cient She peberde Ashton Unity Friendly Society in the city of bereby respectfully beg to tender our most sincere greetings to you on this the Anniversary of the nativity of our Chie Shepherd of the Universe. We sheed the dole tuostabx ously and respectfully to and through you to our Beloved and Most Gracivus Sovereign Lord, King George the Fifth of England, Scotland and the Dominious over the sens the and of Jamaica our sincere expressions of thanksgiving in that it hab pleased Almighty God the Great aud King of King and Eternal Ruler of the Universe to bring victory to His Majesty voll ng vellent and glorious Navy and Army during the late war through H!
oble Admirals and Generals by which means war has con red amongat the great nations of tha worl which have more or less resumed their pre war occupatione and the world at large becoming noe normal.
As Loyl Shepherds and subjecto of His Most Gracions Maje ty, we pledge our unswerving all giance to hie great and glorious foverigaty, praying that the blood of our brothers spilt on the battle fields of Europe may not be spilt in vain; but the reign of the vereign for whom they fought may continue to be glorious; that inestimable e blessings will accrue therefrom und incalculable prosperity spread over His wide dumnsins through all future years, and further, that the receat tour of llis Royal Highness the Pince of Wales will be the means of cementin more mbule.
thit vast empire into one conglomerated In conclusion, we brg that you will TOROK our inek expression Jon Erwefel tur urine publiyi expressing out true and leat himents, hear the lees weid, ont on the hope that our rope tentation on this as otsons willen omrod as th otcome of our dceput in the wallure of Brit th veci and advance thoutoutie itib Empire le petely bio tu endo; Sir, Your umide Cervant, FIEDE TULIVOV Doolers Consul Reply Oficers and Members of the va ious lodes here represente of the Loy Ordrol Ancient Shherds Ashton Unity Friend ly Society in the city of Colon: tba fir the treelin :d at this Seas the messa spomecliv red, and in the ra of Us Niajesty eromeat, of which am the hum.
ble representative thank you for of loyalty and al legiance you have address he whis ed to His Majesty the King at this Christmas tide and it will indeed be a pleasant duty which shall not fail to execute, to communi cate it to the proper quarter, This is my first Christmas in Colon and feel deeply moved by the impressiveness of this large assembly of British Subjects do homeously gathered here to eign and feel it a to our august sover to acknowledge on behalf of his a great privilege Majesty Government the mani festations of loyalty now display ed. The patriotism of the British and his loyalty to the Empire is known far and wide. knew it and heard of it before heardo ore came here. But demonstrations of loyalty and patriotism such as we have here to day serve to make me better realize it. of you believe, have long been resident in a foreign land, but never for a moment have you wavered in your allegiance to our King, your loyally your own homeland.
to our Empire or in your Your spokesman has said how difficult it was to express your sentiments in words but his may be at rest on that The Jadian is demonstrated beyond loyalty of the West dispute by actions, His patriotism does not consist merely in waving his country. He has just shown his cand singing the praises of the world that he is ready for his country sake, and at no time in its history has the needed more the devotion of its sons.
You have made fitting reference in your address to the confiict just ended. We have come through triumphant but with gapel 中心為心中的心中!
which your Gov.
JA Jousiek and friends Happy and Prosperous New Year a NOTICE 13 10 10 7 2 3 3 8 7 0 West Indian 11 Many ay be in a player to attend to you at a moment notice.
mind score Empire


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