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JAMAICA LABOUR PROBLEM BROUGHT UP BY MEMBER PROBLEM OF UNEMPLOYED IN BRITISH PARLIAMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN CAUGHT IN JOY RIDE THE VERY ACT ENDS WITH of These liter 150 Carink on in the were Well Dressed Burglars Fatal Accident on Street Surprised in Attempt to of Colon One Dead and Rob Hat Store.
Six Injured.
Wants to Know What Steps Are Premier Lloyd George SuggesA most daring attempt at rɔb.
Being Taken to Prevent Great bery was committ last Mon: a year old girl, died in Culon Colon, Jan. Gladys Tapper, tion About Emigration Meets Exodus of Coloured Workers claiming that when the cenedliwiduals Hospital to day as the result of to be Frenchmen at with Hostile Criticism.
tacked the Panama hat store at injuries sustained this morning at 40 when the car in which she In the House Commons a few weeks ago, Mr. Jesson, and run by Alberto Subia. For Young Garage. crashed into No, 81, Central Avesues owned was riding, Buick Sixer Direct West India cable from ondon dated Decemwho asked what action had been taken to prevent the exo tunately the owner of the bulld. one of the reinforced concrete ber 23rd, states that the Times and the Daily Mail dus of coloured labour from Jamaica, was informed by ing, Mr. Jesurup, who resides Lieut. Colonel Amery that a scheme for a central sugar un the top fl vor, was out late that more than front of the Govern both make scornful comments upon Lloyd George sugges.
went Building, tion that emigration would relieve unemployment in these factory had been approved. The factory would be built as evening attending the movies and on returning bome and open.
As far as can be gathered, the islands pointing out that the overseas dominions and the soon as possible, and would buy cane from small farms ing the entrance door, he was carw was returning from Gatun United States also are confronted with serious unemployconfronted by men dressed Alled successful elsewhere. The erection of central factories on in white and cont cuingly detend out celebrating Shoes Women ingene ment problems.
UNEMPLOYMENT GROWING modern lines was undoubtedly one of the best methods of app arance who ruluted him in the New Year oa turning into. in fostering the sugar industry and so providing employment. good Spanist and passed out on street wake of another car also fuden London, December 23. The Government is subjected He would add that, in so far as the exodus of labour dewith pended on the offer of higher wages in foreign countries, ways kept locked and tout the 6th Streets the car in front George suggestion that emigration is the only real remeKnowing that the door is. in the bloch between 7th and the inadequacy of its unemployment plans. Mr. Lloyd pleasure seekers. On ach to much criticism at the hands of the opposition press on but are not cretary of State was in frequent communication the core olika su concours enterede muydenly to the last one day is Seized upon by the Westminster Gazette at which it was obviously under of Government, Sub a family, who boh with the Governer on the subject, and the latest reports their business plac. and residen mediately served back to the usks, did ever a Premier confess so frankly the bankrupte right sort of zig zig oth to imatof in Jamaica.
to the entrance door, he at one who nerve of the chuur in that the fifteen shillings which the unemployed will be concluded that the preser et common the car following that in trying qualified to receive under the Government unemployment to the two strangers did not able collision he turned his co t of living Additions to the idle ranks are announced ui insurance act is totally insufficient in considering the high JOHN PETER WILLIAMS savour of any wd inent, but 10 the sidewalk. bei unaruld, he aid not ne crashed into the post, the shock laily, owing to trade depressions. The Belfast spi Famous Fousebreaker Found Guilty on Two Charges a du company with a friend par lielu Glardye, who it was representatives of the municipalities of 33 towns include tempt. them. So he seattering all the occupants nills and factories closed down yesterd ły, thirty thousand quirtly cloud the door again we pivement.
persons being affected. Receiving a deputation yesterday who had from the Unrestrained curiosity was District Attorney preernted the. to follow his unknown visitors. Juried, wimdiately rushed the grant of liberal financial assistance to the local author theatr the same time, started at once seen was the worst in ing London, Cardiff, Liecester, and Nottingham who urged responsible for the assemblage information in the name of the the Hospiti in one of more than tive thousand per. Uit State and not in the into the trucks of the Sanitary ities to alleviate unemployment, Mr. Lloyd George regreto sons in and around Ancon Dis. Date of the Canal Zone Gover Striet in the of Wallpartient which W8 itaqling Iced that it was impossible for the Government to recede Striet, now trict Court om Dursday last mont. The rear was very common aran when searby, but in spite of this beat to their demands for assistance to the extent of 75 per the argued by Dr.
was plaed before Judge Hanan who had the attention of the the war hins followed Oerts of the dicton, she died cent of the cost of undertakings of this character. He little while liter.
on the charge of burela izing the court during his speech.
serving that such was case, he could not ask the overburdened tax payers for such a sacThe other passengers thy 10 residences of R. Bindrum and rifice.
Ina u ritten opinion which took at the siret ana uwaited the taken to the hospital in the Maitin at Balboa, Cz.
The dense crowd commenced Havan overruled the demurrer a whole hour to read, Judwe approach of their pursuere. Na tanal Poice car. The follow what are you following us glit names and the LONG TERM gratulerer en bome before o clock iter completely answering every tonna suure hower as much for you to sustainle aras Parke PENSION FOR In the morning when wou. en point and proceded to the trial. trwy asked. But just at that tawa badly strenal injuries: Mary La hlie with infants in their armsam In both cases Williams had lo un ment battere. Adulla DISABLED MEN HANDED BY app red the ong others made their way and ready confessed to the police scrue. Finding thems Ives tam lton, wound on right olek; banks the court housi taken police of. the two cook up positions on the Fluss hat he had burxlarised the the presence ol the strong arm Wacom won intimat injuries of th: British West In District Court Judge to Willian Whit, where the last available standing ficers to a spot near Corozal a break for livery but she ob lett tiand und head; and the chau William Ogden, wound on dia Regiment.
Wielder of Razor.
space was gone.
where he had snugly hidden was on the job abrixhit and enabattour who also recrived injuries cently in reply to Sir John In the House of Commons reOne of the severest sentences The chlef feature of the gener away the loot.
bed before he could el curiosity was to catch The testimony in both cases make good his get away. His on his head and arms. Butcher, who asked the Under ever given in the Canal Zon.
glimpse of the popular bad man was so complete that Pete had companion, however, sped down It is worthy of mention that Secretary of State for the colo court for the charge of assault end hear at least, a fraction of not a huir. breadth of a chance the street to the direction of the Colon Board of Commerce nies. 06 November 24th, what with a deadly weapon, in fact his testimony in the cares. In to get on either count the Santo Tomas Hospital Iusels his later, disappointment Judge Hanan found Willains followed by Mr. Jesurum and Municipal o took up with the was the miximun rute for pen the maximum sentence for said Council the advisabil;sion now being paid to non com ity of not bacing posts or soinenissioned officers and mon of offence, wax pronounced in the seized the crowd as Pete did guilty of bath charts and with his friend, but he was gainius other suitable sigcs at all buy the British West India Regiment use of Pedro Anchundia, PR tonolestits spake nothing.
but rather held his held sentence until the rest of on them and per not fortune street corners and the adopting who were totally disabl whilst Ecuadorian mese. boy on the would have the fifteen charges heard. Bort au gotten away and The joky house breaker how These cases will be beard soine rown detective in his path of certain traffic regulations by on active service in Europe dur steamer Kalliakulla charged with ever, treated a close section of time in February when Pete will into whose arus he literally run, which the lives of all concerned ing the Inte war in the colonies using a razor on the trson of pectators. sample of his again be bought to public view They were then will be safeguarded. The moat. Barbados, British Guiana, Doston Jorgens in Norwegian ana. Ja sailor ou sale boat.
relerred and presto skill when he picked. Williams father seriously to the scene of th ir activities who was authorised sp. Tryon, ine the what It appears that the crew of the the reporter thought it was gone feared that he will not recoeler woand behind the entrắnce abor bas till er watch and alterwards when from heart troubles, and it in their intentions were but nothing of a detinite na urar, Suid that the pension wy to the Far East from Call for ever, handed it back to him This sickness did not develop and it was also seen that they and bits and other tools were decided cheme adininistered by his tornia, took advantage of the on It is however, sincerely to shore Throughout the trial Pele since the case is the old man in the Great War by sol. leave to renew their acquaint chewed gum and twitched his who is now about reventy had had already bored many holes in be hoped that the present fatal current for disabilties in Hortunity on obtaining eyes with an air of absolute un been known to complain for a panel of the side door of the accident will nast some action pers of the British West Indies at that by the time they got ances with Bacchus with the re Regiment did not make any dis salt concern. He looked as much a many years.
hat store preparatory to gaining in this very important matter.
spectator us anyone else in the an entrance thereby. They were it is not entirely safe lo entrustinction as gards the colony abward they were all in a drunk Between Anchundis The mother and sister of the meetora centarehem off my webe the lives of the community in the from which the soldier had her and state the Pet Whis Ainch undia court room.
bad man are still in jail and will police station to give an account benodisom have shown site disposates for total disablement were Chundia got out his razor, on see of our chauffeurs, some recruited. The maximum daily arose some trouble when Am At the commencement of the be up for preliminary hearings of themselves, cases which were sent up from soon. While they are not ill. ihsition to care anything about from 34. to 24. 6d. for non com the Balboa Magistrate court strain and excitement of the castheir own liv. far less tuo lives missioned officers, and 24. or in ing which Jorgenson attemted after preliminary hearing, Attor have been bearing heavily on There She Goes! of other people.
special cases 2s. 6d. for privates. to pacify him. An payment for Hey LS Carriogton, who apthem.
peared for the defendant, tiled a They are charged garb this We tender our sincere condo. Representation received from his trouble, Jorgenson received Panama will put on her first els without your love tiche crother complices ata the depredatious Cernica par by the evening with her be carents and related query or resistangen het machinerodo the resolutions the was jurisdiction as of their and Carnival Lives of little Gladys.
inadequacy of of which were at present under considera. he died a few days later, und the first counting of votes But as the ship had already for Quren of the festivities. The Matrimonial News left with all available witnesses Collision Yest rtay.
appeared that the motor truck, Committee accompanied by the To Stem Emigration. and no evidence could be obtain belonging to Mr. Altamont Dol band engaged for the beason Fifty thousand pounds sterling ed to indict him on the charge of phy, and driven by Eliene New. wearing the uniform of the occa Friends of Miss Miriam Lewis, has been set aside by the Gov. manslaughter, Anchundia wae The Gleaner of the 24th ult. inan of Oid Harbour, was en sion, will parade the principal who left here for the United ernment of Jamaica for the pur convicted of using a deadly weap a to the to years at too kision occurred between an elec electric car and another truek send off to the season for merri. tember last, will be pleased to ricultural loan societies from Gamboa penitentiary in which te eric street car and a motor truck that was at a standstill before ment which will reach its culmi learn that she way united in holy which loans might be obtained make himself as great an Just betore Mr Edwin Charey Mr. Charley place of business, nating point on the 5th, 6th, 7th matrimony on the 16th of last by the peasantry for the purpose in the use of the pick and shovel wine and spirit establishment on when its front right wheel came and 8th of next month. month to Mr. William Aill, of purchasing land for settle as he is in the use of the razor.
King Street. Rockfort Gar in colitsion with the front part of Among those who havc been Grenadian. at one time a residentment. The ear warking of this dens electric car, driven by the street car. The wheel was mentioned as likely contestants on this Isthmus. We tender the amount is the result of a desire Advertise In The Worki Motorman Iril Cohen, was pro completely smashed, but the for the regal position are Misses newly wedded pair our sincere to stem the continuous tide of Catita Lewis and Dalis Orilac, ou congratulatioyo Jemigration to Cuba.
man It Pays 0 10 haru; sointime ago JA brought hack tur WAS to a com maica, Trinidad now bern en.
of tion.


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